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Wildlife Garden

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    • Dia 2

      Walking to Hyde Park

      17 de dezembro de 2019, Inglaterra ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

      We elected to take the longer waking route to Hyde Park in order to take in more of the city. The downside of winter in London - it gets dark crazy early and it's wet. Still, we had fun exploring as we made our way to our first Christmas Market.Leia mais

    • Dia 98

      Eislaufen in London

      1 de dezembro de 2017, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Ich muss mich mal wieder im Voraus für die unsinnigen Sätze entschuldigen, die ich ohne Frage hier gleich schreiben werde. Ich hab quasi auch eine gute Begründung: Mein Tag ist Begründung genug dafür, dass ich jetzt so müde bin.
      Ich bin ziemlich früh aufgestanden heute. Das hatte mehrere Gründe. Zum einen musste ich ein paar Sachen zusammen suchen für London, aber vor allem musste ich mich um meine Adventskalender kümmern. Jap, das soll Plural sein. Ich hab die allerbeste Familie der Welt. Das bedeutet, dass ich zwei Adventskalender von denen habe und dann auch noch zwei, die ich aus England habe. Einer ist von Vicki und den anderen muss ich mir wohl selber gekauft haben... Das an sich kostet schon Zeit, aber ich habe es mir auch mal wieder zur Aufgabe gemacht eine Adventskalender Geschichte hochzuladen (da wo ich andere von meinen Geschichten auch hochlade) und außerdem eine andere Geschichte zu verschicken. Ich konnte morgens jede extra Minute, die ich wach war, gut gebrauchen!
      Nach der Fahrt zur Schule hab ich mir erlaubt Weihnachtsmusik zu hören und ich hatte die allerbeste Stimmung überhaupt. Mit dem Bus bin ich dann nach London gefahren. Die Fahrt war schön. aber ich hab vor allem gelesen und nur dezent aus dem Fenster gestarrt.
      In London hab ich mich dann mit Maria getroffen. Wir waren zusammen im Englisch LK und heute bei einem Ivy Café und dann beim (und im) National History Museum Eislaufen. Das hat unglaublich viel Spaß gemacht. Ich hätte nichts besseres am ersten Dezember machen können. Alles hat mich mit unglaublich viel Vorfreude, aber auch einfach generell Freude gefüllt! So viele kleine Menschen und große Menschen verschieden sicher auf den Schlittschuhen, aber alle ähnlich glücklich. Es war einfach nur toll!
      Nach unserer Stunde auf dem Eis waren wir dann in dem Museum bevor wir uns schon wieder verabschiedet haben. Gerade beim Frühstück haben wir aber echt viel gequatscht. Es war einfach nur schön. London ist atemberaubend wie immer und die Aktivitäten waren einfach perfekt!
      Wieder Zuhause gab es dann Abendessen. Ich hab beim Essen kochen für die Party morgen (SPOILER) geholfen und schlafe jetzt bald irgendwie im Sitzen ein... Also geh ich jetzt mal. Morgen ist wieder gut was los, aber ich hab ja Weihnachtsmusik! Eine erholende Nacht. Bis Morgen!
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    • Dia 7

      London Day 3

      7 de setembro de 2018, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Headed off to the Natural History Museum which was about a 10 minute walk from the hotel. It is an incredibly huge and beautiful building and entry was free. We spent three hours here wandering the many halls looking at the exhibits. All so beautifully displayed and the atmosphere was lovely. Thousands of people but calm, quiet and families (mainly preschoolers ) everywhere. We left to catch the tube to Notting Hill and Portobello Rd. Enjoyed a drink and very small plate of fries at old pub and then looked around the quirky shops full of jewellery, antiques and souvenirs. Surprised to find the shop people not very friendly or enthusiastic. Searched for the blue door from Notting Hill movie as the book shop has gone. Found the door but can’t believe that was the one as just like any other doorway and led to an alley. Caught the tube to Bond St station and separated to look around the shops there, including Selfridges. So many people and difficult to make your way down the footpath. Decided to walk back to our hotel via Hyde Park. Turned into a very long walk due to a wrong turn but enjoyable despite a few spits of rain. Finally arrived in South Kensington just 10 minutes from the hotel. Found a very cool restaurant The Honest Burger where we ate dinner. Pleased to get back to our room and in bed by 8.30 pm.Leia mais

    • Dia 6

      London Day 2

      6 de setembro de 2018, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      A wonderful day in London. Just love this city. Still woke early despite need for sleep! Set off for lovely walk through Hyde Park. Spent considerable time spotting squirrels which we love, so cute and friendly! Came out at Hyde corner and made our way to Buckingham Palace for our tour of the staterooms. It too was excellent. The audio guide was particularly useful and easy to navigate. It was so beautiful and finished with scone, cream and strawberries in the cafe overlooking the royal gardens. Wandered back through the gardens (more squirrels, but no royals) and headed to West Minster Abbey. That too was amazing and again the audio guide was useful. No photos allowed though but David did get one at the door. We then caught the tube back to our hotel where we had a rest before dressing up for our night out. Headed by tube to Covent Garden and looked at markets before enjoying a nice drink at bar there. We then found a great restaurant for dinner. By then the streets were becoming quite busy and the atmosphere was great. We headed round the corner to the Aldwych Theatre to see The Tina Turner musical. Wow, definitely a highlight of the trip so far. It was so good- best musical we have been to. The lead was an incredible singer and dancer and her energy was exhausting. The music was wonderful and everyone was up singing and dancing for last few songs. We made our way back by tube with no trouble and the words of “Simply the Best” buzzing in our heads.Leia mais

