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    • Dag 10

      Villamayor de Monjardin to Los Arcos

      10 september 2024, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Only 12 km today through perfectly overcast skies, flat roads and finally meeting up with our German and Italian Camino Family who took a rest day in Pamplona. Que bueno! Today's Camino is brought to you by perfection,adopting children, baby goats, cheese in a vending machine, family, and also.........two Canadians, a Dutchie, a German and an Italian walk into a bar to get Paella.....the rest is history.Läs mer

    • Day 10 - Estella to Los Arcos - 23km

      8 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      My feet are so tired! I am in Los Arcos after almost 24km.

      I started out this morning around 7am and it was still dark. That was ok as we were walking through the city first. It was very hard leaving the albergue in Estella. I kept touching the walls to feel Jörg. I had a very strong urge to hug the building but I didn’t.

      Just outside of Estella is the famous fountain that dispenses wine. Even though it was only 8 in the morning, I still filled up my shell and drank from it. The shell I am carrying this trip is actually Jörg’s shell from 2009.

      The first 10km went pretty quickly. It was variable terrain and lots of shade so it was pretty good. I stopped at Villamayor de Monjardin. It was a place where Jörg and I stayed overnight in 2009. I visited the albergue and stopped and had lunch there.

      After that, the next 12 km was mostly gravel road and very little shade. I decided to put on my headset and listen to some music to get through it. At one point, the song “Country Roads” came on and I started to cry. It was the words “Country roads, take me home, to a place, where I belong ...” that hit me. I was crying because I feel like don’t have a home. Jörg was my home. Jörg was the place where I belonged. There is nowhere for those country roads to take me, but to just wander.

      At about the 16km mark there was a food truck tucked in some trees. They were offering food including Hagen daze ice cream, what a treat. When I approached to order, they asked me if I was Canadian. I said yes, and they gave me a Canadian flag pin. It turns out the owner is a Canadian from the Vancouver Area. Just when I was feeling like I didn’t have a home, and felling a little lost in this foreign country where I don’t speak the language, I was suddenly special because I was Canadian. Perfect timing.

      About 3km from the end, there was some more shade and some benches so I took the opportunity to rest again. My feet are tired and there are some blisters on my toes. The blisters aren’t too bad, just the tired feet.

      I have been reading my old journal from 2009 and it almost always starts with “I am in pain, back, ankle, calf ...”. I am really surprised that I only have tired muscles, no real pain. I was getting a type of burning in my left quad, but one night I did some major rolling on the area and it is no longer bothering me for now. I think the slow start was the best thing for me.

      I am in Los Arcos and the albergue is full. It was full when I arrived, but I had called yesterday to reserve. It really is crazy these days about the reserving. Tomorrow I plan to stop before Logroño, so it may not be so bad, but I have a reservation for Viana anyway. She says it is reserved until 2pm. Often people reserve a couple spots and then just cancel if they get something else, and just take the loss. The problem is, someone else who wanted that spot was told it was full and walked away. There’s got to be a better system.

      I am thinking about food now, but my feet are so tired, and it is about 2 blocks away ... I guess I better go.

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    • Dag 9

      7. Etappe nach Los Arcos

      27 mars 2024, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Die zweite Hälfte von Lequín nach Los Arcos verging wie im Fluge. Die Strecke ist aber auch gut zu gehen und immer dieser Fernblick. Wenn dann noch die Sonne rauskommt... was kann ich mir mehr wünschen. Es war nichtmal 13 Uhr und ich war die erste in der Herberge 😅

      Hatte auch kurz überlegt weiter zu gehen. Aber zum einen wollte ich meine neugewonnene Energie vom Pausentag nicht gleich am ersten Tag gleich aufbrauchen. Zum anderen habe ich meine Periode vorletzte Nacht bekommen und habe noch leichte Unterleibschmerzen. Also 19km heute und ein freier Nachmittag. Morgen geht's weiter 😇🥰
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    • Dag 36

