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    • Day 32–36

      Madrid 🫶 (parte dos)

      January 1 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Weiter geht’s mit Teil 2.

      Besonders schön in Madrid fanden wir das Bethel. Da es gerade umgebaut wird, konnten wir keine Führung machen. Jedoch bekamen wir eine Einladung zum Mittagessen und durften erleben, wie in einer Abteilung gearbeitet wird. So schön zu sehen, wie Jehovas Familie weltweit in Einheit zusammenarbeitet 😍 Außerdem fanden wir in Madrid auch wieder Brüder und Schwestern, die im Trolley unterwegs waren. 🧡🧡

      Ein Highlight für die Burschen in der Runde war das Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. Bei diesem Stadium haben wir dieses Mal eine Tour mitgemacht und man muss schon sagen, es war echt beeindruckend. 🏆

      Ein Teil von Madrid wirkt wie ein kleiner Times Square 👍🏽

      Zum Schluss gab es noch ein leckeres Abschiedsessen mit Julia und Florian 😢🧡

      Unser Resümee: Madrid ist auf alle Fälle eine Reise wert 🙌😍
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    • Day 27


      November 24, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Madrid ist viel entspannter als ich es mir vorgestellt habe. Abends wird es recht geschäftig, aber untertags sind alle sehr gemütlich unterwegs. Okay, Auto will ich hier nicht fahren, aber zu Fuß geht es recht gut.

      Habe mich schon durch etliche Tapas durchgekommen. Selbst die winzigsten Tapas Bars haben extrem gute Tapas zu guten Preisen. Muss aber ehrlich sagen, für allein Reisende ist das mit den Tapas schwierig. Die Portionen sind im Gegensatz zu denen in Tapas Bars in Wien eher groß und ich bin meist mit zwei Tellerchen satt.

      Man bekommt überall guten bis sehr guten Kaffee (die dritte Welle ist hier schon lang angekommen wie es scheint).

      Bar Empfehlung für Madrid:

      La Osita | Craft Beer | Oso Brew Co
      C. de la Cava Baja, 10, 28005 Madrid

      eine Craft Beer Bar im der ich die zwei Abende die ich in Madrid hatte verbracht habe, da die Leute dort - sowohl vor als auch hinter der Bar - so extrem sympathisch waren und das Bier hervorragend.

      ###### english ######

      Madrid is much more relaxed than I imagined. In the evening it gets quite busy, but during the day everyone is very relaxed. Okay, I don't want to drive a car here, but it's quite easy to walk.

      I've gotten through quite a few tapas. Even the tiniest tapas bars have extremely good tapas at great prices. But honestly I have to say that tapas are difficult for people traveling alone. In contrast to those in tapas bars in Vienna, the portions are rather large and I'm usually full with two small plates.

      You can get good to very good coffee everywhere (the third wave has arrived here a long time ago, it seems).

      Bar recommendation for Madrid:

      La Osita | Craft Beer | Oso Brew Co
      C. de la Cava Baja, 10, 28005 Madrid

      a craft beer bar where I spent the two evenings I had in Madrid because the people there - both in front of and behind the bar - were so extremely friendly and the beer was excellent.
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    • Day 6

      Madrid ❤️

      May 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Madrid..... die unglaublich schöne Hauptstadt Spaniens ❤️

      Ausnahmsweise haben wir einen Campingplatz vorgebucht, was sich als wichtig erwiesen hat ! Das Wochenende über den 1. Mai haben gefühlt alle Spanier genutzt 🤗
      Der Campingplatz auf dem mein Schatz die nächsten drei Tage ohne mich ausharren muss, ist ausgebucht !

      Meine Kinder haben mir zu meinem "Runden" Geburtstag ein Mama-Tochter-Sohn- Wochenende geschenkt ❤️
      Sie kommen pünktlich aus Barcelona am Hauptbahnhof Atocha an.... übrigens sehr sehenswert !

      Drei wunderschöne Tage mit meinen wunderbaren Kindern in einer wunderschönen beindruckenden Stadt, die man einfach gesehen haben muss !

      Eine wunderschöne Altstadt mit kleinen gemütlichen Kneipen..... Flamencobars in die man einfach "reinstolpert" 💃 😊
      Wir hatten abends echt heiße Füsse, aber mit einem....oder zwei gemütlichen Aperölchen ,war der Brand schnell wieder gelöscht 😜

      Und das Überraschungshighlight..... Das Musical "Rock me" Freddy Mercury..... UNGLAUBLICH....ich hatte echt Pipi in den Augen ❤️
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    • Day 25

      Group Orientation Walk - Madrid

      October 8, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      This morning after breakfast we headed out to walk around Madrid with the tour group. First, we headed down towards the Cathedral and Royal Palace, passing La Latina and the Madrid Opera building. We also caught the tail end of a fun run with the final two runners shuffling past. We walked through a relatively new Urban Park (created during COVID to replace a road) where we had fabulous views back towards the Royal Palace and the surrounds. We passed an Egyptian temple that was brought over from Egypt and reconstructed brick by brick. It is called Temple of Debod, it usually has water running but it is currently turned off.

