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    • Day 12


      July 4, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Regen, Regen, Regen...
      nach einer Dusche fahren wir weiter. Weiter hoch nach Tintagel und später nach Bude. Aber auch hier Dauerregen.

      Deshalb verlassen wir Cornwall leider 2 Tage früher und schauen uns Stonehenge an und abends gehen wir Burger essen.Read more

    • Day 3


      March 7 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Stonehenge war schon lang auf der Must-See-Liste von Emilia. Nach langer Fährfahrt sind wir auf direktem Weg nach Stonehenge gefahren. Der Linksverkehr war mittlerweile entspannt machbar.
      Was Emilia stark verwundert hat, war das man Eintritt zahlen musste, um ein paar Steine zu sehen. Wir haben umgerechnet 57€ für einen Kreis aus Steinen bezahlt. Etwas dreist. Der Kreis an sich ist spannend zum anschauen, aber sein Geld kann man auch anders ausgeben.Read more

    • Day 73

      73ème étape ~ Stonehenge

      October 14, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Découverte de ce fameux monument qu’est Stonehenge.
      Ces immenses cailloux sont impressionnants à voir cependant l’endroit est plus petit que ce à quoi l’on s’attendait.
      Nous nous sommes parqués sur une route adjacente et nous avons pu observer le monument depuis le chemin gratuit, ce qui nous a permis d’économiser les 22£ par personne demandée. Nous avons vu exactement la même chose que ceux qui ont payé alors on est ravi ! ☺️
      Puis nous avons fait route vers Cheddar. Grâce à une route fermée, nous avons emprunté un sentier pas très adapté à un camping car mais il nous a offert des paysages à couper le souffle 🥰
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    • Day 2


      May 8, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Auf dem Weg nach Bath haben wir noch am Stonehenge vorbeigeschaut - Sehr beeindruckend.

      Stonehenge ist ein vor über 4000 Jahren in der Jungsteinzeit errichtetes und mindestens bis in die Bronzezeit genutztes Bauwerk in der Nähe von Amesbury, England.

      Es besteht aus einem ringförmigen Erdwall, in dessen Innerem sich verschiedene, um den Mittelpunkt gruppierte Formationen aus bearbeiteten Steinen befinden. Ihrer Riesenhaftigkeit wegen nennt man sie Megalithen. Die auffälligsten unter ihnen sind der große Kreis aus ehemals 30 stehenden Quadern, die an ihrer Oberseite ursprünglich einen geschlossenen Ring aus 30 Decksteinen trugen, und das große Hufeisen aus ursprünglich zehn solcher Säulen, die man durch je einen aufgelegten Deckstein zu fünf Paaren miteinander verband, die sogenannten Trilithen. Jeweils innerhalb dieses Hufeisens und Kreises standen zwei der Form nach ähnliche Figuren: beide aus viel kleineren, ehedem aber doppelt so vielen Steinen.
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    • Day 17

      Bath and Crockerton

      August 8, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Today was a travelling day. Highnam (Gloucestershire) to Crockerton (Wiltshire) is only 1.5 hours drive so we planned to go via Bath and check out the Roman bath. We could have gone on the motorway via Bristol but we decided to go via Cirencester because I wanted to buy a bag that I saw on Saturday and regretted not buying. It's made of cork fabric, which I haven't come across before. I am really happy with it ☺️

      I didn't book the Roman Bath tickets in advance because I didn't know how long we would stay in Cirencester and we've had traffic delays and parking problems in the past. We didn't want extra stress of a deadline. We did find parking thanks to Murgatroyd, however there was an almighty queue for the Bath. We would have had to hang around for a couple more hours and we were a bit tired.

      Considered going through the Cathedral instead. You can climb to the top and look down on the Bath! However that was also a tour that we would have needed to wait for. So we decided to give it a miss. If we've got nothing better to do in the next couple of days we might try again, but if not I shall content myself with Maxine's photo (and we've seen enough Cathedrals of late).

      We're staying at Crockerton which is a tiny village about 30 minutes east of Bath. Very secluded here. When we first arrived we weren't sure where our accommodation was. We thought for a moment that our cabin looked much smaller than we imagined - it was actually his shed. Phew! Sometimes hard to tell from the photos. Our suite is part of the main house. They live mostly upstairs. It's very luxurious and I'm sure we'll be very comfortable. We ate out at an Indian restaurant tonight. Makes a change from Sainsbury's frozen dinners.
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    • Day 110

      Rock Tetris

      December 22, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

      This morning we rolled out of bed at an ungodly time and boarded a bus to head to Stonehenge for the winter equinox. This was one of the earliest events that we booked for our holiday so it's a bit weird that we've reached that point...

