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    • Giorno 37

      Day 36, Samos to Barbadello

      28 giugno 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      I’m in a bit of a panic tonight. My ankle has been quite uncomfortable for about 6 days, especially when walking downhill. Today we walked 20km, which is very much our usual distance, but it became really sore. We are staying at an albergue with a pool and I swam this afternoon, hoping this would ease the problem and I did think it helped. We are due to walk 27kms tomorrow and I was concerned about how I’d cope. I started looking up exercises online to ease ankle problems and did a few.
      I’m not sure if I’ve made it worse but later this afternoon I went out to the tiny village where we’re staying and found walking very painful. By the time I got back my ankle was swollen and I began to wonder - for the first time really - whether I would be able to finish the Camino. I have grown confident over the last 5 weeks that I could do it and I would be so devastated to get this far and have to bail when we only have 5 more walking days to go.
      I’ve decided to take a taxi to the next town (19km to Portomarin) to visit a physiotherapist in the morning. The only appointment available was at 10am and there’s no way I could walk there by that time so a taxi seemed the only option. It’s expensive but I can live with that. I’m feeling worried about whether I can get the problem sorted out and, at the same time, guilty about not walking in the morning. I suppose the best outcome would be to meet Fiona at Portomarin and be able to walk the final 8kms with her to tomorrow’s destination and go on from there to Santiago.
      That’s enough anxiety. Brief highlights of today. We walked 15kms without passing a cafe for breakfast but did enjoy stopping at a private house where they had left out coffee and tea, fruit and cake for pilgrims. This wasn’t a commercial enterprise - they left out a donativo box to cover their expenses - but it is typical of the kindness local people offer to pilgrims on the camino.
      We were surprised to pass a herd of cows walking along the main thoroughfare in one of the villages we passed through, though I suppose they had as much right as we did to be there. The entourage included a very young and sweet little calf. We had a lovely lunch in a veggie cafe in Sarria. Some of the best food of the trip. And we are now 110 kms from Santiago.
      I am writing this with my leg elevated on a pillow with a bag of ice from the bar on my ankle. I’m very much hoping that I’ll be gearing up for a proper day’s walking when I’m writing tomorrow’s blog.
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    • Giorno 33

      Sarria to Portomarin - part one

      24 aprile, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Martina is going to be absolutely fine, and could actually host a training session I'd push to be mandatory for half the people I've been with for a month. Her alarm was silent, she took everything into the kitchen to pack up with no fuss, and she has a small backpack. A+ my darling.

      She's nestled sliiiiiightly under my wing, she checked I was going to have breakfast at the hostel before she committed to it ("ok I will too", with a nervous smile), and I could see she was a bit hesitant about setting off so I pushed her out of the nest with a firm Buen Camino (BC) and assurances we'd see each other later. This only *might* be true but it's what she needed to hear at the time.

      Harbouring a slight sense of foreboding about this turning into a theme park, some sort of conveyor belt Camino, I headed out of Sarria. There are so many people compared to what I'm used to. None of these new fucks are saying BC which really irks me but in the spirit of it all I'm being VERY laid back about them breaking the rules I've invented.

      Other ways in which I am right and they are wrong include (all of them but specifically) walking on the LEFT side on the road and the RIGHT on the trail, letting people pass, stopping at the second or later bar in a town not always the first, taking your pack off before going in, looking for a sign inside that says aesos not baño (it's never baño) talking at normal human volumes, and greeting the locals.

      I've been thinking about what parts of this experience I can carry forward into day to day life, where I might not have a spare five to eight hours a day to go walking. A big source of enjoyment here - and one I knew I'd appreciate before I even started - is the simplicity, the reduced number of decisions I need to make each day. For example in the morning I put on my one outfit, use the bare minimum toiletries, pack up my small bag, walk outside and look for an arrow.

      I reckon if I start picking my outfits the night before and set up a better drop zone, I can achieve this efficiently at home, and maybe get a few kilometres walk in before work, go the long way? My body clock would currently give me tons of time, let's see if it resets once I'm out of bunk beds before we get ahead of ourselves though.
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    • Giorno 15

      Less than 100km left

      23 aprile, Spagna ⋅ 🌙 36 °F

      Our stay in Sarria was bitter sweet. This city is a transition point between those that have been on the trail and those that walk only the last 100km. The "new" people are out for a week, look fresh, and are missing the layer of dust and faded clothing that give the rest of us our "trail cred." After our two hour walk and breakfast break, we passed a group of newly started Americans who said, "Look at those two go!" 😀 Each of us is on the Camino for a reason, and each of our journeys are unique. Today we booked our final accommodations for the rest of the trip. The energy of the trail has changed but our Camino journey will continue.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 26

      Touri-Grinos and Acrophobia

      25 agosto 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      For tactical reasons I can only do 23 km today, so the target is Portomarin! However, today is different- it’s colder and wet- and the Touri- Grinos entered the Camino! People with no or just a small backpack walking through the landscape, pre-booking the Albergues! So it looks like „Bundesjugendspiele“! I walked with few „real“ pilgrims and we are all shocked! Just before Portomarin there is a 70m high bridge with a 150 cm balustrade…everybody who knows me, knows about my panic of hights (acrophobia)! But I saw no Alternative, not even a bus! So I walked fast in the middle of the street, hoping no cars are coming- on top of it there was a strong wind- did I already mention: I hate bridges! But I made it! 🤦🏼😵‍💫 🥴🙀🥇
      Afterwards I found out, that there is a very shallow old roman bridge, too 🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼
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    • Giorno 29

      Albergue Casa Barbadelo

      20 agosto 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      This albergue is very nice and has a good restaurant. The only thing missing is a kitchen that pilgrims can use - I guess it's part of the business, to make us buy from the restaurant, and I don't mind it.
      Here we met up with Fréderique from Belgium again, and I was excited to also spot Monika, the German woman who was my first Camino acquaintance back at Orisson! All 4 of us will be at the same albergue again tomorrow 🙂
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    • Giorno 50

      Day 38-Barbadelo

      16 ottobre 2023, Spagna ⋅ 🌧 64 °F

      Today's walk went by in the blink of an eye. We walked 12 miles through lush farmland and trees, through villages in a light, misty rain. We stopped in Sarria, a small city, for lunch and we bought waterproof gaiters to keep our socks and shoes dry. It's supposed to rain everyday for the rest of our trip.