      Los Arcos to Vienna to Logrona

      1 september 2024, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      I cut a long walking day into 2 short ones in hopes of saving my feet, but that was all in vain as I hobbled into the large city of Logrona on blistered and bloodied feet. I checked into the first hotel with a bathtub and gave them a good soaking (along with all my clothes!) I'll be here 2 days as they them lots of TLC!Läs mer

    • Dag 14

      Day 10: Los Arcos to Viana

      27 maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      Mileage: 13 miles? Guidebook says about 12, Garmin says 14
      Elevation gain: 1,401
      Elevation loss: 1,230
      Total mileage: 96.5

      I wasn’t sure that my feet would ever function again at the end of yesterday’s walk, but somehow they felt pretty good this morning. A beautiful sunny, cool morning turned into a warm sunny afternoon as we continued to walk up and down the hills. The scenery continues to amaze. We’re starting to recognize quite a few fellow pilgrims who seem to be on the same schedule as us. Tonight we’re in an albergue (hostel) with many people. I think the earplugs will come in handy again!

      1. Iglesia de Santa Maria in Los Arcos
      2. Yes, more
      3. Lots of impressive mountains in the distance.
      4. The village of Torres del Rio
      5. Many of the steeper slopes, especially near towns, are paved like this. You see the paving stones and know it’s about to get steep!
      6. I like the post horn symbol the national mail service uses
      7. Lots of vineyards today. This one reminded me of a Van Gogh painting with all of the crooked trunks. (Vines? Roots?)
      8. We passed several wild cherry trees with ripe fruit today. My family knows how very happy this made me!
      9. The weather was nice but there were So! Many! Gnats! today. They really loved Angela!
      10. Ruins of la Iglesia de San Pedro in Viana. We had cheap but delicious beers and snacks at a table quite near here in perfect weather. Great ending to the day.
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    • Dag 10

      Stage 6: to Los Arcos

      16 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      We had a bit of a head start today because our hotel was on the way out of Estella. We walked with our two new friends, Gail and David, whom you'll see in the photos but probably wouldn't guess is 75 and has walked about a dozen Camino routes.

      The first notable landmark of today's stage is the Fuente del Vino, where the Bodega Irache offers pilgrims a free shell-full of wine for the route ahead. Alas, the tap didn't open till 8 a.m. so we settled for our water.

      We then opted for the less traveled route today, which went through woods and fields and had more modest climbs. We caught breakfast (either the usual potato and egg tortilla or an omelette on a slice of grainy bread) in Luquin at 10 am-ish, where we noted that the trio of Spaniards who always seem to pass us, whistling and humming as they speed past, had fortified themselves with beer and wine. So now we know their secret! Other encounters today included an Australian couple with a 10-month old. The baby either rides on his dad's back or in a sack on mom as she breastfeeds, which she's had to do hourly!

      We arrived in Los Arcos at lunchtime and appreciated the receiving line of goats, chickens and geese that greeted us. Lots of pilgrims gathered at Plaza Santa Maria, just outside the incredibly ornate 12th century church that anchors the town. Our crew enjoyed a *Radler*, which is a refreshing combo of beer and lemonade, and traded contact info as we parted ways. Strange to feel sad saying goodbye to people you have only known 24 hours but you get to know them well in such a short, quality period of time.

