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    • Día 28–29

      Casa Susi ~ Trabadelo

      11 de mayo, España ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      In doing our Camino research, there was one small special Albergue “Casa Susi” where we were really hoping to snag a bed. A few weeks into our trip, we calculated when we might arrive in the Trabadelo area and called to see if there was an opening for May 12th. Unfortunately, the date was booked. After looking at our schedule a little more we checked for an opening on May 11th, and they had 2 beds available!!!! It was fate that we were treated to this wonderful Albergue on Kim’s 50th birthday.

      Our jaw dropping day in the mountains culminated with an incredible celebration at Casa Susi, with a home-cooked vegetarian dinner, birthday desserts & singing , followed by a special visit to La Torre de Villafranca del Bierzo Bodega 🍷 to see Dan Mullins (A famous Camino podcaster and musician) in concert! 🎶 . We were up way past our normal 10pm bedtime 😂. Susi and her wonderful husband, Fermín, were such wonderful hosts, we couldn’t have asked for a more special day on the Camino 💕
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    • Día 38

      Trabadelo to O’Cebreiro

      28 de mayo de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      It was very sad to leave Casa Susi. It has been the perfect way to regroup and rest. The food and company has done a lot to lift my spirits.

      I took a taxi to O’Cebreiro as I wouldn’t have been able to climb that mountain. We are now in Galicia and almost finished with the steep climbs.

      I went to my first pilgrim’s mass and blessing this evening. The theme was ‘hope’ and I will take that with me over the next six days as I head towards Santiago de Compostela.

      Casa Campelo
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    • Día 86

      74. Wandertag

      13 de junio de 2023, España ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Es geht zügig vorwärts dem Ziel entgegen. Dem letzten grösseren Hügel zu O Cebreiro auf 1‘390 m. ü. M. Das zeigen auch die Bilder Ponferrada auf 531, mit dem eindrücklichen Schloss. Dann Villafranca auch mit Kirche und Schloss immer noch auf 550 bis zum heutigen Ziel Trabadelo ca. 800 und morgen dann der grosse Aufstieg.
      Auch den Pilgern merkt man an, dass es dem Ziel entgegen geht, sie werden immer zahlreicher und es ist fast nicht mehr möglich Kontakte zu allen zu haben. Aber gerade heute wurden wir zu einem Geburtstag übermorgen eingeladen. Eine Ehepaar dem wir seit Wochen immer wieder begegnet sind.
      Heute am 13. Juni 1965 ist Martin Buber in Jerusalem gestorben. Er war ein jüdischer Religionspädagoge. Er setzte sich vor allem für die Versöhnung zwischen Juden und Arabern und zwischen Juden und Deutschen ein. „Alles Leben ist Begegnung“. Einer seiner Lehrsätze. Heute kann ich dem voll und ganz zustimmen.
      Übrigens meine Füsse und meine Schuhe sind auch der Meinung, dass es an der Zeit ist einmal auszuruhen.
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    • Día 41

      Chatouillons les pieds des montagnes

      29 de mayo de 2023, España ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 32/40
      Étape #. 25. Camino francés « Villafranca Del Bierzo à Vega de Valcarce ». Kilomètres parcourus 18 km. Cumulatif : 838,2 km, moyenne 24,16 km par jour. Étapes restantes avant Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : 8 et moins de 169,5 km à fouler.

      Belle randonnée reposante aujourd’hui en chatouillant les pieds des montagnes 😉. Agréable aussi d’entendre roucouler la rivière (Rio Valcace) puisque nous l’avons longée tout le trajet.

      On avait besoin de cette rando moins éprouvante car les 2 randos antérieures étaient quelques chose de particulier. En effet, tout de suite après la croix de métal, ce fut une descente considérée difficile et la plus dangereuse du Camino francés.

      Alors demain ça sera un autre bon test le 3e du défi et nous sommes prêts.
      J’ai joint une image du profil que nous aurons à fouler!

      Buen Camino
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    • Día 45

      Day 34-Trabadelo

      11 de octubre de 2023, España ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      We walked 15 miles today of gentle ascents and descents. We started at 6:45am to beat the heat...and we did. We walked alone until the last couple of hours when we encountered a couple with a toddler and a couple of young ladies from South Korea. We all were walking to Trabadelo as our stopping point. They are all very sweet.

      Since we left so early, we didn't have breakfast until we got to Cacabelos three miles later. Yes, that's the name of the town. We had the requisite café con leche and I had a croissant while Pat had a Napolitana (a chocolate croissant). It wasn't close to the amount of breakfast we've become accustomed to. I was hungry one hour later. We'd bought a loaf of bread last night and had a package of cecina (beef jerky) from Astorga to snack on when we walked through Villafranca del Bierzo a couple hours later.

      We're back walking among the vineyards whose grapes have been harvested and we watched one bodega getting ready to crush the grapes.

