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    • Day 15

      The Food, though

      June 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 68 °F

      I'm a Camino anomaly in that I think I've gained a few lbs despite walking so much.

      The food here is amazing. Just.... Amazing.

      I would like to eat 5 meals/day.

      Also notable: the churches. I suppose that being on the oldest religious pilgrimage in Europe I should expect an abundance of churches... But even the "not an official stop" towns have these massive/opulent houses of worship.

      I'm enjoying the artistic beauty very much.

      Navarette is home to Don Jacobo organic wine. We had a bottle of their 2019 crianza tonight.... Wow! And in a fancy restaurant the two of us enjoyed a 3 course meal w wine for 65€.

      Delighted. I am delighted.
      Tomorrow I plan to visit a meadery en route to a comfy peivate room. It's important to take the occasional self-care night.
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    • Day 15

      Day 11: Viana to Navarrete

      May 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Mileage: 14.75
      Altitude gain: 1,109
      Altitude loss: 915
      Weather: mostly warm and sunny. A few drops at one point, and it thundered nearby once we got to Navarrete, but overall great.
      Total mileage: 111.25

      We left Viana in another crisp morning. We spent a good chunk of the morning walking through the city of Logroño. It was mostly just very city-like but we walked through a great park as we left the city - tons of trails, picnic areas, a fishing pond. Lots of people out enjoying their Sundays!

      We climbed into Navarette (again with lots of hills today) and arrived at our destination at 3. We stood there stupidly for a while because we couldn’t find our hostel. A nice local stopped to ask if he could help, and when we showed him the hostel name, he said, “Oh, that’s been closed for seven years!” There is a bar and restaurant right where we thought it should be, and this man went in to ask. It turns out that the owners, who are Romanian, just opened last week! We had a good laugh about the adventure. We’re in a room over the restaurant, where we had a really nice if rich dinner.

      1. Forest leading into Logroño
      2. Bridge over the Ebro as we walked into Logroño
      3. Yellow Brick Road!
      4. Iglesia de Santiago el Real in Logroño
      5. Oh, no worries. I am.
      6. Looking back over Logroño with the park pond.
      7. HUGE bull cut out looking out advertising maybe a winery. We’re in Rioja country now, so lots of that happening. Wineries and advertising, not bulls.
      8. Navarrete as we approached
      9. The view from the terrace at our hostel. Nice to watch the clouds and rain roll in elsewhere while we safely waited for our laundry to dry!
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    • Day 14

      God loves us

      September 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      We walked through Rioja wine country today and ended up in a sleepy little artist town of Ventosa. There we walked to a little winery and had some of the best wine I've ever had. We were very fortunate in that the winery was closed & hosting a UK distributor but they agreed to let us hang out and taste their wines anyway. The Garnarcha has only had two vintages because of the challenge of weather but this 2013 might be the best wine I've ever had. Only 300 bottles in production at 25€ per bottle. We left with two bottles - fancy and cheap - to enjoy tonight and in the coming days.

      What a gift after a long walk to find refuge and nurturing in the simple act of generous hospitality.
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    • Day 17

      Clay day

      June 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Yesterday was rock day. Today was clay day. I’ve attached a photo from both days to show the difference.

      Today was difficult in a different way. Yesterday’s thunderstorm had really stirred up the clay, making many parts of our Camino slippery and mucky. I very nearly went down in the mud several times, and even Sean stumbled once or twice. Graciously, he went ahead, often showing the safest way through and several times offering me a hand over the most treacherous parts. We got through safely without making any “mud angels.”Read more

    • Day 11

      9. Tag: Logroño - Najera

      August 12, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nachdem wir uns gestern von Francisco und Alicia verabschieden mussten, spielen meine Emotionen heute früh verrückt, den gerade mit diesen beiden habe ich in den vergangenen Tagen sehr viel Zeit verbracht. Beide symbolisieren verschiedene Themen, die auch in meinem Leben wichtig/ problematisch sind. Und durch die wirklich offenen Gespräche mit den beiden Spaniern/in wird mir mal wieder bewusst, das ich mit meinen Problemen, Gefühlen und Gedanken keineswegs alleine bin. sondern, dass eine Vielzahl von Menschen ganz ähnliche Probleme und Ansichten hat. Ich weiß die offenen Gespräche, die Ansichten und den ein oder anderen Perspektivwechsel sehr zu schätzen. Außerdem ist es mit Francisco so herrlich einfach zu lachen. Aus diesem Grund hängt meine Laune heute einfach durch. Irgendwie fühl ich mich etwas verloren und entschließe dessen heute alleine zu laufen und mich nur in den Pausen den anderen anzuschließen.

