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    • Dia 54

      Lambai island

      22 de novembro de 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Got on the way for our 3 hour drive at about 10am. We were heading south to get a ferry to the island of Lambai. A small island off the South West coast of Taiwan.
      Arrived and got straight on a fast boat, taking 25mins to get to the Island. Scoped out hiring scooters and bicycles, and settled on electric bikes.
      The island is only 5k long so doesn't take long to get around. Checked into our accommodation and set off to get some dinner from the shop. Salad, hot dogs, sandwiches, beer, more beer and red wine. Made it down to the coast in time for sunset. I got in a quick drone flight whilst everyone else got the beers going. Shortly after the sun went down, we had to abandon the beach as the mosquitos were forming an organised attack, regardless of the deet.

      Had some more food on the balcony overlooking the sea and the stars. Played cards until the bar opened at 8pm. Then proceeded to play pool until 10. Only people in the bar, which was probably quite lucky. At only a pound a beer it was a nice cheap evening.
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    • Dia 55

      Lambai island exploring. Turtles galore.

      23 de novembro de 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      All finished breakfast by 9.10am! Maybe a heavy booze night makes you feel more awake in the morning. Will have to further test this theory.
      Straight to the north west corner to see a big ball rock thing called Vase rock. (Dad called it Chodyknobend rock). Did the usual Le Poidevin move of walking a further 10m to everyone else and having a bit of beach to yourself.
      Straight into the water for a dip. A strong current, lovely and warm water with Turtles everywhere. Great visibility. Lovely!
      Tried to find a cafe for a while along the coast. Eventually found a coffee shop which made an excellent tuna sarnie and latte float.
      Down to another beach for a glorious swim, so warm! Turtles and lion fish. Plus swarms of Chinese people all with life vests on, tied to their leader.
      We cruised down the East coast seeing the harbour and more tropical coast line. Everyone here drives motor bikes.
      Up to the 7-11 to pick up some more red wine and beers and back to the balcony for sunset and drone flying 😁.
      Curly fancied a pizza so we took the bikes along the coast road. Got lost a few times, I asked a random shop were the pizza shop might be and we got some rough directions. Found the Luna pizza van which did fantastic pizza, including a banana and chocolate one for dessert. Yes yes yes!
      She gave us some recommendations of what to do on the way home, including looking at flowers which only open at night and crab crossing. Half way to the flower place, my electric battery on my bike died. The bikes are very heavy, and not really suitable for just pedalling. We were not that far from the rental place, so I rode it back there. They then swapped all our batteries just in case.
      Loads of night time tourist groups on scooters seeing random sights on our way back. Like hells angels does 50cc tourism. Funny to see.
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    • Dia 56

      Lambai Island. South Side.

      24 de novembro de 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Started with a breakfast of chips and pancake with meat and veg. Curly couldn't hack it so made it her mission of the day to find fruit and flavoured ice.
      We set off toward a walking path with caves made of coral. Pleasant walk but with sharp pointy rocks. Drove to the East coast for more swimming with turtles. Quite strong tide, so we swam against it and drifted back. Dad found an 'octopus', was in fact a rock...
      Cycled to Black Devils Cave, where some Dutch were killed and their slaves freed to live amongst the rocks.
      Fantastic ice smoothy, and amazingly intricate wooden carvings. From there went to get some salad lunch and onward to the beach below our accommodation. Big swell coming in. Dad and I went out. I did some body surfing with the camera. You needed to line up with the rows of coral to avoid being sliced on the rocks. Cool and fairly sketchy.
      Back for a quick wash up and out to find some dinner.
      We cycled to a DIY BBQ. Loads of food in freezers, where you help yourself and cook it yourself. Almost certainly all got food poisoning now, but we will find out tomorrow 😝. Nice and tasty though, but all fully stuffed!
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    • Dia 62

      Off to New Zealand

      30 de novembro de 2019, Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Up for a nice breakfast of salad, sausage, egg and hash brown. They were playing christmas music, so I suppose that made it our Christmas day meal. No where near as full or pissed as usual for Christmas.
      We slimmed down our packs by handing a few Kg to Curly to take home.
      Started our Teddy tour with a car park walk, followed by another car park we couldn't even enter to get access to do a walk. We took the navigational reigns off him and went along to a small pond with a 3 min walking route. Lovely.
      We wanted to get a bit closer to the airport so started the stressful drive through the city. Too many bikes and merging lorries for my liking!
      Got to a rotating restaurant for lunch over looking the beach. Had some chinese tasting food, very nice. Made us all feel pretty dizzy, even though it was only rotating at 1 RPH.
      Made it back to the airport to handover the hire car.
      Few beers with the family to get rid of some coins and we were off to New Zealand!
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    • Dia 57

