Fight nature with nature: Toast à la Cheesus with onions, garlic, aromatic habanero and tomato for lunch (germ-free zone), polska szarlotka in the afternoons (Dagmara knows her business!), coffee allRead more
Fight nature with nature: Toast à la Cheesus with onions, garlic, aromatic habanero and tomato for lunch (germ-free zone), polska szarlotka in the afternoons (Dagmara knows her business!), coffee allRead more
Since March 22nd I’m relaxing here on the spot and preparing my mind for the dawning apocalypse. Today I break out for a hike into Shagayu Forest Reserve (part of Usambara mountains) with the localRead more
A week ago I arrived back home in Mambo where I moved into a tiny cottage. Every day I wake up at 0630 to glimpse in the direction of Kili but Kili is hiding most of the time and I fall asleep again.Read more
Höhö. Last time in Dar I bought spare front brake pads. Even managed to find genuine Toyota parts! Yesterday I decided to "quickly replace the old ones" because this usually is no big deal. AfterRead more
Donald openes his missile silos and launches a bunch of tiny black wasps (Braconidae) to infiltrate the next victims of his own kind while Bariati prepares dinner for 25 guests and I enjoy the sun inRead more
The rear, single-piston brake calipers look better than the front ones. At least the rubber boots are not damaged and the pistons are retracting smoothly with slight force. After struggeling a wholeRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Lushoto, Lushoto District