Plaza del Castillo

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    • Hari 10

      Day 6: Pamplona rest day

      23 Mei 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      A little break from the Camino today partly to rest up for tomorrow’s long day up and down a mountain. I was happy to get some extra sleep and see some of the sights.

      1. I had to rely on Google a bit more here - this part of the city definitely isn’t built on a grid. More more interesting visually, though!
      2. A few Art Nouveau touches here and there. Be sure to zoom in on the interior of this pharmacy.
      3. and 4. From the Museo del Navarre
      5. The bust of Hemingway outside of the Plaza de Toros. I was surprised to see that it isn’t a full statue complete with muscular thighs. Machismo to spare here!
      6. 7. 8. 9. Details from around the city. 6. Is a type of knocker I’ve seen a lot here but this is an especially nice one. (Insert joke here.)
      10. I suck at selfies but look who I found! I’m very happy to have my friend Angela as a companion for the next couple of weeks. We have already started doing our part to support the dairy industry of Spain.
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    • Hari 20

      Sunday in Pamploma

      16 April 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Got up leisurely today, had breakfast at about 9 in our very perfect Hotel Europa. In the evening the dining room is a Michelin star restaurant. Then we went out wandering rather than walking! Found the Camino, and where to walk out tomorrow - always a bit tricky exiting at city, then walked to the cathedral, tried to find where we should have walked in yesterday, and generally enjoyed the ambience and the good weather.

      It finally is fine, with a few clouds, but there is a breeze which feels it is coming from the snow on the mountain tops. It was about 7° and we needed all our layers. We hadn’t counted on quite so much cold, (though not complaining!) and need to wear all we have! I think I am the only person in Pamplona wearing sandals with socks - the only alternative to my walking shoes which are drying from being washed…(though still look filthy!). And my feet are so comfy…We had a coffee and ColaCao at the Hemingway cafe in the plaza.

      So we walked round the walls - each time we come here we discover new things…we found a path just outside the walls which are so huge and still intact…a medieval army would have had trouble penetrating this city! Very pretty with the leaves budding, and we finally found the entrance we should have taken yesterday when entering as pilgrims, via the Puerta Magdalena, and over a drawbridge. We bought 2 jamon and cheese half baguettes, one to share for lunch, and one is wrapped up and in our room fridge for lunch on the walk tomorrow.

      In the afternoon I sat in the plaza - there are so many seats for people to sit and watch the world go by… families with children playing, dogs, and cafes around the edge. I read my kindly while Amr had a bit of a walk - thought he may go to the museum of Navarra, but it closed at 2…so while we were sitting in the plaza we heard a band and lots of noise, and a procession of a jazz band came in surrounded with people waving tinsel-decorated umbrellas and dancing - attracting even more people, and they stopped by the rotunda and played and the crowd started dancing, and more joined them…a very happy scene. (In 2013 we saw spontaneous dancing in the plaza too, but this was different!). Then the band marched on and stopped in another plaza - we followed them and watched - the musicians were dressed in suits - but then after the next round of music they were all given a beer from the nearby bar…a fun Sunday afternoon experience! Amr has made a 10 second video which may show the ambience.

      Now just back from dinner. Before we ate we had another walk through the park, which looked over the “moat” where they have deer, peacocks, geese, chooks all wandering round…and we walked around another section of these massive walls and into the citadel area, which is now a park. Just beautiful! We found a great eatery where you could just choose dishes, not have the menu del dia, which entails 3 courses. Highlight was an octopus dish. Now back, clean and sorted for the morning’s departure. It will be about 23 kms I think, but it should be fine weather and we are ready for it!
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    • Hari 5

      Zubiri to Pamplona

      8 Mei 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Slept pretty well considering I had a fuckin church bell chiming 3 times an hour right next to me. Brekkie at 7, started walking at 8. Weather ideal again,.overcast with bits of sunshine. Took the river route into Pamplona which took longer but was great. Hotel really good. Heading out to meet the others at Cafe Iruña on the main square which is really close. It'll be the last night we're all together as we'll all be staying in different places.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 10

