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    • Dag 5

      Day 5🇨🇭🇱🇮🇦🇹

      25. juli 2022, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Goodmorning from Mels!
      Today we woke up to a table full of breakfast - again as I said yesterday, Mathias and Martina really really looked after us. When we had all eaten, Mathias had to start work from home, so we said goodbye and Martina, Lampros and I went to the train station to go to Chur. We had to run to the bus stop cause we only had a few minutes before it left but we managed (Martina and Lampros in front - the runners - and me in the back following sweating away😂)
      We arrived at Chur 20 minutes later. Chur is where Martina and Mathias lived before, and it’s where Martina works - I forgot to mention she’s also a teacher!
      We walked around the old town and it was beautiful. I was looking for a patch for my bag from that canton - Martina went everywhere asking for one and we eventually found one in Manor. We also had coffee in her favourite coffee shop, the building was the old post office and it was super calm and pretty in there. We sat and chatted until we had to go to the train station and unfortunately say goodbye (but not for long)!
      I got a bit emotional cause we had such a beautiful time with them both and I’m not good with goodbyes.. but we promised to meet again in Athens.❤️
      Part two soon!
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    • Dag 43

      Seats, Cells, and Italy for Lunch

      22. august 2023, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      I wake up early and go find myself a bench with a view of the Matterhorn for breakfast. I sit for hours before I eventually tear myself away to go get packed and head for my train. I’ll admit I’m sad to leave the magic of Zermatt behind… until I realise I’d need to take out a mortgage to buy lunch in a cafe and that point I high tail it out of there.

      My base for the rest of my time in Switzerland is Chur (pronounced ‘whoor’ apparently. I kid you not) in the East of the country. At this point I have no idea which language I’m supposed to be speaking and have resorted to some weird mix of French, German and Italian, none of which is convincing anyone. Switzerland has 4 official languages German, French, Italian and a wonderful little language called Romansh which has 6 different dialects despite being spoken by less than 40,000 people. My journey for the next couple of days has me weaving in and out of Romansh territory although sadly it’s hard to find any sources to learn enough of the language to get by.

      After one of the most scenic train journeys I’ve ever taken, I spend my night in the cells of Chur’s former prison, now converted into the town’s newest hostel. A friend who grew up in the region has armed me with itineraries and things to do and so I spend the next few days hopping on and off train platforms and hanging out of train windows with a camera in hand. The alpine air and smell of pine making me smile. I take the Glacier Express route across the length of Switzerland and the Bernina Express route down to Italy for a quick bit of lunch (see note about lunch in Switzerland requiring a loan 😂) before once again hanging out a window. It’s a beautiful introduction to Switzerland and one that has me absolutely head over heels for the country.
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    • Dag 2

      Die 2. Etappe ist in den Büchern

      28. august 2022, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute ging es zur zweiten Etappe auf die Reise in Richtung Schweiz und Lichtenstein. Über Baden Baden in den Schwarzwald und in die Schweiz zum Rheinfall bei Schaffhausen.
      Danach ging es direkt weiter nach Vaduz in Lichtenstein wo unsere Letzte Aufgabe erledigt werden musste.
      Dann ging es zum Endspurt nach Chur zurück in die Schweiz.
      Morgen geht es nach Italien und zur ersten Brücke nach unserem Start in Müngsten.
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    • Dag 166


      21. mars 2023, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Nach dem Wäsche waschen besichtigen wir noch einen Wasserfall der auf der Strecke liegt und dann geht's in die Schweiz.
      Über den Maloja Pass 1818m. Kurvig. . .dann nach St.Moritz und über den Julier Pass 2284m nach Chur und danach nach St.Ragaz wo wir übernachten.
      Mittags koche ich am zugefrorenen Stausee Linguini und wir beobachten die Menschen beim Eislaufen und Langläufer am Wasser.
      In der Ferne sehen wir die Skilifte.
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    • Dag 3

      Bernina express

      22. juni 2022, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today I took the train to Tirano after a nice breakfast from where I took the Bernina express line to Chur. The line was beautiful, surrounded by massive mountains and going through lots of tunnels and over lots of bridges. I think I saw more cows today than I've ever seen before in my whole life.

