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    • Tag 12

      Day 10 - To Logroño

      18. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Day 10 - To Logroño
      (pr. Lo-gro-nyo) (Sunday)
      10 km; Difficulty 2/3.

      So today I made it the rest of the way…from Viana to Logroño. It was a short walk and I arrived at 1030 am, just in time for mass in the gorgeous cathedral…in Spanish 😞 But at least I went.
      The “wine festival”, a Mardi Gras of sorts, started in Logroño yesterday and will last for a week. So many people, and so much chaos! I was actually glad to leave.
      A couple from Idaho and I were sitting waiting for a restaurant to open for dinner and we met some people from Logrono who spoke English. After some visiting they decided to invite us and cook dinner for us. So wonderful!

    • Tag 10

      Day 8 - To Los Arcos

      16. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Day 8 - To Los Arcos
      21.6 km; Temp 21-22°C;
      Difficulty rating 2/3.
      A sidenote, if you click on the map at the top of my trip and then zoom in you will see each stop I make.

      This morning only 3 km out of Estella was an amazing wine fountain!
      “Bodegas Irache”. I am well into the wine vineyards now, and I went through more beautiful forest paths today. Notice the yellow arrow on the tree, guiding our way. A church atop a mountain has me wondering why it was built there and how many people actually attend. I was lucky enough to hear the bell ringing from such a vast distance.
      The intense walking every day makes me thankful for my water being so accessible; that I don’t have to search/reach for it. Alas I arrived in Los Arcos. It was so quiet!! I guess it was still siesta time. But the guard dog was on duty. There was a really amazing church in Los Arcos where I hoped to attend. But there was no mass yesterday. So I lit candles.

    • Tag 10

      Stage 9: Viana to Navarrete

      22. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      21.8 kms/13.5 miles, 49°-78°, 8 hours. Was a day of contrasts- started off from Viana chipper and optimistic, hit a wall after Logrono and went through the "dim and grismals" for quite a while. Arrived in Navarrete in the heat of the day when everything still closed for siesta. After a shower and rest I reemerged and wandered around the charming little town (love the tiny pocket parks, benches and planters everywhere) and visited the amazing church. I will have to read up on the history of why such a small town has such a sumptuous church. I've never seen so much gold in one place. I saw a few familiar faces. I seem to have fallen into a loose cohort of other slow walkers, we pass each other, nod smile offer an encouraging word or bit of humor. It's a nice mix of familiarity and independence, everyone going at their own pace and doing their own thing. I overcame my usual reserve and invited some folks to join me for dinner- a couple from Longview Washington and a young man from Wales. Had a wonderful meal of Pintxos or tapas, with chocolate mousse and hot tea for dessert. A reward for the difficulties of the day. A relatively easy day tomorrow I hope, "only" 17 kms/10 miles to Najera.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 12

      Running from the Bulls!

      10. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Los Arcos to Logrono
      Day 9 - 29 km

      We had a dramatic thunder and lightning storm overnight, which thankfully got rid of some humidity, but left the track rather mucky and tricky to cross in places. We had a big day ahead, with lots of up and down hills, so got on the trail earlyish and had 19 kms nailed by 11am. 👟👟It was then we happened on a little town called Viana, who were having a big festival which included a smaller version of the running of the bulls! We stopped off for a couple of hours ( and a couple of wines 🍷🍷) and thoroughly enjoyed joining the excitement. 🐂 Had a fun afternoon but then had to trek on the final 10 kms in the 30 ° heat. 😔 Had a lovely catch up with camino friends tonight. ❤Weiterlesen

    • Tag 8


      22. April in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      I made it to Logroño! Today was much shorter than yesterday, but the last few kilometers felt long because I was so excited to get here. I walked with my German friends (Heinz and Angelika) and we ended up running into Mikayla, my other German friend. So lots of German today! I learned that Heinz is a grandfather and loves AC/DC. I also walked a bit with my bunk mate from last night, a man from Brazil, who is averaging 35km per day. After doing 35km yesterday, I’m not sure how he’s managing that! I’m just thankful for a rest day tomorrow.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 4