      Pamplona day

      14 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Bardzo miły dzień. Zwiedzaliśmy po raz kolejny stare miasto. Katedra de Santa Maria la Real de Pamplona zbudowana na gruncie romańskim przechodząca przez różne etapy kończąc na stylu gotyckim, przepiękna,wiele ołtarzy z różnych epok historycznych z głębokimi detalami poświęconych różnym ważnym świętym. Po środku grobowiec króla Carlosa III i jego zony.
      Dużo komplikacji mieliśmy aby ustawić w czasie Świętego Saturnina i Świętego Fermina. Obydwoje zginęli śmiercią męczeńską w różnych miastach ale w podobny sposób. Byli przywiązani za nogi do byka i jeden był ciągnięty przez ulicę miasta a drugi po schodach za to że nie chcieli się wyrzec swojej wiary. San Saturnin jest patronem Pamplony a San Fermin patronem Nawarry. Święto biegania z bykami jest pod patronatem Świętego Fermina i jest obchodzone od około 1070 roku. Ponoć nikt jeszcze nie zginął.
      Jeszcze jedna ciekawostka, otóż studnia/źródło wodne w którym był święcony Saturnin jest nadal zachowane i spacerując przez ulicę starego miasta nawet nie wiesz że tam jest dopiero jak go odkryjesz to wszystko wiesz. Piękna rzecz. Będą później zdjęcia ❤️
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    • Hari 5

      Zubiri til Pamplona

      15 April 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Dagen i dag ble en slite dag, med regn og søle - igjen våt innenfra og ut og utenfra og inn. Vanntett poncho holder regnet ute, men svetten inne og jeg må holde meg i gang for ikke å fryse. Siden jeg bare har to skift, er det ikke aktuelt å skifte til tørt under veis. Skifting av tøy skjer etter at jeg har kommet fram og etter en dusj.
      Bena er møre, spesielt leggene. De bærer preg av noen harde dager. Været er imidlertid i ferd med å skifte til det bedre i dagene som kommer. Da blir det lettere å legge inn flere pauser, uten at jeg begynner å fryse. Det blir bra.
      Dagens etappe ble ca. 25 km. De siste 5 km inn til Pamplona var seige, gjennom industriområder og forsteder. I morgen tenker jeg å ta en buss ut av Pamplona til jeg når landeveien. Det blir en kortere etappe og det tror jeg er bra for ben og knær.
      Det høres litt mistrøstig ut, men dagen har fin. Humøret har vært bra, med stort sett bare positive tanker. Nå har jeg spist, jobbet litt for sameiet og tar kvelden. Bildene forteller litt om dagens dont, fra Zubiri til Pamplona. Det nest siste bildet er fra tyrefekter-stadion i Pamplona og det siste fra klesvask på badet. Hotell er lite egnet til den slags. En tur til katedralen for å få et stempel i pilegrimspasset var alt jeg hadde energi til, så sight seeing i Pamplona får bli en annen gang...kanskje
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    • Hari 52–53


      1 Juni, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Left our beautiful, scenic accommodation this morning, Casa Maru, within Picos de Europa and headed to Pamplona.
      Late afternoon by the time we arrived. We wandered the streets, hung out in Plaza Castillo for a while, and checked out The Catedral de Santa Maria which also houses a museum displaying religious treasures and the remains of a Roman era house discovered under the cathedral during renovations.
      Fortunately, we found a Michelin starred restaurant called Restaurante Rodero, which had a table, so we headed there for dinner.
      Here, they use premium Navarran ingredients aiming to dazzle the senses and... that they did!
      My favourite dish was the anchovy one (I've lost menu so can't be more descriptive) closely followed by the brown little round thing in the Amuse-bouche which in one bite spurted a blue soft cheese into the mouth (description 😋 a little dodgy... I know!)) Kinda reminded me of Spurt chewing gum! Will label food pics when I find menu...Worthy of its Michelin star I will say!
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    • Hari 3

      Day 0 Pamplona

      15 Mei 2023, Spanyol

      At a glance:

