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    • Giorno 16

      San Juan de Ortega to Burgos

      1 settembre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      Left for Burgos at 7:45 AM. Approx 30 Km hike. Once inside the City another 8 km to the Municipal Albergue. Beautiful facility. Very pilgrim focused. The only issue Burgos is not pilgrim friendly, so the travel markers are not as prevelent as they are in other towns. The Camino provides a way so here I am. The ALBERGUE IS AWESOME. Very festive environment tonight. I am however very concerned about Dora the Explorer and Gisellas, haven't seen them since 5K out from Burgos. We were suppose to have a glass of wine tonight. Hopefully they are fine. What a great day.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 22


      9 settembre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Kolejny dzień w Burgos. Pospaliśmy dzisiaj do 10 rano, pewnie organizm tego potrzebował. Po krótkiej naradzie zdecydowaliśmy się na pozostanie jeszcze jednego dnia w Burgos. Myślę że to się przyda.
      Po opanowaniu logistyki dnia następnego ruszyliśmy do opactwa Kartuzjanow, tzn zawiozła nas tam taksówka. Jest to bardzo urokliwe i wyjątkowe miejsce, w którym chętnie można zatopić się w myślach i nie chętnie wraca się do rzeczywistości. Kartusjanie zostali założeni przez Sw. Bruno, który poprzez milczenie i pracę, jak i również wewnętrzną kontemplację, odkrywał tajemnice wiary. Ich klasztory są w różnych częściach świata, również w Kartuzach koło Gdańska co jeszcze bardziej przybliża ich do naszych serc.
      W małym oddaleniu od Burgos na wzgórzu, perełka wyrzeźbiona misternie w kamieniu przyciąga swoim pięknem, harmonią i spokojem, który jest wyrazem doskonałego zmysłu architektów i budowniczych tego miejsca, przede wszystkim wspaniałego rzeźbiarza Giles od Siloe, który wyrzeźbił większość tutejszych dzieł sztuki. Jest tam grobowiec króla Juana II i jego żony Izabeli Portugalskiej. Jej córka Izabela Catholica razem z bratem Alfonso mają również swój grobowiec zaraz obok. Jest to dzieło wykonane w alabastrze z niesamowitą ilością detali i ponoć nadal można odkrywać w nim nowe elementy, które do tej pory były nie zauważalne. Obie Izabele były bardzo brzydkie i przedwcześnie się zestarzały. Również faktem jest to, że Izabela Portugalska nie mogła mieć dzieci ale po dwukrotnym spotkaniu z San Juan de Ortega (przyjacielem San Domingo), który miał moc w ciążach miała dwójkę dzieci.
      Główny ołtarz również jest bardzo skomplikowany z wieloma motywami i warto przeczytać opis bo zupełnie się to inaczej wtedy widzi . Blisko centrum ołtarza jest Maria Magdalena, która jest moja ulubiona świętą, także jej obecność dodatkowo wzbudziła pozytywne emocje.
      Taksówka zawiozła nas z powrotem do centrum koło katedry, gdzie spędziliśmy resztę dnia. Mieliśmy okazję posmakować hiszpańskiej szynki w najlepszym wydaniu (Wague beef). Do naszego repertuaru napojów dostało się calimocho, które jest na równi piękne jak Tinto de Verano. Jest to po prostu czerwone wino zmieszane pół na pół z coca colą i plasterkiem cytryny. Polecam.
      Powstało on przez inwencję organizatorów festiwalu gdzie okazało się że wino jest lekko słabe i aby uratować imprezę wymyślili, aby zmieszać wino z coca colą i proszę stał się cud.
      Wieczór spędziliśmy z przyjaciółmi z Camino pijąc, jedząc i gawędząc do późnego wieczora.
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    • Giorno 27–30


      16 aprile, Spagna ⋅ 🌬 55 °F

      The morning of April 15, I took the bus to Burgos. Apparently the hotel I booked was pretty nice and right next to the Burgos St Mary’s Cathedral. It’s beautiful, though as a Protestant I admit that much of the interior ornamentation is lost on me.

      While on the bus, I was thinking that maybe it was time for my Camino to be done. Initially I felt peaceful about it, as it wasn’t turning out to be what I was looking for. But with time for prayer and thinking, as well as talking with my mom, I realized that I wasn’t ready to be finished. One of my goals has been to slow down, to take life at a more moderate pace rather than having the whiplash of going 0-100 then back to zero because I crash. So I stayed in Burgos another day to allow time to relax and walk the city (which is one of my favorite ways of seeing a new place), get some logistical things done (sending bags on, planning the next stages, looking at buses, etc).

      Food in Burgos hasn’t been easy, though I have found a couple restaurants that do pizza for celiac. The one a couple days ago was delicious! Waiting on one from a different place- tbd.

      As I was walking to lunch, I heard church bells ringing. I walked in, as I hadn’t seen this church yet, and quickly realized that a mass was about to start (service? Not sure if it was a mass or if there’s a difference). So I decided to stay. I’ve only attended one mass ever, when I was in high school in Mexico. While I understood much more of the words this time, about half was lost on me. The sermon text was from Acts where the church was scattered because of persecution. It was a reminder (again) that even in the hard things, where we don’t understand why things are hard or why we’re suffering, God is working. He used the apostles suffering to spread the Good News. I pray that the Lord continue to teach me about his providence and purposes.

