Güney Afrika

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    • Gün 18

      11.02.2017 Amphitheater

      11 Şubat 2017, Güney Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Und schon wieder ein Eintrag, dabei wollte ich gar nicht so viel aus den Drakenbergen schreiben. Aber was eine Wanderung heute! Ich bin immer noch ganz platt, aber äußerst zufrieden!

      Ich mach es kurz:
      7.30am Abfahrt vom Hostel (1.200m.ü.NN)
      9.30am Beginn des Hikes am Fuße des Sentinel-Bergs im Royal Natal National Park bei doch eher frischen Temperaturen (2.500m.ü.NN / Foto 1)
      10.30am Kletter-Aufstieg durch die "gallery" - endlich wird uns warm... 😉 (2.900m.ü.NN / Foto 2)
      11.00am Erreichen des Plateaus des Gebirgszuges "Amphitheaters" (heißt so, weil es einen Halbkreis nachzeichnet) mit den letzten Kräften (3.150m.ü.NN)! Das Foto 3 habe ich lieber von hinten aufnehmen lassen, damit ihr meine roten Wangen nicht sehen könnt. 😉 Da ich nicht rauche und nicht trinke, muss dieses Schwächeln wohl am Alter liegen... 😟 Der Blick machte jedoch allen Schweiß wett!
      1.00pm Nach Lunch-break und Spaziergang übers Plateau zu den Tugela Falls, mit 948m der höchste Wasserfall Afrikas und der zweit höchste der Welt (Foto 4). Ein Bad im Tugela wäre möglich gewesen, aber irgendwie war ich nicht ganz so zufrieden mit meinem Kreislauf und deshalb habe ich lieber nur den Ausblick genossen, als mich versehentlich vom Plateau treiben zu lassen.
      3.00pm Abstieg über die "fun ladders" - gemessen nur 25m auf zwei Etappen hinab, aber gefühlt ein Quantensprung über die eigene Höhenangst! (Foto 5)
      4.00pm Ankunft am Bus-Parkplatz und Rückfahrt
      6.00pm Ankunft am Hostel und wohlverdienter Sprung in den erfrischenden Pool (Foto 6)
      7.00pm Lecker* Essen in netter Runde
      8.00pm Lecker* Bier
      10.30pm Lecker* schlafen in einem vollen, aber sehr rücksichtsvollen Schlafsaal (6 Personen)

      * 'lecker' ist tatsächlich ein afrikaans-Wort (da entdeckt man den niederländischen Ursprung)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 145

      Der Rücken des Drachen

      10 Nisan 2023, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Durch das Peitschen regengetränkter Sturmböen und über nur von Scheinwerferlicht und Blitzen erhellten Schlaglöchern auf einem schmalen, schlammigen Steinweg, lenkte Sebastian unseren Honda Amaze zur abgeschiedenen Farm, die für die kommenden zwei Nächte unsere Drakensberge-Schaltzentrale werden sollte. Aufrecht angespannt sitzend im spitzen Winkel mit weniger als 90° zwischen Schenkeln und strammgeformtem, muskulösem Oberkörper, hielt Sebastian Ausschau nach herannahenden Gefahrenstellen und wusste diesen, mit lässigen Handbewegungen, reflexartig auszuweichen. Als wir endlich im strömenden Regen und aktiven Loadshedding ankamen, begrüßte uns charmant die „katzifizierte“ Liebesbedürfigkeit auf vier Pfoten und nahm uns herzlich in der bis dato und Ende des Trips schönsten, an diesem Abend ins romantische Flackern der Öllampen getauchten Unterkunft in Empfang. Die Nacht verbrachten wir wohlgenährt und frisch gebadet zu dritt in himmlischer Ruhe. Der paradiesische Aufenthalt in unserer Komfortzone sollte schon bald ein Ende finden, nachdem wir am nächsten Morgen zu einer malerisch und wenig anspruchsvoll beworbenen, dreistündigen Wanderung in den Drakensbergen aufbrachen, um uns kurzerhand auf einer gesperrten, wildbewucherten Wanderroute wiederzufinden. Rostige Eisenleitern und brüchige Baumwurzeln dienten als unerwartete Bewältigungshilfe für den überraschend horizontalen Aufstieg Richtung Berg-Plateau. Die zwei spontan zur Route hinzuaddierten Stunden wurden von Mutter Natur in Geberlaune in Form von Auenland-artigen Aussichten ausgeglichen. Mit unseren zwei prall belegten Bagels als Mittagsproviant, fühlten wir uns wie die Ringträger, die, der ständigen Versuchung zum Trotz, bis auf die Bergspitze zu widerstehen wussten, um dort in einer Explosion der Gefühle jene Teigringe zu vernichten. Leider vernichtete Sabi während des Abstiegs auch endgültig ihre Kniegelenke, die sich nicht einmal beim Nacktbaden im heilenden Bergbach wiederherstellen ließen und musste den Berg fortan phasenweise rückwärts absteigen. Ein Hoch auf den Aufbruch zu früher Morgenstund - so ließ sich dieses Abenteuer dennoch im Tageslicht beenden.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 30