      Kilometres walked: 12.03 going in circles
      # of steps: 15,291
      Elevation gain: 0
      Food highlights: Tapas or pinxos! And cafe con leché and croissants.
      Highlight: My favorite cafe, Cafe Iruña which was Hemingways favorite cafe too. And seeing Plaza des Toros where the bulls start their run.
      We are here to figure out a Plan B and C. The once-a-day bus from Psmplona to St Jean Pied du Port is full! Plan B is to take the once a day bus to Ronsevalles, then take a taxi down the Pyrenees. Plan C is to hang around the bus station and pick up two more stranded pilgrims and share a taxi to St JPdP. Plan B is cheaper so we will do that first.
      They have modernized this city in a way that keeps the old roads for pedestrians. Vehicle deliveries seem to be allowed before 10 a.m. and all parking of cars is below ground hidden from view, including the bus station. Check out the modern glass entrance to the station.
      Meanwhile we took a walk along the ramparts (wall? My castle terminology is s bit rusty) of the medieval town, walked around the bull ring, took a photo of the Hemmingway monument which basically said he was an honorable party goer, and stopped in at the cathedral and the city archives where we walked around a wooden model of what the city looked like in 1920.
      Plan B seems to be working. We are sitting on a bench infront of the Roncesvalles bus and are third in line.
      Update. Plan B working. Teamed up with two women from Croatia . We phoned 6 taxi companies and the last one could take an hour so we are waiting.
      It worked. Once in St. Jean Pied du Port we headed to our lodging and then out to get our Camino credentials stamped to mark our official start, then bought walking poles. We felt we were ready to begin to walk the Camino.
      We ran into the two Croatian women again at our albergue. They hadn't found a vacancy and it was now after 7pm. It was raining and 7pm is late to be looking for accomodation.
      We're not sure what happened to them.
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    • Hari 4

      Flamenco music in Pamplona

      26 Agustus 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      When we passed through Pamplona, all of a sudden we ended up in a huge crowd of people. None of us had any idea what was going on, so it is good I speak a little Spanish and could ask the local people. It turned out to be one of the best flamenco guitar players from Spain where going to start their performance on the center square. Worth while to take a look.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 8

      Day 5 Pamplona

      25 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      We decided to stay over and explore the city of Pamplona. This is where they do the "Running of the Bulls". We went to the Plaza de Toros, Cathedral of Santa Maria, Paseo Ernest Hemingway, Plaza del Castillo, as well as doing some shopping for supplies and a Pamplona tee shirt.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 38


      8 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      😱 busture i Pamplona! Hold på hat og briller. Jo jo... Der er ståpladser i bussen, men det er da kun for vovehalse. Og tidsplaner.... Jo jo.... De findes da også, men til hvad???? 😂
      Vi kom forbi tyrefægter-arenaen og forventede måske at det var en fantastisk bygninger. Måske var den smuk indefra, men udvendig en den lidt kedelig. Der er tyrefægtning hele denne uge og ligesom tyreløb er det bestemt ikke noget for mig.
      Faktisk havde vi store forventninger til Pamplona og så heldigvis også mange smukke gader og historiske bygninger. Men generelt syntes vi at byen var lidt en flad fornemmelse.
      Gaderne bærer præg af at de bliver brugt til tyreløb, der er ikke noget i 2 meters højde der ikke kan flyttes.
      Der var 2 stjerneformede fæstninger. Den ene indrammer den gamle bydel på smukkeste vis. Den anden er omdannet til en grøn oase mit i beton byggeriet.
      Midt i centrum ligger en kæmpe park, stor og smuk. Med legepladser, søer, smukke træer og blomster. Og en lille cafe. Dejligt sted at holde middagspause. Han glemte at lave vores mad, så vi fik en gratis øl 🍻. Men da maden endelig kom, smagte det bare ekstra godt.
      Camino de Santiago går gennem byen, så vi så flere vandrere med tunge ben.
      Aftensmad, blev til en snack i den flotteste bar/ restaurant. Der hænger skinker i hele barens længde.
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