      Leaving Lambai Island

      25 de novembro de 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Another breakfast of chips but this time with an eggy bread sandwich - unsure of the filling. Then time to check out of the Campzone.
      Before heading to the ferry, we managed to sneak in a final attraction on the island, A boar trench. Then we took the scenic route to the Bike Rental and returned the bikes. Walked the short distance to the ferry terminal and realised there was an hour wait for the next ferry back to the mainland. Just enough time to squeeze in another quick snorkel at the beach next to the port.
      Then a speedy and relatively smooth crossing. Before picking the car up from the 24hr car park we wandered through a cool fish market, with all sorts of fresh and dried fish on offer.
      Finally back at the car and made a plan to head South! Found a place to stay a few towns away from the main tourist area. Checked into our accommodation which was all white and blue - very Mediterranean. Then got some lunch from the 7/11 and headed to the beach. Tried the famous bubble tea which was a bit weird. It turned out to be difficult to find a sheltered spot and we started to get sand blasted. So decided to drive to a nearby recommended deer park. Had a walk around the area and through the minor and major gorge and got a good view of the coast.
      On the way back we stopped for dinner at Smokey Joe’s, a chain of Asian tex-mex restaurants. Very tasty and a good atmosphere.
      Then back to the room for a beer and film! Great to have a comfy sofa in the room.
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    • Dia 58

      The Southern most point of Taiwan

      26 de novembro de 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Woke up and as breakfast wasn’t included we got a selection of fruit and yogurt from 7/11 - our go to shop! Much healthier than our last few days breakfast.
      Decided to just head off and stop at any attractions along the way with no real plan and no end destination for now.
      First stop - the southern most point of Taiwan and a short walk to a viewing area.
      Second stop - lunch. A local restaurant with tasty rice, noodles, soup and Rog Pretty much had a plate of onions! Curly was adventurous and tried an asparagus juice - not as tasty as the food.
      Third stop - very much off the beaten track with Curly following a well mapped tip to a wild hot spring. We scrambled over some rocks and to the edge of the river to find a pool of hot water!
      Fourth stop - a random hotel with a hot spring. A bit of an eye sore from the outside but nice enough on the inside - especially for the price 8 quid a room. A quick dip in the hot spring and then to a traditional Aboriginal restaurant to try a selection of tasty meals.
      Before heading back to the room a quick stop off at 7/11 to pick up some post dinner sweet treats and tasty wine. Louis nearly stood on a snake on the way home - checked the picture online and turns out it was quite a dangerous one!
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    • Dia 60

      Birthday celebrations and a gorge

      28 de novembro de 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Woke up early to make sure we could get to the Taroko Gorge and access the hikes. Started with some presents for Rog and then a birthday breakfast on the beach!
      Checked out the tourist information centre to find out which walks would be possible. Turns out there were some nice trails with parking so we decided to start with them. Baiyang trail took us through the gorge with great views, dark tunnels and ending up at a water curtain where you could walk through some of the waterfall. Lots of Asian tourists offered us their poncho’s - even though we already had our waterproofs we put on the extra layer.
      Found a spot for a birthday picnic and a rest.
      Then attempted to find a wild hot spring - turned out to be quite a dangerous route down, which had been closed off to the public and we decided it was too risky so were sensible and gave it a miss.
      Instead found a short walk to see more of the Gorge and an opportunity to take some drone footage.
      As it was getting dark we drove back to our accommodation and went to the beach for birthday drinks and nibbles. Then back to the bar for more pizza, wine and beer!
      We then finished the night with drinks, cards and birthday cake on the terrace outside our rooms. Quite a lot of wine was consumed for the birthday celebrations.
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    • Dia 162

      Taipei, Taïwan !

      17 de março de 2020, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Bien arrivés à Taïwan, pour une période indéterminée jusqu'à ce que la situation se calme et que la crise sanitaire soit finie.
      Ici tout va bien, peu de cas et un bon système de santé et gestion de crise. On évite les sorties inutiles, et les foules de gens.

