Puerto Almerimar

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    • Dag 28

      Almerimar/ Hafen

      3. mars 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Heute stehen wir im Hafen von Almerimar mit Blick aufs Meer. Anmeldung neben dem Leuchtturm beim Hafenmeister. 15 € alles incl. Dusche u. Toiletten fussläufig in 8- 10 Min. zu erreichen. Da muss man rechtzeitig los.😉 Schlüssel gibt es beim Hafenmeister. Supermarkt , Bars u. Restaurants in unmittelbarer Nähe. Carefour 6,5 Km . Gute Fahrradwege. Am Abend gab es Sturm und die Wind u. Kitsurfer waren in ihrem Element. Es war eine Freude ihnen aus dem sturmfreien Womo zuzusehen. Beim Fotografierten musste ich das Handy gut festhalten.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Donnerstag und Freitag Tag 5 und- 6

      21. mai 2021, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Da bin ich mal wieder,
      an den letzten beiden Tagen ist ausser Arbeit nicht viel geschehen. Deshalb einen Block für zwei Tage. Am Donnerstag wollte der deutsche Ausiedler den Dieselfilter, Ölfilter und Impeller der Wasserpumpe wechseln. Ich hatte dies mit dem Eigner drei Wochen vorher so abgestimmt. Eigentlich sollte alles bei meiner Ankunft fertig sein. Um 13:00 Uhr war es dann endlich soweit. Er kam mit den nötigen Utensilien und einem Gehstock. Was er damit wohl will? Ja ..., laufen natürlich. Ihm ging's heute nicht so gut, ob ich ihm wohl helfen könnte? rief er mir zu. Was soll ich machen? Vera und ich wollen schliesslich los. Unter seiner Anleitung ging ich die Herausforderung an und ein Stündchen später war der Motor fertig und ichölverschmiert. Zum Glück hab ich Arbeitszeug dabei. Jetzt nur noch das Bier in den Kühlschrank und wir sind für heute fertig. Was ist denn nun schon wieder? Im Kühlschrank ist es wärmer als draussen. Ohne kaltes Bier wird nicht abgelegt. Da sind Vera und ich einer Meinung. Auch kann ich das Detlef nicht antun, der Ende Juni zu uns stösst. Ein Anruf beim Eigner und er gibt mir die Telefonnummer von Chris aus der Werft. Wie immer ..., keiner hat Zeit. Es sei denn, wir verlegen zur Instandetzung die Yacht in die Werft. Kein Problem für uns. Ein Anruf beim Hafenmeister und wir bekommen die Erlaubnis. Schwupp die Wupps stehen wir vor seinem Office und er legt los. Es musste nur Kühlmittel aufgefüllt werden und zwei Stunden später haben wir wieder Cerveza fría.
      Freitag wurde eingekauft und unsere Yacht somit auf 1,90 m tiefer gelegt. Vera hat das Teakdeck mit Pinsel und Farbe imprägniert und wir sind endlich, endlich, endlich starklar.
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    • Dag 39

      Almerimar Puerto de Desportivo

      22. september 2014, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Strecke:                 Castillo de Banos (E) - Almerimar €
      Distanz:                  55 km
      Area Puerto Deportivo Almerimar
      Torre del Puerto - Almerimar
       04711 Almerimar
      N 36.69642,  W -2.79424
      N 36°41'47",  W -2°47'39"
      Ü-Kosten:               9 € / Nacht incl. V/E, 3,50 € Strom

      Der SP in Almerimar ist zwar angelegt wie ein Großparkplatz, aber der einzigartige Blick und die ortsnahe Lage zu dem Touristenzentrum am Hafen entschädigt für vieles. Bezahlt wird beim deutschsprachigen Hafenmeister im Turm.
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    • Dag 16

      Costeggiando il sud della Spagna

      11. juni 2015, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Uno dei quattro sbarca per tornare in aereo e rimaniamo in 3. Lasciamo Gibilterra con uno in meno ma dopo aver imbarcato centinaia di zanzare, mosche e farfalline, non una gran cosa: sono pieno di puntini rossi... La direzione è Adra, una volta lì decideremo se fermarsi per far gasolio e per dove proseguire dopo.
      Fatto il solito slalom tra le navi nel golfo poggiamo verso est con un bel vento in poppa, che però mano a mano scende, fino a non riuscire a gonfiare nemmeno il gennaker... Motore.
      Finalmente i 100ml protezione 50 che mi sono portato dietro hanno un senso: non c'è un filo di vento, non c'è una nuvola in cielo e il mare sembra olio da quanto è liscio.
      Facciamo tutti i lavoretti di sistemazione alla barca che ci vengono in mente, ma anche così abbiamo fin troppo tempo libero. Che noia.
      La notte trascorrere tranquilla, unico brivido me l'ha provocato un burlone d'un delfino che ha sbuffato a meno di 2 metri alle mie spalle. Mavvaff...
      Ore 8:20 mentre cerchiamo di capire dove sia finita ancora una volta l'acqua di uno dei gavoni, noto il rumore del motore che si fa sordo... Pompa dell'acqua andata. Spegniamo e arranchiamo seguendo l'alito di vento che c'è verso il prossimo porto sperando che il danno sia riparabile in tempi ragionevoli.
      Ed ecco che appena andati su col gennaker il vento monta a 20 nodi, certo divertente, ma non facile da ammainare in fronte porto senza motore...ciò nonostante facciamo tutto senza far ulteriori danni e attrachiamo ad Almerimar.
      Ora stiamo aspettando il meccanico per sapere che ne sarà della nostra spedizione
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    • Dag 7