      20. Juli 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The awareness that those wild towers destroy habitats and upset local microfauna isn’t that old, yet. Here under the trees of a nearby grove local conservationists and biologists helped create an area where it would not upset but contribute to wildlife. It’s the only one on the Camino, the rest are wild ones.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 15

      Torres del Rio Spain

      9. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Day 7 Torres del Rio
      Distance from Estella to Torres del Rio 32kms

      With a long day ahead we rose early and walked out into the crisp
      early morning. We almost had the path to ourselves maybe due to the early start and pilgrims spreading out. We marveled at the quietness and beauty of rural Spain the sun was shining and a temperature of 25c we were all smiles.
      Passed by a fabulous wine chateau (Monjardin) in a small village and took a short break where we lunched under a shady tree and talked about how fortunate we were to be having such a wonderful adventure. We arrived mid afternoon to our albergue for the night (with a bonus of a plunge pool) after 32kms. We were feeling good.
      Heading to Logrono tomorrow approximately 20kms.

    • Villatuerta to Torres del Río

      20. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Up early to beat the heat we were on the hoof by 6:20am, which is 90 minutes before dawn. Our destination was about 25km ahead.

      It was deliciously cool walking at that hour but also pitch dark. John has a headlamp so we were able to see the track into Estella. It was an easy walk, we were there in an hour and were across town by 8am, where we stopped for coffee and croissants.

      Not far out of Estella is the monastery of Irache. They make wine there and offer it free to pilgrims through a tap in the wall, along with fresh water for those disinclined to drink red wine at 8:30am.

      Kevin had a sip and added a few drops to his water bottle for a hoped-for medicinal effect. The wine quality was a tad below that of the $1.29 bottle featured in yesterday’s photos.

      From there it was a quite gradual climb to Villamayor de Monjardín. We stopped at the cafe a bit short of there in Ázqueta for an excellent pair of boccadillos and a cold drink. Also a boots off airing of the feet which seems to be a best practice for long distance walkers.

      From there it was a long hot, mostly shadeless downhill into Los Arcos, with a food truck a few km short of town where we stopped again to drink something cold and air the feet.

      We had been unable to find a room in Los Arcos so we phoned for a taxi on arrival which delivered us a few km up the track at Torres del Río where we have a private twin room for the night.

    • Tag 5

      5. DAY | 20 km

      3. Mai 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Das wahre Leben ist hier...

      Der gestrige Abend hat mir Emotionen geschenkt die einem Film gleich waren und wenn ich auch das erste Bild von heute morgen anschaue, muss ich mir eingestehen dass mich dieser Tisch mit den Stühlen einwenig an "La Casa de Papel" erinnert. Dort wo ein Abend vorher noch alle gelacht, gegessen und über das Leben erzählt haben, ist plötzlich alles leer weil jeder weiterzieht und seinen Kampf antritt. Hier unterstützt sich jeder gegenseitig, man redet miteinander ohne sich zu kennen und zwei simple Worte wie "buon Camino" haben eine Macht über einen die unbeschreiblich ist. Ganz ehrlich ? Eigentlich müsste man auf dieser Welt als Begrüßung genau diese zwei Worte nutzen, denn stellt euch vor, jeder würde euch jeden Tag einen guten Weg wünschen. Ich vermisse kein Instagram oder WhatsApp weil ich mich in dieser Realität wohler fühle. Du achtest hier nicht auf dein äußeres und wenn du ein Kompliment bekommst, basiert es auf deine Inneren Werte was viel wertvoller ist. Du handelst nach dem was dein Körper sagt, schützt ihn viel mehr, weil du jede Entscheidung frei treffen kannst.

      Ich habe jeden Tag während dem Camino unzählige Gedanken die ich nur teilweise in diesem Tagebuch festhalte, also stellt euch vor wie mein Tagebuch der Gefühle aussehen muss.

