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    • Dag 24–25

      437km (271.5miles) walked so far, 330km (205 miles) to go.
      Long day today, 31km mostly through farmland on designated paths. Some tracks parallel to the road but not much traffic. Only two coffee stops today, first one at the 10km mark, Bercianos del Real Camino, second stop after 17.2km, El Burgo Ranero. We then had 12.7km to Reliegos where we were staying for the night. Started off quite cool in the morning but soon warmed up and was quite hot by the time we got to town. Lots of pollen flying through the air and we have all had trouble with allergies. Not so many poppies today but lots of other wild flowers.Læs mere

    • Dag 19–20

      Day 18 to Sahagún

      24. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Sahagún is approximately halfway... you can also get your halfway certificate here!

      Walked with John from Australia today. His wife is doing Portuguese Camino with her brother. Later on I met Trish & Brian... they came to the church service too... if everyone in the world had the kindness the carry on the Camino there will be a lot less war and sadness.

      Had a great sharing session... with fellow peregrinos... people are carrying so much sadness and hurt!

      Then a fantastic pilgrim's supper. Everyone had to bring something for 4 people - I made my spinach, pea & feta salad - and it was a hit!!!!

      Lots of chatter & banter & wine...
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    • Dag 29


      23. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Day 21 Sahagún
      Distance from Calzadilla to Sahagún 23 kms

      It has been 3 weeks today since we started walking the Camino and have reached halfway - 400kms.
      The sun was shining temperature reached 21c the path was flat orange blossom filled the air and the terrain a joy to walk through. The sound of the cuckoo calling through the trees.
      The little caves (hobbit like dwellings as we call them) we passed by are called bodegas and were used for food storage wine presses barrels and bottling vats and some local families still use them today. We stopped for a delicious goats cheese salad and freshly squeezed orange juice in a tiny village before walking on to Sahagun.
      A small town with quaint streets and churches dating back to the 10th Century some with little remains. One of which we acquired our credential for reaching the halfway mark we were delighted to have made it this far.
      We were fortunate to catchup with Camino friends late afternoon and finished the day with a dish of pulpo (a Galacian dish of octopus) grilled and served with a potato purée washed down with a local white.
      What a glorious day.
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    • Dag 15

      Half Way Point

      31. juli 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      This is not 100% accurate, and obviously I am walking further so it only applies to pilgrims ending in Santiago de Compostela, but it’s a moment nevertheless, passing the half way point of the Camino Frances.Læs mere

    • Dag 22

      Sahagún to Reliegos

      25. maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Left Sahagún about ,8. Walked about 11km with Rowena to a that did eggs and bacon. Then met Tammy, Melissa.and Gerrard. We walked to Reliegos together. Went to the most famous Bar on the Camino ....Bar Elvis, for an hour then got a taxi to the accommodation for the night which was about 7km off Camino. Bar Elvis is known as a dive bar. What a great hour it was.Læs mere

    • Dag 18

      Woah, we're halfway there! 🎶

      9. august 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Today we passed through Sahagún, the middle of the Camino. I'm not sure how this is calculated, because I thought we started the second half already, but never mind.
      Now I am officially on the second half, with certificate to prove it.Læs mere

    • Dag 22

      19 Cazadilla – Sahagún

      18. august 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute bin ich wieder früher los.
      Gestern Abend habe ich noch ein extra zusammengestelltes vegetarisches Pilgermenu bekommen: Ensalada ohne Atún, Linsen – puro vegetal mit Tortilla und Flan als Postres. Mhm. Die Bestellung wurde mit so einem digitalen Teil aufgenommen, in das die Frau spanisch hinein sprach und in deutsch kam es wieder raus – faszinierend.
      In der Frühe war es kalt. Es dämmerte schon bald und dann zeigte sich die Sonne und ein strahlend blauer Himmel. Mittlerweile bin ich eingelaufen – also nicht an Größe, sondern das Laufen läuft fast wie von selbst. Die meiste Zeit – das heißt eigentlich immer – trage ich Sandalen. Die Wanderschuhe sind mir zu eng und zu schwer. Vielleicht werden sie mir in den Bergen noch nützlich sein. Auch der Rucksack drückt nicht mehr und ich entdecke noch immer Schnallen und Riemen, an die ich zurren kann und er sitzt noch besser.
      Der Weg war aufgelockerter, es gab wieder Orte unterwegs, es wurde hügeliger und rechts und links hinter den Stoppelfeldern grüßten die Wälder. Der Himmel war noch genauso hoch und weit wie die vergangenen Tage. Mir ist wieder ein Lied eingefallen:
      Blau ist der Himmel, weiße Wolken ziehen dahin,
      und der Sommer leuchtet so helle.
      Und die Seele breitet Schwingen aus,
      fliegt dahin durch weite Sommerräume.
      Das passt so gut.
      Unterwegs gab es noch Terradillos (wieder eine Verniedlichung unter weitem Himmel: kleines Stückchen Land) de los Templarios, eine alte Templerstadt, von der aber nichts mehr zu sehen war, außer einer verschlossenen Kirche.
      Kurz vor Sahagún gab es eine Eremitage zu bestaunen Ermita de la Virgen del Puente, die Jungfrau an der Brücke, eine kleine Ziegelsteinkapelle, die romanische und arabische Stilelemente vereint. Die Skulptur der Jungfrau ist von einer Bildhauerin im 17. Jahrhundert geschaffen: Louisa Roldán und heißt nur kurz La Roldana.
      Sahagún, das war fast wie mit dem Scheinriesen, Herrn Turtur in Die Wilde Dreizehn – nur umgekehrt – je näher ich kam, desto weiter entfernte es sich.
      Heute habe ich die Hälfte der Strecke zwischen Roncesvalles – meinem Startort – und Santiago de Compostela geschafft. Dafür gibt es eine Urkunde: die Carta Peregrina. Die gehe ich mir jetzt abholen.
      Und nun habe ich sie: die Carta Peregrina. Ich habe nun 385 km gelaufen in drei Wochen an 19 Tagen. Noch einmal soviel und ich bin in Santiago.
      Sahagún ist eine lebendige Stadt. Man spürt noch überall den arabischen Einfluss und das tut gut. Der Name der Stadt rührt von einem Märtyrer San Fancun her. Im Spanischen gab es eine Lautverschiebung von F nach H, so entstand Sahagún – obwohl man das H im Spanischen nicht ausspricht – vielleicht sagt man dann Sa‘agún?
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    • Dag 21

