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    • Day 4


      September 22, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      After yesterday’s face off with mountain passes and homicidal-force winds, today’s walk to Zubiri seemed absolutely pastoral. It was cool, foggy early, and had only relatively mild ups and downs until a final steep, rocky descent into town. The only glitch at all was the looming question of whether or not there would be room at the inn. The albergues that could be booked in advance were all full, so the sole option, other than walking to the next town and hoping for the best, was the municipal albergue. These take no reservations and are first come first serve. Leading to some stress and the need to fight a certain competitive urge as one walks. I’ll cut to the chance: we got in! Easily too, if I must be honest. A great relief and it’s unlikely after today that we will need to really worry about finding a place again until close to the end.

      Photos include a lovely view and a young donkey to back up the pastoral qualities of the day, and a slug, this one red and very color coordinated with me. Will slugs become a persistent theme of this travel blog? Hmmm.
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    • Day 17

      16. Etappe: Espinal (30,7 km)

      November 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      So viele Kilometer sollten es heut eigentlich gar nicht werden! 🙈 Aber nachdem ich Klaus und Pierre in Roncesvalles eingeholt hatte, beschlossen wir beim gemeinsamen Bierchen noch ein Stück weiterzugehen - es war erst 14:30 und die beiden hatten mit ihrem Bett direkt an der Schlafraumtür leider nicht so viel Glück gehabt, so dass sie gern einigen Mitreisenden entfliehen wollten.
      Meine Nacht war ganz gut, von den Frühaufstehern bekam ich zwar etwas mit, zog mir aber den Hüttenschlafsack einfach übers Gesicht und schlief weiter 😅 Morgens war dann ordentlich Trubel beim Frühstück - und spätestens jetzt sehnte ich mich nach familiärem Frühstück mit frischem Baguette und selbstgemachter (Zucchini-)Marmelade zurück. Heute gabs nur Toast und noch nicht einmal genug Marmelade für alle Pilger - und das obwohl wir nur so wenige waren 🙁
      Ich verließ als Letzte die Herberge und stellte mich heute auf viel Laufen an der Straße und somit auch viel Verkehr, sowie eine ordentliche Steigung ein - denn: ab November schließt leider die Route de Napoleon, so dass wir die alternative Route nehmen mussten. Dank des Samstags war aber zum Glück nicht viel los auf der Straße und das letzte Drittel bergauf führte sehr schön entlang eines Bachs und durch den Wald, so dass ich positiv überrascht war und die Steigung kaum spürte - auch wenn ich ab und zu etwas wehmütig in Richtung Berge blickte. Aber spätestens am Ipaneta-Pass war ich froh nicht auf eigene Faust über den schöneren Weg gelaufen zu sein. Dort wehte ein ordentlicher Wind, der mir beinah das Kopftuch vom Kopf fegte.
      So kam ich also noch voller Energie in Roncesvalles an und schloss mich meinen beiden Mitpilgern an. Die nächsten 7 km bewältigten wir ruckzuck, da es kaum noch Steigerungen gab. In der heutigen Unterkunft Haizea sind wir ganz allein. Praktisch, dass direkt ein Restaurant im Haus ist und wir abends ein Pilgermenü zum kleinen Preis dazu buchen konnten 😋🥳
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    • Day 6

      We have staggered into Zubiri

      September 23, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We made it to our destination, last climb of the day was the biggest and last downhill was steep and rocky.

      Several pilgrims have convinced Sue that knee braces work, so we will look for a pharmacia for braces for her. Update: found them!!!

      Pension Zubiaren Etxea is right next to the Rabies Bridge, if you walk a rabid dog over the bridge, it will be cured! We need to try this with Joe Toomey, the next time a bat bites him!

      There was a food truck on the Camino today that had a sign that said, "If you are desperate for a husband/wife, leave your underwear here it will bring you good luck." The box was full of panties! I did not take a photo, it was kind of gross! :-)

      One other nite, and there is a photo, I left my Fitbit home (one less device to recharge), so walked with my Fitbit tan line. Now I have a Fitbit auburn line!