      We then walked to Plaza de España where we saw the monument to Cervantes, Spanish’s most revered writer, best known for his work, Don Quixote. We then walked through Plaza Mayor which was full of people. As we walked through Madrid we came across a bagpipe band from Galicia (Northern Spain) marching up one street. We then made our way to the very crowded Mercado de Sam Miguel, where we had a few tapas (all very delicious) and a glass of wine.

      Next we headed across to Puerto del Sol and down Calle de Alcala to near Paseo del Prado where the group went in several directions. Ian and I headed back across Madrid with Gabriele to find the Sunday markets, reputably one of the largest in Madrid. Most of the stalls we saw were selling clothes and accessories so Ian and I decided to go in search of a quiet spot for lunch.

      We found a lovely restaurant, Citynizer, full of locals. We had some tapas to share and drank a few wines, before heading back to our hotel.

      In the evening we had another group dinner, this time at a restaurant in the Latina area in which our hotel is located. Tomorrow we head out of Madrid and do a big walk.
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    • Day 51

      Madrid Centre

      October 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Madrid ist eine wahnsinns Stadt, da fehlen uns die Worte. Wir sind total geflasht, soviele Eindrücke und alles bunt gemischt, von Chic über Schnipes , eine Vielzahl von Gassen mit Geschäften und Gastronomie, die Menschen bunt gemischt und in Scharen unterwegs. Es kommt natürlich dazu, es ist Samstag. Totales Leben 💃🕺🧑‍🤝‍🧑👭👬👫 Diese Stadt berührt uns emotional 💞Read more

    • Day 32–36

      Madrid 🫶 (parte uno)

      January 1 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Am Neujahrstag fuhren wir mit dem Schnellzug in die Landeshauptstadt - Madrid 🫶

      Madrid war bis jetzt die sauberste Stadt die wir auf unserer Reise gesehen haben. Aber nicht nur das - Madrid beeindruckt mit den wunderschönen kulturellen Gebäuden, wie dem Palacio Real Madrid, Plaza de España, Plaza Mayor, Banco de España, Palacio de Cibeles, Metropolis, Puerta de Alcalá, und und und. Die Liste würde ewig lange so weiter gehen, den wir sind eigentlich nur an schönen Gebäuden vorbei spaziert. 😍☺️

      Teil 2 folgt 🔜
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    • Day 3

      Madrid Day 2

      May 11 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      A full day in Madrid as I don't know if I'll ever be back this way again! (Though just in case I placed my foot at km zero, which is supposed to mean you will come back!).

      A trip on the Metro with our guide Pau, and a walking tour of the city with interesting facts shared (including a dramatic telling of the Garrotte form of execution that happened in the Plaza Mayor as late as 1975) and a group picture at the place in Madrid that the Camino starts!

      After eating the infamous churros and porras Pau recommended with chocolate, I broke away from the group and toured on my own for the rest of the day.

      Jumped on the "Hop on Hop Off" bus and did the whole loop, before planning my stops.

      First stop the Prado, an art museum with incredible works by such artists as Rembrandt, Ruben, Diego Velazquez, and their famed Francisco Goya, and his paintings of May 2nd and May 3rd. He was not my cup of tea, but this gallery (which appears to have been in existence since the 1800s) has the largest collection of his work.

      My next stop was the Park (whose name I forget) with an ice cream and a nap on the grass in the shade to combat the 28 degree heat,

      My third stop, was to the Plaza Esperanza, where I visited the market, but did not buy anything (though I did look closely at some gold hoops).

      From there it was back to Plaza Mayor where I had hoped to recreate Keltie's picture, but didn't feel comfortable giving anyone my phone, so made due with a photo of my beer and olives (which I did eat) and a photo of the exterior.

      Met members of the group at the Mercado Market for supper ( a lobster croissant, a chorizo sausage in pastry, a palmera for dessert and two glasses of rose), before heading on to our Flamenco show.

      The Flamenco💃🕺 was lovely with incredible music and dance (and dodging sweat from the last performer!).

