Provincia de Zaragoza

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    • Dag 11

      Lorca to Luquin

      6 mei 2023, Spanje

      We absolutely loved our lodging choice last night and did NOT want to leave. Close to 12 miles on today’s agenda. No days off planned for the next week so we just keep walking 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

    • Dag 6

      Day 3 - A day of reckoning

      18 september 2022, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      ."Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

      Day 3 - Villatuerta to Villamayor de Monjardin
      -13.1 km

      7:15 am start and today was a hard day. Physically and emotionally. I definitely had a leak in my waterworks! So many times today I just cried. I am disappointed in the distances I’m walking as they are not as long as I had hoped. Disappointed in myself for gaining my weight back, not training for this and all manner of other things. And honestly, despite the beauty, the amazing people I have met and the fact I am privileged enough to be here at all, I just kept thinking “I am NOT having fun. I am NOT enjoying this”. One thought built on the other and went on repeat as I slowly worked my way up and down hills and through towns.

      I rested a lot. Had breakfast in Estella at a lovely place called Namas-Te (a tea house!). As the server put my pintoxs in front of me, in walked Bill and Rip. We ate pretty quickly (wasn’t getting caught out again). They were headed on the alternate route to Luquin and I to Villamayor de Monjardin. The ladies in Namas-Te could see I was upset. More tears with them.

      The blues hit me bad again on my way out of Estella. I cried and walked and cried some more. I stopped at the Irache wine fountain at the Monestario Irache. (the vineyards add 100L of wine to the fountain everyday, for pilgrims to enjoy). Carried on walking and cried some more. I was actually hating what I am doing, at that point. Rested a bit more and of course took ages to get moving again, due to the foot pain.

      Made it past Irache and on to Azqueta. Lots of downhill this section which means only one thing…the uphills are coming. Rested here, cried a bit more. Got going again for the last 2km - majority of it uphill. Not steep this time - just continuous. I cried when seeing the church spire of Villamayor de Monjardin - well made the motions - I had no tears left!

      Got to the Albergue at about 1:15pm. I have not made any reservations and they don’t open until 3pm on Sundays. So myself and other pilgrims sat and waited. I was desperately hoping for a bed (they only have 21!) as I knew the next town was “Completo” (fully booked already). I got lucky! Bed in a shared room of 5. Luck is subjective though…hit the shower to find I may have picked up some hitch hikers after all. Red spots all over my chest, torso and arms. Right where my long black shirt had been sitting. And the black shirt was stuffed into my backpack beside the lightweight backpack that Marie gave me back the day before :-(. Hand washed my clothes, dried in the sun and sealed in my drysack to avoid any cross contamination with my other clothes… I hope. My next stop needs to have a proper laundry and dryer so I can heat dry everything and hopefully prevent and more issues. Other than that little downer, it was a great dinner with all the other pilgrims and volunteers from the Albergue, and a quiet evening.

      No more tears. Well, today anyway! I am able bodied and need to be grateful for that. Grateful for my ability to carry a pack and slog it out. Grateful that I am here. Part of my Camino is to learn to be kinder to myself and have a bit more grace - for myself and those around me. Big lessons learned today, but I am sure it won’t be the last one!

      We will see what tomorrow brings. More kms I think, but I hear it is flatter. Woohoo!
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    • Dag 5

      Day 4 walking!

      12 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      We had more leisurely start at 8.30 this morning as our wonderful host Elena, had lovely help yourself to breakfast, permitting multiple cups of green tea 😊
      The walking today involved few steep bits but mainly gentle slopes and passing lots of lush fields. We met couple of nice Brits to walk and chat with for couple of hours, and we bumped into people we’ve met previously at the Albergue or while walking, which somehow makes the world feel smaller and the Camino less daunting!
      We passed through historic Los Arcos and stopped for a break and watched/heard the locals being called with bells to church in their Sunday finery! The scenery is breathtaking with lots of wild flowers especially poppies.
      As we were ambling along in the final stretch, a circadian flew past me landing on plant, so I stopped to bend down to photograph it and managed to topple over onto my back/rucksack like a turtle on its back!! Very funny and no harm done, lesson learnt, don’t lean or bend to far with heavy rucksack!!
      So we walked about 21 miles to our Albergue in Sansol, another high village with lots of old buildings. The Albergue appears to be a converted palace with wonderful ancient stairs and super terrace and outdoor space. The communal dinner was little unusual with spontaneous Korean song and American singing with a guitar! And the sun sets on another interesting day,
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    • Dag 8

