Picasso Museum

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    • Day 2

      Das Museum von Pablo Picasso

      October 2, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Auf dem Weg zurück zum Auto gabs noch zwei Ziele. Das Museum von Pablo Picasso und Starbucks. Der Grund das es hier ein Museum von Pablo Picasso gibt ist, dass er hier geboren wurde. Er ist einer der berühmtesten Söhne Spaniens und wurde in Málaga am 25. Oktober 1881 geboren, verbrachte in dem Haus in Málaga gemeinsam mit seinen Eltern seine ersten Lebensjahre. Später zog er nach Galizien, Paris und letztlich in die Provence. Sein Geburtshaus haben wir nicht besucht, am Museum sind wir jedoch vorbei. In dem Museum befinden sich mehr als 200 seiner Kunstwerke! Auch das Gebäude mit dem Turm indem sich das Museum befindet ist sehr schön. Die Kunstwerke im Inneren sicher noch mehr, dafür wollten wir uns jedoch nicht die Zeit nehmen, auch wenn es sicherlich interessant wäre. Zudem befindet sich ein großer Teil seines Werks im Picasso-Museum in Barcelona, auch wenn hier dennoch sehr viel zu sehen ist. Da wir aber nichts von Kunst verstehen wäre der Eintritt einfach zu teuer, also ging’s weiter Richtung Auto. Auf dem Rückweg haben wir uns dann noch einen Starbucks Frappuccino geteilt. Glücklich nach einem sehr schönen Tag im wirklich tollen Málaga ging’s dann wieder knapp eine Stunde nach Hause, wo wir dann den Tag mit einem kleinen Snack und fernsehen ausklingen lassen haben. Mit 18.300 Schritten (13,36 Kilometer) waren wir auch heute wieder bei sehr angenehmen Wetter ordentlich unterwegs und schlussendlich am Abend auch sehr müde. Frühzeitig hieß es dann schlafen gehen, bevor es dann morgen los geht auf unsere zweite Tour. Dieses Mal nach Gibraltar und somit das zweite Land in diesem Urlaub. Wir freuen uns schon riesig! Jetzt aber erst mal schlafen. Gute Nacht Spanien!Read more

    • Day 98

      Kunst Tour in Malaga

      October 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      4 Museen an einem Tag😂aber ganz Phantastisch. Picasso, Thyssen, Pompidou und Neue Kunst

    • Day 17

      Málaga Teil 2

      January 21 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten

    • Day 12

      Museo Picasso

      August 7, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Making use of the morning to visit the Museo Picasso while las primas (or better "las tías") were taking the kids shopping. We saw the Picasso collection and a temporary exhibition: Miquel Barceló. Metamorphosis.Read more

    • Day 40


      February 8, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      After spending an amazing 40 days in Espana we paused to reflect on the experience.

      People - Generally they were very friendly and helpful. Spaniards are very attractive with their dark hair and olive coloured skin tone. They are a fun-loving people and enjoy eating, drinking (beer is the most popular beverage), shopping, and singing. Despite the party atmosphere in the evenings we never witnessed public drunkenness or bar fights. They love their restaurant bar patios and will enjoy a meal outdoors even with their winter jackets on. Other than being cheated by the Barcelona taxi driver, we only had one other incident in a bakery where an elderly well-dressed woman distastefully called me an “Americano”. I corrected her but she just ignored me.

      Dogs - Dogs are free to walk unleashed, even in the downtown area of large cities. Many wise owners did use leashes. Most owners are responsible although we did notice the occasional droppings left behind.

      Fashion - Skinny pants (mostly jeans) were worn by all men and women of all ages, unless you were over 80. I felt very noticeably unfashionable in my boot cut jeans. Torn jeans are not popular. Casual dress was the norm and no one was out to impress, although that might be different during the warmer months.

      Shopping - shopping malls were rare so the people come to the centre of town to shop. There are a lot of shoe stores. The clothing stores were either poor quality, trendy shops for the young or designer shops for the wealthy. It was fun to window shop but no room for any purchases.

      Transportation- Spain has an extensive and very efficient transportation network, including inexpensive trains, buses and taxis. Connections are all time coordinated and the stations are central, often with the train and bus stations next to each other.

      Tourism - The cities we visited were mainly tourist destinations with tourism offices and lots of attraction signage, although sometimes even that wasn’t enough for these direction-challenged tourists.

