
    • 日7

      NACHT 6 (So) Sunrise und Hï Glitterbox

      2023年7月10日, スペイン ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Nach den ersten Vorglühdrinks geht es in die Sunrise Bar (wie immer) … allerdings war es ganz schon heiß heut Nacht

      Fabiano Goulart setzte uns auf die Gästeliste fürs Hï Ibiza Glitterbox und obwohl es anfänglich mir persönlich ein bissl zu voll sah, lichteten sich die Reihen ab ca 3 Uhr und endlich war Platz zum Tanzen…もっと詳しく

    • 日283

      Horsed into Ibiza Town

      2022年4月20日, スペイン ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Hard to know what else to call this day, what started out as a short 5nm motor to Ibiza Town turned into a crazy mornings weather.
      We knew the wind was forecast to be circa 15kts SW, gusting 20 or so...hugging the coastline we are just over a mile from the harbour entrance as the wind keeps picking up.
      20 kts... 25 kts... 30 kts.. 35.....
      White horses coming at us, our speed is dropping and the wind increasing, 1 mile now to the harbor mouth.
      Increase the revs, again, but speed still dropping, lee shore is only 500m away.
      50 kts gust comes through, her bow won't stay straight, feels like she's being smacked to port and starboard, it's half a mile to the entrance and then we can turn away from the weather.
      An alarm starts sounding, we can't figure out what it is, might be a DSC alarm from a nearby yacht, lots of traffic on the VHF.
      Turn off the VHF but still the alarm continues.
      Could be an engine overheating alarm, throttle back but alarm continues.. Can't slow down or could end up thrown onto the breakwater.
      Around us high speed ferries passing all the time. Meanwhile the alarm continues, Margaret goes on the helm while I try and hunt it down.
      No smoke from the engine room so that seems alright, but every time I look at the engine alarm panel the sound is louder..
      We clear the breakwater and turn into the harbour, now we can throttle back, still the alarm continues... Its loudest back where Margaret is at the helm, adjacent to the engine control panel. Suddenly we discover its AIS proximity alarms on Margarets and Ruby's phones ....no time to think about that, have to concentrate on finding our way into the marina, wind is 25kts plus and gusting, ferries passing each side of us.
      Directed to a berth but after two abortive passes decide we should try another option.
      Turn away to get into an upwind berth, start our approach and discover bow thruster has stopped working, maybe circuit breaker has tripped after the previous berthing efforts.
      Too late to turn back, committed now, have to go for it.
      Marinerios on the dock and in a rib are a welcome hand, plus the concerned neighbours we are trying to come in next to - Patpicha a boat who also wintered in Cartagena.
      Just as we get the dock lines on we see another Cartagena boat 'Kaoz' approaching the marina. They too encountered the 50 kt gusts and have a blown out headsail, plus the skippers wife has sustained a hand injury while trying to control the run away sail. On the radio they are requesting assistance, so the marinerios leave us and head over to them in their RIB.
      Makes us glad to be in and safe.
      We do a little tidy up and sit down for a snack and a drink, relief is certainly the sweetest emotion!
      The ibiza night clubs will have to wait... 24 hours anyway.. 😁
      The next morning we take a walk down to nearby Talamanca beach, just next to the port entrance. There we see the sad sight of two yachts which have been blown up onto the beach. Judging by their otherwise fresh appearance, it's probably fair to say the same storm accounted for them too..

    • 日5

      Freitag Nacht - Sunrise vs David Guetta

      2022年7月2日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Ja, da musste man eine Entscheidung treffen… doch am Ende sind alle glücklich geworden in dieser Nacht ✨

      🌙Torsten, Marcus, Meli, Flo G, Flo S, Francisco trafen sich mit David Guetta
      🌙Sascha, Sonja und Annika nutzen die Nacht - jede/r auf seine/ihre Art
      🌙Christoph, Melody, Jojo und Isa führten tiefe Gespräche im Sunrise… und so weiter 💫

      Viele Fotos gibt es von dieser Nacht allerdings nicht… nur Erinnerungen…🤭

    • 日2

      Pride kick off

      2023年6月9日, スペイン ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Delicious dinner near our hotel and then a wander closer to the Port part of town. Many very insistent Hosts for restaurants enticing us to come eat and drink. "Free shots," haha, do we really look like that crowd?

