South Africa
University of the Witwatersrand

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    • Day 14

      Johannesburg / Südafrika

      March 29, 2020 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Johannesburg - hier kommen Erinnerungen hoch. Zum ersten Mal waren wir dort 1993. Unsere erste große Reise.
      Wir hatten damals eine Rundreise durch Zimbabwe gebucht. Heinz konnte leider nicht mit. Überbleibsel aus der Apartheid waren überall noch zu sehen, z.B. Getrennte Toiletten.
      An dem ersten Abend hatten wir unsere erste Flasche Wein unseres Lebens zusammen. Nederburg Special Late Harvest - wir haben immer noch eine Flasche zu Hause.
      Auf dem Rückweg hatten wir noch einen Tag in Johannesburg. Alle Warnungen ignorierend sind wir mit dem Bus in die Innenstadt gefahren. Sehr seltsame Eindrücke - an jeder Ecke eine eine Gruppe Schwarzer Jugendlicher. Zum Ende - in einer Nebenstraße sind wir dann auch überfallen worden. Mit Brotmessern wollten sie unsere Taschen - wir denen eine Tasche über den Kopf und gerannt ... nicht passiert.
      Wir waren dann noch oft dort, auch zum Arbeiten. Südafrika wist einfach ein tolles Land.
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    • Day 6


      October 7, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Johannesburg ist meiner Meinung nach keine schöne Stadt. Die Häuser sind ziemlich veraltet und somit auch kaputt. Es gibt ‚reichenviertel‘ wo man durch eine Schranke muss, um erst mal in das Viertel zu kommen. Dann haben alle Häuser riesen Mauern mit Stacheldrähten oben drauf. Die meisten haben auch zwei Wachhunde. Vor den Fentern befinden sich (manchmal sogar doppelte) Stahlgitter.
      Der Straßenverkehr ist katastrophal. Man benötigt für 5km ca. 45min.
      Somit ist diese Stadt meiner Meinung nach nicht zu empfehlen.
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    • Day 81

      Goodbye Jeep, Goodbye Friends

      December 1, 2018 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Wir sind in Johannesburg (oder auch Joburg oder Jozi, wie die Locals sagen) und genießen die letzten zwei Tage mit unseren so arg lieb gewonnenen Freunden.
      Charly hat uns für diese Abschiedstage eine Deluxe-AirBnB-Wohnung gebucht. Nicht nur mit Dachterrasse, sondern auch noch mit einem Whirlpool darauf.
      Mit Sekt in der Hand und Blubberblasen um sich herum lässt sich der Busch-Großstadt-Kontextschock ganz gut aushalten.

      Auch wenn wir den Busch und unseren Jeep jetzt schon vermissen, genießen wir das Baldachin-gesäumte Kingsize-Bett, die Regenwalddusche, die Riesenküche, den Netflix-Sofa-Abend und die Elektro-Club-Nacht in vollen Zügen.

      Schweren Herzens müssen wir uns dann aber viel zu früh von Daniel und Charly verabschieden.

      Doch wie hat der schlaue Konfuzius doch gleich gesagt?

      Leuchtende Tage.
      Nicht weinen, dass sie vorüber.
      Lächeln, dass sie gewesen.

      Danke für diese spektakuläre Zeit!
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    • Day 41

      Dae in Suid Afrika (Afrikaans)

      August 9, 2018 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Days in South Africa (English)

      South Africa is amazing us in so many ways. We have spent time with friends, introduced children to children, seen lots of sights, got up close with some animals and tried some local beer. This visit has quickly become much more than just a place to visit but rather a home away from home. AMAZING!Read more

    • Day 11


      May 21, 2016 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      We arrived in Jo'burg and checked into our hotel in the Melrose Arch area. The rest of the afternoon was free so we ventured out and did a bit of browsing in the neighbourhood stores. Melrose Arch is clearly a high end district as evidenced by the Porsches, Audis, Mercedes and the occasional Ferrari. Several of us got together and went out for dinner at a place called Pizza and Vino. The food was delicious and we had a great time!

      The next morning was a bit of a sleep in as we didn't leave until 8:00 am. Our itinerary for the day consisted of driving by Nelson Mandela's last residence followed by a drive through Soweto. After that we stopped outside of Desmond Tutu's home followed by a walk through of Nelson and Winnie Mandela's home. This is where he lived prior to his arrest and where Winnie continued to live and be harassed by the police while he was in jail. After that we went to the Hector Pieterson museum and then went to the apartheid museum.

      It was a pretty somber day as South Africa has only started to spread her freedom wings in the last 25-30 years.

      Hector Pieterson was one of the first casualties of the youth protest against apartheid on June 16, 1976. He was 13 years old. The protest was organized by students and was meant to be peaceful but the police opened fire with tear gas and bullets.

      Afterwards we went through the Apartheid Museum where we were randomly segregated so that we could see what it felt like to be in that position. Claude was classed as non white and I white, so we had the enter throughly separate entrance lines. It's hard to believe that only 25 years or so ago, this was how things were here. During apartheid 3.5 million blacks and coloureds were forcibly removed from their homes and resettled in the townships on the outskirts of towns. They lost everything and were persecuted and oppressed beyond belief. They were issued pass cards and had to present them whenever asked. If they didn't have it with them, they were arrested and beaten.

