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    • Day 14–15


      May 25 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      We started our journey into the mountains with an overnight in Zermatt.

      We couldn't check into our hostel until 4 so we locked our bags up and planned a hike. The weather was mixed when we arrived, but we had time to kill so took the funicular up to Sunnegga mid-station anyway. We were surprised by clearing skies and an almost complete view of Matterhorn when we got to the top! Perfect opportunity to grab a beer and wait to see if our view improved; which it did. The hike down gave some more great views of mountains and chalets. We opted in to the hostels meal for the night; schnitzel & roasted veggies then found a local pub for a pint before calling it a night.

      The photos are from our beer view of Matterhorn, the hike down and of the village of Zermatt.
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    • Day 2

      Was für ein Träumli

      November 30, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ -3 °C

      Früh morgens geht es los. Bereits um 8 Uhr stehen wir an der Haltestelle. Das Testcenter an der Mittelstation Trockener Steg ist das professionellste, was ich je erlebt habe. In kürzester Zeit werden Unmengen von Kunden mit guter Beratung durchgeschleust. Das Wetter ist eisig und klar,kein Wölkchen am Himmel und die Sonne lacht. Wir fahren beschwingt die Pisten ab und tauschen mehrmals die Ski. Ein phantastischer Tag nimmt sein Ende in der Apresski bar:)Read more

    • Day 21

      Matterhorn sunset

      June 28, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      From the little we experienced of Switzerland on the train ride, it did not disappoint! The architecture is as expected, and all the towns we passed through looked very clean, well maintained, "cute" and orderly.

      Zermatt naturally has a very resort-town feel, but still very authentic. No private vehicles, so walking or electric mini vehicles (taxi, shuttles, or delivery trucks).

      The check-in to the holiday apartment was interesting. The email said the reception was only open until 630pm. We were arriving just under the wire, until the train was 30 minutes late 🚉😕! I tried calling their numbers but no answer and issues with my sim card. Walking quickly from the station, we discovered no answer at the building upon arrival. 🤔 A maintenance worker appeared and I explained. He seemed confused that we should have gotten a second email with instructions. Walking to the mailboxes he showed us that my name was on one, with the fob keys and unit number inside! Yahoo 👍

      We lucked out with a completely renovated suite! We are the first to use it too! Our patio is huge! No view of the Matterhorn, but we didn't pay the premium for that 😊. The kitchen is great so we popped to the corner store before the map said they closed at 8pm. Well, more like 7pm so they were already closed 😕. Quick! Across town to where we arrived at the train station. Weeeee.

      A quick 20-minute shop before their 8pm closing time, enjoying the inflated resort town prices was successful. The packaged seasoned chicken we bought turned out to be just wings 🐔🤣. It tasted great with the rice and salad 🥗🍚😋!

      Dinning on the patio I noticed the neighbors with the view looking at the mountains. The sun was setting and it looked great on the cloud above us. We paused dinner to go down to the river with a glass of wine where we too could view the sunset 🍷🌄
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    • Day 8

      Zermatt - Villigen

      July 2, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Le temps est encore maussade à Zermatt ce matin. On en profite quand même pour marcher un peu après le déjeuner à l’hôtel (où les enfants ont découvert la tartinade d’Ovomaltine). Puis, c’est le départ en direction de Villigen, près de Zurich. La route est magnifique, entre vallées et montagnes, prés et vallons.

      Une fois arrivés à l’appartement, on dépose nos valises. Comme les femmes de ménage n’ont pas terminé, on va faire un tour à la piscine du village en attendant. Finalement, après la baignade, on décide d’y souper. Ça fait du bien de se poser. Une journée plus tranquille avant un autre sprint de tourisme!
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    • Day 12

      Zermatt and the Matterhorn

      April 9, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      This was a highlight day.

      In summary, it was like walking around inside a postcard or a tourist film all day.

      Unfortunately Ben was battling a nasty cold (RAT test says not covid thankfully) so took a little longer to get going today - but I don’t think we missed anything.

      The train ride in was great, the anticipation as we got closer was most evident in Clare’s smile. The ride into Zermatt alone was an adventure - but we had the Matterhorn to come.

