Gruyère District

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Gruyère District
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    • Hari 9

      Im Schloss gewandelt

      5 September 2019, Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Nach dem Giger Museum hatten wir nur ein paar Schritte zum Schloss Greyerz. Das hatten sie ganz abwechslungsreich mit verschiedenen Innen- und Außenbereichen gestaltet. Informationen gab es in drei Sprachen und zusätzlich auch noch kindgerecht. Ein kurzer Abstecher zu Migros und Coop komplettierte noch die Schokoladen- und Käsesammlung. Zum Abschluss des Tages gab es im Hotel auf dem Schlossberg noch ein reichhaltiges Käseabendmahl. Morgen zieht es uns dann wieder Richtung Zürich.Baca lagi

    • Hari 27

      Glorious death by Swiss dairy

      28 September 2023, Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      After a bit of a late night playing prince and pauper with our new addition, Rach's Swiss exchange schoolmate, 'Swiss' we left in a sleek big black SCOTT work van to scale the heights of the alps and smell the Edelweiss. Gruyére our destination where we savoured the cheese and over-caffineated on the laden trays of Callier chocolate slabs and truffles we were obliged to sample. Then we scaled Gruyére castle and village as well as Jaun pass and back down the mountain at break neck speeds.

      Dinner was a very cheery, cheesy affair with the 5 flatmates and 2 x families white wine added as much to the fondue as to our glasses. We kept mum of any lactose intolerances. The Aussie fondue 🫕 pot thickened and filled with bread and apple due to our total lack of skill. We were teased of punishments that would have been imposed had we been seriously fonduing.

      The Swiss excel in their hospitality and generosity and we slept warm and snug for another day of adventure 😱
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    • Hari 21

      Val de Charmey Day 21

      15 Mei 2023, Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      First hike in the Alps today.! While I have been doing a lot of walking, today I broke out hiking shoes and poles. I found a fellow yesterday at the mountain cable car in Charmey that spoke very good English! First real conversation I have had in weeks! 😂. I wanted to take the cable car up the mountain and asked him if there was any easy to moderate hiking there. Unfortunately, they are closed today but he recommended a hike out of Charmey to a monastery about 3 miles away. Said it was “mostly” flat.

      Turns out that the Swiss’s understanding of “mostly flat” is very different from mine. 😂. However it was a terrific walk through a valley of farms, streams and rivers. A pretty easy trail and a wonderful first hike (this trip) in the Alps. I left from the village where I am staying, Charmey; destination, La Valsainte. La Valsainte is a “working “ monastery and the only remaining extant Carthusian monastery in Switzerland, founded in 1295. I could only walk around it, apparently there are tours but Google Translate was unclear about the details of how. 😂. The weather was sun, clouds and the constant imminent chance of rain. Had one shower on the way and I found “refuge” in a farmers wood shed along the trail. Threatening again on the way back so I picked up the pace and did not stop for pictures. Total out and back; 5.7 miles.

      Planned on going out for dinner tonight however, it’s Monday, and the 2 main restaurants were closed. Went to the Coop, bought a piece of salmon and a lemon, along with left over pasta - dinner. Washing out clothes tonight, hike was a bit muddy. Last night here, heading toward Italy tomorrow, picking up Carol in Milan on Wednesday.
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    • Hari 8

      Auf ins flache Land

      4 September 2019, Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Heute wird etwas Abschied von den Bergen genommen und es geht in die französische Schweiz nach Greyerz. Auf dem Weg hielten wir an einem mit Weinreben behangenen Parkplatz und kamen zum Abend am Schloss an. Kein Witz, es gibt hier wirklich Parkplätze an Autobahnen. Sie sind halt eine seltene Spezie. Morgen geht es dann zum schlechten Wetter passend ins Museum.Baca lagi

    • Hari 19

      Oct 8 - Train Ride to Château-d'Oex

      8 Oktober 2019, Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We both had a great night’s sleep - the beds are extremely comfortable and the linens are gloriously luxurious. The bathroom has a scale in it. Feeling brave, I hopped on. It said, “Low”. I was pretty sure that it was referring to the battery and not my weight. No real damage so far. Better keep walking 6-8 miles a day.

