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Top 10 Travel Destinations Abadín
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    • Day 79

      To chip a bicycle

      November 1, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      The mountain is killing me. I've been in a mediocre mood all day and now this mountain is getting in the way.
      I'd love to get out my metal file and chop my bike into a big pile of metal. 😬
      All right, maybe not the whole bike. But this strut here: it's not needed anymore!!🧐Read more

    • Day 24

      Tag 24: Sturm und viele Höhenmeter

      May 2, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Strecke: 29km; HM: 1475m; von Gondan nach Gontan

      Schon mit der Nacht begann der Sturm der uns den ganzen Tag begleitet hat. Geregnet hat es vorerst nicht. Es ging nur ein sehr starker Wind, der uns immer entgegen geblasen kam und jeden Höhenmeter den wir heute vor uns hatten schwerer machte. Wir wurden das ein und das andere Mal schon ganz schön hin und her geweht. Als wir dann zum Abschluss noch einen Berg mit 800 HM vor uns hatten, liefen wir dann in die sehr tief hängende Wolkendecke, bevor es dann langsam bergab an unseren Zielort ging. Aber wir haben jetzt die spanische Ebene erreicht und kein einziger Berg wartet nun mehr auf uns. Beim leichten bergab setzte dann der Regen ein. Richtig nass sind wir da nicht mehr geworden auf den letzten 4 Kilometern. Ab morgen werden wieder mehrere Tage Sonnenschein angesagt. Wir freuen uns schon darauf. Vielleicht merken wir dann unsere Füße nicht mehr so.Read more

    • Day 21


      September 26, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Pffff, wat een day, what a day!
      Actually let's start with yesterday, it was the day that I walked the most km's in one day up to now. A whopping 29 km! I left in the morning from Ribadeo, where I had spent the night in a hostal, because the albergue was just to cold and gross for my taste. I ended up sharing a room with a woman from Madrid, who was ending her camino in Ribadeo.
      If only I knew about the camino when we lived in Madrid! I am sure a lot of our vacays would have been on the camino, with little Luna and Noah 😂.
      Back to the present...... So yesterday was a pretty nice walk. I was having mixed feelings, because from now on the camino is inland so no more sea, but I must say I enjoyed the walk and even had some extra energy to go a bit further than usual. The last few km's I walked with Yolanda and Hugo, so that also made it a bit easier. We ended in Lourenza, which is a small town with a very beautiful cathedral. I had reserved a bed for the 3 of us in a hostal, and we all had a good night's rest.

      Much needed turns out!! Today's stage was about 26 km's but with a lot of uphill climbs! I died a couple of times 😂😂. Anyway, it was also a nice route but a lot of asphalt, so my feet weren't too happy. When we finally came to the town we had to be in, there was a sign with the name of the albergue I had booked, saying 6 km........ Uhm excuse me????
      6 km by car is nothing, but walking it is 1,5 hours..... I had made a mistake in the location of the albergue...... But no harm done! I called the owner and she came and picked us up.

      Wow, this place is beautiful! They even have a pool, the hospitalera is cooking for us, lentejas my favo, and we have our own room, yolanda, hugo and I. O yeah, and we have 6 kms less to walk tomorrow! Only good things! Love it 😃
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    • Day 24

      Camino Del Norte - Day 23

      July 2, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Camino Del Norte - Day 23

      Lourenza to Gontan
      Distance 24km (7 hours)
      Total ascent 740m

      Last night, we settled down to a light supper but got talking to other peregrinos. One was the lovely GG from France. She was 69 and was two months on the Camino starting from Le Puy. She was an incredible lady. This was her fifth Camino after completing Via De La Plata, Caminos Frances and Portuguses. She has walked over 2,000km in two years. She walked at an incredible speed.
      We set off at 6am this morning with head torches. We met another Australiam guy almost immediately on top of a hill coming out of Lourenza. He had no head torch and there were dogs I a nearby field unchained. Once, we got past him, we went on our merry way. The day seemed to be one long climb ALL day to 740m.
      After 8.5km, all the usual peregrinos , i have got to know, seemed to gather in a city called Mondonedo. We found a cafe open next to it's 13th century cathedral and filled it to bursting. The cafe owner was run for his feet. It made a welcome break to the continual uphill climb.
      Andreas was suffering with tendinitis and was limping. GG gave him a short leg massage in the cafe. This is the true spirit of the peregrinos on the Camino. We share food, water, wine and can easily identify the peregrino in cafes/restaurant and invite/be invited to join a table to eat.
      We eventually walked to the end of a long valley and had another long ascent upwards. We finally arrived at an ultra modern Albergue in a small town called Gotan.
      We have carried out daily admin out and are resting before we have a long day tomorrow. We will walk to Baamonde (40km) away.
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    • Day 32

      Mittagspause auf 370m

      August 17, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      200 Höhenmeter gilt es noch zu bewältigen. Muss bis auf 560. Hört sich nicht viel an (Buchschwabach liegt auf 400), aber mit Rucksack von 0 auf 560 strengt an.
      Das was die hier als Berge bezeichnen sind eh nur Hügel. Der Wald hier gleicht eher einem Urwald. Die Feuchtigkeit vom Meer schlägt sich an den Hügeln nieder.
      Letze Nacht hat es mal wieder geregnet. Bei 18Grad und Wind kommt heute mal die Regenjacke zum Einsatz.
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    • Day 19

      Tag 14. Es ist heiß....