      22 Aralık 2023, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      We are still waiting for documents that should have been delivered in Winterton per courier yesterday but still aren't here. These are the last documents we need so we can take them to an attorney and then to High Court to get an Apostille stamp and with those last documents we can finally do the visa application. Originally we planned to leave the farm today and drive to the next accommodation in Kestell but since the documents hadn't arrived yet, we decided to extend our stay here with another day. We are also trying to make a plan what to do now that the documents are delayed. So instead of going to the next accommodation we went to Winterton town to make some calls because we have almost no cellphone reception at the farm (which also explains the delayed blog updates, sorry) . Since it is so important for us to get this done before the end of this trip, we wanted to get some information about the possibilities between Christmas and New Year's and checking for the possibilities to change flight tickets and extend rental car. We did get some good news from High Court in Pietermaritzburg that they would be open between Christmas and New Year's. Unfortunately extending the rental car wasn't possible and we had to go back to Johannesburg airport and then check at the desk if we could get another car. So with this news to think about we went back to the farm where we were shown around a bit and taken to the river by Hendrik and for the rest we just took it easy and thought about what to do next with the lovely company of some of the dogs.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 29

      Farm Winterton

      21 Aralık 2023, Güney Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      This morning I went out with Rika for some nice horseriding in this beautiful area. What a stunning surrounding and what amazing to explore the surrounding on horseback, this really made me feel so free again. In the afternoon we just took it easy and enjoyed the sun and the beautiful, massive yard with the dogs and cats coming up to us every now and then.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 11

      Wanderung in der Tegulaschlucht

      15 Kasım 2023, Güney Afrika

      Eine sehr schöne aber auch anstrengende Wanderung auf dem Tegula Gorge Trail.
      Ca. 14km und nicht ganz 600 Höhenunterschied über Stock und Stein (im wahrsten Sinne) mit wunderschönen Aussichten auf dem Weg.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 33

      Royal Natal National Park

      8 Eylül 2019, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Ein traumhafter, wolkenloser Tag mit viel Sonnenschein und um die 25 Grad erwartete uns.

      Wir nahmen heute den Tugela Gorge Walk unter unsere Füsse. Länge: 16 km, Dauer ca. 5 1/2 Stunden. Der Weg führte uns oberhalb des Tugela Rivers entlang, vorbei an vielen Protea-Bäumen, die aber noch nicht in Blüte standen, durch Graslandschaft aber auch üppigen Wald. Vor Augen hatten wir immer das 'Amphitheater ', eine außergewöhnlich geformte Bergkette. Ein sensationeller Anblick! Unterwegs konnten wir viele verschiedene Vögel beobachten, u.a wunderschöne Kolibri und Maskenweber.

      Bei der Gorge hatte es viele kleine, klare Pools. Dort machten wir unsere Mittagspause und gingen dann den gleichen Weg wieder zurück. Unsere Füsse und Beine machten sich dann doch langsam bemerkbar. Es war eine sehr schöne Wanderung bei optimalen Bedingungen, die in unsere Highlight-Liste aufgenommen wird✍.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 91