      We ate in the breakfast room with its breathtaking view of Lake Geneva and the Alps. That’s the best morning view we have ever had.

      A little more about Montreux. It’s a traditional resort town on Lake Geneva, nestled between steep hills and the lakeside. It’s known for its temperate climate making visiting in either the summer or the winter enjoyable. The promenade is lined with flowers, sculptures (some weird, some very attractive), Mediterranean trees and grand old buildings from the Belle Epoque era. Music is a huge park of this town. It hosts the Montreux Jazz Festival for two weeks every July - I can’t imagine how busy this sleepy little town becomes then. The parkette across from the hotel has bronze statues of some of the big names of music - Ella Fitzgerald, BB King, Stevie Wonder and more. This town and its beauty has and will continue to lure writers, poets, artists, musicians and those simply looking to escape to the simplicity of nature and all its glorious beauty.

      We actually had free morning time since we didn’t have to rendezvous with William until 11:00 a.m. To wear off some of the effects of the Food Olympics in which we have been competing for the past two weeks and the lovely chocolate croissants at the breakfast bar, we walked a couple of miles through the town this morning. Lots of fabulous window shopping. The prices are in Swiss Francs, so we had to up everything by a third. Clothes, shoes, jewelry, watches, linens - it’s all here and way out of range. Sprinkled along the way were delightful little bakeries and cafés full of tempting treats and lots of hot coffee. Would have loved to spend the morning people watching, but we had a date with a train.

      Our activity for today is a train trip up into the Alps from Montreux to Château-d’Oex (House of the Oxen). Good things come to those who are patient. We had a gloriously sunny, warm day - finally! The train snaked its way up the mountain, switching back and forth to handle the steep elevation. The train was used until about 15 years ago mainly for transportation of goods, but is now almost strictly a tourist attraction. There is a spur line that is called the Chocolate Train Route. Must put a ride on that on my bucket list.

      The scenery we drank in for the next hour was stunning, awe-inspiring, panoramic, idyllic, jaw dropping, memorable. Steep, craggy mountains, Lake Geneva glistening in the sunlight, tiny picture postcard villages, cattle grazing on 60° slopes, deep gorges with streams running through them - we saw it all. It was a trip to remember. My only regret - pictures simply can’t do it justice.

      We arrived a little before 1:00 p.m. in Château-d’Oex which sits an an elevation of about 1000 metres/3300 feet. By comparison, Montreux sits at about 400 metres/1300 feet. It’s a lovely little town of about 3,500 people who work mainly in the tourism industry or the dairy industry. We had lunch at Le Chalet Restaurant. We had the whole place to ourselves - there are 36 of us doing the cruise extension plus William and Ivan. Here, the owners make their own type of Guyère cheese. Right in the restaurant we watched as the cheesemaker patiently stirred the milk in a huge copper pot over an open wood fire. He was using a large whisk which removed the whey (fed to the pigs) from the curd granules. Then he took the curd granules out of the copper pot using a linen cheese cloth. The curds were then pressed into a wheel-shaped mould. It will sit in this mould for 24 hours during which time the mould will be turned five times. Then the cheese will get a salt bath for 24 hours and then be set aside in temperature-controlled cellar to mature for at least six months.

      While watching the cheesemaking process, we feasted on cheese fondue (which would have been totally sufficient), then cured pork, scalloped potatoes and carrots, followed by poached pears and chocolate ice cream, all washed down with local wines. Definitely salad for supper tonight!

      We had some time to enjoy the town and the glorious sunshine before climbing back on the bus to snake our way down the mountain through lots of little villages. The country is trying very hard to support those who live in these villages so that these villages can stay alive and that their vibrancy and charm can be shared with the world.

      We got back to the hotel and headed out shortly afterwards for our standard dinner - salad, croissants (chocolate tonight), grapes, milk and bar chocolate (working our way through the country’s vast selection). We ate on the promenade and watched the sun go down over Lake Geneva. Glorious.

