Torres del Río

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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 37

      Palacio Albergue Sansol

      28 maggio 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Here in Sansol just a 6 km walk from Los Arcos, I arrived at Palacio de Sansol. This was a 17th century ruin, bought by a retired chemistry professor and refurbished at a cost of over one million euros. That's around 1.75 million nzd!

      He obviously had a vision, and this 78 year old still does all the cooking for guests every night. I was glad to be here and bought a luxurious single room for a couple of nights.

      On my way into Sansol, I again met Jessie who had stayed here last night, again she offered me resources and fruit, asking if there was anything else she could do for me, I think I reminded her of her mum. She's a lovely young woman and I wish her all good things. I really did look so bedraggled.

      As the weather heats up, I'm gonna have to pack my jacket which I've been trying around my chest for ease of carrying. I'm having my back pack transported for now to make it easier.
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    • Giorno 24

      Bercianos to Mansilla to Leon.

      9 settembre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Left for Mansilla at 8 AM. Approximately 25 km's. From Mansilla, several of us caught the train to Leon with Paola for she was leaving the Camino here to get back to her home in Italy for her job. She comes back to Leon next year to finish her Camino. She was so helpful with the culture and language barriers. She was so determined on the trails, relentless at times. I knew her pushing hard and never quit attitude was going to help me and it really did.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 12

      Day 12. Sansol to Logrono

      26 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Rolling hills mostly out of Azqueta on our way to Logrono. The sun came out very hot towards the end of our walk. We decided to find a room. We did not have reservations and most places were full. But we passed Alburgue Sansol and they welcomed us! I probably looked like I was going to pass out The host made a most delicious dinner of salad, bread, paella, watermelon and chocolate cake and was the entertainment as well. Slept so well. Got up before 6 to get more miles in before the sun catches us and it turns out that it was a cloudy day and cooler. We found our place for the night and it is a hotel. How nice for us. A private room and best of all a bathtub. I thought I was going to cry when I saw it. Grateful for the bathtub today, grateful for the cloudy skies and great for the men and women that sacrificed it all for our freedom to roamLeggi altro

    • Giorno 9

      Torres del Rio to Logroño - and a hoopoe

      30 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      A (relatively) slow start at hostal didn’t start serving breakfast til 6.40. I don’t usually want breakfast but did want a coffee as there wasn’t another stop until just over 10k. So set off at 7.20 which felt like midday.
      Beautiful morning and the first bird I heard, and then actually saw as they don’t hide like most of the little birds, was a hoopoe. I haven’t seen one of these since I was a child so it was super exciting and has made my day.
      Undulating start - walking through groves of almond trees and cherry trees - actually pretty hard ups and downs - but all good and really enjoyed meeting some new people. Just before Viana heard a Thekla’s lark (if you were interpreting its sound musically it would have been a flute in high register rather than a violin!).
      Stopped in Viana for coffee and tortilla with lots of other pilgrims, then the long slog on to Logroño - lots of tarmac and road noise but also the beautiful Rosa de Camino de Santiago coming into the city.
      Walked with Yao from China. She is living in Valencia studying Spanish. Her parents are not very thrilled about her doing the Camino - they think she’s becoming a beggar, that it will be very dangerous and that she will get a suntan. She’s finding them very annoying at the moment and says that she is finally living her own life, having spent years basically doin what they want her to do. Really enjoyed talking with her and I hope I meet her again on the road tomorrow.
      After a visit to the cathedral went in a tapas bar crawl (I struggled with being quite tired, not a great drinker and not being able to eat much of the food ) and met many Camino companions including Yao.
      Street still buzzing but I need to sleep now.
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    • Giorno 20

      “Des pierres au service du pèlerin”

      8 maggio 2023, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 14/40
      Étape #7 Camino francés" de Torres del Rio à Logroño.
      Kilomètres parcourus: 23,3 km. Cumulatif : 388,9 km, 25,5 km de moyenne par jour.

      6h30, un départ canon ce matin avec près de 4 km de montées répétitives. Un paysage différent à tous les jours toujours aussi grandiose.
      Une pause après 2 1/2 heures et 10,5 km dans cette belle petite ville de Viana qui serait située située dans la zone non bascophone. Le castillan y est la seule langue officielle (le basque n’y a pas de statut officiel). On dit de cette ville qu’elle a une atmosphère médiévale. Nombre d’habitants : un peu plus de 4 000.

      Pendant la rando, j’ai été intrigué par 2 abris fabriqués par des pèlerins avec des pierres (photos). Je n’avais jamais vu ça. Ça ressemblait à un igloo mais en utilisant les pierres, bien futé j’ai trouvé.
      Nous sommes officiellement dans la région de Rioja et les vignes sont très présentes (photo).
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    • Giorno 13

      Day 10

      31 agosto 2023, Spagna ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Torres to Lorgrono
      Left 6.45 am arrived 1.45 pm.
      Walked 20k today.
      The sun certainly came out today, and the last 5ks seemed to take forever. The terrain was more difficult today, very steep places with scoria, but we made it. We are staying in a public Albergue with men and women segregated. 16 in our room the same number as yesterday.
      10 days down and 30 days to go.
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    • Giorno 8

      Walking to Logroño

      17 aprile 2023, Spagna ⋅ 🌙 39 °F

      Today was a longggg day. Walked 17 mi in hot weather w hardly any towns placed in a spot that made sense for me to stop - meaning I accidentally arrived to today’s hostel running on nothing but this morning’s cinnamon roll and little bocadillo.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 11

