Villafranca del Bierzo

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    • Hari 38

      Villafranca Del Bierzo

      7 Oktober 2022, Spanyol ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Day 34 - walked 32 kms from Molinaseca to Villafranca. Passed through the town of Ponferrada, I didn’t realize it was such a nice town with the ancient (Knights of the) Templar Castle, church and fortifications. I will have to return to this town next time and spend a couple of days here.
      It was a beautiful walk through vineyards with mountains in the back, but didn’t leave early enough so was walking in the hot afternoon. It hadn’t rained for many weeks so the ground was dry and dusty. Got into the beautiful town of Villafranca quite late in the evening and clouds had rolled in and there was some dramatic thunder. I had booked a room in a Hostal that used to be a monastery, very austere but full of character. My Aussie friends Rod and Jamie invited me to visit the cathedral and then (3) drinks but as soon as I was about to leave the Hostal, it started to rain hard. So I didn’t get to do any sight seeing at all! Just a lot of wine and food! Villafranca will also have to be visited again!
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    • Hari 35

      Villafranca del Bierzo

      9 Oktober 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Po porannych rytuałach i śniadanku ruszyliśmy w drogę nie bardzo wierząc, że nogi będą szły, no ale po paru kilometrach wszystko znalazło swoje miejsce i jakoś działało. Dzięki Garminowi który jak wiadomo nie pije, ale również nigdy się nie męczy zostaliśmy wyprowadzeni bardzo sprawnie na trasę. Piękny dzień z łagodna temperatura skończył się pochmurnie ale bez deszczu. Idąc głównie dolina wśród winnic delikatnie wspinaliśmy się i schodziliśmy idąc głównie polnymi drogami dotarliśmy do Villafranca. Wchodząc do miasta mija się po lewej stronie Iglesias Camino de Santiago z Puerta del Perdon (drzwi przez które mogli przejsc pielgrzymi którzy byli za słabi albo za chorzy aby kontynuować dalej i dawało im to zastępczy certificate ukończenia Camino).
      Dzisiaj przy kolacji doświadczyliśmy prawdziwie hiszpańskiej gościnności, lub może praktyczności. Siedzieliśmy sobie z parą z Włoch praktykując porozumiewanie się bez znajomości języka i po kolejnej rundzie dolewania wina do kieliszków, pan po prostu otworzył i postawił całą butelkę i uśmiechając się odszedł . Od tego momentu jestesmy już na etapie głębokiej przyjaźni z Claudio i Laurą Bergamo.
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    • Hari 35

      Day 33 - To Villafranca

      11 Oktober 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Day 33 - To Villafranca del Bierzo
      26 kms; Difficulty 1/3

      Today was a tough day on the trail. Although it wasn’t difficult, it was a long 26 kms. Everything hurt. Probably the very difficult trail the last two days taking it’s toll.
      I LOVE this statue. It’s obviously Jesus and I’m thinking St. James!
      Back in wine/vineyard country after many days out of it. Beautiful views.
      My digs for tonight! The monastery. I have a large and lovely room. And then my view from my balcony.
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    • Hari 37

      Walking up the Rio Valcarce valley

      24 Oktober 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Just short of 10k walking this morning, to the village of Trabadelo. A gentle uphill along the Rio Valcarce, which runs through a steep walled narrow valley. It reminds be of a New England notch!

      Blue skies above us early, but lots of fog below the peaks!

      We had a line up of cats in one village.

      And our first kilometer post below 180 kms left!
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    • Hari 50

      Villafranca del Bierzo - beautiful town

      16 Mei 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      First, thank you for so many birthday greetings when I woke up this morning!! So happy, and a great way to start the day.

      And today was again lovely…this is getting very repetitive, but this area is so beautiful. It is still quite cool in the mornings - about 6° again, so Amr left at 8.40, but didn’t even take extra fleece as it rapidly warms up, specially if you’re walking, and in the afternoons it is a very comfortable mid 20s. This was one walk I am very envious of, as it goes through and looking down at the vineyards of the Bierzo valley, and is where we saw them grape picking both times in October. By now the vines are green and well and truly sprouting with leaves, a contrast to the withered stalks we saw in the early days of this camino. Amr walked 25 kms, quite a long day, but no drastic ups and downs, arrived here at a bit after 3, but fairly knackered!