      Day 21

      13. september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Well… dinner last night was good.. it’s all relevant.. at home it would be disappointing.. but I’m not at home!!!!
      Set off usual time.. breakfast was spent with, the German lady, who’s name I can’t remember, and a Spanish couple I meet regularly who’s name’s I don’t know, communicating somehow on what the weather was going to do.. heavy rain, thunder and lightning had been forecast…. Set off with it being too warm for a coat etc., but having everything to hand in a hurry if necessary… every hour I thought.. that’s one hour less walking in the rain!!
      Amazingly… me .. who never seems to know where I’m going, stopped to help two different lots of people on which way the route went.. thank you Camino Ninja!!
      A few hours into it.. and an hour of scary loud thunder later it absolutely hammered down.. not so bad if it hadn’t also started blowing a gale ( no idea where that came from!! ) it was soo cold and wet.. I passed Rocky about 3k before the finish, who commented on my fast legs..we both agreed it was a good day to have fast legs, buen Camino ‘d and off I went… mmm upon reaching today’s destination, I couldn’t find my accommodation.. 25 minutes of wandering around later, I bump into Rocky, who decided to find my accommodation for me before his own.. absolute star ⭐️.. it did turn out we were next door, but hey, he didn’t know that when he set out!
      Hot shower etc etc later, I pop downstairs for a beer!!! Meet up with various people and we all end up together having a couple of beers… Rocky pops his head through the window and invites me to join him, his Sioux Indian friend and Bianca for a kind of odd numbers version of scrabble.. absolutely fab afternoon.. bring on a re run tomorrow!!
      Tonight brought a coming together of about 12 of us…individuals.. ( me , Norbert, the German lady) couples .. 3 American, 1 Canadian .. who all regularly stay at the same place.. pulling tables together and all joining up for dinner… a fabulous evening and one I will always remember when I look back on my Camino… ❤️
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    • Ledigos to Sahagún

      5. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Ledigos is a small rural town with no shops and only two albergues to accommodate and feed pilgrims. Albergue El Palomar run by father and son, Jesus, was a typical family-owned albergue with dormitory bunks, a few simple private rooms, a garden area for pilgrims to hang out in, pilgrim dinner and breakfast and the village bar.

      I think we were the last guests to leave this morning, and in a taxi to Sahagún, 16km away, to find some medical care for John's problems yesterday. Praise for the care and advice provided by Dr and staff at the medical centre in Sahagún. OK to continue.

      Accommodation is very tight along this part of the Camino so we have two nights in Sahagún while walking the next two stages using taxi to return to lodging and the following stage. Found a great bar, Casa Simón for lunch providing creative and delicious Spanish dishes. We shared a plate of roast leeks with dried jamon and Pedro Ximénez sauce and could easily be tempted to return there for dinner. In any case Kevin is going to try to replicate that dish at home.

      Later: we did return to Casa Simón for dinner. Siobhan and Sean are Irish hiking friends from Cork we had met a couple of times along the Way. We ran into them out front of the restaurant and had a very enjoyable night.
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    • Dag 24

      Stage 22: Sahagún-Calzadilla

      6. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Calzadilla de los Hermanillos (too long for the title) except that I missed the cutoff for the alternate route here and was in Bercianos del Real Camino before I realized it. Was just not having it this morning. I can feel the need for a rest day, luckily have 2 nights booked in Leon Saturday and Sunday.
      I got my beautifully printed halfway certificate at the tourist office when it opened at 9:00, had a proud and happy moment, then started the march out of Sahagún, cool overcast and windy. 53°-66°, got to Bercianos about 12:30, only about 10.5 km/6.5 miles, first place with any services. That's too long for second coffee for me. Was so grumpy, just stumping along, head down, that's why I missed the cutoff. It was a couple hours before anybody got a civil "buen Camino" out of me.
      It's getting harder to find accommodations as I get closer to Santiago, due to the rebound glut of pilgrims. I'm worrying about what I'm going to do for the last 100 km, the minimum distance one can walk to get the Compostela, as the numbers walking increase dramatically at that point. Already I find large chattering groups going by to be a disruption, but I guess that's because I'm attached to having my own private Camino. I realize they're having their own Caminos so I enlarge my heart to include them and send them a silent blessing as they pass. We're each doing it alone and we're all in it together. Insight for the day.
      Anyway, got a taxi to the town I was supposed to have walked to and the Casa El Cura kindly let me in early. Nice not to feel bone tired and beat up. Tomorrow will be about 11 miles to Reliegos. Time for a siesta.
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    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Sahagún, Sahagun, Safagún, ساهاگون, サアグン, 24320, Саагун, سہاگن، اسپین, 萨阿贡

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