Vereinigtes Königreich
Westminster Abbey

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    • Tag 5

      Ausflug zum Dalsnibba und Trollstigen

      23. Juni 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Mit dem Reisebus fuhren wir die enge Passstraße hoch zum Dalsnibba. Zwischendurch immer wieder tolle view points für atemberaubende Aufnahmen, wie zB den Panoramablick auf den Geirangerfjord. Leider, leider hat die Sonne wieder mal gefehlt. Dadurch war es dann oberhalb der Vegetationsgrenze ziemlich neblig. Trotzdem, denke ich, sind ein paar gute Fotos gelungen🤗Weiterlesen

    • Tag 16

      St Margaret's Church

      21. August 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      The Church of St Margaret, Westminster Abbey is in the grounds of Westminster Abbey on Parliament Square, London, England. It is dedicated to Margaret of Antioch, and forms part of a single World Heritage Site with the Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey.

      The church was founded in the twelfth century by Benedictine monks, so that local people who lived in the area around the Abbey could worship separately at their own simpler parish church, and historically it was within the hundred of Ossulstone in the county of Middlesex. In 1914, in a preface to Memorials of St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, a former Rector of St Margaret's, Hensley Henson, reported a mediaeval tradition that the church was as old as Westminster Abbey, owing its origins to the same royal saint, and that "The two churches, conventual and parochial, have stood side by side for more than eight centuries – not, of course, the existing fabrics, but older churches of which the existing fabrics are successors on the same site.

      As well as marrying its own parishioners, the church has long been a popular venue for society weddings, as Members of Parliament, peers, and officers of the House of Lords and House of Commons can choose to be married in it.

    • Tag 16

      Parliament Square

      21. August 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Parliament Square is a square at the northwest end of the Palace of Westminster in the City of Westminster in central London, England. Laid out in the 19th century, it features a large open green area in the centre with trees to its west, and it contains twelve statues of statesmen and other notable individuals.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 4


      18. April in England ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Dormimos en el bus y despertamos en Londres por la mañana. La gente iba al colegio o al trabajo, nosotros pasamos a un café.

      Cambiamos un tanto más de libras ("pounds") y caminamos al palacio de Buckingham a ver las marchas de los soldados rojos con sombreros peludos.

      Cruzamos la calle para tomar desayuno en el parque. Amabile le tiró un poco de pan a una paloma, llegaron más y más, luego un cuervo se las ingenió para llevarse dos pedazos grandes de una vez y comérselos él solo en un sitio más alejado.

      Un pájaro negro con blanco y cola azúl también aprovechó la oportunidad hasta que un palo cayó en medio asustándolas a todas. Salieron volando. Miramos arriba y el culpable era un pájaro carpintero que al picotear un árbol dejaba caer trozos de madera.

      Se acabó el show del pan, cruzamos el parque St James, donde conviven patos y otras aves con ardillas que tienden a robarse el show entre turistas que les dan frutos secos.

      Seguimos hasta el Big Ben, que esta vez no lo estaban remodelando, como nos ocurrió el 2019. Así que esta vez nos desquitamos tomando muchas fotos.

      Desde ahí fuimos a la estatua de Paddington, recorrimos el barrio chino, almorzamos en un bufet de 5 "pounds" y nos fuimos a bajar lo picante con una variedad de IPAs en un Whole Foods Market que afuera tenía una terraza.

      Después de una larga caminata por la costanera del Támesis llegamos al célebre puente de la Torre, puente basculante que aunque fue construido a fines del 1800, todo el mecanismo interno fue reemplazado en 1974.

      Me recordó un poco a la paradoja del barco de Teseo.

      Otra gran caminata más y llegamos al terminal de buses desde donde partiremos a Paris. Cruzamos un barrio principalmente de migrantes con varios locales turcos o indios, aunque nos decantamos por pizza.

      34 mil pasos caminados, según la app que se consulte: hoy caminamos entre 23 a 25 kilómetros.

    • Tag 3

      Saint Martin

      26. Juni 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      This morning Chuck and I worshipped at Westminster Abbey. We met two rather special people as we waited for the service to begin. Chuck will tell you about Natalia but I want to tell you about Martin. As we stood in line to enter the choir area for the 11:15 service, a little man carrying a ragged tote bag came up beside me. He asked me if we had churches like this one where I was from and I said that we had some beautiful churches in North Carolina but that the only church that came close to Westminster was Duke Chapel. He showed me where Stephen Hawking was buried in the church and pointed out other features he did not want me to miss. As we took our seats Martin was across from us. He walked up and saluted the altar, bowing three times just like the ministers did. He stayed completely focused on every detail of the service. After the service he again saluted the altar before leaving. As we were exiting, an usher stopped me and told me he had seen Martin talking to me. Martin attends every service at Westminster…..yes, all four on Sunday and every service during the week. He is a simple man who lives alone. He loves God and he loves his church. It is his sanctuary in a world that has not been kind to him. I quickly took Martin’s photo as he stayed seated at the end of the service. I never want to forget this humble devout servant of God. I hope one day Saint Martin will be among the statues in the Abbey and that there will be a place near Stephen Hawking for this devout man whom the world has forgotten but God has not .Weiterlesen

    • Tag 22

      Westminster Abbey

      18. April 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      This was cool, and not quite as crowded as I expected it to be, so that was a nice surprise. The big tombs pictured are Queen Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots. And yes, I had to get a picture with a door in Westminster Abbey :PWeiterlesen

    • Tag 24


      3. Juli 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Today we left Sam and Steff, and have moved into our final accommodation for the trip. We have 6 nights at Nell Gwynn House in Chelsea.