      Day 7 Puenta la Raina to Villatuerta

      13 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      We stayed at the cutest allbergue last night and felt so rested that we pushed on to Villatuerta today. Lots of climbing, hiked with ladies from Tazmania all morning. Our albergue tonight, Albergue Magica, has fabulous paella, local vegetables, wine, and is full of people hiking the Camino. Here are some pics!Meer informatie

    • Dag 6–7

      Day 5 to Ayigie

      11 mei, Spanje ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      What we thought was Estella but the places flow into each other and Ayigie is actually the next town.
      Jodie & I got a little off track 👣 and by accident walked a bit on! So we ended up on the next day's route 🤔
      Turned back and stopped at a garage/truck stop... and Miriam, an absolute angel gave us a lift to the hostel. It was only 5mins away.
      Explored the town after a shower and the old town part so nice!!
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    • Dag 9

      Day 8: 25k to Los Arcos

      14 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      I got to use my hunchback of Notte Dame Camino raincoat that fits over my backpack while hiking 25k (15 miles today). There was a gentle rain on and off for a few hours, but what a beautiful part of Spain. This is wine country. There are water fountains along the way, and today I stopped at the famous fountain in Irichi that dispenses wine, not water. Walked with Liz from Australia today and Vicki from MN. Tomorrow is knee breaker mountain, but still blister free and walking normally, feeling strong.Meer informatie

    • Dag 13–14

      Casa Magica Villatuerta

      18 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Arrived at albergi Casa Magica after a full day of walking across the beautiful countryside through Olive groves and vineyards and orchard and wildflowers. Inclines and declines but not too tough, especially with a few rest stops in the villages, or at a stand in the middle of a Olive garden. I followed a blue butterfly today for a while. It helped me go up the hill.

      We had a lovely homemade vegetarian paella for dinner with wine, a 3 course meal including wine for $18.

      Now time to bunk up with our fellow pilgrims for the night so we can get up and out before 8.

      Only 665 more km to Santiago!
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    • Dag 7


      28 mei, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Another very hot day walking up a steep hill, and then through ondulating coun tryside to this lovely medieval town.
      I have managed to hurt my quad on right leg, so fell far behind making it a long painful day. The hostel has ice packs amd we met a nurse and an athletics trainer so loads of advice on what to do. Got good pain killers, but am going to rest tomorrow. There is plenty to do here.
      The good thing about walking slowly is I noticed lots of things and too some nice pictures.
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    • Dag 11

      Day 10. From Lorca to Azqueta

      25 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Much shorter day. 5.85 miles. We had to make a stop at Urgent care for Steve’s blisters. They were so helpful and kind to each of us. We made a pharmacy run to get what we needed. Had a second breakfast but not exactly what I was hoping for. Went to check into our albergue but it was the wrong town….so we kept on walking. Shower done , hair is done and the owner of the albergue made us the best tuna fish sandwich!!!
      Walked with Petra from Sweden today. Having knee issues…helped her by giving her my hiking poles. We have ended up in the same as for the night! Also 2 from Germany that we met two nights ago is here as well. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. We feel them and appreciate them. Feeling grateful for the care Steve received today, grateful for the short day and for the best tuna fish sandwich ever!!!
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    • Dag 7–8

      D6 - Pamplona to Puente la Reina

      19 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Leaving Pamplona we could see the wind turbines in the distance that we were heading for. We stopped for a coffee just a few kms out from Pamplona at Cizur Menor. The trail up the mountain was long, muddy in parts but the wild flowers were beautiful. We seemed to climb forever up Alto de Perdon , so steep in places that bike riders were having trouble pushing their bikes up. At the top of Alto de Perdon we posed for photos at the iconic pilgrims monument - a steel sculpture of pilgrims through the ages. The peak can be quite windy at times, however the huge wind turbines that surrounded us were barely moving. After a quick rest and drink off we went on our descent which was very rocky and very steep but not as slippery as previous days. We passed through the small villages of Uterga, Muruzabal and Obanos then onto Puente La Reina (queens bridge) we walked through town admiring the beautiful buildings and ancient churches and just when we think we have arrived at our accommodation we walked over the bridge to find that our albergue was at the top of a long steep and massive driveway. We ended up having the pilgrims meal in the albergue that night as none of us were keen to do the hill climb again.Meer informatie

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