      Our hotel is another beautiful rustic house and we have enjoyed just resting in our room while waiting for dinner at 7. It's far enough from the Camino that the owner had to pick us up by the plaza and will deliver us back tomorrow after breakfast. Tomorrow will be a long 17-mile day to Logrono (another reason we said goodbye to Gail and David, both of whom are stopping short of there for their next stays). But the time passes quickly as we meet and talk to so many great people.
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    • Dag 8–9

      D7-Puente la Reina to Estella

      20 maj 2024, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We left Puente La Reina this morning looking back at the Historical bridge over the River Arga. Apparently the bridge was built for pilgrims in the 11th century. We take a right following the yellow arrows up along past the River Arga and then we start our climb upwards, there is good views back over Puente La Reina from up top. We stop at Mañeru for our first coffee of the day. We then continue and pass vineyards, olive trees and many wild flowers, the countryside is just so beautiful. The next village we go through is Cirauqui with its narrow cobbled streets and what a climb it was to get to the top. The church of San Roman stands at the highest point. We then make our way down the other side and make our way towards Estella. We stop at the village of Lorca for coffee and eat our picnic lunch (ham and cheese roll). We carried on to Estella, registered at Albergue Municipal de Perigrinos, showered then went out exploring. We picked up some pasta meals at the supermarket and had dinner at the Albergue.Läs mer

    • Dag 5

      19mi Lorca to Los Arcos

      10 augusti 2024, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

      Started off the morning early. I branched off from Marco and Valentino 🇮🇹 at lunch and found Doug! This wonderful man is a Knight of Columbus, writing a novel about a Texas ranger, and is living his best retirement in Alaska. We stopped at a food truck and the owner gave us free water, bananas, and the best homemade humus ☀️ a Czech girl let me play her guitar and I walked the rest of the 3 miles alone singing in the fields and mountains. I felt very childlike and light the second half of the day ☀️ ran into Americans in town and swam at the local pool. Now off to night mass with Doug 🙏🏻Läs mer

    • Dag 8

      Estella til Los Arcos

      18 april 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      I dag fikk jeg sendt sekken til dagens destinasjon, Pension Mavi i Los Arcos, en tur på 22 km. En lett sekk viste seg helt nødvendig, for etter noen km begynte det venstre kneet å vise seg fra en verre side. Senere skulle det vise seg at det ikke var den verste siden, den kom senere. Leden tok oss ut av Los Arcos og snart til en vingård som serverte vin og vann fra tappekraner i veggen. På en informasjonsplakat var det skrevet at de leverte 100 liter pr dag i snitt til pilegrimer. Etter vingården passerte vi en smed som lagde alt mulig av pilegrims-artikler av skrapjern. Mye fint som jeg kunne tenke meg å kjøpe, men ikke å bære. Resten av turen gikk stort sett gjennom det åpne landskap, vin og jordbrukslandskap. Vi passerte et par mindre byer - på noen høyder - bakke opp og bakke ned. I bakke ned ble det venstre kneet rimelig surt - ingen Paracet å oppdrive - så det kneet måte jeg slite med helt fram til Los Arcos. Ironien pr nå er at det er det høyre kneet som normalt er ugreit, men det har bestemt seg for å spile med - med støttestrømpe.
      I dag har jeg kjøpt Cinfadol ibuprofen krem, og Paracet. Klar for morgendagen, som er en strekning på 28,5 km, en lang dag. Jeg traff den koreanske familien igjen og de inviterte meg på middag i Logrono, som er morgendagens endemål. I Logrono blir jeg i to dager, hviledager, og på dag to skal jeg treff den koreanske familien til middag. Om det venstre kneet ikke bedrer seg, har Jeanette funnet en klinikk i Logrono som kan setter en kortison injeksjon.

      Den koreanske familien foreslo buss eller taxi de siste 5 km. Vi får se hva morgendagen bringer. Kvelden ble avsluttet med et amerikansk ektepar, hyggelig selskap og ikke så høylytt som amerikanere kan være. Nå er det kvelden og i dag har jeg enerom - heldig som jeg er.
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    • Dag 10

      Day 7 Los Arcos

      17 april 2024, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Today the terrain is changing.... we've been on street paths, rocky paths, gravel, dirt and cobble path. Today we were on farm paths. Walking 22km among the poppies, wheat and grapes fields.
      Also with the twisting paths we think we are walking alone but today on flatter fields we see there are alot of us walking.Läs mer

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