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Top 10 Travel Destinations Asturias
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    • Day 72–73

      Day 72 - Tapia de Casariego to Ribadeo

      July 2 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We didn’t sleep so well due to noisy hotel 😵‍💫
      We hopped across the road to the cafe for breakfast and sat next to 4 giggly civil guards!!
      Then time to pack up and set off.
      Simon made a sad discovery that his walking shoes had holes in the top of his shoe 😳
      We hope they will last for the next 3 weeks but decided to buy a cheap replacement just in case. We found there was a large decathlon store in Ribadeo so Trevor was reset to take us there.
      The Plodicus started off moodily and raced off at quite a clip. This is because he’s prehistoric.
      We went around the coast but we’re glad we had got lots of pics yesterday as it was pretty dull and overcast today.
      We passed a school party of teenagers going for a swim on the beach.
      We had to walk over an immense bridge to cross from Asturias into Galicia.
      It was quite scary being that high up over the estuary and looking down.
      We stopped for a drink as we got into Ribadeo, then set off for decathlon. This was in the middle of a retail park.
      As Simon was trying on his new shoes an Irish man came up to chat. He shocked Simon by telling him just to throw the old ones away!!
      Simon said he would not as he is a sentimental person - he will wear them until they fall off 😆
      So we got our purchases and headed back to town for some lunch.
      Then into our room for the night.
      We have an early start tomorrow as we are visiting ‘Cathedral beach’ with all its caves and magnificent rock arches. We have to get there when the tide is low for the best experience.
      We have been happy to find a kettle here so have managed a cup of tea. We can also have a coffee in the morning before our adventures.
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    • Day 61–62

      Saint Martin

      July 6 in Spain ⋅ 🌫 13 °C

      We headed for the Coast of Northern Spain stopping at the small village of Saint Martin. It's at the start of some great hikes with huge mountains with great rock climbing opportunities. We parked in a free Aire close to the town. The journey down here was challenging, we had to negotiate very narrow roads through villages and lots of winding roads over the highest mountains we have ever driven over completely surrounded by clouds and lots of misty rain. We spotted vultures above us and cattle in the middle of roads, even wild mountain dogs came close to our motorhome as we were climbing, but glad we did it as it's an experience not to be missed.Read more

    • Day 25

      Tag 25: Sonnenbrand-Gefahr

      July 7 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Moin ihr fleißigen Leser*innen,
      zu allererst möchte ich mich bei Euch bedanken dafür, dass ihr meinen Reisebericht so interessiert verfolgt und mir so viele liebe Glückwünsche und aufbauende Worte gesendet habt. Das Leben ist schön, weil ich so viele liebe Menschen um mich herum habe, die sich sorgen, aber sich auch mit mir freuen können und an dem einen oder anderen Tag auch mit einer Portion Motivation dafür gesorgt haben, dass ich wieder Lust hatte weiterzulaufen. Danke an Euch! Ihr fehlt mir! 🙏🥰

      Ich hatte heute einen ganz wundervollen Tag bei herrlichem Sonnenschein. ☀️ Die schönen Eindrücke schweben durch meine Gedanken, aber auch ein bisschen Heimweh. Nachdem ich wieder sehr herzlich in einer Herberge empfangen wurde, konnte ich meinen geliebten Rucksack in die Ecke stellen und nun frisch geduscht den Abend bei einem Glas Albariño ausklingen lassen, bevor morgen die nächste große Etappe mit über 30km auf mich wartet. Ich kann es gar nicht glauben, dass es meine letzte Etappe ist bevor ich den Küstenweg verlasse und meine letzten Tage Richtung Santiago de Compostella durch das Innenland antrete. Das große Ziel ist nah, aber eigentlich habe ich hier jeden Tag ein kleines Ziel erreichen dürfen. Stolz wie Bolle lasse ich mir nun noch etwas die Sonne auf den Pelz scheinen. 😉☀️💪🏻
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    • Day 61


      July 1 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      At Oviedo, the capital of Asturias and an Unesco World Heritage site, the Camino Norte meets the Camino Primitivo, so called as it pre-dates the other Caminos. We took a deep breath and switched to the Primitivo, lured by descriptions of its rugged beauty and undaunted by its reputation of “very challenging”.
      Two days were spent exploring Oviedo, including a short bus trip up to Mount Naranco, where the pre-romanesque churches sit serenely undisturbed since 848.
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    • Day 67

      Tineo onto the Hospitales route.