      It turns out that Chelsea is quite an upmarket location, with lots of high end shops, and every second car parked on the street is a Mercedes, Porsche or similar.

      Following our time in Paris we wanted a slower day, so we opted for jumping on a Hop-on Hop-off bus tour of the key city highlights in an open aired double decker bus.

      The weather was quite mixed, it was windy and cool one minute, raining the next, and then 5 minutes later the sun was out and everyone was stripping back to t-shirt shirts.

      It was a relaxing way to spend an afternoon. It allowed us to see the main parts of London and to get a better feel for how the city is laid out. A detour due to road works prevented us from seeing Buckingham Palace, but we will probably visit it later in the week so that was ok.

      Our accommodation has a kitchen so we were able to have some much needed home cooking for dinner. After so many meals eating out it was quite a relief.

    • Tag 37

      April 24 London

      24. April in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We both slept well but woke a bit stiff and sore after our exercise the previous day. The day dawned sunny but the temperature never got above 10 degrees and with the wind chill it felt considerably colder.

      First stop of the day was Buckingham Palace which was impressive but standing for over an hour to watch the changing of the guards was a bit underwhelming. After that we walked a couple of kms before catching a taxi to the Tower of London. We did a tour with a Beefeater which was very informative and entertaining. We then looked around the grounds taking the history before walking up to the Sky Garden for a late lunch. The view was great and we both enjoyed the experience although we felt the food perhaps did not match the price.

      After our late lunch we walked across London Bridge to Hayes Market and the Borough Markets for a look around before walking back to our flat and crashing.

      A big couple of days to start our trip. London is fabulous and exceeded my expectations. It is very walkable and there is just so much history and architecture to take in. The squirrel in the last photo was sitting in a barbers chair before being given a peanut and exiting the shop with his prize.

    • Tag 30

      Just touched down in London Town

      23. April 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      The last stretch! Less than 48 hours in London, made even shorter due to a 2 hour flight delay.
      When booking our trip we decided to go to London to watch Chris run the London Marathon and we are so glad we did. After missing him at the 9 mile mark, we were able to see him at around 18 and 25 miles! He smashed his goal of 3 hours and 30 minutes, coming in at 3 hours and 26 minutes. We are so unbelievably proud of him and it was so emotional to watch.
      Chris somehow managed to take a quick nap and rally for a night on the town! We went to a Japanese Bingo, a blues bar and then out for some karaoke!
      All in all an incredible way to end our trip!

    • Tag 23


      9. August 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Da ich einige Stunden vorm Check In eingetroffen gewesen bin, beschloss ich erstmal mit ein kleinen Überblick zu machen. Schnell wurde mir bewusst, dass alles zu Fuß erreichbar gewesen ist. Wie sonst auch habe ich zunächst auf einer touristischer Art und Weise die Sehenswürdigkeiten abgeklappert. Im Hostel zurück, habe ich deshalb erstmal die Rezeptionistin gefragt, wie sie als non tourist ihre Zeit in London verbringt.
      Wir sind ziemlich lange ins Gespräch gekommen und so hat mir alle ihre Lieblingsorte aufgeschrieben.
      Natürlich ist mir bewusst gewesen, dass ich alles an einem Tag nicht schaffen könnte, aber somit musste ich mir schonmal keine Sorgen machen, dass mir langweilig werden wird.
      Den Abend konnte ich es nicht sein lassen, einmal in London Fish and Chips zu essen. Also habe ich im Internet nach einen der besten Restaurants geschaut, um dort eigentlich den Abend ausklingen zu können.
      Doch ganz so entspannt wurde mein Abend dann doch nicht….
      Dieser bestand hauptsächlich darin meine Wäsche zu waschen.
      So musste ich mehrfach enttäuscht feststellen, dass sobald Waschmaschine des anderen fertig gewesen ist, der nächste sich vorbei geschlängelt hat.
      Nach 00:00 Uhr war meine Wäsche dann fertig…

      … Am gestrigen Tag, habe ich während meines Rundganges gelesen, dass ab 10 Uhr die Wiedereröffnung des Legostores in London beginnt. Ich, als großer Legofan konnte es mir natürlich nicht entgehen lassen. Für diesen Tag zog ich mir ein Bus Tagesticket und machte mich auf den Weg. Der Ansturm war enorm. Ich habe ein Bändchen für 15:00 Uhr bekommen, obwohl ich schon um 10:30 vor Ort gewesen bin. Währenddessen schaute ich mir die empfohlenen Hotspots an. So ging es zunächst für mich nach Hampstead an einem Badesee, gefolgt von dem naheliegenden Camden Markt, ein Markt in dem wirklich alles zu finden war. Von kulinarischen Spezialitäten über Tattoo und Piercingstudios bis hin zu futuristischen Kleidungsläden.
      Zurück zum Legostore erwartete mich dort eine Inszenierung von vielen Bekannten Charakteren aus legosteinen. Gefolgt von einer lebhaften Show für jede Altersgruppe. Zugegebenermaßen habe ich mich wie ein kleines Kind gefühlt. Ich habe eine halbe Stunde gewartet, um endlich einen Bild mit Leicester machen zu dürfen, aber dass war es mir Wert…

      Weiterhin empfohlen wurden mir Kensington und dessen Parkanlage und Brick Lane, ein Ort voller Bars und Restaurants.
      Ich selbst schloss mich jedoch am Abend einer Gruppe von zwei Engländerinnen und zwei Brasilianer an. Zusammen ließen wir den Abend auf einem Sommerfest in Hostel Nähe ausklingen….

      Hostel + Frühstück 2x 22£
      Fish and Chips 17£
      Bus ticket 5,5£
      Essen < 15£
      ≈ < 100€

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Westminster Abbey, SW1A

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