      The skinny streets of Carrer de la Mare de Déu, is the gay area. A few places had the music pumping! We found a restaurant near the end, and out of the way a bit, to enjoy some sangrias!

      Awake past our usual bed time and into the early hours of Saturday, we went to sleep with a few thousand steps of walking credit on our smart watches 🚶 😴🛌 With thin walls at our hotel, and clubbers retuning at the break of dawn we enjoyed earplugs to ensure a good sleep.

    • 日504

      D'Alt Vila - Altstadt von Ibiza

      4月10日, スペイン ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Die Altstadt von Ibiza liegt auf einem Hügel und man muss durch enge, schöne Gassen gehen, um bis nach noch oben zu kommen, wo die Kathedrale María de la Nieve (María vom Schnee) steht und man einen tollen Blick über das UNESCO Weltkulturerbe hat.もっと詳しく

    • 日141

      Sant Antoni de Portmany + Ibiza Stadt

      2023年8月31日, スペイン ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Auf Ibiza verbrachten wir die meiste Zeit in dem Örtchen Sant Antoni de Portmany. Vorallem abends wurde es lebendiger, war es tagsüber aufgrund der Temperaturen am Pool oder Strand einfach gemütlicher. Man kann hier wunderbar shoppen, essen oder einfach feiern gehen.

      Bei einem kleiner Ausflug nach Ibiza-Stadt machten wir uns auf den Weg durch die Altstadt mit den vielen kleinen Gassen hinauf zur Kathedrale. Eventuell war es nicht die allerbeste Idee, das zur Mittagszeit anzugehen. Oben angekommen konnten wir einen wirklich schönen Ausblick genießen, waren aber auch ordentliche geschafft.

      Nach 4 Tagen intensiven Urlaubens ging es für uns dann aber auch schon weiter, nicht zurück zum Flughafen sondern mit der Fähre zurück auf’s Festland.

    • 日3

      Eivissa 1

      2022年9月5日, スペイン ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute sind wir mit dem Bus nach Eivissa, der Hauptstadt von Ibiza gefahren. Bus fahren ist super einfach und total günstig.
      Wir haben erstmal die Festung erkundet und uns anschließend in den Bann der Hippies ziehen lassen.もっと詳しく

    • 日5

      Dalt Villa (old town Ibiza)

      2023年6月12日, スペイン ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Exploring the city today. Our initial errand of purchasing a Vodafone SIM was postponed as their store was out of stock!! No other stores seem to sell them.

      A walk through part of Dalt Villa, this time during daylight. I enjoyed the smaller crowds. Then a longer walk down to Ushuaïa Ibiza
      (/uːˈswaɪ.ə/) to see if they crank the tunes loud enough to enjoy on the beach (without paying entry) 🤗 It was a mildly enjoyable experience at 7pm. They are an earlier club (5-11pm), so by 8pm the lineup was pretty impressive.

      **in the plane video, watch woman in lower right doing some weird yoga squat action. 😂

      Restaurante Guillemis caught our eye for dinner. Their outdoor seating area back from the street 30', with a garden feel. We shared a Buffalo Burrata salad and the Lamb Shoulder. The bread and olives came with a very garlicy cheese spread 🧄. J thought it was great to walk home after the filling meal.

    • 日20

      We’re going to Ibiza

      2022年9月1日, スペイン ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Ever since Jason decided that he wanted to go to Ibiza for his birthday, he has had the Vengaboys' song “We’re going to Ibiza” in his head and has had it on high rotation. Finally, we were on our way to Ibiza for a party in the Mediterranean sea. But before we took off from Málaga, I popped by the trendy Barbershop around the corner from our accommodation to get a new hairdo. Refreshed with a very Latino cut – a zero to three fade – we were on our way to Ibiza.