      May 31, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Ganz früh am Morgen starten wir Richtung Goban/Abadin. Heute müssen wir über die Berge bei angekündigten 32 Grad. Nach 10km mögen wir den Camino nicht mehr so. In einer Selfmade Herberge bekommen wir für eine Herzensspende einen instant Coffee und eine Wundergeschichte obendrauf. Wir wundern uns und ziehen weiter. Das Wasser wird knapp und die Steigungen nehmen kein Ende. Endlich kommen wir in unserer ersten Herberge an und staunen über Hotelstandard für 15 Euro. Für heute reicht's trotzdem.Read more

    • Day 17

      Tag 17

      April 17, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Dieser Weg.......traumhaft
      Heut ging es steil bergauf 🗻 knapp 500höhemmeter mussten bezwungen werden.
      Abadin erreicht.
      Und abends wollten wir in einem Restaurant etwas essen und da sie uns nicht verstanden durften wir uns in der Küche etwas aussuchen.So haben wir noch nie bestellt. herzlichRead more

    • Eucalyptus

      July 3, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We’ve been walking through forests of eucalyptus for weeks, but in Galicia it seems there are few trees other than eucalyptus. The leaves on the young trees are a soft jade-like green; they almost seem to glow among the older trees. As the trees mature, the leaves become long and thin, and turn a darker, duller green.

      We’ve passed many areas where swathes of eucalyptus have been clear cut, and new trees planted. Turns out these trees are very controversial on the Iberian peninsula.

      Since it was introduced in the 1860s, eucalyptus has become the most important tree in forest economy, especially for paper pulp. Insects don’t like eucalyptus, and they discourage mosquitos, but that means fewer birds in the forests. Eucalyptus grows quickly, a boon to areas that had been deforested. But they also consume great amounts of water, and they push out native species. And the development of large-scale tree farming has threatened the small-scale family farms and social bonds of communities throughout Spain and Portugal.

      Their scent is not exactly piney, maybe more like menthol, cool and refreshing, especially for tired peregrinos slogging uphill!
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    • Day 32

      Tag 32: Mondoñedo - Abadin 17km

      August 17, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Bei der Tour de France würde man es als Königsetappe bezeichnen. Die Etappe mit den höchsten Anstieg. Von Mondoñedo (140m) auf dem Pass (560m) und nach Abadin.
      Ewig lang zog sich der Weg bis zum Ende vom Tal. Das Dorf dort liegt echt am Arsch der Welt.
      Irgendwie empfand ich den Anstieg gar nicht so schlimm. Klar strengte er an, Aber es ging.
      Interessant fand ich, dass auf halber Höhe, an einer nicht zu umfahrenden Engstelle, ein alter, verfallener Wachtturm steht. Sieht aus, als ob es hier mal ein Tor gab, das nur gegen Wegezoll passiert werden durfte.
      Beim kurzen steilen Abstieg vor Abadin, fiel mir mal wieder auf, dass das einem gar nichts mehr ausmacht. Am ersten Tag, beim Abstieg nach Pasai schmerzten die Oberschenkel bei jedem Schritt.
      Leider hatte es nur 16 Grad und war sehr windig. Wie immer hab ich geschwitzt wie sau und zu spät die Regenjacke drüber gezogen. Das durchgeschwitzte Shirt bei dem Wind war nicht gut. Habe mich leicht Erkältet. Am Abend fror es mich dauernd.
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    • Day 39

      In albergue heaven

      June 24, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Leaving Mondoñedo, I couldn't find the new official route-- a forest track that is 6 km shorter than the "complementary" route. So I wound up walking the first 18 km almost entirely on asphalt. The views were very nice, the temperature cool, not too much sun, so I really can't complain.

      Until recently I wouldn't have had much of an answer to the question--what is your favorite tree? Since walking in the Bierzo in late spring a few years ago, I have fallen in love with chestnuts. And on today's walk there were many--not as ancient as the ones in the Bierzo where new trees grew out of enormous dead trunks, but beautiful. And when they are in bloom with those long cream colored buds, the smell is sweet and pungent. It was great.

      In the first town of Abadin there is a private albergue that gets good reviews, but I had been alerted to a new Albergue in a restored old stone home about 6 km further on. I think this is probably the nicest Albergue I have ever stayed in, though Casa Carmina last week comes close.

      The owners bought this several hundred year old home four years ago, gutted it, and renovated it all themselves with the help of friends. They've left as much of the original as possible, including the stone oven, some beams, slate, some huge granite vats, etc. The showers are really hot and the water pressure very high- no lukewarm drip on a dirty tile floor today! It is just beautiful, in the middle of nowhere with lots of open yard and lots of shade with reclining chairs.

      Fingers crossed that the owners are successful with their labor of love, O Xistral. I will sing their praises at every opportunity!!
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    Abadín, Abadin

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