      Villamayor to Torres del Rio 21km 7 hrs

      15 settembre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      A quiet day on the trail. There wasn’t a lot of elevation and the sun stayed behind the clouds. Otherwise it could have been a hard walk with no shade. Our highlight today was seeing a farmer herding his ducks down the middle of the road just outside of Los Arcos.
      We aren’t so fond of our albergue tonight. Lots of people in our room and no real charm to the building , however we have met some very nice people so that makes it ok!
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    • Giorno 8

      Estella to Torres del Rio

      29 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Anticipating another very hot day and a 30k walk I left at 6 in the dark. Saw the sun rise around 6.45.
      The first 5k to the wine fountain was cool and quiet - not many other pilgrims or anyone else really. Unfortunately the much anticipated wine fountain now only starts at 8 or 9 am so I was too early. Given how horrible the wine is I wasn’t too bothered as experienced it last year.
      First coffee - after about 6k. Delightful little cafe run by a mad Dutchman - great food including vegetarian sandwiches to take a way for lunch! (First I’ve seen in Spain!) , bonkers pricing - too boring to explain - and he had stroop waffles - also first I’ve seen I. Spain.
      Along the way heard quails in the cornfields, frogs in the ditches and first Zittings Cisticola and Cetti’s Warbler. As well as nightingales and turtle doves. A white butterfly led me into Los Arcos and after Los Arcos saw swallowtails. About six or seven large birds of prey were circling over a tractor in a field of vines - assume they were hoping for small creatures to be disturbed by the tractor and break cover?
      As for people - at a lively food truck with comfortable seat under the olive trees and lots of good things to eat and drink I met the 84 year old man from Japan again (several times today) and a mother and daughter from the US who are walking 40k today. They have just passed our hotel (where I’ve done my washing and had a swim) and still have about 12k to go (it’s 4pm now).
      The trail out of Los Arcos to Torres del Rio was long and hot - absolutely no shade most of the way - met Cayman friends under the only tree casting shade and ate my lunch. Then on to Torres where the hotel is a haven - wonderful pool and good room and - im assured - a great vegetarian cena. I’m so tired I think I will sleep well tonight.
      Went to visit the c12 octagonal church - connected with the knights Templar. Beautiful - remember it from last year.
      Lovely vegetarian dinner with a bottle of wine between 3.
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    • Giorno 5

      5. DAY | 20 km

      3 maggio 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Das wahre Leben ist hier...

      Der gestrige Abend hat mir Emotionen geschenkt die einem Film gleich waren und wenn ich auch das erste Bild von heute morgen anschaue, muss ich mir eingestehen dass mich dieser Tisch mit den Stühlen einwenig an "La Casa de Papel" erinnert. Dort wo ein Abend vorher noch alle gelacht, gegessen und über das Leben erzählt haben, ist plötzlich alles leer weil jeder weiterzieht und seinen Kampf antritt. Hier unterstützt sich jeder gegenseitig, man redet miteinander ohne sich zu kennen und zwei simple Worte wie "buon Camino" haben eine Macht über einen die unbeschreiblich ist. Ganz ehrlich ? Eigentlich müsste man auf dieser Welt als Begrüßung genau diese zwei Worte nutzen, denn stellt euch vor, jeder würde euch jeden Tag einen guten Weg wünschen. Ich vermisse kein Instagram oder WhatsApp weil ich mich in dieser Realität wohler fühle. Du achtest hier nicht auf dein äußeres und wenn du ein Kompliment bekommst, basiert es auf deine Inneren Werte was viel wertvoller ist. Du handelst nach dem was dein Körper sagt, schützt ihn viel mehr, weil du jede Entscheidung frei treffen kannst.

      Ich habe jeden Tag während dem Camino unzählige Gedanken die ich nur teilweise in diesem Tagebuch festhalte, also stellt euch vor wie mein Tagebuch der Gefühle aussehen muss.

      Heute bin ich gestürzt aber macht euch keine Sorgen, mir war klar dass das hier kein Spaziergang wird aber was dir der Camino nimmt gibt er dir dreifach zurück!

      Auch wenn ich niemanden via Telefon höre, ihr wart noch nie so laut in meinem Herzen wie ihr es gerade seit.
      Hier ist man nie alleine und wenn du es sein möchtest was du solltest ist immer jemand hinter dir oder vor dir!


      La vita reale è qui...

      La serata di ieri mi ha regalato emozioni da film e quando guardo la prima foto di stamattina, devo ammettere che questo tavolo con le sedie mi ricorda un po' "La Casa de Papel". Dove una sera tutti ridevano, mangiavano e parlavano della vita, all'improvviso tutto è vuoto perché tutti partono per la l'oro strada iniziando la sua battaglia. Qui tutti si sostengono a vicenda, ci si parla senza conoscersi e due semplici parole come "buon Camino" hanno un potere indescrivibile. Sinceramente? In realtà, in questo mondo, si dovrebbero usare proprio queste due parole come saluto, perché immaginate se tutti vi augurassero ogni giorno una buona strada. Non mi manca Instagram o WhatsApp perché mi sento più a mio agio in questa realtà. Qui non si presta attenzione all'aspetto esteriore e quando si riceve un complimento, si basa sui valori interiori che hanno molta più importanza. Qui ascolti di più il tuo corpo e gli dai ciò di cui ha bisogno perché puoi decidere liberamente non hai nessuna pressione.

      Ogni giorno, durante il Cammino, ho innumerevoli pensieri che tengo solo nell mio diario delle sensazioni, quindi immaginate quande emozioni coltivo dentro di me.

      Oggi sono caduta, ma non preoccupatevi, sapevo che non sarebbe stata una passeggiata, ma quello che il Camino ti toglie, te lo restituisce triplicato!

      Anche se non sento nessuno al telefono, non vi ho sentito mai così forte nel mio cuore come in questo momento. Qui non si è mai soli e se si vuole, come è giusto che sia, c'è sempre qualcuno dietro o davanti !

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