      We imagined that this would be a relatively small event, so we were surprised when the bus was at a standstill from traffic kilometres before the visitor centre!

      We sat there inching forward while the guide was telling us facts about the area. After a while, it became evident that there was no way that the bus was getting to the centre in time to walk to Stonehenge itself before dawn.

      So we and a few other people got off and speed walked down the roadside and it's lucky we did as we reached the monument with about 1 minute to spare!

      There were hundreds and hundreds of people there, all who came to see the sun rise for the shortest day of the year. The centre of Stonehenge was chock full of people, as this is one of the few times per year that they let people onto the monument itself.

      As soon as we got there, the local druids started their celebrations which were quite fun to watch. The two of us just walked around taking in everything that was happening (which was a lot!)

      It's worth mentioning we got ridiculously lucky with the weather, it was warm, still, and not a drop of rain in the sky!

      After a while we met up with the tour group and listened to some fun facts, before heading back to the bus.

      We took a different track back to the bus which walked us past the Stonehenge Cursus, which is another even older monument which is composed of straight mile-long ditches which were initially thought to be related to Roman circuses until they realised it was much too old. Now all they know is that it was for more ceremonial things.

      Eventually we were back at the bus and on our way back to Salisbury where the bus stopped for an hour for breakfast. We grabbed some delicious food from a bakery and walked around a while before getting on the bus again and heading back to Bath.

      Once we got back we returned to our room and rested for a while before going out and grabbing dinner using our favourite cheap meal app (not from Gregg's this time!)

      Cya in Scotland!

      Step count: 15.1k
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    • Day 74

      Explore Frome's medievil street & river

      July 4, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Walking down Catherine Hill and then up "Cheap Street" where the drain still exists in this medievil street its hard to imagine what it must have been like all those years ago back to the 16th Century when Kind Henry the third was here and trading??

      The rain has cooled th hiings down a bit making it very pleasant to walk today so I'm going to follow the river path on the Frome Walkway.
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    • Day 84

      Glastonbury, Chedder and Nunney Castle

      July 14, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      In the pouring rain we, Carey my new friend from frome and I, got soaked through while meandering along Glastonbury streets. I had wanted to go in to explore the Abbey, however at a 12 pound price tag, I decided to forego the drippy pleasure, instead browsing the Abbey shop. It was full of Arthurian treasures, swords, t shirts, miniature knights, fairies etc ...here is a link https://www.glastonburyabbey.com/glastonbury-ab…

      I just don't have space to pack lots of paraphernalia.... We wandered up along streets and alley ways, found a vegan cafe for lunch, then back to the car onward to Chedder.

      What an amazing gorge and contrast to the commercialisation in Glastonbury. We saw the cheese factory and viewed from the dry shelter of the car..grateful for it.

      On the way home Carey suddenly decided we weren't finished yet and, making a speedy left turn, we were on our way to Nunney castle, a beautiful 1300s built castle complete with moat. Just the thing little girls and boys dream of where to imagine being princesses and knights.
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    • Day 83

      Shearwater Lake Wiltshire

      July 13, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today Carey picked me up from home and took me to see Shearwater lake based on the acreage of the family Longleat. Carey told me that "old Lord Longleat" had let the place run down a bit and would give anything to anyone who asked. Since he passed apparently his son has taken it over and really ramped it up to make money. The lake is very tranquil and apparently has a plug with which to empty it??

      Shearwater is a man-made freshwater lake near Crockerton village, about 2+1⁄4 miles southwest of the town of Warminster in Wiltshire, England. The lake is formed from a tributary of the River Wylye. It is within the Longleat Estate and is one of five lakes of various sizes. (From Wikipedia).

      It is just beautiful, a tranquil lake surrounded by forest. Carey was to tell me she has been describing me to her friends as " a warm comfortable cushion to sit on" 🤣 I have been told I'm a lot of things but this takes the ticket!! Made me laugh and be very delighted!
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    • Day 77

      Stourhead (Pride and Prejudice location

      July 7, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Today my new friend Carey drove me to Stourhead. Some of these stately homes are only reachable by car, so it was very kind of her to offer to take me. I think she enjoyed the trip out as well.

      It was wonderful, the day was perfect for wandering around an old estate which is still lived in by one of the original family members, who apparently just cordoned off the kitchen while guests pile through her very elaborate home. It is just stunning, the effort that went into it's conception is incredible, back in the 1770s. The original family member Mr Hoare, having travelled extensively in Europe came home to England and commissioned it.

      The furniture is original as well!! The place has been used in various tv movies, series the most famous being Pride and Prejudice
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    Wiltshire, WIL

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