Burgos Cathedral

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    • Hari 37


      22 Jun, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Am nächsten Tag war mal wieder Vogelabschießen angesagt: Morgens ging es nach Burgos, dann ein paar Stunden mittags in Burgos (da wir keinen stadtnahen Campingplatz fanden) und nachmittags noch zwei Stunden in die Berge (picos de Europa) zum nächsten Campingplatz.
      Zuerst ging es also entlang des Camino Santiagos nach Burgos, wo wir Scharen von Pilgern überholten, da der Weg häufig direkt neben der Schnellstraße entlangging.
      In Burgos merkten wir dann, dass trotz des Namens die Stadt für eine olle Kirche und gar nicht für eine Burg berühmt war. In diese ging es auch direkt, und die war schon sehr beeindruckend, einfach aufgrund der Masse an goldenen Ornamenten, Portalen, seitenkapellen und Marmorsärgen.
      Danach ging es einen Hügel hoch zu einem Aussichtspunkt auf die Kathedrale (auf dem ein Seifenkistenrennen stattfand), noch ein wenig durch die Altstadtgassen und dann am Fluss zurück zum Parkplatz. Die Altstadt fanden wir aber bei weitem nicht so schön wie in Pamplona, und auch die Vorstadt um unseren Parkplatz wirkte mit seinen Eisenwarenläden so, als sei dort seit 50 Jahren nichts mehr gemacht worden.
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    • Hari 17

      Resting in Burgos

      8 April, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      Commiserating about the body I will of course condone, I'd have very little news throughout the past few years if not for updating my friends on the various ills that have befallen my extremely frail bod. Whining about the Spanish or the cost or whatever else however, I have absolutely no time for. It irks me in the extreme and I just want to smack the perpetrators with my sandal and say go home then.

      You don't air such grievances in public it's boring and unbecoming. You keep a file in your phone's notes app where you expunge anything that's annoyed or wronged you so you can move on with your day, and later perhaps you come back to it and chuckle at how silly it all was. I have four entries in my whinge ledger and they all seem funny now and nobody at all has been burdened by them in the slightest. That's, I think you'll find, not psychotic at all and actually very wise.

      Also wise, I think, to have had a rest day today given it took me until about 11am to be able to take steps without sound effects thanks to the old back (see sentence one). I mushed about happily. All my clothes got a wash, while I sat commando in my dress. I had a nice lunch at a place that was absolutely packed yesterday - I always seem to be in cities on wet weekends, rather than the quieter and cheaper weekdays, so staying for a Monday was great. The shops all open again in a minute so I'll go see if I can buy another pair of undies, maybe a full brief so I can swim in any Meseta albergues with pools without scaring children.

      Oh I have Camino goss. Yesterday, I heard the guy from West Virginia introduce himself as such to half the hostel, from my top bunk prison - once you're in, you're not getting out any time soon unless you're interested in shattering something. He told my friend (Marika, I think?) that he gets up at 4am to do the Rosary, whatever that is, and be on the road by 4.30am when "the birds start singing". Given dawn is at about 7.20am at the moment with sunrise about half an hour later, I reckon I'd rather see than listen to birds in the dark for three hours but whatever floats your extremely chatty boat.

      Anyway, over a bottle of wine that night with Dave, Marika and her awful German mate, the bluntest woman I've literally ever met, it came out that West Virginia might be a giant fake, which is DELICIOUS. He was seen getting out of a taxi a few hundred metres from the albergue, then running the remainder to arrive puffed, before putting on a performance of massaging his calves in the kitchen. I was therefore thrilled to add to this lore by grabbing Marika in the dorm this morning and hissing that I'd spotted WV still here at 7am, wearing a head torch as if he was meant to leave at 4.30 but got held up.

      Mate, just chill out? Nobody cares if you get a taxi or leave when the rest of us do. To be honest nobody would have paid you a scrap of attention if you hadn't been such a flog about it all. I hope to catch him in the act at a later date.
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    • Hari 17

      Upskirting God

      8 April, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      There's an outrageously nice church in every single tiny town here, and the argument for having seen one having seen all does, to an extent, stack up, but the Burgos cathedral is a whopper. I got a pilgrim discount (slay) and spent two hours wandering around, looking up, and getting spun out about how perfect stuff from AGES ago still is.Baca lagi

    • Hari 8


      27 Julai 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Just an overnight stay here. We arrived at about 7:30 PM (with the sun still high in the sky), and after an 8:30 PM dinner, we went for a walk to see the cathedral. It only got dark a little after 10:00 PM.Baca lagi

    • Hari 3,122

      Burgos, Catedral

      8 Mac, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

      Die Kathedrale türmt sich wie ein Gebirge mitten in Burgos auf. Den Eindruck verstärkt, dass sie am Hang liegt. Wir besuchen später die Abendmesse und nehmen dadurch zufällig an einem Kreuzweg teil, der im Halbdunkel vom Kloster bis zum Hochaltar führt.Baca lagi

    • Hari 23

      Camino Day 13: Agés to Burgos

      24 Ogos 2023, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

      Total Distance: 16km
      Step Count: 33k
      Blisters to date: 2
      Tortillas to date: 14

      Today was a perfectly fun and jam packed day on the Camino. I started off walking at dawn again, as it was cooler outside than in during this heatwave. Soon into the walk, Jorge had caught up and we stopped to enjoy un “desayuno de campeones” at Bocateria San Miguel in Cardeñuela Riopico: tortilla con morcilla, batido de frutas (como en casa) y café. An absolute feast!