      So gehe ich also die ersten 24 km erst mal alleine um den Kopf frei zu bekommen.
      Nach der letzten Pause fragt mich Matteo ob ich die restliche Strecke mit ihm gehen möchte. Er hat Schmerzen auf Grund einer alten Verletzung und braucht ein wenig Ablenkung. Ich hatte bislang noch nicht oft die Gelegenheit mich mit ihm zu unterhalten, da auch er ziemlich auf Francisco und Alicia fixiert war. Vermutlich fühlt auch er sich ohne die beiden heute einfach einsam.
      Und was soll ich sagen, dieser Mann trifft mich mit seinen Worten mitten ins Herz. Er spricht über sich selbst und beschreibt dabei meine eigenen Gedanken und Gefühle besser als ich selbst sie je in Worte hätte fassen können. Ich habe fast das Gefühl, das ich mich selbst besser verstehe, indem ich ihm zuhöre. Das mag kitschig klingen, aber so ist es.

      Die Strecke verläuft relativ eben und ist vom
      Weinanbau geprägt.
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    • Day 14

      Navarrete to Najera

      May 3, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Hola from Najera, Spain! I left the Albergue at around 0715 this morning...first stop...a cafe for breakfast. After a breakfast of fresh squeezed orange juice, coffee and a ham & cheese croissant and a stop at the town fountain to fill my water bottle...I was off. The hike to Najera was blustery and partly sunny....a bit cold but I am prepared for any weather so not a problem. The hike took me through mostly vineyards but did add the occasional path with a never ending hill just to remind you who is the boss. I arrived in Najera around 1pm and stopped into a cafe for lunch...a chorizo & egg bocadillo and a coke. I arrived in town and decided to get a small hotel instead of an albergue. A hotel is more expensive but you have a private room and a bathroom instead of a bunk room and shared facilities in an albergue. Also, albergues have lots of rules...lights out at 10pm..lights on at 7am...bunk rooms, so it is difficult to sleep...that type of thing. My hotel tonight is the best yet...a great room and bed and a bathtub! Heaven on the Camino! Tomorrow I set out for Santo Domingo...a 14 mile hike. That’s all from Najera for now...hope all is well!Read more

    • Day 20

      Another day walked - now in Navarrete

      September 11, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      We have had a lovely, not too demanding walk to Navarrete this morning. I say this morning because we arrived here a bit before 11.30! It was a pleasant route, taking about an hour just to get out of Logroño, but mostly through parks - not too much of boring city outskirts. Logroño is quite large - it is the capital of the Rioja, but you don’t realise when mainly staying in the old historic centre.

      We still see mountains surrounding, but there was only one gradual rise today, and many vineyards in their red earth, and always olives trees. We passed the famous bull - a huge replica that appears on the skyline (equivalent to the big banana etc maybe)....your see it for miles in every direction.

      Then before we knew it, there was Navarrete on a hill in the distance. Last time we just walked straight through, though I do remember the little Plaza Mayor with its trees and water fountain, as we still had a further 17 kms to go to get to Najera. Thankfully today Navarrete was our destination, and we sat at a bar and had a fresh OJ, heaven as usual, and then went to the hotel. No one seemed to be around, and it was early, so we went off for a bit and went up a huge set of stairs to a park on the very top of the town with a 360° panoramic view....could even see the bull in the distance! We sat in the shade up there for a while, listening to a podcast of Outsiders that Amr had on his phone! Then finally went back to the hotel, rang a very loud bell, and a young, friendly, skinny girl appeared who spoke in rapid Spanish ....fortunately Amr got the gist and we got checked in and found that dinner is in the restaurant that has its entrance outside on a lower level...this town is totally on a hill and very charming.