      Heute bin ich gestürzt aber macht euch keine Sorgen, mir war klar dass das hier kein Spaziergang wird aber was dir der Camino nimmt gibt er dir dreifach zurück!

      Auch wenn ich niemanden via Telefon höre, ihr wart noch nie so laut in meinem Herzen wie ihr es gerade seit.
      Hier ist man nie alleine und wenn du es sein möchtest was du solltest ist immer jemand hinter dir oder vor dir!


      La vita reale è qui...

      La serata di ieri mi ha regalato emozioni da film e quando guardo la prima foto di stamattina, devo ammettere che questo tavolo con le sedie mi ricorda un po' "La Casa de Papel". Dove una sera tutti ridevano, mangiavano e parlavano della vita, all'improvviso tutto è vuoto perché tutti partono per la l'oro strada iniziando la sua battaglia. Qui tutti si sostengono a vicenda, ci si parla senza conoscersi e due semplici parole come "buon Camino" hanno un potere indescrivibile. Sinceramente? In realtà, in questo mondo, si dovrebbero usare proprio queste due parole come saluto, perché immaginate se tutti vi augurassero ogni giorno una buona strada. Non mi manca Instagram o WhatsApp perché mi sento più a mio agio in questa realtà. Qui non si presta attenzione all'aspetto esteriore e quando si riceve un complimento, si basa sui valori interiori che hanno molta più importanza. Qui ascolti di più il tuo corpo e gli dai ciò di cui ha bisogno perché puoi decidere liberamente non hai nessuna pressione.

      Ogni giorno, durante il Cammino, ho innumerevoli pensieri che tengo solo nell mio diario delle sensazioni, quindi immaginate quande emozioni coltivo dentro di me.

      Oggi sono caduta, ma non preoccupatevi, sapevo che non sarebbe stata una passeggiata, ma quello che il Camino ti toglie, te lo restituisce triplicato!

      Anche se non sento nessuno al telefono, non vi ho sentito mai così forte nel mio cuore come in questo momento. Qui non si è mai soli e se si vuole, come è giusto che sia, c'è sempre qualcuno dietro o davanti !


    • Tag 8

      Estella to Torres del Rio

      29. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Anticipating another very hot day and a 30k walk I left at 6 in the dark. Saw the sun rise around 6.45.
      The first 5k to the wine fountain was cool and quiet - not many other pilgrims or anyone else really. Unfortunately the much anticipated wine fountain now only starts at 8 or 9 am so I was too early. Given how horrible the wine is I wasn’t too bothered as experienced it last year.
      First coffee - after about 6k. Delightful little cafe run by a mad Dutchman - great food including vegetarian sandwiches to take a way for lunch! (First I’ve seen in Spain!) , bonkers pricing - too boring to explain - and he had stroop waffles - also first I’ve seen I. Spain.
      Along the way heard quails in the cornfields, frogs in the ditches and first Zittings Cisticola and Cetti’s Warbler. As well as nightingales and turtle doves. A white butterfly led me into Los Arcos and after Los Arcos saw swallowtails. About six or seven large birds of prey were circling over a tractor in a field of vines - assume they were hoping for small creatures to be disturbed by the tractor and break cover?
      As for people - at a lively food truck with comfortable seat under the olive trees and lots of good things to eat and drink I met the 84 year old man from Japan again (several times today) and a mother and daughter from the US who are walking 40k today. They have just passed our hotel (where I’ve done my washing and had a swim) and still have about 12k to go (it’s 4pm now).
      The trail out of Los Arcos to Torres del Rio was long and hot - absolutely no shade most of the way - met Cayman friends under the only tree casting shade and ate my lunch. Then on to Torres where the hotel is a haven - wonderful pool and good room and - im assured - a great vegetarian cena. I’m so tired I think I will sleep well tonight.
      Went to visit the c12 octagonal church - connected with the knights Templar. Beautiful - remember it from last year.
      Lovely vegetarian dinner with a bottle of wine between 3.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Araba / Álava, Provincia de Alava, Álava, Alaba, Província d'Àlaba, Araba, Alava, アラバ

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