Rabanal del Camino

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    • Dag 4

      Astorga - Rabanal del Camino (21,4km)

      13. juli 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Die meisten unserer treuen Weggefährten, die wir bisher auf dem Camino kennengelernt haben,  zog es noch einige Kilometer weiter nach Foncebadón, was angesichts der sehr beschwerlichen Etappe, die uns morgen bevorsteht, sinnvoll gewesen wäre. Was uns aber in Rabanal del Camino haltmachen liess? - das prächtige Refugio Gaucelmo, welches direkt hinter einer alten Tempelritter-Kirche liegt (und sogar Erwähnung im Wikipedia-Eintrag zu Rabanal del Camino findet). Diese Herberge, geführt von einer englischen Jakobsbruderschaft namens Confraternity of Saint James, ist die älteste Herberge zwischen Astorga und Ponferrada! Tom, Richard und Lizz nahmen uns warmherzig in Empfang und luden uns um 16.45 Uhr zur obligaten Tea-Time im schönen Garten der Herberge ein. Danach ging es zur Vesper mit den Benediktinermönchen, die zur Erzabtei St. Ottilien in Bayern gehören. Die Andacht bestand aus einem gregorianischen Gesang und Lesungen in verschiedenen Sprachen; Michael hielt die deutsche.
      Die Wanderung führte uns heute aus dem Städtchen Astorga hinaus und auf meist einsamen Landstrassen durch die Maragateria hoch zu dem auf 1150 Metern liegenden Dörfchen Rabanal del Camino. Von hier aus geht es morgen hoch zum Cruz de Hierro und dann - vermutlich der schwierigste Abschnitt unserer gesamten Reise - 900 Meter runter nach Molinaseca. Wir sind gespannt!
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    • Dag 15

      Sad to say goodbye

      14. august 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Today I walked 20km from Astorga to Rabanal. It was a relatively easy, straight, level path for most of the day, so I had time to think and reflect. It was a sad day for me as I learned that the vet would be coming to put down our family dog, Winni, today. She was old and her health was declining. I spent a lot of time with Winni in my early 20s, taking her for walks in the park whenever I was home for a visit or living at home. She was a good companion, and I’ll miss her and her presence at the house. I’m glad I could take time on the walk today to think about Winni and grieve saying goodbye.Les mer

    • Dag 38

      Rabanal del Camino

      25. september 2023, Spania ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Dzisiejszy dzień dał nam wiele dobrego, ale najważniejsze były dwa miejsca. Pierwsze to Ermitera Ecce Homo, malutka kapliczka w Valdeviejas, prawie zaraz po wyjściu z Astorgi. Powstała ona z wdzięczności za cud , który się wydarzył chyba w XVI wieku. Mały chłopczyk wpadł do studni i zrozpaczona mama modliła się z całych sił do Jezusa Chrystusa o jego uratowanie, no i udało się. Jest to miejsce w którym czuje się niezwykłe ciepło i ma się poczuciu bezpieczeństwa. Ecce Homo, czyli oto Człowiek, bardzo w tym pomaga.
      W samym Rabanel jest bardzo malutki troszkę rozpadający się kościółek, którym opiekują się Benedyktyni z Niemiec . Do tego, że można tam zatopić się bardzo głęboko w myślach pomagają chanty śpiewany przez benedyktyńskich mnichów ubranych w czarne sutanny z kapturami.
      Droga dzisiaj była bardzo malownicza, ciągnęła się pod górę cały dzień, czasami lekko czasami bardziej, po kamieniach z bólem. Widoki cieszyły bardzo. Był tam po raz kolejny płot ciągnący się przez jakieś 2 km z wplecionymi krzyżami. Poprzez proste działanie matematyczne oszacowałem że byłoby tam ich ponad 14-16 tysięcy. Moim zdaniem bardzo imponujące jest to, że aż tylu ludzi chciało wyrazić swoje przekonanie, że krzyż ma dla nich znaczenie i być może są oni poszukiwaczami dobra i miłości.
      Jutro czeka nas Cruz de Ferro I ciężka droga. Mamy przygotowane wszystkie kamienie, które były poświęcone przez mnichów na nocnej adoracji. Trzeba będzie się z nimi pożegnać, oddając je w ręce tego, który może wszystko. W sumie dobre pożegnanie...
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    • Day 31 - Astorga to Rabanal - 20km

      29. september 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today was supposed to be somewhat easy (even though it was a steady climb up), but it was so hot and no shade that the last few kilometres were difficult.