      Maloti Drakensberg Park - Day 2

      23 Şubat 2020, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      As I got up at around 7am after a reasonably good night's sleep despite the heavy rain, I was very disappointed to find that it was still raining lightly with low heavy clouds that reduced visibility markedly. This was exactly the weather we didn't want for trekking in the mountains and enjoying the views. I got a, thankfully, hot shower as it was very cool with the rain, and joined my fellow travellers under the tarpaulin for a leisurely breakfast of cereal and toast. We managed to keep a good sense of humour and had some fun banter about how Brian was using the Irish rain gods to create the rain, and I was trying to counteract his 'magic' by summoning up some sunshine. So far, Brian was winning hands down. A troop of baboons were mischievously patrolling the campsite looking for free food and were being chased off by various campers, some armed with sticks. Kristen, Brian and I retreated to the relative warmth of the truck to read and write and pass the time while it rained.
      Throughout the morning the drizzly rain occasionally abated, the cloudy sky brightened a little and I became hopeful that we may be able to go for a trek to view the mountain scenery. However, no sooner did I have that thought, than the skies darkened and the rain began to fall again. This happened several times throughout the morning. We decided to go to the park's Visitors Centre about a 15 minute walk down the road. I made a quick sandwich to eat along the way. We left the high fenced campsite and walked down by a very swollen river with all the rain we'd had. The river was actually flowing over the low road bridge. The visitor centre had some helpful information and a 3D model of the impressive Drakensberg mountain amphitheatre which showed potential walks. I was still interested to do one of the walks if the weather cleared but so far it hadn't done so. It also had some information about some ancient rock paintings nearby which sounded like a good alternative activity. My fellow traveller, Kristin, is also interested in rock paintings and so we decided to walk up the road for about 30 minutes to where the path to the paintings began. It continued to rain so that we got pretty wet along the way. There was nowhere obvious as to where we could pay for the guided walk, so we decided to walk up the rocky and slippery path ourselves. After about 30 minutes of climbing we came over a rise into a very attractive valley filled with trees. On our right was a large rock face which had clearly been cut into, damaged, and excavated like a quarry. Further along we found some rather faint, but interesting, rock paintings in red and white pigments. Again, the more you looked, the more you could see. There were some nice renditions of antelope, and a whole series of figures in various poses in white pigment. To the right was a rendition of a buffalo or bull and what looked like a frontal depiction of a giraffe. Then I saw some more vivid and well drawn renditions of antelope high up on the rock that were the best preserved of the paintings. However, we didn't see the impressive animal rock paintings that were in the photo at the visitor centre and then realised by re-reading the information from the centre that most of the better depictions of animals in the rock art had been literally blasted from the rock using dynamite by the British many years ago and were now placed in a museum. This explained the damaged state of the rock face, and we wondered how people could be so ignorant as to blast out rock paintings from such a special and evocative place. We had therefore been unable to see the best images, but I was still pleased to have seen the wonderfully rendered animals that were there. Kristen and I then had the long trek back down the path and along the road back to the campsite. When we reached the bottom of the path we encountered a large troop of baboons including a mother with a small baby clinging to her back and looking at us curiously. There was also another very tame bushbuck antelope feeding amidst the troop of baboons. I reflected that this would possibly be the last time I would see such African animals roaming in the wild and already felt that I would miss this ongoing experience of such animals when I left Africa. Further up the road we saw another tame bushbuck very close to us on the road. We walked back past the visitor centre with the rain still falling. I realised that my hopes to do a trek to see the Drakensberg mountain amphitheatre would be dashed for the rest of the day as the weather wasn't going to lift. This was perhaps the biggest disappointment of the trip on the final day of the trip, but I consoled myself that I had been so lucky to have seen so much on the rest of the trip that at least one such disappointment was to be expected. Kristen and I returned up the path by the swollen river and this time crossed a rickety old wooden suspension bridge over the river to avoid getting our feet wet by crossing the flooded road bridge. When we arrived back at our tents, I retreated to the relative warmth of the truck to rest and dry off. Jemma and Grant returned from doing their clothes washing and we hatched a plan to drive up to a viewing point over to the Amphitheatre the following morning if the weather allowed. It was weather dependent but would give us another opportunity to see this spectacular view of the Drakensberg mountains.
      Kristen, Jemma, Grant and Graham played cards through the afternoon and came into the truck for warmth. I also sat in the truck with Brian and wrote my blog. A couple wearing matching white tops and red shorts arrived at the campsite and spent a long time trying and failing to put up their tent in the rain. Kristen dubbed them Mr. and Mrs, Claus on account of the Christmas colours they both wore, and they provided us with some macabre entertainment as their tent kept collapsing. Then Jemma and Often cooked us a wonderful dinner of soup and cottage pie. Often managed to make a bush oven using hot coals to bake the cheese on top of the cottage pie. It continued to rain and the temperature fell very low so that we could see our breath in the air. I had to put on my fleece for the first time on the trip to keep warm. I opened a bottle of red wine to help keep warm and we all drank some alcohol over dinner, except Often and Brian who don't drink alcohol. The hot soup and cottage pie was delicious and helped keep us warm in the cold night. We reminisced about our long journey now coming to an end and talked about our highlights of the trip. It was a lovely evening of conversation and humorous banter which I knew I would miss when I returned home. I felt fortunate to have travelled with such a friendly and warm group of people throughout this epic journey across Africa and I thought of all the people that I'd met on the trip and the fellow travellers no longer with us. We washed and packed away all our cooking utensils and flapped them dry for the last time on the trip. I stood around the last embers of the burning coals with Brian, Graham and Often and we discussed our journey and how it had seemed so long ago that we started our trip on 26th November 2019. We all then retired to our tents for our last night camping in this unforgettable experience of wild Africa. I slowly fell to sleep with the rain still falling on my tent, the swollen river roaring below and the great continent of Africa stretching thousands of miles to the North, so much of which I had now experienced and seen, and yet so much more of this vast continent I had yet to see and explore. There were many animals prowling and sleeping in the black night that I had now made eye contact with and connected to, and one lion in Antelope park that had somehow managed to open my heart and show me the pure fire of creation.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 92