      July 7 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      A wet and muddy walk to the lovely mountain town of Tineo where we stayed in the very fancy Palacio de Meras. Glorious sunny morning for the 20km walk up to Colinas de Arriba (Hills Above) from where we hope to access the shortcut up to the Hospitales Route, only recommended in fine weather. The large hostel was full of pilgrims playing golf on the lawn and relaxing in the sun. The fine weather continued so we headed off before dawn up to the Hospitales route, so called because of the ruins of three ancient hospitales (refuges to shelter pilgrims). It’s above the tree line, (and the cafe line- so no cafes for 22km!).Read more

    • Day 69

      Berducedo to Lugo

      July 9 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Down from the high plains to Bertucedo, followed by some big but beautiful days walking through Grandas de Saline, A Mesa, Fonsegrada, O Cadavo and A Lastra during which we left the principality of Asturias and entered Galicia.Read more

    • Day 89–90

      Day 89 - La Caridad to Oviedo

      July 19 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We were up in good time to seek out a good breakfast in the town and ensure we knew the right place to catch the bus. We had a chill out in the room before final pack up and out for the bus.
      Bus was a trip down memory lane as we retraced our steps through towns and villages.
      The weather was hot!
      We got to Oviedo a new destination around 2.30, set Trevor up and had a hot half hour trek to our accommodation.
      Oviedo is a large city with a mix of old and new. It has an air of solid history and culture. Lovely big, grand buildings, lots of music to be heard, marbled pavements and a feeling of calm satisfaction.
      We feel it would be a good destination for a city break.
      We hit a launderette which made Simon very happy, he called it ʼmy beautiful launderette’!
      Then on for a couple of beers and a very good fish supper.
      We aim for a cultural day tomorrow as long as the group of young lads next door are not too noisy and we survive a night in another high room with no fire escape!
      Onwards to La Franca tomorrow!
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    • Day 90

      Day 90 - Oviedo to La Franca

      July 20 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We had a lovely morning in Oviedo visiting the art gallery - we saw works by El Greco, Goya, Dali and many other local Spanish artists- so wonderful to appreciate all of these for free🙌🙌
      We wandered around the old quarter of town which was very charming, with its clock towers and spires and marble piazzas.
      Then time to head for the bus station. Trevor thought he would take us on a short cut - to the wrong place 😳 so in 31oc heat we had a half hour hurry to the correct place!!
      The bus journey continued our trip down memory lane traversing many places we had walked on our Camino.
      We swapped the bus for a train in Llanes where a huge party of youngsters also hit the railway station - thank goodness they were heading in the opposite direction 😅
      We headed off on the quiet train to Colombres. The heavens opened and we walked into La Franca in a rain storm.
      This was the opening gambit for the rainstorm that ensued as we met up with Lucy and Graham at the start of their holiday.
      We originally sat outside at a restaurant by their campsite but the staff quickly brought us in as the wind and deluge really got going.
      La Franca beach is a dramatic scene in its own right with a lively sea and a steep headland full of eucalyptus trees.
      It has been a very enjoyable catch up at the end of our adventure with great company, good food and wine.
      We wish Lucy and Graham a wonderful holiday as we head to our voyage home from Santander tomorrow.
      As Cilla said ‘Tarra for now’
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    • Day 86

      A bientôt France - Viva España!

      September 12, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Uns haben die schönen Atlantikküsten Frankreichs einfach nicht losgelassen. Zuletzt zu Besuch bei Freunden in ihrer idyllischen Wassermühle. Es entstanden dort auch französische Hundefreundschaften.
      Jetzt sind wir in Nordspanien. Hohe Berge, grüne Almwiesen und sandige wilde Biscaya Strände. Tapas mit Vino und noch immer schön warm am Abend ( Wasser weiterhin zu kalt!) Kurzbesuch bei den schönen Künsten im Guggenheim-Museum in Bilbao.

      The beautiful Atlantic coasts of France simply didn't let us go. Lastly to visit friends in their idyllic water mill. There also French dog friendships developed.
      Now we are in Northern Spain. High mountains, green alpine meadows and sandy wild Biscaya beaches. Tapas with vino and still warm in the evening (water still too cold!) Short visit to the beautiful arts in the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.
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    • Day 25

      Dreizig Kilometer!

      September 24, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute hab ich zum ersten Mal die 30km geknackt. Es geht mir sogar verhältnismäßig gut! ☺️ Am Ende war es echt heftig, aber mir ging es nach kürzeren Etappen schon deutlich schlechter.
      Wir sind heute über zwei steile Berge gewandert, die uns einiges abverlangt haben! Aber das Gefühl, als wir es geschafft hatten und dann Gijon vor uns lag, war einfach super. Pure Glücksgefühle!

      Wir sind heute ingesamt 10h unterwegs gewesen. Reine Laufzeit war ca. 6-7h.

      Das Mädchen auf dem Bild ist Caro aus Dresden. Milena treffe ich morgen wieder, worauf ich mich schon sehr freue! 😊
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Principality of Asturias, Asturien, Asturias, Asturies, Astúries, Asturio, Asturiasko Printzerria, Asturie, アストゥリアス, 아스투리아스 지방, Астурия

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