      We got to the airport with plenty of time to spare, despite Jason panicking that we were going to be late. But the spare time was quickly eaten up, as we queued for over 45 minutes to check in, even though we had already checked in online. We had forgotten how painful it was to fly budget Vueling.

      As soon as we hit the ground in Ibiza, the party started. We had tickets to see Martin Garrix at Ushuaïa, a well-known club in Ibiza where almost all partygoers hang. We quickly realised that navigating the island may not be as easy as we first thought. Essentially, taxis are the most efficient way to get around. Ride share doesn’t exist, so you are at the mercy of the traditional taxi service. This proved more difficult to find as the hordes decended on any taxi that came by. Jason approached two French girls outside of our hotel and they happened to be going to Ushuaïa too. So we tagged along.

      As we pulled into Ushuaïa, a guy came up to us and asked if we could change a 20-euro note. Twenty minutes later, after we entered Ushuaïa, we caught sight of him. He was obviously under the influence of something more than a mojito or margarita. He’d taken off his shirt, had his eyes closed, and it looked like he was trying to keep imaginary walls from falling down, as he made small pulsing motions in the air. Now we know why he needed change.

      Prior to arriving at Ushuaïa, the club sent us the dress code. Guys couldn't enter shirtless or wear a vest. All the steroid gym bunnies were told to put on their shirts by security. But strangely enough women could wear next to nothing. Women wearing short shorts and bra tops dotted the landscape of the club. In front of us, one woman, who appeared to have had butt implants, wore a pair of denim shorts that covered a millimetre of her bum and the rest of the material had disappeared up her clacker. To quote the John Waters’ film 'Cry Baby': "hysterectomy pants I call them." The butt implants were obviously done to help distribute some of the weight from her breast augmentation, otherwise she would have toppled over. I'm not slut shaming her; it's just interesting the double standards when it comes to objectifying different genders.

      It became obvious that superficial appearances mattered more on the island. Faces filled with botox and fillers and that was just the Zoomers/Gen-Z in the audience at Ushuaïa. Influencers have marketed Ibiza and presented an idealised version. In reality, it is tired, overpriced and overrated. A bottle of water at Ushuaïa cost 12€ (AU$16) for a 300-millilitre bottle, while beer went for 15€ and basic spirits for 19€. Still, we enjoyed our time there.

      After a night out, we spent the next day exploring the old town. We sweltered, as Jason continued his quest for shade and a cool place to rest. Maybe it's the paws – the man-o-pause.

      The following night, we had tickets to Calvin Harris. As experienced Ushuaïa partygoers, we knew what to expect and teamed up with two girls from the Dominican Republic and Ecuador (but now live in Miami, Florida). This wouldn’t be the last time that we would see the girls.

      As we stood listening to the music, waiting for Calvin Harris to come on, three Scottish girls, Kylie, Amber Cornell and Tricia, weaved their way to our patch of the club. Kylie was a little vertically challenged and needed some assistance to see the stage. Jason let Kylie in front of us and this sparked the beginning of a new friendship. Kylie thought Jason was a hot Jason Donovan. Together they are Kylie and Jason - their rendition of Especially for You will be in stores for Christmas. Kylie then turned to me and said in her thick Scottish accent, “and you’re hot too. You're both handsome". I’m sure the soft lighting helped. Needless to say, we now have a "penpal" and a crew we can call on when we are in Edinburgh.

      The night soon came to a close and we had to make our way home. The Thursday expedition back from Ushuaïa was relatively painless. We had left 5 minutes prior to closing and were able to snatch the first taxi that came our way. The Friday night expedition didn’t go as well. As we left the club, the line at the taxi rank was already snaking around the corner. We filed to the end of the line and waited as it slowly moved.

      After about 30 minutes waiting in line, Jason saw the girls from the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. We bolted as fast as we could and they allowed us to catch a ride with them. Then came the slow ride home. The roads became a carpark as we came to a dead halt, moving only ever so slightly every few minutes. A trip that would normally take 10-15 minutes took 45 minutes. We probably could have walked home, but who knows where we would have ended up.