      La ville est vraiment chouette, et les gens sont très gentils ! La nourriture est vraiment variée (et ça, ça fait du bien!). On trouve même des petits airs de Japon, étant donné que Taïwan était une colonie Japonaise 🤩

      On vous souhaite bon courage pour le confinement 😟
      En espérant que la situation s'arrange 🤞
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    • Dia 170

      Taipei, et sa nature

      25 de março de 2020, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Un petit coucou depuis Taïwan, en espérant que tout le monde va bien en France malgré le confinement.. On pense fort à vous. ❤️
      Ici la vie continue, pas vraiment comme si de rien n'était puisque tout le monde a un masque et qu'il y a du désinfectant partout ! Mais presque. En tout cas, pas de confinement (pour le moment)🤞
      La crise est vraiment suivie de près ici, à chaque entrée dans un restau on se fait désinfecter les mains, et prise de température ! 😷

      On évite les foules quand même, et on fait des activités à l'extérieur. Histoire de ne pas prendre trop de risque ! Et la bonne nouvelle, c'est qu'à Taipei, il y a plein d'activités extérieures ☺️. Beaucoup de nature, de parcs, de rando. Même la montagne et la mer sont accessibles en métro 🤩
      On a pas encore tout fait, puisqu'on se limite quand même. Mais voilà un petit aperçu de la nature ici, en pleine ville 🏞️🌼
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    • Dia 186

      Repos sur la côte est

      10 de abril de 2020, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nous continuons notre petit voyage dans Taïwan, et nous descendons la côte est. C'est assez sauvage, avec la montagne en fond et les plages de galets ! Le temps est souvent nuageux voir bien pluvieux parfois... Mais on ne se plaint pas !

      On retrouve des français qui louent une maison dans un petit village sur la côte, vers Dulan. Nous voilà donc en coloc pour une semaine à 6 ! Ça fait beaucoup de bien de passer des journées et soirées tranquilles tous ensemble, à faire des apéros et des barbecues sur la terrasse. 😎 On mange super bien :)
      Seul point négatif, le coq qui hurle toute la nuit entre 2h et 6h, voir 8h 🥴🐓
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Taiwan, Taywan, Republik China, ታይዋን, Republica de China, تايوان, جمهورية الصين, টাইৱান, República de China, Tayvan, تایوان, Ҡытай Республикаһы, Republik Kina, Тайвань, Република Китай, ताइवान, Tayiwani, তাইওয়ান, ཐའེ་ཝན།, তাইৱান, Tajvan, Бүгэдэ Найрамдаха Хитад Улас, Dài-uăng, Republika sa Tsina, Çin Cumhuriyeti, Tajwan, Republikken Kina, Cumhuriyetê Çini, Republika Chinskeje, ޓައިވާން, ཏའི་ཝཱན, Taiwan nutome, Ταϊβάν, Tajvano, Taiwán, Repúbrica de China, Taywaan, Kiinan tasavalta, Teivan, Taïwan, Rèpublica de Ch·ina, An Téaváin, Kitay Respublikası, 中華民國, Poblachd na Sìne, तैवान, તાઇવાન, Pobblaght ny Sheen, Chûng-fà Mìn-koet, Republika Kina, טייוואן, Chinska republika, Թայվան, Republiko di Chinia, Taívan, 中華民国, Républik Cina, ტაივანი, Хъутей Республикэ, Taiwani, តៃវ៉ាន់, ಥೈವಾನ್, 대만, Formosa, Repuvlika de Kina, Republiek China, Taiwanin, ໄຕ້ຫວັນ, تایڤان, Taivanas, Taivāna, Taioana, Taiwana, Тајван, തായ്‌വാന്‍, ထိုင်ဝမ်, Republik Tsiene, Taihuan, Tâi-oân, Thayiwani, Republike de China, ତାଇୱାନ୍, Китайы Республикæ, ਤਾਇਵਾਨ, Republika ning Tsina, Republika di China, Republika Chińska, تائیوان, د چين جمهوريت, Chunwa Republika, Кытай Өрөспүүбүлүкэтэ, Republic o Cheenae, تائيوان, Tâiwâni, තායිවානය, Saina Taipei, IThayiwani, Republika Chińsko, தைவான், టైవాన్, Тайван, ประเทศไต้หวัน, Taýwan, Heograpiya ng Taiwan, Taiuani, Ripablik bilong Saina, Кытай Җөмһүрияте, تەيۋەن, Republica de Cina, Taivan, Đài Loan, Tayvän, Republika han Tsina, Taaywaan, 中华民国, Китдин Орн, Orílẹ́ède Taiwani, Cunghvaz Minzgoz, 台湾, i-Taiwan

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