      Our room is spacious and airy. Amr couldn’t make the shower work (this is a daily IQ test - actually sometimes they are straightforward) so he had a bath....I will try my skill later. Now we are at a bar, having a bocadillo and a glass of wine to keep us going till dinner. And we found that 2 Canadian women we had talked to, but lost in the melee of Logroño, are in the same hotel and we may have dinner together tonight. Very peaceful.
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    • Day 16

      Azofra - Municipal Albergue

      September 23, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      We are rocking this Camino! We've walked every step of the last 124.6 miles and we have 370 miles to Santiago. We had breakfast in our albergue and then headed out with a beautiful sunrise to send us off. We stopped in Najera for a bathroom break with pinchos. We continued on to Azofra and got a room at the Municipal Albergue. Two beds to each room and a foot pool as the crowning point so we're happy!

      ¡Estamos fabulosas este camino! Hemos caminado cada paso de las últimas 124.6 millas y tenemos 370 millas hasta Santiago. Desayunamos en nuestro albergue y luego salimos con un hermoso amanecer para despedirnos. Nos detuvimos en Nájera para tomar un descanso, usar el baño, y comer pinchos. Continuamos hacia Azofra y conseguimos una habitación en el Albergue Municipal. Dos camas para cada habitación y una piscina para pies como punto de coronación, ¡así que estamos felices!
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    • Day 8

      Viana to Navarrete (22.8 km)

      April 25, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Much easier walk today - mostly flat and walked through some beautiful park land. I got off to a bit of a late start and was on my own (without another pilgrim in sight) the whole walk. A bit surreal, but I got to Navarrete with only a couple of missteps. Passed into the region of La Rioja and walked through the city of Lagrono. After my planned day tomorrow I will have walked over 130 km in 6 days. At this point my body is not very happy,with blisters popping up and a pulled something in my left buttock and leg (from day 1). My upper back aches today for the first time and I'm moving like an old lady (no comments from the peanut gallery pls 🤨). Considering changing up my plan and going with an option B - we'll see what tomorrow brings I guess.Read more

    • Day 10

      Day 10: To Navarette

      May 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Today's hike was basically like a Sunday walk in the park. Actually, much of it was exactly that. We left Viana about 7:30 this morning and made our way out a city gate on the way to Logroño and then on to Navarette. Before we got to the outskirts of Logroño we passed a little roadside stand that sold fruit and coffee (yea!) and offered to stamp our credentials.

      One of the most important items all pilgrims on the camino carry is their “Pilgrims Passport” or “Credential”. It’s a simple accordion folded card that you get before you start and then get stamped where you sleep and many other places. It grants you access to the inexpensive albergues (hostels), cheap pilgrim meals and proves where you walked if you want a Compostelle of distance certificate in Santiago.

      Logroño is a pretty big city, so we ended up taking a good while to just get through the downtown area and make our way out of the city. As you’re leaving, you enter a park that goes on for ever and ever and ever. Long hike and bike trails along with a lake and a restaurant.
      It was great seeing all the locals out enjoying the space.
      Most locals would smile and say “Buen Camino” as they passed. My favorites were a little boy about 7 years old that said a big friendly “Buen Camino” as he passed on his tiny bike with his parents on their bikes, and an elderly Spanish gentleman that managed to communicate to me in Spanish that he had done two Camino’s in his younger years.
      Finally, we made it to where we could see our next destination, Navarrete before we made our way up the hill to the town.

      Although today's hike was fairly flat, it was long (24k or about 16 miles) and we were beat by the time we made it to our room. After a little break we did laundry and hung it on our balcony to dry, and then walked around town and checked out the (incredible and I’m not a “religious” person.) cathedral. Afterwards we went to the bar that’s directly across from our Hostal and ordered a couple of glasses of wine.

      One cool tidbit about Spain; when you order wine at a bar, they give you free Pincho’s (a lite snack) with your wine. The total cost for the two glasses of wine and pincho’s; 3€ ($3.25). I could get used to that…
      Now even though it’s not yet 9pm, we’re in bed listening to the music drifting into our room from the bar across the street and ready to drift off to sleep.
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    Navarrete, 26370

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