      We finished with a stop at an artisan market and then had dinner back at the hotel and said goodbye to several of our group as they were not continuing on to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe with us the next day.
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    • Day 16


      February 24, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Last day in South Africa. This evening we will take the plane to go back home.
      We wake up at 8.30, take showers, fix the luggages and go for breakfast. The breakfast is painful, there are a lot of great options of food but what I can manage is to eat some yogurt with fruits.

      The plan for the day is to take the Citysightseeinng bus and see the city by bus. We don’t have energies for doing more than that and also the city doesn’t seem safe enough to go around by ourselves. The bus tour is composed of two different busses.
      Both tours are not particularly interesting, we pass by the zoo, some museums, and different monuments and buildings. The guide tells stories about the city and the different people living in it.

      We decide to stop in an amusement park to take an icecream and to try to win some random stuff. That’s the highlight of the day.

      After the tour we go to a shopping mall that is big and cheap and has a lot of interesting dresses. Here I find the dress for the wedding of Anni in April.

      After the shopping center is time to go to pick the luggages and go to the airport.

      The journey is more complicated than expected and takes a lot of time. We arrive at the airport just in time for the check-in. We manage to change clothes, do the check-in and and buy some food and souvenirs before is time for me to go to the gate and take the plane.

      It is time to say goodbye! A brief hug and I find myself on the plane surrounded by French people. The trip goes very fast, with a big stomach ache and no hunger.
      Tomorrow I will be back in Goteborg to meet Carlos and nothing could make me happier in the moment.
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    • Day 15


      February 23, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      The day starts with the worst mood. Tired, stomach pain, sadness.
      We go to the airport, leave the car, take the plane. (Almost loose it because we were reading the story of Michale Jackson while waiting)

      We arrive in Johannesburg, take the train to go to the hotel and do the check in.
      We rest a bit in the hotel before finding the energies to go exploring.

      We ask in reception what there is to see and the answer is: the mall. Okey then, the mall.
      The mall is really nothing special, no interesting shops, or too expensive, and nothing to do. We are tired, bored, sad.
      We take a walk around the blocks, scared by all the stories that we heard about the city. We take a slice of pizza at Pizza Hut but my stomach is still refusing to eat more than a few bites. I am tired, legs hurt, head is bumping and the stomach is sick. Perfect.
      After exploring every corner of the area we go back to the hotel, rest, and then finally find the strength to go out for dinner.
      We go to Hard Rock Cafe, the only place that seems interesting, but still not hungry. We take nachos and bruschetta and two non-alcoholic cocktails that are really good. I feel fever and I’m very tired. I manage to eat some food and drink my cocktail and after that I feel a bit better. It is not even 10 in the evening that we are in the bed tired and ready to sleep.
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    • Day 8

      Day 3 in Kruger

      February 16, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      It is the day of departure and even if it feels like we have seen a lot and it is time to move on, it is a bit sad to leave this incredible place where we got so spoiled and we saw so many incredible things!

      The game in the morning goes fast and even if it is incredible as always, it is a bit disappointing because we didn’t manage to see the Buffalo that was the last big5 we were missing. On the other hand we managed to see a big group of cheetahs relaxing in the grass!

      After the ride and the breakfast is time to checkout. We buy some souvenirs, say goodbye to Texan and jump on our car. We have a long drive back to Johannesburg in front of us.

      The drive goes smoothly and soon is time to say goodbye to our first car. It is now dirty and we got attached to it. We leave the car at the airport and we go to the hotel.
      Tomorrow we have the flight to Cape Town.
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    • Day 6

      Johannesburg, South Africa

      November 25, 2015 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We visited the Apartheid Museum in Joburg. It chronicled the country's history from the bushmen to colonial occupation, through the oppressive apartheid (segregation) policies put into place following the second World War, and finally establishment of the new constitution in the early 1990s. The museum contained lots of videos, personal accounts and artifacts providing a rich experience of this important era in history.

      Next up was a visit to Africa's tallest building, the Top of Africa, which was 50 stories tall. From there, we had views of the World Cup stadium, Ghandi square, Nelson Mandela bridge and other sights in the bustling metropolis of 6 million which is Africa's economic powerhouse.

      For the remainder of the evening, we enjoyed dinner and wine at our Protea hotel near the airport. At a price of around $7/bottle and with great selections of Chenin Blanc and Sauvignon Blanc from the Western Cape, the wine was flowing quite freely.
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    • Day 3


      October 3, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Premiers jours, premières rencontres. J’ai été accueilli par Julien à Wits University, au top l’accueil !
      Puis Appartheid Muséum and Constitution Hill, les deux principales choses à faire à mon sens dans cette ville.
      Sans oublier l’incroyable rencontre avec mon ami Tamba au musée SAB Beer. La visite fut inattendue car le musée a été fermé définitivement.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    University of the Witwatersrand, Witwatersrand-Universität, Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, جامعة ويتواترسراند, Universidad del Witwatersrand, Witwatersrandin yliopisto, Université du Witwatersrand, વિટવાટર્સરાંડ યુનિવર્સિટી, Witwatersrand Thai-ho̍k, विट्वाटर्सरांड विश्वविद्यालय, Universitas Witwatersrand, Universiteit van de Witwatersrand, Universitetet i Witwatersrand, ਵਿਟੁਆਟਰਸਟ੍ਰਾਂਡ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ, Universidade de Witwatersrand, Витватерсрандский университет, Chuo Kikuu cha Witwatersrand, Вітватерсрандський університет, وٹواٹرسرانڈ یونیورسٹی, Yunivesithi ya Witwatersrand, 金山大學

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