      I had my exercise walking to the bus station in Ponferrada, and got the 11.40 bus…all a bit vague at the bus station, no board with departures etc, but managed to find which bay it left from, and we finally pulled out at 12… just a half hour ride to Villafranca, and as we went through Cacabelos I could see we were extremely close to where Amr had stopped for some food (a paella, just freshly made). Was tempted to get out and walk the rest of the way with him, but behaved and didn’t!! Anyway, was dropped here in the one bus stop, but had no real idea where I was…it is a small town and soon sorted it out, and sat in the main square where our hotel is, and had a beer and a coffee, both with complimentary tapas, as the hotel check in time was 2pm. Very relaxing.

      Checked in at 2, and this is a charming place - we have not stayed here before. Quite a spacious room, and of course, spotless. Had time to unpack the bits I needed and settle in before setting out again to explore and meet Amr. Found the Tabac shop which the helpful woman at reception told me would sell tickets and know about to tomorrow’s destination, Ambasmestas, a tiny village, about 15 kms walk from here. He was shut, siesta time, so walked on and walked back along the camino and before long Amr turned up! He wanted a drink before showering etc, so we sat in the plaza again and caught up over a beer and a tonic (this is often my drink at the moment!). Now he is clean and watching fluff on his iPad and I have had a couple of further exploratory excursions…found the Tabac man open who said no buses to Ambasmestas tomorrow, but at the tourist information the helpful woman said yes, there is one at 1.30 and told me where its bus stop is - a small bus company that my friend, Luís, the taxi driver, had mentioned. So am going to try for that tomorrow- another adventure! If all fails I can get a taxi.

      So that’s where we stand now…there are no special places to eat that I could find for my birthday dinner…but all have the usual good stuff, and it will be fun. I did try and see if they were open at where we used to stay, as their dinners were very good, but they were all shuttered down sadly - maybe covid?? …or just closed… Forgot to mention that last night in Ponferrada we did have a special dinner at the hotel’s good restaurant…we started off with a complimentary croquetta each, then shared a dish of delicious grilled vegetables, and then Amr had a local specialty of a soupy dish with blood sausage, chorizo and pork cheek, which was delicious, but I had my favourite chiperones a la plancha with a black garlic mayo to dip them in…absolutely yum. So that was the gala dinner! But it will be fun tonight - it always is.

      Now back from dinner and will add a quick addendum. Ate at one of the restaurants in the plaza, and not gourmet, but very good. A €14 3 course dinner…I started with pumpkin and zucchini soup, Amr a bean, chickpea, ham and prawn mix, and for main Amr had fish and I had chicken drumsticks in a yum sauce and way too many French fries. All good, and will add photos of the many aspects of the day.
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    • Hari 40

      Villes et vignobles

      28 Mei 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Après 19 km de villes et d'asphalte nous avons pu malgré tout visiter une ville historique Ponferrada un château bâti au début de l'année 1178 pour l'ordre du temple, par les templiers.
      Par la suite de ville en ville nous avons rejoint les sentiers bordés de vignobles en abondance.
      Pourchassé par le son des tonnerres et la pluie qui venaient en notre direction, le vent augmentait graduellement et
      au 29ieme km parcouru nous avons été frappés par une pluie torrentielle et des tonnerres et éclairs qui se rapprochaient , heureusement nous sommes entrés en ville et avons trouvé notre hôtel après 31.75 km, élégant que nous étions habillés de nos Panchos.
      Bière à la main après une douche chaude, je suis quand même avec un sourire en coin heureux d'avoir subi qu'une heure de cette température désagréable pour le marcheur.
      Buen Camino
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    • Hari 46

      Trabadelo (9.7km / 595.8km)

