Nogais, As

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    • Dag 31

      Day 31

      23 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      How can I possibly be on day 31!!
      In my tiredness last night I think I forgot to mention getting stung on the head by a wasp 🐝!!!!
      It was REALLY sore.. but I knew I’d been stung by both bees and wasps before and wasn’t going to have a reaction… so… it was basically just a case of.. yes, it’s incredibly sore.. but ..only start worrying if it hasn’t eased off in 24 hours 😬😬
      It was still uncomfortable this morning, but so much better and had gone by lunchtime.. phew 😥
      I know I’m starting to sound really boring and repetitive.. but… another fab walk today with stunning views, scenery etc.,
      Although it was a “ downhill “ day today, there were a few seriously impressive ( but short ) climbs. Did I mention I love hills🤪..

      As I was staying outside of O’Cebreiro I had to wait for the taxi to come and get me this morning, meaning I was nearly an hour later setting off..
      I met my three Irish Ladies at ..I can’t remember, but a popular photo spot , they offered to take my picture and I took theirs… they are absolutely fantastic and I already want to adopt them as my grandparents.. until I remember I’m probably not that much younger than them 😬🥴🥴
      In fact I met lots of people again today, possibly because I set off late.. but I’m still uncomfortable being so much quicker than them all ..
      Today’s destination..Triacastela had THE best food I’ve had the whole Camino.. the pilgrims menu would be fabulous in any fancy restaurant!!
      Well.. tomorrow puts me into my final week..I’m really excited about going home , but also a little bit sad about my journey/adventure ending, more about that next Friday I’m sure …
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    • Dag 37

      Day 35 - To Biduedo

      13 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Day 35 - To Biduedo
      24 kms; Difficulty

      Today was the final BIG ascent! Glad that’s behind me. It was pretty darn tough in spots. But there was also a few short trails through the bush which were very pretty. The payoff for the hard work of ascending is the beautiful views!

      The countdown begins!
      I will be in Santiago in
      6 days. I have 640 km behind me, 160 to go. And I have to say I’m looking forward to it. The trail, as beautiful and amazing as it is, is tough. It causes a lot of wear and tear on the body and the soul. And I’m getting tired! ❤️
      The last three pictures are where I’m staying tonight. Casa Quiroga in Biduedo. Population 31!
      Very foggy tonight!!
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    • Dag 31


      17 juni 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Okay I've seen couples with babies, I've seen people with horses and horses carriages, I've seen people with dogs and just when I thought I have seen it all....
      Gulio is from Italy an he started in Leon 😲
      He claims that it hurts for him to walk on his 2 feet but he is perfectly fine on stilts...
      Yes he did work in the circus
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    • Dag 29

      Etappe 24 - Fonfria 2

      10 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Habe jetzt eine kurze Pause in Fonfria eingelegt. Mittagessen besteht heute aus Reis und Muscheln - mal etwas ganz anderes.
      Da nun noch Dauerregen eingesetzt hat, beschließe ich in der Alberque A Reboleira mir ein Zimmer zu nehmen.
      Bedingt durch den Poncho, bin ich nicht nur außen sondern auch innen völlig naß.
      Alles hängt nun im Badezimmer zum trocknen, ich versuche Schlaf nachzuholen und gehe heute Abend mit den anderen Pilgern in der Auberge in den Rundbau zum Pilgermenü.
      Setze meine Wanderung morgen mit hoffentlich besserem Wetter fort.
      Heute Nachmittag kam die Sonne wieder hinter den Wolken hervor.
      Gerade gab es ein leckeres Pilgermenü. So viel Alkohol (Bier und Wein) wie in den vergangenen Wochen habe ich noch nie getrunken.
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    • Dag 25

      Albergue (the best on the Caminos)

      10 augusti 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      The best albergue on any Camino, hands down. Vegetarian and gluten free dinner, amazing(!) hosts, and it’s so comfortable and warm, I don’t want to leave.

      Outside a thunderstorm rattles the landscape, inside laughter and happiness. A true mountain hut feeling of warmth and shelter.Läs mer

    • Dag 31


      17 juni 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Capella de San Pedro

      Desayuno numero duo
      Awesome Salamanca a tun and
      Actually had a darn good tasting homemade Torta de Queso

      Marie from Germany and I are goofing around with pig sculpture

      L -R: a gentleman from Germany whose name unfortunately escapes me
      Lisl from Netherlands, Ducho from Italy, Chico's Dad also from Germany

      And then I was treated to a cow crossing The Way
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    • Dag 22–23

      Day 21 Trabadelo - Fonfria

      17 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      30.1 km (627.6 km from the start). 2320 Calories. 39000 steps. 6t 10min on the road. 5.7 km/h

      Great hostel last night. Family owned (with 3 kids and 3 dogs). Total chaos but extremely friendly. Super clean rooms and fantastic home made dinner.

      Unfortunately - 9 other pilgrims came from Austria, Germany and Holland - and they all spoke German. No pilgrim solidarity - I thanked our hosts for nice dinner and my fellow pilgrims for nice company - some irony was used 😂

      Today stage was BRUTAL. Third highest mountain on Camino was on the menu - and what a challenge it was. 1329m going up and 622m going down. The ascent was extremely demanding and sometimes even dangerous.

