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Top 10 Travel Destinations Valais
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    • Day 30

      Samoëns bis Lac Vert

      July 22, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Heute ist Schweiz-Tag und wir feiern das gerade am Ende der Etappe bei einer Refuge mit Rivella und alkoholfreiem Feldschlösschen Bier. Doch nach 1900 Höhenmetern und 25 km haben wir uns das verdient.
      Wir starten mit Respekt vor den drei Pässen in den Tag, denn seit Chamonix sind wir bereits 2500 m hochgestiegen. Und der lange Abstieg gestern ist noch in den Beinen zu spüren, die heute bei uns beiden zum ersten Mal etwas schwer sind.
      Doch nach einem Frühstück mit Pain au Chocolate um 6.30 Uhr und dem Vesper Einkauf um 7.30 Uhr kommen wir schneller voran als erwartet. Die Wege sind heute größtenteils breite Schotterwege, wo wir oft nebeneinander laufen können - das war bisher eher selten bzw. nur auf einzelnen Teilabschnitten so. Manchmal allerdings teilen wir den Weg mit dem Mountainbike-Trail!
      Der zweite Pass markiert die Grenze zwischen Frankreich und Schweiz (Kanton Wallis). Auf einer Alpage (mit Schweizer Flagge 🇨🇭 😊) stärken wir uns mit Kaffee und Kuchen und dann laufen wir durch neue Landschaften und über einen letzten Pass zur wunderschön gelegenen Refuge Chésery und genießen den friedlichen Abend am See.
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    • Day 31

      Exkurs: Unsere Ausrüstung

      July 23, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Seit einem Monat hat sich nun unsere Ausrüstung bestens bewährt. Heute stellen wir euch diese in zwei Videoclips vor - wegen der Datenmenge sind das Links auf YouTube.

      Im ersten findet ihr alles, was Reinhard trägt für den Abend und die Nacht: https://youtu.be/yAA2sQD7GV8

      Im zweiten stellt Rafaela vor, was unter „Sonstiges“ fällt: https://youtu.be/21Rb4sE1s20

      Viel Spaß!
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    • Day 119

      Europes Alps longesttt glacier

      September 5, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Wylinn and Adrian to the longest glacier in the European Alps ! Melting quite fast so very lucky to have seen it . We drove 2 hours and then caught the cable cart up , which was free for me when we bought a family pass because I’m under 19 :))) We had a picnic lunch and then walked up to another look out up to some rocks :)Read more

    • Day 14

      Still in Switzerland, at Triente

      September 14, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Hiked a 16km day. Rained a bit just enough to get a bit of use of the waterproof gear we’ve been lugging everyday. These alps are so so high. We see some people trail running them which is astounding we feel. Walking up is tough enough. Height gain 850m, height loss 1040m. This means we’re down low in a valley and the only way out is up! 😩😬Read more

    • Day 58

      Day 56 - Aigle to Saint Maurice

      June 14, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      A really mixed bag of walking today; vineyards, forests, riverside (La Gryonne and the Rhone), railway line side, and, of course, minor country road ways. I got some good climbing in and saw the most beautiful wooden sculptures along a path called Sentier du Pelerin (Pilgrims Path). Now I'm in Switzerland, I have to remember to keep looking up - my sun hat prevents that, so that I don't miss the mountains all around me. I'm staying tonight with the Franciscans - a commercial enterprise that seems to be doing very well. Note how pale the Rhone looks. As I was walking next to it, I could feel the chill in the breeze.Read more

    • Day 59

      Day 57 - Saint Maurice to Martigny

      June 15, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Another good day of walking. It was warm, and I got to spend a lot of the time under trees, walking through forest trails, which is always a good thing. Everywhere in Switzerland, that I have seen is beautiful: Saint Maurice was lovely, as is Martigny. When I got up this morning, there was not a cloud in the sky, so I took some photos of the surrounding mountains. I met another pilgrim today, Matt, from the USA. The two rivers are the Mauvoisin (looks like a canal) and the Saint Barthelemy (flowing under the wooden bridge). The waterfall is the Cascade de la Pissevache (where I met a lovely Swiss woman), I saw the Mont Blanc Express train today, and I took a minor detour, up a very rough track, to grab a photo of Des Gorges du Trient (the photo with the bridge between the rock walls).Read more

    • Day 60

      Day 58 - rest day (Martigny)

      June 16, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Today, I acted as a tourist. I visited the Roman amphitheatre (were there will be a performance on Sunday), the "Barry" museum (dedicated to the Saint Bernard) - there were 11 puppies all from the one litter (I also learnt a lot about Grand Saint Bernard Pass and met up with two uni students from Brisbane), I visited the art gallery (which was showing a Turner exhibition from the Tate), had an impressive Roman artifact collection, a vintage car collection, and a really lovely sculpture garden - there was a Max Ernst piece, a Moore and two Rodin's; one of Victor Hugo. In the afternoon, I walked up to the Chateau de la Batiaz, climbed to the top, and got panoramic views of the area. I am now sitting outside a bar listening to a terrific Blues band! The one other thing I will mention is the incredible wooden bridge, still functioning - cars and all - that spans the Dranse River (called the Batiaz). P.S. got my first seniors discount today at the Barry museum!Read more