      It's been said that once reaching Sarria, the Camino gets more crowded and noisy. It's gotten a little more crowded but alot more noisy from a group of four Kiwi ladies having a good time. They're really nice but it's a bit jarring after the peace and quiet we've had for over five weeks. We might just have to join in since it's harder to notice the noise when you're part of it.

      The days are really starting to go by quickly now. It's really a bittersweet feeling. It's been a really hard journey at times, physically and mentally, but it's been everything having Pat with me to experience the highs and lows. Even though this Camino was my idea, I don't know if I would have had the willpower to keep going if I weren't with him.
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    • Giorno 50

      Day 38 - Barbardelo

      16 ottobre 2023, Spagna ⋅ 🌧 63 °F

      We have past the start city (Sarria) that many people who cannot spend over month on the Camino start in. The rain was farlirly light today, but we are expecting heavier rain tomorrow.
      We are less than a week from our goal, and it feels surreal. Stuff we talk about at dinner or lunch feels like it happened last year.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 42

      Sarria to Portomarin

      15 ottobre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      So we went to bed last night very happy kiwis and woke up this morning very happy tired kiwis but what a game last night!
      Off we set in the dark and probably just as well as we had a steep long climb out of Sarria. On and on we climbed and stopped for breakfast about 6 km along the way. Decidedly needed.
      It started off misty in the morning and then the steady drizzle set in but the walk was so pretty with all the huge ancient oaks and chestnuts forming canopys along the way.
      I seem to take lots of photos of happy cows but it all looks so peaceful apart from the rural smells at times!
      The walk has changes somewhat in that there are heaps more walkers and gone is the peace of the Meseta but it's at times like a walkathon. Many have only just started so we feel a tad smug that we have come so far.
      On we walked for 24 km and never did the rain stop but almost preferable to searing heat.
      We celebrated our arrival into Portomarin by a delicious late lunch at an Italian restaurant .
      The descent into Portomarin was quite a challenge walling down a steep rocky hillside. Twice I landed on my backside but luckily I landed " lightly" Our shoes are getting a bit worn.
      The team of 8 ( feet) are also getting a bit worn and my left foot is certainly a foot only a mother could love! Calloused, 2 missing toenails and a small blister. It could be letting the team down! We still lie puttour feet up against the wall after every walk.
      We passed a rather insignificant marker to say only 100 km to go.
      Staying in a very modern hostel and have just returned from one of the best meals yet on the Camino. Waldorf salad , stuffed chicken breast and home made apple cake with not a chip in sight, plus the friendliest waiter.
      We will sleep well
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    • Giorno 45


      2 ottobre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Miało być Vilacha, a jest Portomarin. W połowie dzisiejszej drogi dostaliśmy wiadomość od naszego Albergue, że niestety ale nie mogą nas przyjąć, popękały im wszystkie rury i wylała zęza, także zrobił się mały kłopot. Nie było miejsca nigdzie w promieniu 50 km i groziło nam spanie pod gołym niebem. Od Sarii zaczyna się inne Camino, jest to ostatnie 100 km i przyjeżdżają autobusy z wycieczkami, wiele ludzi zaczyna swoją pielgrzymkę właśnie tutaj także robi się to zupełnie inna drogą, dobrą ale inną pełną ludzi , można powiedzieć rzeka ludzi. Z tego powodu wszystkie miejsca były wykupione i nie było nic. Na szczęście nasze znajome Caminowe, wynajęły już znacznie wcześniej dużo za duży dla nich dom i miały dość miejsca, aby nas przygarnąć do siebie czyli tzw cud pielgrzymkowy, albo działalność Anioła Stróża bo dzisiaj właśnie jest Jego święto. Stare Caminowe porzekadło mowi - Camino zapewnia, i dzisiaj dokładnie właśnie tak się stało...
      Dzisiejsza droga wiła się górami , dolinami zapewniając piękne widoki w zasadzie cały czas. Parę przystanków na nawodnienie w doskonałej atmosferze i tak generalnie minął dzień.
      Dzisiaj również przeszliśmy koło słupka wskazującego , że pozostało nam 100 km do Santiago, no i oczywiście chwila ta została uwieczniona wieloma zdjęciami .
      Portomarin jest ciekawym miastem, gdyż parę stuleci temu przeniesiono je o jakieś 300-400 metrów w górę, bo król zbudował zaporę próbując ujarzmić miejscową rzekę. Jak jest niski poziom rzeki, to można zobaczyć resztki starego miasta po środku rzeki no i mieliśmy szczęście bo wody w rzece było mało i ruiny sterczały po środku rzeki, pobudzając fantazje do wyobrażania sobie jak to musiało kiedyś być ....
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    • Giorno 37

      Day 34

      24 settembre 2023, Spagna ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Left at 7am and arrived at Portmarion around 12.30 pm.
      Pilgrims have increased massively.
      There is a variety of trees all the way, from apples to pears from chestnuts to walnuts.
      Most of the walk today was reasonably easy, just like going for a leisurely hike in NZ with the exception of the last bit where Lyn and I threw our walking poles away then turned around and climbed down backwards. The pics say it all.Leggi altro

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    Barbadelo, 27616

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