      Journey to Johannesburg

      24 Şubat 2020, Güney Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      I got up early at 5.45am after my last night camping in the tent on this trip. It had been another cold night but i slept quite well with all my sleeping layers on. However, when I opened up the tent zip in the hope of seeing a clearer sunny sky, I was very disappointed to see another morning of low misty cloud hiding the mountain views. We had hoped to trek to see the renowned Amphitheatre of mountains but it would be unlikely that we would see it in this weather. I got a hot shower at the shower block and joined my fellow travellers for a light breakfast of cereals and toast from the truck. The mood was a bit gloomy to match our disappointment with the weather. After breakfast, I was still hopeful that the weather might break and wanted to do the morning trek to the viewpoint for Amphitheatre despite the poor weather. However, my fellow travellers were not so keen and wanted to drive straight to Johannesburg so I was outvoted. As we left the campsiite, crossed the now heavily flooded bridge over the swollen river, and headed out past the ever present troop of baboons, onto the main road, I struggled with my disappointment at not being able to view the Drakensburg mountains on our last day of the trip. We headed down along the lovely river valley and we could see the nearer mountains but not the high mountains of the Amphitheatre beyond. There were bright patches in the sky with the sun peaking through so it looked as though the weather may clear later in the day which was even more frustrating. As we continued back up and through the lower, but still impressive mountains and valleys we had passed going towards the park two days earlier, I began to process my disappointment and remember all the wonderful things I had seen previously on the trip. We saw two kudu by the fence of a wildlife park. We then passed out into more open pastoral countryside and the sun began to peak through the clouds more and more until there was clear blue sky. Howecer, the wind continued to blow very cool into the truck.
      We continued travelling through very western looking countryside of trees and fields and the views were less interesting than the mountainous views we had seen through most of South Africa. The terrain flattened out into large wheat fields which had amazing looking small black birds, 'Wedos'?, with huge ribbon like black tails that dangled below them as they hovered over the wheat sheaves. We stopped in a small service station to buy lunch and some provisions.
      After a few hours, we arrived at the outskirts of Johannesburg and at our campsite, Backpackers Connection. We acknowledged that this was our last stop on this amazing journey across Africa and that we would no longer be boarding our faithful truck, Chui (meaning 'leopard' in Swahili). I felt quite nostalgic and emotional leaving the truck for the last time. We headed for the reception and were shown around the bar, pool and communal kitchen and then to our rooms, dorms, and tents. I had booked a safari tent which was nice, but very hot in the afternoon sun.
      I began to move all my travelling possessions from the truck to my tent. When I went to collect the last of my things, there was no one else on the truck. I therefore sat down in the seat I had most often sat in on the trip, I looked around the truck and up towards the front where the 'beach' opening at the top of the truck was. So many wonderful memories came in a jumbled procession, of time spent on the truck with my fellow travellers, the amazing views I had seen from the beach, all the hundreds of animals I had seen, like the mother cheetah with her cubs, or the black rhino mock charging the truck, or the lionness running alongside, all the thousands of African people I had waved to from the truck through twelve countries, and all the amazing landscapes and vistas I had seen. All these images and more passed through my mind as I looked around the truck and I mused at all the memories that it carried with it along the road with more experiences to come with its next set of travellers. I felt very emotional leaving it behind.
      I spent the afternoon with my fellow travellers, swimming in the pool, drinking cool drinks from the bar, and playing pool doubles on the pool table. I went back over to the truck to see our driver, Often, to photograph his log book that had all our stops, campsites and mileage written down and would give me a record of all our campsites on the trip for my blog. Often and I talked about how we had enjoyed sharing our mutual interest in the wildlife during the trip. Often had enjoyed my interest and questions about species of animals and birds, and I had greatly enjoyed and valued his knowledge of the wildlife. We agreed to keep in touch on Facebook and that I would be in touch with him about any future trips to Africa that I planned.
      I then got ready for our final joint meal in the evening. I enjoyed our conversation, humorous banter and reminiscences about our long 9000 mile journey. I sat next to Often and we had some final banter and I was able to give him a tip for all his help and kindness during the trip. The founder and CEO of Oasis Overland was in Africa to meet the crews and drivers of the trucks and was due to meet with our tour leader, Jemma, who was likely going to work for Oasis in South America, and our driver, Often, who would need a new tour leader to train up or take on the role himself in the future when Jemma left. Chris joined us for dinner and asked us a lot about our experience of the trip. We, of course, gave great praise to our excellent tour leader and driver. I also mentioned how helpful Katie had been in the Oasis office in England when I was planning the trip. Chris talked about his experiences travelling and the trips that Oasis planned in the future. It was interesting and timely to meet Chris and hear his thoughts at the end of our journey with Oasis Overland.
      We got a lift back to the campsite from the manager of the site. I said my goodbyes to Often, and thanked Jemma for all her help and support during the trip. We all then retired to bed as it was getting late in the evening. I settled down to sleep as the night cooled considerably under a clear, starry sky.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 135