      1. januar 2019, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Los Albaricoques-Almerimar ca. 68 km

      Heute zu Neujahr nur ein kurzes Stück um etwas Sonne und Ruhe zu tanken.
      Hier in Almerimar am Hafen ist es herrlich, jedoch sehr voll. Wir haben einen Platz ohne Strom für 10€ ergattern können und stehen hier bei mehr als 25 Grad. Etwas unwirklich wenn man das Wetter in Deutschland betrachtet, aber richtig toll wenn man hier ist.Les mer

    • Dag 344

      Almerimar nature reserve

      25. mars 2018, Spania ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      OK we admit it we slept in, after two nights of howling winds and then moving the clocks forward we missed the 10 O’clock rendezvous time for the Sunday walk, but we did do our own walk East along the beach to the nature reserve where we managed to take some photos of the flamingos sadly we couldn’t get very close but here they are.
      Last week there was only Maria and myself so we repeated one of the Castala walks the one to the old disused lead mine, I took a couple of photos.
      We don’t have any real news except that against all expectations we won a round of the music based quiz on Wednesday so John has another bottle of red wine to drink. The winds have been high almost all week so no major work done on the boat but we do manage the odd hour here and there so things are moving forward slowly, this week the weather is supposed to be much better so fingers crossed. Not sure if I have mentioned that I am working in the local charity shop whenever they need me and worked 8hours last week that kept me out of trouble for a while. The shop raises money to help look after abandoned and injured animals mostly dogs and cats.
      Tomorrow one of our friends Ian has arranged a visit to a private motor collection so provided I am allowed to take photos I will post some and tell you more about the visit later in the week.
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    • Dag 330


      11. mars 2018, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Hello All
      We are still in Almerimar, I am waiting on a new crown for my tooth, it is still very hit and miss with weather we get one OK day and then back to high winds, Tuesday it reached 57knots, today seems about the same and tomorrow’s not looking great either. But there are definitely worse places to be and this means we have been able to spend more time with our new friends. On Saturday Jane and Dave cooked us a lovely curry, today we have been walking near Castala and the Fuente de castala. After the walk Sebastian took us to one of his local tapas bars and to see his son and family. Sadly Jane and Dave, and Frank and Tina leave here on Tuesday so the walking group next week might be Maria, our guide, John and I and Phil from Oz.
      We haven’t been idle while waiting for new crown we have removed the screens and treated the rust and are revarnishing the wooden rails from under the screens before we replace everything.
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    • Dag 316


      25. februar 2018, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      So this week, because it was supposed to be windy we headed north east towards Tabernas, famous as the town closest to the Hollywood sets built for some of the spaghetti westerns including ‘fistful of dollars’ ‘for a few dollars more’ ‘high planes drifter’ and Lawrence of Arabia. Scenery was good but different to the other areas we have been more like open caste mining or sand castles mostly washed away by the waves. In the end the weather was lovely we had some sunshine and no wind, but things will get a little cooler and windier next week but from what we have read nothing like it will be in the UK and Guernsey, we hope on your behalf’s that there isn’t much snow. Stay safe and warm!Les mer

    • Dag 314

      Mezquita and Palacio de Viana in Cordoba

      23. februar 2018, Spania ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      So it was an early start to visit the Mezquita before Mass when it is free but it was worth it, an incredible building a Mosque with a Cathedral inside it, stunning. We also saw the ruins of the roman theatre not much there really, had coffee in the Art Deco cafe called Cafe de Gloria and visited Palacio de Viana with its many courtyards and museum collections it was a shame we were out of season for the flowers but it was still warm and would probably have been too much for us in season.Les mer

    • Dag 309


      18. februar 2018, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      So today our regular Sunday walk took us to Valor a small town to the North west of Almerimar up in the hills about a 45min drive away. There was loads of almond blossom and it was very picturesque if not as stunning as last week.
      We have just realised that we might be leaving here in 10 days time! so have a few more things to buy and do including restocking the larder and fueling up as well as picking people’s brains for the best places to anchor and most expensive marinas so we can avoid those! There is rumour that it will rain here tomorrow so might be an internet planning day.
      Thanks to everyone, from John, for his birthday cards and birthday wishes. On Saturday we took a walk to the nature reserve to see if there were any flamingos in the lagoon, there were, but this time we did remember the camera but when I switched it on ‘battery exhausted’ was the message so we have to go back again for photos. I think I even managed to catch a little sun. Later on in the evening we went out for a birthday meal where John had lamb chops, one of his favourites, then we took part in the quiz again but did miserably this week.
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