      Over the next few days we slowed the pace a little as we recovered from the 48-hour intermittent party. For Jason’s birthday, he was treated to some fine dining at La Torreta, a Spanish restaurant serving modern, Mediterranean fusion cuisine. Opening with a couple of cocktails, this was followed up with an artistically presented entrée and a tasty main to die for.

      All was going along as planned until drama struck us on our final morning in Ibiza. Jason had already gotten up when all of sudden the fire alarms sounded. At first, we thought it must have been some drunken shenigans. When the alarms didn't stop, I started to think maybe this wasn't a drill. The emergency exit had opened and I followed it to the bottom until I reached a passage that was blocked with bikes. Then I looked around the corner and I could see and smell smoke. It looked like I couldn't get out so I backtracked to get Jason. Before leaving the hotel room, we could hear people outside yelling there’s a fire. Within a few minutes, the police and fire brigade arrived. After a hour, the fire had been extinguished and we could re-enter the hotel. It was scary to think of what could have happened if it was a bigger fire.

      We can only hope that the drama doesn’t follow us.

      Next stop: Maspalomas, Gran Canaria.

    • 日10


      2023年10月23日, スペイン ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

      Wir verladen unseren Tiguan heute zum vierten und letzten Mal von Ibiza nach Denia. Dabei benutzen wir dieselbe Fähre wie auf der Fahrt von Mallorca nach Ibiza, mit dem Unterschied, dass das Wetter heute sonnig und warm ist und wir uns auf der Heckterrasse niederlassen. Dabei bemerke ich, dass die Fähre „Eleanor Roosevelt“ der Gesellschaft Balearia mit Flüssigerdgas (LNG) angetrieben wird und nicht über den normalen Propellerantrieb verfügt, sondern über 4 Wasserstrahldüsen (Jet-Antrieb). Wasser wird eingesaugt und mit hoher Geschwindigkeit ausgestossen. Dies erzeugt den Vortrieb. Wasserdüsen bieten eine ausgezeichnete Manövrierfähigkeit, da der Schub in verschiedene Richtungen gesteuert werden kann, was schnelle Wendungen und präzise Bewegungen ermöglicht. Ich habe dies so zum ersten Mal erstaunt erlebt und sogar einen kurzen Video darüber gemacht.

      Nachdem wir Ibiza verlassen und am markanten Felsen Es Vedra vorbeigefahren sind, erreichen wir das Festland und die Stadt Denia nach gut zwei Stunden Überfahrt. Die Mauern eines Kastells dominieren einen Hügel am Hafen. Wir fahren dann weiter, dem Meer entlang nach Xabia, wo wir in einem originellen thailändischen Strandrestaurant Halt machen. Nach Moraira ist schon bald der bekannte Felsen von Calpe sichtbar.

      Calpe liegt zwischen Valencia und Alicante an der Costa Blanca. Der Ort ist ein sehr beliebtes Touristenziel und viele Schweizer und auch andere Ausländer verbringen hier ihren Lebensabend (siehe auch den morgigen Text!). Das Wahrzeichen von Calpe ist der 332 m hohe Felsen „Penyal d’Ifac“. Er ist mit einem schmalen Landstreifen mit dem Festland verbunden und steht unter Naturschutz. Es existiert ein Wanderweg bis zum Gipfel (nächstes Mal muss ich wohl meine Wanderschuhe mitnehmen!).
      Wir fahren durch die Stadt zu unserem Hotel „Sol y Mar“, wo wir ein tolles Zimmer mit Meersicht erhalten. Nach dem Willkommenstrunk erforscht Christine das schöne Boulevard entlang des Meeres, währenddem ich einen Strandlauf unternehme und mich im Schwimmbad des Hotels erlabe.
      Der Abend bricht bald heran, gegen 19:00 h wird es dunkel - Zeit zum Abendessen.


    Ibiza, Eivissa


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