    • Dia 4

      Singapore to London

      4 de setembro de 2018, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Taxi to the airport to find plane delayed for an hour due to thunder, lightening and heavy rain. Finally left at 10am. Was pleased to get on the plane but novelty quickly wore off. 13 hour’s later we arrived at Heathrow! All went smoothly there apart from bag pick up which was chaotic as they were removing bags from the carousel and stacking them around the area to make room for more, everyone was slightly panicking and roaming around searching. Spotted ours reasonably quickly. Were on the underground in no time at all (useful to have done it before) and at Holiday Inn Kensington by 7. Quickly refreshed and out heading through lower Kensington where we shared a pizza. Wandered up to Harrods to find it still open. Spent an hour wandering around and in their souvenir shop. Saw some beautiful things and loved watching who was shopping there. Wandered back via The Stanhope Arms where we finished the night with a drink.Leia mais

    • Dia 9

      Museo de Historia Natural

      9 de agosto de 2017, Inglaterra ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Hoy hemos tenido que improvisar, porque todo lo que queríamos ver lo acabamos ayer (cosas de andar al paso de Pablo xD). Además, antes de salir del hotel hemos visto que estaba cayendo la de Dios. Nada de lluvia continua y finita, sino de la buena, de la que no coges ni el coche normalmente.

      Por tanto, tras echarle un ojo al mapa, nos hemos venido al Museo de Historia Natural. Aquí hemos visto ya la parte de la evolución humana, pájaros extints, la parte de los mamíferos (tienen una reproducción de una ballena azul inmensa) y la parte que más nos ha gustado: los dinosaurios (Pablo habido silbando Parque Jurásico toda la exposición).

      Básicamente es de lo único que hemos hecho fotos, pero porque la ballena azul o el esqueleto de ballena gris no caben en una xD.

      Ahora estamos tomándonos un café antes de entrar en la parte de geología y del sistema solar. Os lo contaré luego.
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    • Dia 7

      Auschecken und unterwegs nach Brixton

      1 de novembro de 2016, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Gegen 10 Uhr haben wir ausgecheckt und die Koffer aber noch im Hotel gelassen. Der Flieger sollte erst am späten Nachmittag gehen und wir wollten die Zeit noch nutzen.

      Ich wollte gerne noch nach Brixton. David Bowie ist in dem Stadtteil geboren und aufgewachsen und dort sollte eine sogenannte "Memory Wall" geben, die ich sehen wollte.

      Also haben wir uns auf den Weg zur Tube gemacht, uns bei einem Costa Coffee-Stand noch einen Kaffee geholt und sind dann mit einmal umsteigen an der Victoria Station nach Brixton gefahren.
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    • Dia 14

      Montana Hotel, Kensington, London, UK

      4 de julho de 2018, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      This is our London hotel. We had a bit of a hassle checking in. They kept telling us our room wasn't ready. When we got to the room there was no tub. On the plus side it's quite a good sized room. We are located just south of Kensington Palace.Leia mais

    • Dia 4

      Science Museum

      27 de abril, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Das Londoner Regenwetter überbrücken wir im Wonderlab des Science Museum, wo diverse Experimente zum Mitmachen einladen. Highlight sind die Blitze bei der Elektrovorführung und die Explosionsshow.

    • Dia 29

      Les Musées and Les Misérables

      2 de outubro de 2017, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Big day. Natural History Museum in the morning and Science Museum in the afternoon. Both were really good. Only saw parts of each as they're both massive so hopefully will get back later.

      Natural History was great - saw dinosaurs (including lifelike moving roaring T-rex). Saw mammals as well and some human biology exhibits. Some were a bit dated but still very good.

      Science Museum was also great. Steam engine exhibit surprisingly interesting! Never knew it was so important to Britain and that James Watt was revered as a hero so much. Enjoyed the exhibits on space and the exhibit on the changing relationship between humans and technology through time. There was also an interesting if rather sobering exhibition on medical advances that developed from World Wars 1 and 2. Mini documentary at the end of the War Wounds exhibition was moving.

      Then a stroll to Harrods to make us feel poor. Success. Most stuff pretty pricey and fancy but got some nice donuts (typical us). Then upstairs to the Christmas shop - Radi was pretty happy. Walked away with a little ornament. Stopped through the toy store part - not as magical as I remember but probably more enjoyable when you're 7. Still good though (note their board game selection was poor - can't win em all I suppose).

      From Harrods a quick trot to West End. Ate at C & R Malaysian restaurant (thanks to Em for that suggestion). Yum. Then a short stroll around the district and into the M & M store. Pretty cool but out of our pay bracket.

      But then, wandering to the show, who did we see but Samwell Tarly of Game of Thrones in the flesh! (Or at least the actor who plays that character). Very cool.

      Then Les Miserables at the Queen's Theatre. Old theatre and not amazing seats (back of dress circle so top of stage cut off, but not too bad - although for future, closer seats better as you can see the emotion more). But the show was fantastic!

      Valjean was great, as was Gavroche and Marius. Javert good but not perfect. Eponine OK but not quite right (though Radi ended up liking her)? Cosette didn't quite get it - one of those weird warbling opera voices that just jarred with the other voices. But overall very very very good show. Rotating set and barricades were really well done and music of course great.

      Then home to bed and ready for another day of adventuring!
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