      Now off for beer/wine and a Pilgrim dinner!
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    • Day 9

      Day 3 - Burguete to Zubiri

      August 23, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      It’s so freaking hot!! And we all knew it was going to be hot. I woke up this morning at 5, but needed to repack after completely messing up my gear last night. I had planned to leave by 6, got all my stuff packed up, backpack on, etc. and trudged downstairs to leave. There was nobody at reception, so I decided to forgo getting my stamp and hid my key away at the desk. I headed for the front door and found it locked, and it looked as though it needed a key to be unlocked. Defeated, I trudged back upstairs and settled back into my bed to write a blog post. A while later I heard rumbling downstairs and decided it was time to try again. This time, a man appeared at reception, took my key, and gave me my stamp. I asked about the locked door and proceeded to show me that it was easily unlocked… Ugh! I started out on my trek, alone for the first hour or more, until I ran into my Danish friend Betina. We walked together for a while until she absolutely crushed me on some hills. We eventually met back up and finished the walk together. It was an absolutely treacherous walk - 385m up and 750m down on trails made of jagged rocks and shale. In Zubiri, sitting my the river in the shade, I ran into Kate, Simon, and Grace. We enjoyed the cool river and then trudged to our albergue. It was so hot! And it’s still hot. But a lovely evening with old friends Luke and Zé who I met in SJPP, and new friends as well. Beautiful dinner at Albergue Suseia, with Sara rye most amazing host. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter, and another 20k to Pamplona. Early start again.Read more

    • Day 5

      Day 5 - Espinal

      September 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Today has been our first day of “proper cycling”. Woke up this morning after big thunderstorms last night and official warnings of weather (see photos). It’s been fine and sunny most of the day - much better than forecast!

      1200m of climbing. The most we have done this year but in the end was no problem. Climbing on well surfaced mountain roads is nowhere near as hard as off road on the Surrey Hills!
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    • Day 5

      Roncesvalles to Zubiri - part one

      March 27 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      A 22km stage today, optimistically framed by the gang as short and downhill, between Roncesvalles at 960m and industrial Zubiri at 520m. Got up at 5.45am once I heard the first toilet flush (I didn't have to try hard to hear it) as I figured that was the band-aid ripped off the peace.

      By 6.45am they were piping monastic chants through the PA to wriggle us on, they're very serious here. In the pod we had a laugh imagining the words of the unintelligible chant were "gettttttt outttttttt". With the ummmmming booming, I rounded a corner and nearly fell over a woman engaged in what with hindsight I recognise as yoga but at the time I truly suspected might be a possession in progress. She was bent at the elbows and knees to create like a table, with her torso and thighs as the top, and had her eyes closed. OUT (of my way) demon!

      On the road by 7am, which started with a truly lovely yet CRISP wander through dense woodland described in the literature as the home of "secret covens" in the 1500s, and when translated, named Oakwood of Witches. Excellent, all my love to the girls. While we're on the literature, I wasn't joking about the Charlemagne stuff, cop the attached page from the Camino bible.

      At one point the guy in jeans passed me, which was a good proof of life check for him as I did worry about his chafe and general health yesterday when I saw him leave SJPP. Every now and then someone with really swishy pants will come up behind me and I'm enraged by it by the time they stick the overtake, I can't imagine the cognitive dissonance it takes to put up with that all day.
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    • Day 3–4


      May 10 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Wow! Today was the toughest day! We left Vacarlos on route to Roncesvalles It was a mountainous walk all the way 23degrees no breakfast as everything was still closed. We run out of water ( not funny) A whole string of emotions today but I made it! Suzy was brilliant supporting me all the way.Read more

    • Day 64

      55. Wandertag

      May 22, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Unser Besuch ist nach wie vor bei uns. Das heisst wir sind heute ca. 13 Km gelaufen, Danach hat uns Martha mit dem Auto geholt und zusammen haben wir Pamplona angeschaut. Heute Abend übernachten wir das letzte Mal in der Ferienwohnung. Morgen trennen sich dann unsere Wege wieder. Martha, Edith und die Grosskinder fliegen wieder nach Hause. Emmanuele und ich wandern als Pilger weiter unserem Ziel entgegen.Read more

    • Day 4

      That's bizniz

      October 4, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      At the imposing gates of this lil village lies in wait an vengeful cafe owner who devised an enterprising solution to everyone only going to the first, not second (his) cafe in town: enthusiastically greet everyone who passes through and sadly relay his plight of the evil cafe 1 sucking up his livelihood. It worked 😂Read more

    • Day 61

      53. Wandertag

      May 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Wunderschöner Sonnenaufgang. Die Unterkunft und ein Teil des Weges. Gepflegte Häuser, Kuhherden, Pferd mit Fohlen.
      Treffen mit Martha, Demian, Joey, Edith und Emmanuele. Die zwei Grossen wandern engagiert mit. Dann ein grosser Moment die Ankunft in Saint Jean Pied de Port. Nun geht es in das letzte Drittel, aber zuerst verbringen wir ein paar Tage zusammen.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Aurizberri, Espinal-Auzperri

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