      Once we arrived we quickly grabbed a coffee and explored the town. Realising it was a tourist destination (every 2nd shop sells outdoor gear and every store next to that sells souvenirs) and there was little to learn re culture, we headed to the cable car.

      It’s all very well done and we shared the car with skiers who were heading up to the top for a day on the alps. This mountain dwarfs anything we have in Australia, there are kms of runs in all directions.

      Once we got to the top we went into the restaurant which was overcrowded and overpriced. No shock there. $40 for 2 bowls of chips later and we were on our way to the upper platform.

      Never seen anything like it in person. Was -10 degrees out on the platform. Made it over 4000 metres high and could feel the lack of air. Had to climb some stairs and I felt like a pack a day smoker.

      A guy from NZ pointed out the Mount Blanc mountain in Italy to me quietly - said most people don’t know it’s there and he was helping me out because I’m Australian….🤷‍♂️

      Bit of tourist shopping (yes, they got our money) and back to the chalet for our last night here.
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    • Day 3

      Vor der Fahrt mit dem Glacier Express

      May 16 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌫 4 °C

      frei nach dem Motto "der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm"- "der Frühaufsteher sieht das Matterhorn 🏔️" heute Morgen ohne Wolken ⛅️. so nach einem guten Frühstück in unserem Hotel 🏨 Testa Grigia übrigens abgeleitet vom Ort in Italien gegenüber dem Matterhorn, dessen Name vom Wallisischen Matte (für Wiese) und Horn abgeleitet wurde geht es nun zum Galcier Express.
      Das Suchbild aus dem Status ist übrigens ein Fake, es wurde aus OSB Platten gebaut, die Außenwände bestehen aus Brettern und die Ecken wurden drangeschraubt, gut zu erkennen durch die unterschiedlichen Hölzer, Größen dieser Teile und der Fugenversätze.
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    • Day 2

      Den Tag ausklingen lassen

      June 8, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Heute sind wir zum ersten Mal mit einem Autozug gefahren. Aufregend. Wir sind ja mit dem Womo unterwegs. Es ging durch den Lötschbergtunnel. Der Lötschbergtunnel ist ein 1913 eröffneter, 14,6 km langer Eisenbahntunnel der BLS Netz AG von Kandersteg nach Goppenstein in der Schweiz. Von da ging es nach Täsch. Dort mussten wir unseren Olibus stehen lassen und mit dem Zermatt Shuttle weiter zum Hotel. In Zermatt haben wir dann original Schweizer Raclette gegessen...saulecker. Und zum Abschluss noch eine Runde auf dem Kulturweg gewandert.Read more

    • Day 27

      Butterflies and waterfalls

      July 4, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      The last day of our Swiss experience. A pretty relaxing and gorgeous day, although the forecast mentioned some showers that never precipitated.

      Decided to go for a relaxing walk around the northern part of Zermatt, then follow the trail along the train track towards Tasch. We saw some amazing slopes, broken by waterfalls and dotted with bushes and wild meadow flowers; the pollinators were busy!

      It got warmer than expected, despite a very steady breeze. We decided to grab a few items from the grocery store for our last dinner and head back to our accommodations.

      Time to pack up for our next adventure Austria, here we come!
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    • Day 5

      Gornergrat wir kommen

      June 11, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Heute erstrahlt der Schweizer Himmel in herrlichem blau. Keine Wolke ist zu sehen. Die Berggipfel sind Schneebedeckt. Ein unfassbares Panorama. Wir sitzen auf der grünen Wiese und genießen unser Frühstück.Read more

    • Day 7

      Kuhinja s pogledom na Matterhorn

      July 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Ni tako enostavno najt frej parkirišča v tejle dolini. Ok, vedno greš lahko na sosto, ki je malo naprej, je pa to parkplac avtodomov.

      Drugje kamperji niso zaželeni... Našla sva tudi en piknik prostor, pa so zaračunali vstop 2,5 eur po osebi...

      Tule skuha Helena nama nekaj za pojest, potem pa greva počivat.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Zermatt, زيرمات, Цермат, সেরম্যাট, Τσερμάτ, زرمات, Prât-Borgno, צרמט, ツェルマット, ცერმატი, Церматт, 체르마트, Pratobornum, Cermatas, 采尔马特

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