      We dragged ourselves into Trabadelo at 1pm and had a snack before checking in at Casa Susi. We prefer booking private rooms but Casa Susi comes highly revommended. The shared room has ten twin beds, but no bunk beds so I think it won't be too bad. The downside is there are only two bathrooms/showers so we rushed through bathing to not keep others waiting. There's a pretty river running along the property so we cooled (froze) our feet for a while. Dinner at Casa Susi is supposed to fuel us well for the big climb to O'Cebreiro tomorrow. I hope so because so far today, we've burned more calories than we've consumed.
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    • Día 38

      37. Etappe: Trabadelo (33,4 km)

      3 de diciembre de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Gut ausgeruht gings heut früh los ... wieder bei Minusgraden und im Nebel. Der hielt auch fast den ganzen Tag an, so dass ich leider nicht allzu viel von der Landschaft sah bis kurz nach Villafranca del Bierzo, wo ich einen kleinen Kaffee-Stopp einlegte. Danach klarte es auf und ich entschied mich die alternative Route über die Berge zu nehmen. Nur leider verpasste ich den Abzweig, so dass ich doch die Straße nahm und viel schneller am Ziel war als geplant. Nicht schlimm, denn der deutsche "Wiederholungstäter" wartete dort schon auf mich und wir tranken ein paar Bierchen gemeinsam - gut dass die Herberge auch ne Bar hat und es nicht weit zum Zimmer ist 🍻😉 Das Pilgermenü nahm ich dann mit zwei netten spanischen Pilgern ein, die noch ganz frisch auf dem Weg sind, und wie ich nicht verstehen konnten, dass alle anderen schon in den Betten liegen. 😴Leer más

    • Día 45

      Day 34 - Trabadelo

      11 de octubre de 2023, España ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      Day 34 is in the can, 15 miles total today. This was our last long day (>15 miles in a day). Tomorrow is shorter but no easier as we are going 4.5 miles up a steep incline. At least we have reasonable distances left, and we have a day off on Sunday, and it is supposed to rain pretty good that day.Leer más

    • Día 37

      Adios Villafranca!

      24 de octubre de 2022, España ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Villafranca could easily have been one of my favorite towns so far. Yesterday afternoon when we arrived it was raining too hard to explore much. However, this morning as we walked out of town we saw how beautiful it was with the mist hanging over the hills. Caught a quick Pilgrim blessing in the church as we left town.Leer más

    • Día 27

      Day 24 - My day of giving thanks

      9 de octubre de 2022, España ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more." - Melody Beattie

      Day 24 - Trabadelo - day of giving back

      Today was a great day of giving back, friendship and gratitude. Perfect for Thanksgiving Day. And I have so much to be thankful for, this year.

      *I am thankful for the love and support that surrounds me from friends and family.
      * I am thankful I have a job I enjoy and that I work with a great team of people.
      * I am thankful for my good health.
      * And this year specifically, I am thankful for the ability to travel once again.

      The Camino had been calling me for over 1.5 years. I don’t know why, but I knew I had to do it. The last 3.5 weeks have been some of the most physically demanding and emotionally challenging weeks of my life. I’ve wanted to quit. I’ve wanted to go home. But, I’m still here. I’ve taken three buses, gotten a lift from an albergue owner, taken a train and had my pack transported. I have not walked every step of The Way, but have instead done The Way MY way. It’s not perfect but nor am I.

      Yesterday and today though have been my 2 best days so far. I had a great walk yesterday and landed at a fabulous Albergue - Casa Susi. The one place on my list that I wasn’t going to miss. It is everything I needed, and more. Never have I been treated so well when I travelled. Susi and Fermin welcomed me like an old friend and have since treated me as family. The love and effort they put into this albergue shows in every aspect from the accommodation to the food, the communal meal to the beautiful gardens. The place radiates love and acceptance.

      It has been my honour today to be able to give back to this Camino experience and help a bit in the Albergue and gardens - stripping beds, putting dishes and breakfast items away, picking some of the last of the seasons tomatoes, weeding, etc. I have shared meals with other pilgrims at the communal dinner table and shared a meal with Susi and Fermin themselves, in their home. They can not know how much that meant to me, today of all days. Canadian Thanksgiving. And holy smokes, the food. I am thankful for such fresh and bountiful food at Casa Susi’s table!

      I’ve also taken time to relax - really relax for a change. And it feels good. My mind has stilled. I have stopped beating myself up about the parts of this Camino I can not do and am instead focussing on what I can do - and have done. All the different experiences that the more traditional pilgrims won’t get because they are so focussed on marching on to Santiago. I have literally stopped a lot to smell the roses. There are a LOT of roses here! My last couple of days here has added an element to my Camino experience that I am truly grateful for and one that won’t be forgotten.