      28 Mei 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today we had planned to stay at Caza Susi, owned by an Aussie who has walked 11 Caminos! She made the most delicious meal from home grown veggies and her partner, Fermin was a delightful Spanish host who was able to tell some good local stories and fill in some info gaps on Spain. The Camino is their calling and it works its magic! Susi bought the house and has renovated it beautifully. The downstairs area used to be an old barn where the animals would have been kept. They have changed it into a big dormitory with 10 beds. It still has the barn feel.
      It was another memorable evening of pilgrims sitting together sharing a meal (and plenty of local wine) and stories. There are always 1 or 2 with inspiring stories or heartwarming stories to tell. Tonight our hosts joined us for the meal and then there were 3 from France, 3 from Australia (incl us) 3 from US and 1 from Wales! It lived up to our hopes.
      We only had a short walk because we wanted to stay here and it was worth it but we will pay with a longer walk tomorrow.
      Our walk was mostly along the river and we got here in time for the 12pm mass which is only here every couple of weeks, as the priest had 17 villages he looks after. Then a lovely lunch at a Vegan restaurant (In Spain) and then the heavens opened! The rain kept us indoors but we managed to numb our feet in the cold river at the bottom of the property where they grow their crops.
      We really are feeling relaxed and peaceful at this stage of the Camino!
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    • Hari 6

      Molinaseca-Villafranca d. Bierzo (32km)

      15 Juli 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      32 Kilometer bzw. 50'000 Schritte - unsere längste Tagesetappe auf dem Camino, wohlgemerkt nach dem steilen Abstieg von gestern. Auf den ersten zwei Dritteln war diese Etappe öde! Durch die Schwerindustriestadt Ponferrada, Landstrassen-Latscherei bis hin zum maroden Unort Camponaraya, welcher an Lieblosigkeit nicht zu übertreffen war, mussten wir diese Pflichtaufgabe über uns ergehen lassen. Dementsprechend freuten wir uns sehr, als uns der Weg endlich durch die Weinberge des Bierzo führte. Während wir hunderte von grünen Weinreben durchstreiften, stiess auf den letzten Kilometern Kathy zu uns, eine Amerikanerin aus Iowa, die überglücklich war, mit uns das letzte Stück beschreiten zu können, da ihre Kräfte langsam zur Neige gingen. So kamen wir zu dritt in Villafranca an und bezogen einmal mehr eine wunderschöne Herberge namens Leo.
      Bei unserem täglichen Cerveza auf dem Plaza Major trafen wir auf viele bekannte Gesichter: auf den Kroaten mit der dänischen Freundin; das ältere dänische Paar; Marius aus dem Ruhrgebiet und Lisa aus Konstanz; die Amerikaner aus Oregon und auf Kathy mit ihrer Tochter (welche in Villafranca zu ihr gestossen ist und ihre Mutter bis nach Santiago begleiten wird). Das ist eben das schöne am Pilgern: man geht den Camino alleine - trifft aber jeden Abend auf die gleichen Menschen, mit denen man sich über das Erlebte austauschen kann.
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    • Hari 33

      Day 30

      20 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Left Villafranca del Bierzo at 6.30 am arrived Herrerias at 12.15pm.
      There was no difficulty in getting out of this village this morning as we stayed right at the end of the village.
      Our walk this morning was an easy walk. Most of it was on the road, some of which had a barrier as protection.
      Pics from our morning walk. It was chilly for nearly the whole walk.
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    • Hari 31

      I See a Bad Moon Rising

      29 September 2023, Spanyol ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Molinaseca to Villafranca del Bierzo
      Day 28 - 31 km

      We started early this morning as we had a very big day ahead. As we walked out of our Albergue we were treated to an amazing full moon. We decided to go the country track and we’re very pleased we did. The colours in the fields were beautiful and we spent half our time trying to photograph them. After a couple of coffee stops with fellow pilgrims we needed to push on. 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
      It quickly warmed up and we found it a little tough at the end as we were walking a lot beside the road. However we did manage to meet up with a couple of guys on motorcycles ( Trevor and his brother Ted) so had a lovely night with them. 💕
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    Villafranca del Bierzo, 24500

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