Dinner and pickpocket

Tonight's dinner was more about the ambiance than the food. We had reservations at Brasserie Zedel, which aims for the ambiance of a traditional French brasserie from the Art Deco/Art Nouveau eras.Read more
Tonight's dinner was more about the ambiance than the food. We had reservations at Brasserie Zedel, which aims for the ambiance of a traditional French brasserie from the Art Deco/Art Nouveau eras.Read more
There were not a lot of lit up houses in town, but the streets of London were a blaze. Dazzling displays on and in buildings with more lights beautifying in the streets.
We were front row on aRead more
Regent Street in London ist eine Haupteinkaufsstraße und Verkehrsader im West End der Stadt. Besonders zur Weihnachtszeit ist diese Straße eine beliebte Anlaufadresse. Daher werden wir abends nochRead more
Tuesday. Our sixth and final stop before heading back home. Why London? Well it was cheaper to fly to London and going back by train to Amsterdam, than have a flight from Bergen to Amsterdam rightRead more
Viel los war auf dem Trafalgar Square. Es fand eine Theateraufführung statt. Massen von Leuten saßen auf den Reihen gegenüber der Bühne, leider konnten wir die Handlung nur kurz auf einer großenRead more
Endlich haben wir Zeit um den schon längst überfälligen Footprint für unsere 4-tägige Reise nach London zu schreiben :) deswegen fällt er auch etwas üppiger aus.
Wir kamen Mittwochabend inRead more
Tras la siestecilla, hemos vuelto a la carga. Hemos ido hasta Leicester Square, y de ahí andando hasta Trafalgar Square, pasando por la National Gallery.
Trafalgar Square es inmensa, y el monumentoRead more
I woke up around 8:30AM, which was quite nice. I got dressed quickly, and walked to the city center. Or Soho. I stopped at Starbucks for a PSL and cinamon bun (as breakfast, whoops I know). And madeRead more
Aunque nos habíamos tomado el Sunday Roast al mediodía quisimos volver a cenar a un público así que como por la zona de Piccadilly habíamos localizado el día anterior algunos allí queRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Picadilly Circus
You gotta be in Paris for the French Brasserie/Art Deco-Art Nouveau ...the one we experienced also had ambience with lousy food. [v]
There are pickpockets bums everywhere! [v]