      We are in for the night now. Lots of pictures to sort through and choose for the blog. It’s going to take a while. We are off to Gstaad tomorrow.
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    • Hari 2

      Tag 2

      27 Januari 2020, Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      Heute Morgen bei bomben Wetter aufgewacht, schnell gefrühstückt und los auf die Piste. Der Rinderberg hat uns fast alleine gehört - nur die Sonne war mit uns.

      Es gibt nichts Gravierendes zu berichten, alle Knochen sind noch heil und das Material hat auch gehalten.

      Mittags haben wir im Hotel eine kleine Kaffee-Pause gemacht und sind frisch gestärkt auf die Rodel-Piste des Grauens gestartet. Von Micha gibts ab jetzt keine Fotos mehr, könnte sein, dass sich ein Veilchen unterm rechten Auge entwickelt.. Jetzt weigert sie sich fotografiert zu werden! ;) Andreas hat mit 59,8 km/h die Rodelschallmauer durchbrochen. Auf der Rodelpiste kleben nun mindestens 3 mm Schuhabrieb vom Bremsen und mehrere Einschlagkrater säumen den Pistenrand. Karola, ich weiß jetzt auch wie es sich anfühlt, wenn man im Netz hängt! :D Aber mit jeder Abfahrt sind wir besser geworden!

      Jetzt schmieden wir Pläne für morgen und werden gleich das Wetter checken.

      Heute Abend gibt es Kalbs-Pastete mit einer Beilage, die wir nicht übersetzen konnten.

      Schönen Feierabend Euch allen! :)
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    • Hari 3

      Tag 3

      28 Januari 2020, Switzerland ⋅ ❄️ 0 °C

      Hurra, Andreas hat endlich seine zugeschneiten Straßen und konnte mit AWD-Matze durch den Schnee pflügen - zum Leidwesen von Micha.

      Die Lifte hatten heute wegen Sturm fast alle geschlossen, unsere Gondel ist nur bis zur Mittelstation gefahren. Wir haben uns kurzer Hand die Schlitten geschnappt und haben den Berg mit Muskelkraft erklommen. Da merkt man erstmal, wie steil die Pisten eigentlich sind. Die Abfahrt war mal wieder sehr rasant. Wegen des Sturms und des Schnees gab es ein kostenloses Gesichtspeeling.

      Mittags waren wir dann shoppen und haben den Nachmittag mit zwei Runden Memory und mehreren Runden faulenzen verbracht. Inzwischen ist es dunkel und wir warten mal mal wieder auf das Abendessen: Salat, Spaghetti-Plausch mit 3 Soßen und Überraschungs-Dessert!

      Falls es morgen nicht schneit, stehen wir nochmals auf die Ski, ansonsten gehts nach dem Frühstück nach Hause!
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    • Hari 8


      16 April 2022, Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Imagine that! Cheese in Switzerland. And in the town of Gruyères. Said town is in the alpine foothills of southwestern Switzerland in the French speaking part of the country. Gruyères is a hill town with the chateau at the very top. That is the 1st picture. The 2nd picture is the view from the chateau, a view that captures much of what Switzerland is known for: Alps, dairy farms, green pastures, etc. The 3rd picture is along the main street of the town with it's medieval architecture and cobblestone street.
      The 4th picture looks out from the other side of the hill over the local countryside with the farms that provide milk for the Gruyères cheese. The 5th picture is of the main gate into town, and the 6th picture looks along the town wall on the inside. On the right are the crenallations used for defensive purposes.
      The rest of the pictures are of the town's most famous product: Gruyeres cheese and its manufacture. Here is the process, from mixing and culturing to the presses and ripening. Notice the robot in the 9th picture that turns the cheese wheels and cleans the rind.
      The last picture is a 35 kilogram cheese (the standard size) stamped and ready to be shipped.
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    • Hari 7

      Cailler Chocolate tour in Broc

      6 Julai 2023, Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Education day...your at the oldest Swiss chocolate company in existence.

    Anda mungkin mengenali tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Gruyère District, Gruyere District, District de la Gruyère

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