      Food & wine - We’ve rediscovered our love of olives and almonds. There was only one bottle of wine that I didn’t out of many! We enjoyed fresh fish and seafood. The locally grown clementine and mandarin oranges were the best. We came to love tapas, although at first it was difficult to order the right number of tapas. We quickly adapted our meal times to the local tradition. Breakfast is whenever you wake up; lunch is from 2-5 at which time the restaurant closes; and dinner is from 8 pm onwards. We quickly learned that if you arrive before 8 they won’t be open but if you arrive at 8:30 or 9 they will be full and you will disappointedly end up eating at the local pizza joint!

      Weather - From what the locals and other regular tourists have told us, Spain is experiencing a colder than normal winter and they aren’t very happy about it, and nor were we. We had plenty of sunshine but it was a cool daytime high of 8 degrees in Madrid and a moderate 13-15 degrees in the Costa del Sol. We won’t even talk about the blizzard in Segovia! A breeze off the Mediterranean meant it was time to get out the puffy down jacket again. Rarely did the weather stop us from any activities.

      Overall we loved Spain!
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    • Day 40

      Malaga - a Pleasant Surprise

      February 8, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      When planning our itinerary I chose Malaga as I wanted a few more days in the Costa del Sol, hoping for warm weather. I also chose it because we would be departing Spain from the Malaga Airport. Apparently Malaga was a rough port city but has spruced itself up in recent years. So we were surprised how much we enjoyed our stay here. The city has 38 museums, people who seem to be always on the move, and a thriving night scene. I enjoyed walking through the narrow winding streets of the historic area where we stayed. The Mercado was a good destination to buy fresh fruit and almonds. They have the most delicious roasted almonds that are produced here. Cruise ships stop here so the waterfront has been redeveloped with a wide promenade to walk along. From start to finish, we were very pleased with the locations we stayed at.Read more

    • Day 36

      Travel Day - Fuengirola to Malaga

      February 4, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Check out time was 10 a.m. and the sky was dark, threatening to rain. Standing at the bus stop on the side of the highway with our luggage didn’t seem like a good idea considering the imminent rain, so we splurged on a taxi ride to the train station. It was only €10 more than what the bus fare would have been and a whole lot easier. The 45 minute train ride to Malaga went smoothly as we had done the trip before. Our biggest challenge of the day was to find our hotel. My data plan had expired so my cell phone was useless and we had no map so I was relying on the directions I had researched the night before. I asked a lady walking her dog for directions and soon learned she had sent us the opposite way. my old GPS would always tell me. Once we found our way to the Centro part of town, we came across a protest march. Thinking this was political we were going to do our best to avoid it but then as we got closer we realized there were at least a hundred dogs and their owners calmly protesting against hunting and promoting vegetarianism! There was a lot of barking so I’m assuming the dogs were voicing their agreement. One more stop at the Tourist Information office that we were relieved to find and we reached our destination....Picasso Suites Malaga.

      We are staying in a studio apartment that is across the street from the Picasso Museum. Each suite has been given the name of one of Picasso’s paintings and is furnished to reflect that piece of artwork. Ours is done in white and gold with a huge Picasso painting on one wall. We have a small balcony that overlooks the street. There is usually a busker below us so we get free entertainment! We’re in a great location in the midst of tapas bars, shops, museums and churches.

      Now we feel like we are back in the authentic Spain. We hear the odd British accent and a few German ones but the majority are Spanish and very few speak English. Population of Malaga is 260,000, but 1.3 million in the metro area. Although it’s supposed to be the sunniest area of Spain, it rained quite heavily after we had enjoyed a great tapas lunch. We walked for awhile in the rain because it was the beginning of Carnival week and there were all kinds of groups dressed up in costumes. The group would randomly stop and perform, usually singing. It was cold and wet and I felt sad that the weather had interfered with their fun, although they were doing their best to ignore it.
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    • Day 5


      June 1, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Heute (inzwischen gestern) geht's wieder in die Stadt. Der Plan: Die Kathedrale, Museo de Picasso, und die Castillo ansehn.
      Die Kathedrale kostet 5€, muss nicht sein...
      Dann über 2 Stunden im Picasso Museum verbracht, kurz auf einen Teil der Festung, ganz hoch ging leider nicht mehr, da es dann schon zu spät war. Morgen dann.
      Auf dem Weg zur Promenade gibt's noch mehr zu sehn. Eine ganze Horde Mädels, die fleißig Zumba im Park auf ner Bühne trainiert. Ich war da schon fast vom zusehen überanstrengt :D
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