      A bit of an adventure to find the Metro and fell into bed with over 20,000 steps! A good day!
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    • Day 38–39

      Weekend in Madrid

      May 18 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Train ride to Madrid was nice. We arrived around 2 pm. We were in the process of negotiating the metro out to our accommodation when we met up with Nat, Jennie, and Robert on the station platform. A short train ride out to Anton Martin and our accommodation.
      Within a short while, we had all checked in and were out in the sunshine first to Sol Plaza, then to Plaza Mayor. After a little Sangria in the sunshine, we walked around checking out the local sites and admiring the architecture. With dinner booked for the early time of 7:30pm at Las Cuevas de Luis Candelas (serving traditional Madrid cuisine), we had a little down time before heading out again.
      After breakfast, at one a few places opened on a Sunday morning, we spent a few hours at the Prado Museum admiring its extensive collection. No photos allowed, I discovered after taking a shot of Caravaggios David with the head of Goliath. The stories accompanying other art, such as Reuben's Birth of the Milky Way and The Banquet of Tereus, really captivated me.
      Mercado de San Miguel was the spot for lunch reminding me of the Hawker markets of Singapore...spoiled for gastronomic choice.
      With the sun shining being outdoors was a must, so back to Plaza Mayor to people watch and drink Sangria and Champagne.
      Dinner was at Inclán Brutal Bar...with a 4.7 rating on Google. we were a little disappointed by some of the dishes. Jeremy remarking, it is only worthy of 2.5!
      Nat, Jeremy, and I then headed to a cocktail bar Salmon Guru recommended by the barman at hotel. It was an atmospheric little place serving interesting cocktails.
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    • Day 60

      Arriving in Madrid

      March 2 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      We took the high speed train to Madrid and it took us less than 2 hours to do 396 km! It is so easy to travel around Spain with their efficient and clean train, metro and bus services!

      We knew that the metro station was connected to the train station but weren’t sure about the process for accessing it. We asked about buying subway tickets but were told that we didn’t have to buy a ticket as our train tickets from Cordoba covered them.

      The Sol station was only one stop away and our aIr BnB apartment was a 5 minute walk away from it. It was a bit of a shocker to be in such a busy city after our time in Cordoba.

      Did I mention that it was cold here? And it was raining? Thank heavens it was a short walk!
      We met our host and while we were talking, it started to hail and snow! We couldn’t believe it. It was colder here than it was in Ontario! That didn’t stop the Spaniards though from being outside under their umbrellas.

      We went for a short walk in the Sol Square just to get our bearings.

      Madrid ‘s official symbol is “The Bear and The Strawberry Tree” or “El Oso y El Madroño.” The symbol shows a strawberry tree and a bear on its hind legs trying to climb or eat from it. The symbol represents an era when bears roamed the city limits. In the middle of the Sol Plaza is a statue of the bear. Weighing over 20 tonnes, the statue serves as the emblem for Atletico de Madrid football team. People lined up to pat its rear end. Lol.

      Spain’s capital city is the central hub of all roads in the country. In Puerta del Sol, there is a sign that indicates Kilometer zero or KM 0, marking the center of the Spanish road network. This means all roads start in Madrid and connect the rest of the Iberian Peninsula.
      We found the spot. Once again people were lined up to put their toes on this spot.

      One thing we didn’t see yet, but have read about, is the famous clock. For over a century, tradition has it that people across the country usher in the New Year by eating 12 lucky grapes as the twelve chimes of midnight are struck by this clock.

      We had had a busy travel day so we had dinner in the Wok for Work place across the street from our apartment, where they made us delicious and filling stirfries, to order. Then we watched The Property Brothers, the only English Channel on TV, and went to bed.
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    • Day 62

      Spain’s Royal Palace - Wow!

      March 4 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      For three centuries, Spain’s royal family has called Madrid’s Royal Palace home. It is Europe’s largest palace with 3,418 rooms and almost 1.5 million square feet. It’s Europe’s third greatest palace after Versailles and Vienna’s Schonbrunn.

      It started out as a wooden fortress but that burnt down and the Palace that is there now was started in 1738 and completed almost 18 years later, in 1764.

      It is filled with luxurious tapestries, gorgeous chandeliers, frescoes, priceless porcelain and a bronze decor covered in gold leaf. The palace is still used as the ceremonial palace for formal state receptions, royal weddings and … for tourists. We only saw 22 of the rooms and it took us 2 hours to gawk at the splendours in these rooms and to do a lot of walking.

      The walls between the rooms are very wide. Apparently, these hid service corridors for servants, who could scurry about, unseen.

      We weren’t allowed to take photos in the palace even though Chris asked every attendant that he saw if we could. LoL. The good thing is that people have posted photos of the rooms so I have included some of these photos.

      Once we left the palace, we went across the open-air courtyard to the Royal Armoury. The photos are in the next footprint.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Sol, Centro

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