      I started out before sunrise and the full moon was out. It was so huge in the sky, the pictures don’t do it justice. I had a couple yogurts before leaving but they weren’t sitting well in my stomach. I am used to leaving without any food and then eating an hour later. I had extra from yesterday, so decided to try and have it. Not again.

      The first town was about 5kms away and I stopped and had a toasted sandwich, not wonderful, but better than nothing. I had a nice visit with Caryn (from Steveston BC) and then I was off. There are quite a few Canadians on the camino at this time. I kept making stops in the towns every few kilometres. The scenery has definitely changed to mostly trees, just none of them were nearby or big enough to provide shade.

      When I arrived, I had immediately asked if they did laundry. It cost me 8 Euros, but well worth it. I was in no mood to wash and everything was dirty. So I gave her my clothes, and I went to the bar next door and had lunch. I sat with Lisa and Jenna joined us. We had a great time chatting and getting to know each other. Lisa is from Texas and Jenna is from North Carolina. After lunch, I wandered up into the town to find the spot where Joerg and I sat waiting for the albergue to open. I found it, and asked someone to take my picture there. When we were here in 2009, the monks were out of town, but they were here today so I was treated to Gregorian Chants and Vespers in the church. There was a pilgrims blessing but it wasn’t until 9:30pm so that was too late for me to wait up.

      I came back to the albergue just after the service and had another great time visiting with Jenna and Lisa. We sat outside chatting and laughing until 9pm. I had no time to write this blog, which is why you are getting it a day late.

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    • Dag 42

      Day 31 - Rabanal del Camino

      8. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      A total of 13 miles today, we are definitely off the Meseta. The terrain turned mostly green, and there are these things called 'Hills' along the way. We also took a side track to a little villa that not many pilgrams go to. We almost missed the turn, well we did miss it and walked back 200 meters. We are blaming our friend Jeff Stiles. A pilgram walked by us at the turn off, and Gina and I thought the person looked like Jeff, then we started in on how Jeff would love and hate the Camino. The next thing we knew, we were past our turn and had to back track.Les mer

    • Dag 42

      Day 31-Rabanal del Camino

      8. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      We're not on the meseta anymore. We have steeper ascents now on rockier paths. We walked 13 miles today and tomorrow we are leaving two hours before sunrise so we can be at the top of the mountain for sunrise.

      We took an alternate route through Castrillo de los Polvazares that is a maragato historic landmark. All of the houses and streets had the same construction and look. Nothing was open when we walked through but it was beautiful.

      The restaurant attched to our albergue is serving pulpo today so, of course, I had some. It was yummy. Now it's time to rest up for tomorrow's long hike up and then down the mountain.
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    • Dag 34

      Day 30: Rabanal to Molinaseca, part 1

      16. juni 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      Mileage: 16 miles
      Altitude gain: 1,631 feet
      Altitude loss: 3,343 feet !!
      Weather: cool in the morning; hot in the afternoon
      Total mileage: 360.5 miles

      This one. I resolved not to complain on this journey but today beat me up worse than any other day so far, and I admit I both complained and cried today.

      A rooster woke me at 5:45 this morning, and since I wasn’t sleeping well anyway (not all bunk beds are created equal!) I got up and hit the trail by 6:30 or so. It was a beautiful morning! The trail started with an ascent that took me up two mountains by the middle of the day. Lovely views over the León and Cantabrian mountain ranges were the rewards. I stopped for breakfast in a cafe in Foncebadón and then by the side of the trail for a bread/cheese/fruit lunch just after the top of the second mountain.