      I am looking forward to the next few days and the new experiences they too will bring! Once I get to Sarria (the 100km mark of the Camino and the last place you can start from and earn your Compostela), it will be a whole new Camino. It gets a bit crazy after that. So, I will enjoy the next few days in the relative peace of my Camino’s shorter days and stopping to smell the roses while they are still blooming.
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    • Día 26

      Day 23 - Sunshine and butterflies

      8 de octubre de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      "In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous." - Aristotle

      Day 23 - Cacabelos to Trabadelo 18 km, 3.5hrs

      Today was one of those days that was sweetness and light - or, sunshine and butterflies. Figuratively and literally.

      I had quite a rough night, not getting a lot of sleep. I was one of two people in a room for 4 last night. My roommate was gone all evening and did not come back until almost midnight. I was not yet asleep, but pretended to be. He was actually very considerate and quiet, but I just couldn’t settle. After tossing and turning all night, I got up and quietly out of the room before 7am. I couldn’t leave until 8am, as I had left my poles down in the bar yesterday and needed to see if the owners had found them. I was able to get some travel work done, which I am happy about. As 8am rolled around, I was downstairs and waiting for the owner to arrive. Thankfully, he did have my poles and I was out the door by 8:10 am.

      I had not checked the profile of the terrain today. I find it freaks me out if I do, so I just go with the flow. As it turns out, the first 8km entailed a lot of hills - and we all know how I feel about those! But oh my, the sunrise today was beautiful! And the hills I climbed afforded stunning views over the vineyards of grapevines and the surrounding countryside. I actually felt the steps had been worth it!

      I was able to do a What’s Ap video chat with mum, so she could see the lovely countryside and we could catch up. She is on a cruise but had decided to not go into town at this port, so it was a perfect opportunity.

      I eventually came down into the beautiful town of Villafranca del Bierzo. This would have been a lovely place to spend the night, but I was on a mission to get to Casa Susi in Trabadelo, today. On the way into town, you pass the Igesia de Santiago this Toman Catholic church built in Jacobean times is famous for having the Puerta del Perdón or, door to forgiveness. It is a simple and sober Romanesque-style temple with a single nave, a semicircular apse, a wooden ceiling and a single chapel, dating from the 18th century.
      The church’s north portal, is where its impressive Puerta del Pardón is located. This entrance and the Puerta del Perdón of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela are linked by tradition: any walker who in Villafranca del Bierzo could not continue his pilgrimage to the city of Compostela due to illness, injury or force majeure, could find forgiveness for his sins here , that is, earn the jubilee. In order to be forgiven and be able to finish their journey in Villafranca, these sick pilgrims had to pray and confess on their knees on the steps of the church of Santiago Apósto so that the doors would be opened to them. An act that had the same recognition as if it had occurred in Compostela. This tradition is only valid in the holy years of Compostela. 2022 is just such a year. 2021 was the the official holy year (as the Feast of St James (25th of July) fell on a Sunday) but, due to the pandemic, the pope extended the holy year celebrations through 2022 as well. During every Holy Year, a special entrance called the ‘Holy Door’ is opened on the east side of the Cathedral in Santiago and since the 12th Century, pilgrims who visit the shrine on the Holy Year are granted a Plenary Indulgence.

      On my way out of town, it was all road or should walking. But, it is along a river, so the sound of rushing water was never far away. I loved listening to the water and catching glimpse of the river in the valley below. There are many plants growing along the edges, and butterflies galore today. Mostly small brown and yellow ones, but also a blue one every now and then. The sun was shining but this walk was fairly shaded, making for a lovely 10km, despite being beside the road.

      Passing through a village with no services, I was able to knock down and try a fig, fresh from the tree. So sweet and wonderful! Funny how you appreciate such small things sometimes.

      Before Trabadelo, there was a rest area with concrete picnic tables. I stopped here for a bit to have my lunch of yummy gazpacho soup, some almonds and more water to stay hydrated. It was very hot by this point and last thing I’d need would be to pass out. So, I had a bit of a rest and continues the last couple of km to my destination.

      I am at Casa Susi, and so glad I will be here 2 nights. I have the “penthouse suite” which is a tiny open room above the dorm. A bit more private even though it is open and I will have every single pilgrim pass my bed on their way out the door hahaha! I am absolutely loving this Albergue so far, and think it will likely be my favourite of the trip! After soaking my sore feet in the freezing river behind the house, I laid under the arbour in a hammock for over an hour. Perfect way to spend my afternoon after walking 18km! This is the one Albergue that I arranged my itinerary around. Susi is English / Australian and her husband Fermin is Spanish. They have a fabulous Albergue with foods all prepared from their gardens. Tonight’s dinner was in true pilgrim community style. We all introduced ourselves and where we come from, as well as why we are on Camino. It’s such a lovely and warm way to start the meal and is only the second one I have encountered like it. Susi had cooked up a feast of potato leek soup to start, followed by vegetarian paella and a homemade meringue and lemon curd for dessert. One of the best meals of my Camino!

      Looking forward to helping in the gardens tomorrow!
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Trabadelo, トラバデーロ, 24523, Трабадело, 特拉瓦德洛

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