      Also, I have the best parents. Apparently Riggs found a couple of SOS pads and thought they looked like a great snack, so he ate them! Dad took him to the vet, but they couldn’t get him to bring them back up, so they went to the emergency vet in KC, who took them out. Pup was supposed to go for a much needed haircut today, but instead is staying home to recover 🤦‍♀️ So thankful for my parents willingness to take care of my crazy and needy dog!
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    • Giorno 91


      22 ottobre 2019, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      die nacht war etwas kalt bei 13 grad in der unterkunft; zum glück hatten wir gute schlafsäcke. die temperatur beim packen draussen am morgen war bei 6 grad. wir waren alle eingepackt mit mütze, schal und handschuhen. im nebel gings dann los und die kälteste temperatur war 4 grad. wir strampelten uns warm. in burgos beim hotel angekommen wurden wir wieder extrem herzlich empfangen. in einem kleinen raum hinter der rezeption, haben sie platz gemacht für unsere fahrräder und zwei anhänger. eigentlich wollten wir die carla draussen lassen, doch die chefin hat darauf bestanden und zwei männer organisiert, die sie mit nik zusammen in den raum hoben. für uns ist diese zeit in burgos völliger luxus; schönes hotel, warm, gemütlich und erholsam. hier blleiben wir zur erholung bis freitag, da sie regen angesagt haben und kalte temperaturen.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 93


      24 ottobre 2019, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      heute haben wir ganz viele komplimente bekommen als familie und vor allem der kinder, wie anständig sie sind. eigentlich ist dieses hotel nicht gebucht von familien. wir sind natürlich sehr stolz darüber. das hotel meinte sogar, wir können sie als referenz für kommende buchungen angeben. heute haben wir nochmals den zweiten teil der stadt burgos besichtigt. für euch weitere fotos. morgen fahren wir die letzte etappe auf dem camino di santiago und stechen dann in richtung süden.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 18

      Cathedral 2

      4 giugno 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

      The cathedral was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on October 31, 1984.
      It is the only Spanish cathedral that has this distinction independently, without being joined to the historic center of a city (as in Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Ávila, Córdoba, Toledo, Alcalá de Henares or Cuenca) or in union with other buildings, as in Seville.
      It is similar in design to Brussels Cathedral

      The Renaissance Golden staircase built by
      Diego de Siloé in the early 1520s. It was modelled on the stairway of the Cortile Belvedere by Bramante (in the Vatican).
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    • Giorno 13

      Hiking trolley

      4 agosto 2022, Spagna ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      This morning I saw Fréderique, whom I had met a couple of times before. She's walking from Le Puy (doing more than double my total distance) and recently dropped the backpack for this trolley. She's raving about it, but I haven't seen anyone else using something like that.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 23


      7 settembre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      What a great city. We started out before light with a mile long walk up hill. It wouldn’t have been so bad if not for the rocks and Sandi and I had a hard time negotiating the rocks going downhill to but we found our first stop for coffee and breakfast then we walked on about three more kilometers and had another cuppa coffee we took pictures and rested on the way we took a shortcut along the river and into a park that was very long but it was a nice park it wasn’t as well marked as most of the other trails but we did negotiate through it when we got here we got we got here just in time to do laundry and of course our a couple of short ones as always buen CaminoLeggi altro

    • Giorno 18

      Taking it Eeeasy...

      16 settembre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Burgos - Rest Day
      Day 15

      On our way back to our room last night we happened upon a big group enjoying some very cool Salsa dancing 💃, so cool to watch, they were having so much fun!
      It was lovely to have a little sleep in this morning 😴 we then sat and finished booking our accommodation on the trail, as it's just too busy to just try to wing it. We found a cafe serving bacon and eggs 🥓🍳 for breakfast and then had a lovely wander through the streets.
      The most special part of Burgos by far, is the spectacular Cathedral. ⛪The construction began in 1221 and completed in 1567. We just simply didn't know where to look on our tour, everything was completely mind blowing, room after room after room. An absolute must see, and we were so pleased we stopped long enough to take it in. We caught up with a few camino friends for dinner, now back home and ready for a 30 km day tomorrow. 👣👣👣
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    • Giorno 23


      7 settembre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      We we made it 1/3 of the way to Santiago.... 1st stage done, one more to go.... today we headed out as our hostal did not have breakfast, it was still dark out and we did not have head lamps. First half hour was questionable as we used the flashlight on my phone and went up a large rock path, but we made it and we rewarded with beautiful skies as we gazed upon a huge cross. About 4 miles down the road we found an albergue that had the most amazing tortilla "quiche" and coffee. Then we headed on to Burgos, took the path to the river walk, got lost a little but finally found our way..... 14 miles later we found the cathedral in Burgos and it is stunning, hope to take a tour later.Leggi altro

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