      Things went downhill from there, both literally and figuratively.

      I knew it would be a long and difficult descent, but reading about that sort of thing is different than living it. It was eight straight miles of steep rocky trails that I began to think would never end. I stopped for a snack in Acebo midway down and then white-knuckled the last five miles down the mountain.

      I finally made it, though, and devoured a pilgrim’s menu dinner with Marcella from Brooklyn. The Friday night partying involves fireworks at random intervals, so I am looking forward to some sleep!

      1. Door in Rabanal - one of the churches?
      2. It is a very good thing I left so early, partly because it was so beautiful. Also, it took me forever to reach Molinaseca!
      3. Morning forest
      4. Rocky but beautiful ascent
      5. The view back over the direction from which I came.
      6. The famous Cruz de Ferro, at the top of the first mountain. It’s become a tradition for people to leave stones at the foot of this cross for various reasons.
      7. and 8. first descent
      9. Another vista from the top, to the south, I think.
      10. Walking along the mountainside
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    • Dag 37


      31. mai, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Day 29 Astorga
      Distance from Astorga to Rabanal 22kms

      Stepping out of our hotel we were greeted with a crisp and sunny morning which promised to get warmer by the hour. We passed by a quaint church and onto a gravel path as we said goodbye to the city. The only sound disturbing the silence was the crunch of our shoes on the gravel path. Any excuse for a coffee we stopped in a rustic village not far into our walk and there met with Camino friends chatting before we all moved on.
      With the mountains in sight and tee pees (as an alternative to stay in) in the distance we walked on it was a gentle and perfect day. With a tiny breeze blowing brilliant blue sky and pleasant temperature we were soon at our destination for the day (it seemed so short after yesterday) however tomorrow we climb to the highest point of the entire route 1515m. We will take our time and enjoy the views from the top.
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    • Dag 29

      Day 28, Astorga to Rabanal

      20. juni 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we left Astorga with few regrets - it felt like one of the least welcoming towns we’ve stayed at. The countryside became much more appealing - softer, greener and hillier - almost as soon as we left town. Today’s 20km walk was steadily uphill but the incline was so gradual that the ascent felt miraculously easy.
      We stopped for coffee at a little village called Santa Caterina which, with its geranium boxes and roses, would not have been out of place in the south of France. Outside the village I was intrigued by the ruins of old cottages - something we haven’t seen this before. Fiona was quite taken with some of the buildings for sale.
      During the mentally idle hours of walking I found myself thinking about the saying ‘taking the rough with the smooth’ and considering its literal meaning as I navigated some fairly stony paths with my new blisters (yes, I now have two new arrivals). I also remembered that when I was a student, Peter Campbell, the father of my good friend, Jane, said some of his happiest moments were spent marching during national service. It made absolutely no sense to me then but 40 years later I think I get it. The simplicity of repeatedly putting one foot in front of another seems to make me happy too.
      Today’s stop is at Rabanal at a donotivo hostel run by the Confraterity of St James which is based in London. The volunteers are English and provided tea and lemon drizzle cake in the garden this afternoon. I have thought about volunteering here myself another year. The village is very pretty and feels quite English. This evening we heard Gregorian chant at vespers at the simpler of tiny Rabanal’s two churches. It was led by two Benedictine monks - we were told the lead chanter had been called away because of an emergency but the monks who remained did pretty well as far as I could tell.
      Dinner was with Anna from Canada, Brad from Louisiana, Ramona from Germany and Lyn from the Netherlands. Not a brilliant meal but nice company and a lovely end to a lovely day.
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    • Dag 8

      Rabanal del Camino

      26. mai 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Lovely hamlet with rock buildings. I’m at the newly remodeled El Refugio. Was hoping to catch the German monks nightly Gregorian chants. Sadly they contracted COVID last week and have not yet recovered.

      Dayasuno Maragato
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