South Africa
UShaka Marine World

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    • Day 2

      Ushaka Sealand Aquarium

      April 2 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Larry and I have visited aquariums all over the world, but Durban’s may well be my favorite!

      The tanks at UShaka Sealife Aquarium are located in a rusty old ship, and the decor inside makes you feel like you’re at sea. There’s even a spot where you can peek in and see all the machinery required to keep the tanks working.

      The screens offer info appropriate for all ages, so everyone can learn here. The “Local is Lekker” sign made me laugh. “Lekker” is Dutch for tasty. I was able to understand much of the Afrikaans signage due to its Dutch foundations.

      My favorite aquarium exhibit was “The Parlor” which featured a chandelier over a table set for a tea party. Gorgeous lionfish waft through the tank. At times, it looked as though they were part of the chandelier.

      I have mixed feelings about captive cetaceans, but we watched the dolphin show anyway. All in all, we enjoyed our time at Ushaka Sealife Aquarium, and we felt safe there, as well, which is a prime concern in South Africa.

      You can even go snorkeling here, which came as a surprise when we suddenly saw swimmers inside the display tanks! If we’re ever in Durban again, I’d like to try that.
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    • Day 15

      Beach time in Durban

      May 21, 2023 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Back on the truck, we headed for Durban. We were too early to check in to our hotel there, so we were dropped off at uShaka Marine World, South Beach.

      We had four and a half hours before we had to be back at the vehicle. Mark and I went for a walk along the prom. It seemed like the world and his wife were out and about - speed walking, jogging 🏃‍♀️, cycling, rollerblading, and skateboarding! We joined the others in a waterfront bar for drinks. They were already on cocktails, but, at not yet 10am, I stuck to orange juice! After an hour or so, they left to go to the beach. We stayed so that I could catch up on my diary notes from days ago! Later, we ordered something to eat – chicken strips for me and prawns in a creamy sauce for Mark – and then met up with the others to go back to the truck.

      From South Beach, it was a 30-minute drive out of town to our hotel. This was the point when the first leg of our trip ended, so we said our goodbyes. Only us and Kristina are continuing on to Cape Town. We will also be joined by a German guy. So, there will be four passengers and three crew on the next leg of the trip! Loads of space on the truck! It was sad to say goodbye to everyone. We wished them all well with their onward journeys and promised to keep in touch.
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    • Day 2

      We ate Bunny Chow

      April 2 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      During Apartheid, Indian immigrants who worked on plantations were often forbidden from eating in Durban’s cafes.

      As a result, they carried curry lunches to the fields by putting the meals inside of hollowed out bread loaves.

      Although I came across several different theories, it’s not quite clear how this concoction gained the name Bunny Chow.

      In any case, the name stuck, and these days, “Bunny Chow” is served in restaurants and eaten by Durbans from all walks of life.

      Larry and I enjoyed a 1/4 portion of Bunny Chow along with a Pepsi for the equivalent of $6 US. (And while Coca Cola reins supreme in most places we visit, Pepsi is the main cola in South Africa.)

      Since our server told us that mutton bunny was her favorite, we gave it a try. I love curry, and this was quite tasty, with just enough spice to make our noses run.

      Afterwards, we enjoyed iced coffee at a cute little joint called Only Coffee that was right around the corner from Durban Curry Cafe.
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    • Day 63

      Mittagsessen in Durban

      November 30, 2018 in South Africa ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Ich kanns kaum glauben. Ich bin in Afrika 🦓 Beim mittagsessen erst einmal realisieren wo auf der Erde das gerade passiert. Der Spaziergang am Strand machte das ganze nicht realistischer, Ende November 😉 Ein spannender Tag mit so vielen neuen Eindrücken.

      Jedoch ist Vorsicht geboten, und es wurde empfohlen nicht alleine rauszugehen, die Stadt zu meiden, da es dort viele kriminelle Ecken gibt. Das komische Gefühl, überschattet das ganze etwas.

      Ich bin aber dankbar über die Zeit in Afrika, dem unbekannten und schönen 🤗
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    • Day 36

      Braii day

      September 25, 2021 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Journée détente ... Un parc aquatique 🤩 !!!

      Température extérieure: 25 degrés
      Température de l'eau : 5 degrés 🥶 (température ressentie tout du moins)

      Mais c'est pas grave, on kiffe quand même, surtout vu la file d'attente qu'on a du affronter pour entrer (1h). Heureusement, à l'intérieur, on est quasi seuls 😬 ... mystère !

      La différence avec les parcs en France, Joe a le droit de faire tous les toboggans, y compris les très hauts et très rapides 😱 ... et il en profite !!!

      Des qu'on sort (13h30), on file vers la prochaine ville a 1h de route ... Zinkwazi qui nous a été recommandé par nos potes de la veille ...
      ... Oh flûte, il y a une piscine aussi 😊 (Till en profite pour faire un spectacle ... Kamel Ouali n'a qu'à bien se tenir 😂)

      Autre manière de fêter l'Héritage Day ... Ils se retrouvent en famille et entre potes pour faire la fête autour d'un BBQ. Ils ont tous sorti leur matos de camping de maboule (pick up, caravanes, extensions, canoes, tentes, ...) !
      Super ambiance, les enfants jouent tous ensemble (ils nous demandent quel langue on parle ... et sont super surpris que les nôtres ne parlent pas Anglais 😳).
      Ils surnomment ce jour le Braii day (jour du BBQ) 😊. Et oui, ici le braii est une vraie institution ! Ca braii toute la journée, dès 10 h du mat et ce jusqu'au soir ! La viande est top et ne coûte rien !
      On fait donc un régime spécial avant de migrer dans d'autres contrées !
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    • Day 58


      April 16, 2018 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Nach 20 Tagen an der Küste Südafrikas, sind wir in Durban angekommen. Viele haben gesagt, dass die Stadt echt nicht toll ist, und vielleicht hat auch nur die exzellente Lage unseres AirBnB mit Blick auf Hafen und (!) Strand dazu geführt, aber wir finden die Stadt schön. Eine ewig lange Strandpromenade, eine sehr belebte Innenstadt, viele Studenten und grüne Ecken. Wir haben eine 4-köpfige Familie kennenlernt und jeden Tag zufällig wieder getroffen, die uns ein bisschen die Stadt und ihr Leben im Shelter gezeigt haben. Das ist eine Art Obdachlosenunterkunft, für die man täglich etwa 1,30€ p.P. zahlt. Sie glauben an Gott und daran, dass alles gut wird. Hoffen wir das Beste.Read more

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