    • Day 61

      Day 59 - Martigny to Orsieres

      June 17, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today's walk was classified as "challenging," and it was. After leaving Martigny, the track followed the Dranse River and the train line. The track was narrow, rough, and unstable (obvious rock slides, tree roots, loose stones - of all sizes - thick beds of pine needles and pine cones; all designed to trip you up). I got to cross a suspension bridge, and then the track conditions got worse. For the first time ever, I removed the rubber stoppers from my poles (to try to keep me more stable going down the loose stones) and actually put the pole straps on my wrists (I was not going to risk loosing a pole). Then, of course, I strayed unwittingly from the path (and upgraded the classification to "bloody difficult"), I crossed over a recent a landslide, realised my mistake, and scaled the side of the mountain to get back on track. That was no mean feat, I was dragging myself up a good 20 to 30m by tree roots, branches, and solid rock holds. Meanwhile, slipping on the loose earth! Honestly, I was scrambling on my hands and knees at one point! I kept repeating two things: "I am not enjoying this" and "you are an experienced bushwalker." When I got back on the path, I was covered in dust, my knees were grazed, my legs and face scratched and bleeding, and all my fingernails were broken! After that adventure, the wind was really taken out of my sails, but I knew I was strong enough for whatever the Path throws at me next. Thankfully, the Path in the afternoon was wider and much more civilised. I got to Orsieres safe and sound and have the most incredible view from my hotel balcony!Read more

    • Day 62

      Day 60 - Orsieres to Col du Gd St Bernar

      June 18, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      It's done. I got here. I'll start with the stats. Today, I walked 28.13 km (1220 km from Canterbury), and according to my guidebook, the ascent was 3434m, and the descent was 1854m (what goes up must come down). I left my hotel around 8:10 am, and arrived at the pass just after 5:20 pm. There was snow next to the Path about 2150m, about 2.7 km from the Pass, and a lot of flowing water on the Path itself. The rain started around then - enough to warrant the poncho, but intermittent and not heavy at all. About 730m from the hospice, I was forced to walk on the snow. The entire walk was hard, and I'm shattered. Get this, on the way, through clearly marked VF signage, I had to cross two paddocks surrounded by electrified fences; when I tried to scurry under the first one my backpack got caught and I got zapped twice trying to free it! So, when I crossed the other three fences (the exit from the first paddock and the entrance and exit of the second paddock), I crawled on my tummy; commando style! The first paddock was empty, but the second paddock was huge and full of bulls!!!!!!!!! Thankfully, the ones around me were calm and relaxed (because I certainly wasn't). Alison, Paulett, and Matt got swamped by them when they went through. They are also here at the Pass. Italy is just down the street, I will visit tomorrow. A lovely woman from Singapore and living in Perth took the photo of me on the track and a very nice Swiss/French couple took the one of me here at the pass.Read more

    • Day 18

      Arolla Camping Suisse - Mont Blanc

      July 11, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Wir sind sehr zeitig aufgestanden, denn der Berg rief. Bereits 8:00 Uhr hatten wir alles zusammengepackt und verließen den CP um die 14 km nach Alpe d´Huez zu erklimmen. Wir waren ungefähr so schnell wie Marco „Elefantino“ Pantani 1997 (37 min), nur eben mit Auto. Die Kleinstadt da oben ist schon beeindruckend, fast hätten wir noch eine Kabinenbahn auf 3.300 m geordert. Aber Hin- und Rückweg hätten uns mindestens zwei Stunden geklaut. Also nächstes Mal.

      Unser Ziel hieß heute ja „höchster Campingplatz Europas“ und das bedeutete, noch ein paar Kilometer Fahrt zu bestreiten. Wir fuhren über Grenoble nach Chamonix und auf das wunderschöne Mont Blanc Massiv zu. Im strahlenden Sonnenschein konnten wir jeden Gipfel sehen. Diese riesigen Berge wirken richtig einschüchternd, wir Menschen sind nur niederes Geschnetz.

      Dann hieß es „Bienvenue Suisse“, ein weiterer Länderpunkt unserer Reise. Über Sion ging es dann zum Campingplatz Arolla (1950 m). Die neuen Betreiber erzählten uns, dass der frühere Besitzer zwar immer mit dem Label „höchster Campingplatz Europas“ geworben hatte, ihre eigenen Recherchen jedoch ergaben, dass ein CP in Aoste (ITA) ca. 50 Meter höher liegt. Müssen wir eben irgendwann auch dorthin fahren.
      Per Fahrrad haben wir uns vorhin noch einige Höhenmeter zugetraut und die Aussicht auf den Mont Collon (3637 m) genossen.

      Über Nacht soll sich das Wetter etwas verschlechtern, wir sind sehr aufgeregt.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Canton du Valais, Wallis, Valais, Vallese, 발레 주, Vallais

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