      Gudu FallsTastic

      22 Kasım 2023, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      Hiking to the tallest waterfall in the world yesterday proved mildly disappointing so we were admittedly approaching the Gudu Falls hike today with tempered expectations.

      I think that added to the mind-blowing beauty of the hike today. Secret to happiness: low expectations? Perhaps.

      That the hike was also strenuous made it feel like I was really earning something, and that something was a huge payout: sweeping panoramic vistas, verdant rolling hills, craggy rock walls, giant trees swaying in the wind, wildflowers, lichen... And an absolutely stunning waterfall!

      This was one of those hikes where there were ten or twelve vistas that would have merited doing the hike. We climbed chain ladders, wood ladders, roots of trees. We clambored over massive boulders. There were some high plateaus with rippling green grasses that ended in a precipitous vertigo-inspiring drop of thousands of feet, and views across valleys and gorges that made my heart swell. The hike down was adventurous and mostly followed a pretty creek that affords various lovely places to take a swim in cool water.

      I do not remember doing a better hike in the last several years. This was an A+ in every way.

      It was also the hardest 10km (6miles) I have done in along time. I love a good challenge.

      I'll let the pics and video describe the rest- I feel like superlatives fall short on describing just how much I enjoyed the sights, sounds, and smells.

      If you find yourself in the area, and are comfortable doing a very physical climb with sections of vertical rock and chain ladders: Do This Hike. Gudu Falls by way of the Mudslide and The Crack. Do it counterclockwise.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 55


      29 Ekim 2018, Güney Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Unsere vier Wochen in Bambelela neigten sich dem Ende zu. Doch wie sollte es nun weitergehen? An einem geselligen Spieleabend, den wir - wie immer heimlich - in unserem Chalet veranstalteten, entschieden wir uns für einen Roadtrip. Etienne, einer der Langzeitvoluntäre, schlug kurzerhand vor uns zu begleiten. Etwas überrumpelt von der Idee, konnten wir uns doch sehr schnell dafür begeistern, da wir uns sehr gut mit ihm verstanden.

      Zwei Tage später saßen wir in unserem gemieteten Auto, das wir - kreativ, wie wir sind - 'CarL' tauften. Just in diesem Moment fiel uns auf, dass wir noch gar nicht wussten, wohin es gehen sollte. Da wir schon viel von der naheliegenden Panoramaroute gehört hatten, sollte dies unser erstes Ziel werden. Lauthals Liebeslieder mitsingend, fuhren wir überglücklich auf teils staubigen Landstraßen der Sonne entgegen - ein Freiheitsgefühl, das kaum zu beschreiben ist. Überraschenderweise fiel es uns nicht schwer, uns an den Linksverkehr zu gewöhnen. Vielmehr machten uns sowohl die schmalen, unbefestigten und von Schlaglöchern übersäten Fahrbahnen als auch die Fahrweise manch eines Südafrikaners zu schaffen. Dies sorgte hier und da für Nahtoderfahrungen. Am ersten Abend unseres Roadtripabenteuers genügte ein kurzer Blick auf die Karten und der Plan für den darauffolgenden Tag stand fest: ein Ausflug in den berühmten Kruger Nationalpark. Da es bis dort allerdings noch einige Kilometer zu fahren waren, kam es leider dazu, dass wir einen Großteil der Strecke, die für ihre atemberaubende Aussicht berühmt ist, in totaler Dunkelheit befuhren.