      Currently I'm a bit lost trying to figure out how the next days are going to play out.
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    • Dag 5

      Brig, Glacier-Express, Chur

      13. august 2022, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Koffer gepackt, gefrühstückt und ab mit dem Bus nach Brig, einer Station an der Strecke Zermatt - Chur (bzw. Davos oder St. Moritz).
      Hier hatten wir noch etwas Zeit, den Ort zu erkunden und Jagd auf Fotomotive zu machen.
      Mit dem Glacier-Express, dem "langsamsten Express der Welt" fuhren wir dann 4 Stunden lang durch atemberaubende Landschaften, über zahllose Brücken (auf der gesamten Strecke sind es 291 Brücken!) durch die Schweizer Alpen. Die erste Linie dieser Bahn wurde bereits 1889 eröffnet, dann immer mehr erweitert und seit 1982 mit der Inbetriebnahme des Furka-Tunnels war eine ganzjährige Verbindung zwischen Zermatt und St. Moritz gewährleistet. Insgesamt eine verkehrstechnische Meisterleistung!
      Die Sonne meinte es wieder gut, nur heute erzeugte sie kräftige Spiegeleffekte in den Panoramascheiben. Aber mit den Bildern sind wir doch zufrieden und am Ende zählen viel mehr die Emotionen und Erinnerungen, die ein Foto sowieso nur ansatzweise ausdrücken kann.
      Der höchste Punkt der Fahrt war der Oberalppass auf 2.033 m ü.NN. Die Klosteranlage Disentis entstand schon Ende des 17. Jhd. und strahlt heute in voller Schönheit.
      Kurz vor Chur fuhren wir noch durch die Rheinschlucht, entstanden aus über 1.000 m hohen Bergstürzen nach der letzten Eiszeit und von majestätisch-wilder Schönheit. Die Schweizer nennen diese Landschaft gern "Swiss Grand Canyon".
      In Chur hatten wir Gelegenheit, die Beine zu vertreten und auch diese Stadt zu besichtigen. Durch ein riesiges Straßenfest empfing uns im gesamten Zentrum nur lautes Gedränge. Aber abseits des Tumults gab es schöne Flecken zur Erholung und Beschaulichkeit.
      Kleiner Scherz: aus der richtigen Perspektive fotografiert hält der Ritter nicht mehr eine Bulle, sondern ein Handy in der Hand.😉
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    • Dag 68

      Chur Switzerland

      6. mai 2023, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Brace had a day at a bike park so me and Lennon went to explore the city. Things started off well we saw a bike race and found the best park yet...

      Then Lennon woke from his nap and very sick everywhere in a cafe... There was sick all over the floor the walls and for about 50m a trail where it was spilling off us while I was asking passers by to help me who didn't speak English but eventually I got us both the to toilet which was being cleaned and every time I asked the cleaner to let me in for an emergency he shrugged and said 'it's ok!` with a grin and just didn't move 💁🏼‍♀️

      Poor poorly Lennon had to be pushed home in just his nappy, lucky for him it was about 25°

      Poor me, had so much sick on me I had to hand wash my TShirt in the cafe toilet and walk home sopping wet and stinking of it... Unlucky for me it was 25°... So the smell just got worse and worse until we got home to a van with NO WATER 🤣🙈😂😫

      He seemed fine after a few hours and ate some beans for tea... Hopefully he does ok through the night as we don't have spare sheets!!!
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    • Dag 35

      Crossing the Bernina Pass

      24. juli 2019, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      The Bernina Express crosses the Italian border and the Swiss Alps to Chur. It has Unesco World Heritage status, it negotiates 55 tunnels, 196 bridges, has an incline of 70 metres per kilometre and reaches a height of 2253 metres - needless to say it was a breathtaking journey and we even saw snow on the peaks above several glaciers.Les mer

    • Dag 10

      Glacier Express

      8. april 2023, Sveits ⋅ 🌫 2 °C

      Das warten hat sich gelohnt, denn am nächsten Tag hab ich wieder gutes Wetter 💪
      Auf der Strecke nach Osten sehe ich erst grüne Täler und dann geht es immer höher bis auf den Oberalppass mit 2044m. Hier oben ist alles mit Schnee bedeckt und der Zug fährt durch eine wunderbare Winterlandschaft.
      Nach dem Pass ändert sich die Landschaft und wir fahren durch die Rheinschlucht bis nach Chur.
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    • Dag 29

      meeting known faces again

      20. august 2022, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      after a great stay at Stefanie´s , a German soon-to-be Doctor working in Chur who hosted me via Warmshowers (which was quite more popular north of the Alps), I continued in a more and more felt-like-home environment. After crossing Liechtenstein I finally crossed the Austrian border again and continued in harsher rainy weather, but focused for going towards Allgäu where my great-aunt lives. After unconsciously crossing the German border and passing Ofterschwanger Horn in beautiful sunshine there was only some miles left of rolling down to her place. It felt so great coming home after all of those beautiful but also kinda challenging months abroad.
      I brought some Parmesan and cooked a meal for them for hosting me which was great.
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    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Chur, كور, Горад Кур, Кур, Coira, Κουρ, Koiro, شور، سوئیس, Coire, Couère, Ciura, כור, ZDT, クール, კური, 쿠어, Curia Raetorum, Kūras, Kūra, چر, 7000, Cuira, Хур, คูร์, کؤر, 庫爾

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