      After brekkie, we kept on walking hoping to find the alternate river route into Burgos and avoid a 6km stretch through an industrial zone (epic fail!). Instead of walking that horrendous stretch, we sat at the first bar we found (next to the bus stop), had a drink and waited for the bus into town. 🫣

      First stop in Burgos was the Cathedral square where we ran into Daniel and Ana and we shared a few beers together before they caught their bus back home. A few people were finishing their walks in Burgos so there were many celebratory beers in order!

      After sorting out our beds for the night, Jorge and I indulged in a Mexican lunch and a few more drinks before paying the Cathedral a proper visit. I didn’t know where to look when I was inside, so much to see. Even my neck hurt a bit from looking up so much! This is by far the most beautiful one I’ve seen so far in my life and a must see when in Burgos!

      Burgos also had a few cool laneways full of bars so we indulged in some wine and pintxos and then walked around town some more. We ended up at a bar next to the municipal albergue where we came across the European crew from the night before plus a lovely 20 year old boy from Austria super keen on learning Spanish who’d become part of my camino family for the next few days.

      It wasn’t a late one as the albergue closed its doors at 10:30. I’d also been convinced to have a rest day in town as there’d be theatre in the square so I’d be seeing everyone again the next evening except for Jorge who would leave around noon to go back home 😔
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    • Hari 15

      Burgos rest day

      16 April, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 46 °F

      195 miles done. 305 to go. 39% of the way.

      Rest day today in Burgos, Spain. Had breakfast and then toured the Cathedral. The immense wealth and treasures from hundreds of years ago was staggering. While walking on the Camino the past few days, I’ve been listening to the audiobook of Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett that explores the intertwined lives of a stonemason and his family and a monk who rises through the ranks in the church and their subsequent work together in building a cathedral in the 1100s. To be visiting cathedrals and envisioning the cultural and religious landscapes in the time which these cathedrals were being built is a great listening experience while on Camino. I’d read the book before, but it is much different listening and walking in the shadows of these magnificent buildings than simply reading the book back home.

      After the Cathedral, I spent a couple of hours at the Museum of Human Evolution. It was fascinating. Spain is home to some major archeological sites (Atapuerca being the chief among them, which is just outside Burgos). The way that scientists, in their various fields, have been able to piece together our ancestral beginnings and present them in an easy-to-navigate museum was a great learning opportunity. Highly recommend if you are ever in Burgos.

      Dinner was ahhhhmazing. I found a highly rated restaurant in all of Burgos, Restaurante Casa Ojeda (as far as fine dining is concerned because Burger King also had the same amount of stars).

      1. Vino Tinto (local house red wine)

      2. Sopa Castellana (Castilian Soup) Made with garlic, paprika, olive oil, and a boiled egg, garnished with pancetta, and served with crusty bread. If ever on death row, this would be a part of my final meal, just as an FYI.

      3. Confitado de Cordero con Risotto de Verdura (Lamb Confit with Vegetable Risotto) Tender lamb morsels wrapped in prosciutto with an earthy risotto that tempered the sweetness of the au jus.

      4. Esfera de Chocolate (Chocolate Sphere) White chocolate sphere that melted open by poured hot chocolate revealing a sphere of coffee ice cream on top of a toffee crumble.

      5. Vino de Postre (local dessert wine from Castillo y Leon)

      6. Cappuccino con Pastas Dulces (coffee with sweet pastries)

      66€ ($70.09) Crazy, right?!

      If you wonder how I have the time to write these posts, remember I have nothing better to do this entire month than drink cafe con leches, walk, eat, drink vino, and visit the occasional church or museum. Mucho tiempo libre!
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    • Hari 15

      Leaving Burgos

      16 April, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      After a lovely sleep and a cornflakes breakfast at the Airbnb we checked out and made our way out of town past the cathedral which was beautiful bathed in early morning light.

      The Camino wove out of town and into the countryside for 10km until our first stop. We all walked together but listening to our own music - it was like a silent disco Camino and I loved listening to the playlist E has made me.Baca lagi

    • Hari 15

      Impressionen entlang des Camino

      22 Januari, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Seit knapp 300 km begleitet uns der berühmte Pilgerweg, der häufig parallel zur Straße verläuft. In vielen großen und kleinen Orten begeistern uns die Kirchen und Klöster mit ihren ausgeschmückten Eingangsportale, die Szenen aus der Bibel darstellen. Angesichts dieser Erhabenheit der Gebäude kann man sich die Ergriffenheit eines Pilgers vorstellen, wenn er vor der monumentalen Kathedrale von Burgos steht.Baca lagi

    • Hari 18–19

      Burgos pt.2

      7 Jun, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      We stayed at the municipal Alburge it was very nice! Spent alot of time just walking the city and trying new foods. Also more cathedral pictures that I couldn’t fit in the other footprint

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