      Als wir mit CarL pünktlich um 5:00 Uhr des nächsten Morgens die Tore des Nationalparks passierten, dauerte es keine zehn Minuten, bis wir die erste Giraffe erblickten. Dies sollte nicht das letzte Tier gewesen sein. Neben zahlreichen Antilopen und Vogelarten konnten wir vier der berühmten "Big Five" erspähen. Nur der scheue Leopard ließ sich nicht blicken. Obwohl wir bei einer Größe von 20.000 km² lediglich einen Bruchteil des Nationalparks gesehen haben, hat sich der Tagesausflug absolut gelohnt.
      Alles in allem saßen wir während dieses Ausfluges 17 Stunden im Auto, weshalb wir uns dazu entschlossen, den nächsten Tag etwas genügsamer anzugehen. Wir entspannten auf einer Seidenfarm, wo wir viel über fleißig spinnende Raupen lernten, uns beim Tischtennisrundlauf austobten und anschließend im Pool erfrischten.

      Am folgenden Tag ging es zurück auf die Panoramaroute, die wir nun endlich wieder im Hellen bestaunen durften. Einen kurzen Zwischenstopp legten wir in Pilgrim's Rest ein - eine gespenstische ehemalige Goldgräberstadt, die heute als Freilichtmuseum fungiert. Zu spät fiel uns auf, dass wir uns noch um keine Unterkunft für die Nacht gekümmert hatten. Aber warum auch für ein Hostel bezahlen, wenn man CarL hat: Mit drei Personen und jeder Menge Gepäck im Auto, zählten wir diese Übernachtung zwar nicht zu unseren komfortabelsten, dafür sorgte sie aber für jede Menge Lacher. Den versäumen Schlaf konnten wir in der Folgenacht aufholen: über einen Freund von Etienne erhielten wir eine Gratisübernachtung in einem Familienresort. Dort ließen wir es uns richtig gut gehen: Sonne tanken am Pool, intellektuelle Herausforderungen beim Straßenschach und traditionelles Braai mit Gitarrenmusik.

      Immer wieder unterbrachen wir lange Autofahrten, um kleine Wanderungen zu unternehmen, verschiedene Wasserfälle zu besichtigen oder uns eine beeindruckende und lehrreiche Greifvogelschow anzusehen, bis uns unser letzter Stopp in die Amphitheatre Backpackers' Lodge führte . Das nahe der Drakensberge gelegenen Hostel zog uns mit seinem Charme direkt in den Bann. Die mit Kreativität und viel Liebe zum Detail eingerichteteten Steinhäuser, hoben sich von unseren bisherigen Unterkünften ab. In die Wände eingelassen Elemente aus recyceltem Glas, Mosaiksteinen und Schnitzereien machten jeden Raum besonders. Die gewöhnlicher Weise sehr spartanisch eingerichteten Mehrbettzimmer waren mit angeschlossenem Badezimmer sowie internationale Steckdosen, Licht und Tresor an jeder Schlafbucht für unser Empfinden sehr luxuriös ausgestattet. Auch der Barbereich beeindruckte mit seinem inkludierten Jacuzzi. Im gemütlichen Speisesaal ermöglichte uns Etienne am zweiten Abend durch eine Gesangseinlage für alle Gäste ein gratis Abendessen. Das Hostel bot eine große Auswahl an Aktivitäten an. Sofort gefesselt waren wir von den Bildern des Tugela Fall, dem zweit höchsten Wasserfall der Welt. Leider sprengte die geführte Wanderung unser Budget, so dass wir uns gegen Guide und Shuttleservice entschieden und den Ausflug in Eigenregie planten. Am Morgen vor Aufbruch in die Drakensberge trafen wir beim Frühstück auf Tomas und Mirkka. Da sie uns direkt sympathisch waren, luden wir den südafrikanischen Singer und Songwriter und seine finnische Freundin ein uns zu begleiten. Der Ausflug sollte nicht nur unser letzter, sondern auch der Höhepunkt unseres Roadtrips werden: atemberaubende Aussichten, Adrenalinschübe auf unbefestigten Wegen und Leitern sowie vollkommene Körperfreiheit beim Nacktbaden auf der Spitze des Berges.
      Okumaya devam et

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