      Anyway - I walked 5.7 km/h - my body is well oiled machine and I am taking last 5 days without any issues. Still an amazing experience
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    • Dag 32

      Fonfria to Pintin

      22 juni, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      I was lucky enough to sleep very well after our long day so was ready to get up before the alarm went off at 6.30.
      The weather couldn’t be more different to today. Yesterday clear blue skies, cool air but very warm sun. Today, mist and cloud to the extent that I had to wear my poncho until we got to Triacastela, when the sun began to emerge and I began to warm up.
      Despite the cloud it was a beautiful walk down to Triacastela- felt rather dream like in the mist. I stopped for coffee in a lovely albergue in Filoval where the speciality was homemade cheesecake. I am now really regretting that I didn’t have this - I don’t usually eat cake type things so early - and instead had a tortilla, very large and just too much so l I’m finally tortillad out! (Happened much sooner last year!).
      On down into Triacastela, past the extraordinary 800 year old chestnut tree (still alive and doing well with an 8m circumference trunk). I am imagining all the things that tree has seen and am in awe.
      Triacastela is a funny town in my experience. Last year struggled to find somewhere open for coffee. This year had a very grumpy supermarket experience - first time I’ve really experienced that sort of hostility to pilgrims on the camino.
      So I was pleased to leave fairly quickly and move on towards our destination of Pintin. A new place for me as last year we did the Samos route to Sarria. The ‘main route’ which we are doing this year is shorter but much steeper than the Samos route so it was quite a hard hike out of Triacastela and then another long down after reaching the top at San Xil de Carballo.
      The path was mainly through woods with beautiful views across the countryside from time to time. There was a fab donativo food place about half way between Triacastela and Pintin - part of a yoga/meditation place - which made up for the rubbish supermarket experience (see picture).
      Then on to Pintin (strange name) where the albergue seems fine and thank goodness does food (was worried there wouldn’t be anything to eat til supper time). So had a cheese sandwich and chips - my staple on the camino. Ryan and Kyle are here too so sat with them while eating.
      Have now showered and done loads of washing, hoping that it will dry in the laundry room or on the rather alarming out the window washing line (not sure what will happen if my stuff drops off as it’s a precipitous drop and not sure how I’d access it). It was all so dirty the water in the basin was brown as soon as I put each thing in.
      Not sure I’ll need supper after my big lunch but will probably need something.
      Did eat supper - and not a small one - first pizza of the camino with roasted vegetables. Also a glass of Bierzo white wine.
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    • Dag 8

      Vega de Valcarce - Fonfria (23,8km)

      17 juli 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Nach fast der Hälfte unseres gesamten Weges, welcher durch die Region Castilla y León führte, passierten wir heute den Grenzstein nach Galicia. Bis dorthin stand uns ein steiler Aufstieg bevor: Knapp 700 Höhenmeter waren durch verwunschene Wälder zu bewältigen, bis wir die Nebelschwaden endlich hinter uns liessen und in ein kleines, von der Sonne geküsstes Dörfchen gelangten. Dort zmörgelten wir. Einen Tisch links von uns sass Dennis aus Lippstadt, den wir gestern in unserer Herberge kennengelernt haben und von dem wir schwer beeindruckt sind. Der Grund: Dennis läuft am Tag ca. 56 km und ist drauf und dran, den ganzen (!) Camino Frances (900 km) in 16 Tagen zu absolvieren. Und das leicht bepackt (siehe Fotos).
      Ein paar Kilometer weiter erreichten wir das mystische Dörfchen O Cebreiro, ein Highlight auf dem Camino. Die Häuser sind ganz aus Bruchsteinen gebaut, Pallozas genannt. Kelt-iberische, mit Stroh gedeckte Rundhäuser. So sind sie dem Klima angepasst, sie ducken sich gewissermassen vor dem Wind.
      Obwohl dieses schöne Dörfchen unser Tagesziel war, entschieden wir uns aufgrund der frühen Ankunft (bereits um 11 Uhr) weiterzuziehen und bis Fonfria zu wandern. Ein Bauerndörfchen mit einer schönen Herberge namens 'A Reboleira', wo wir heute übernachten werden.
      Morgen geht es ausnahmsweise weiter mit dem Fahrrad, da Nora seit dem ersten Tag zwei grosse Blasen plagen und diese ein wenig abheilen müssen. So sind wir trotzdem unterwegs und erleben eine Tagesetappe des Camino einmal auf eine andere Art!
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    • Dag 1

      Von DUS nach OPO mit EW

      11 juni, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Heute heißt es früh aufstehen und Anreise zum DUS Flughafen. Unser 🚗 wird für uns geparkt, wir lieben mittlerweile diesen VALET Parkservice. Die Wartezeit bei EW hält sich in Grenzen, so dass noch Zeit für einen Mc Cafe bleibt. Der Flieger ist ausgebucht und wir überqueren Frankreich und Spanien mit einem nahezu wolkenfreien Himmel und einer fantastischen Sicht auf das Land unter uns. Ich stelle wieder einmal fest, wie sehr ich das Fliegen liebe und ein wenig Demut kommt auf.Läs mer

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