Det Forenede Kongerige
Det Forenede Kongerige

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    • Dag 17

      A circus of puffins

      22. maj, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Our wake-up call this morning was the sound of clanking chains as the anchors were dropped off the coast of Fair Isle.

      Fair Isle is the most remote inhabited island in the UK, halfway between Orkney and Shetland. The island is 4.8km long and 2.4 km wide and is home to 40 people.

      We were ferried to shore by zodiac, with the promise of seeing puffins... and we weren't disappointed! It's currently breeding season and they were busy furnishing their burrows with fresh grass, making multiple trips back and forth to sea to rest. They are much more at home on the ocean, and prefer to spend minimal time on land.

      Fun puffin fact - they only have their bright beaks during breeding season, the rest of the year it is grey.

      After observing the puffins for a while we walked almost to the other end of the island to the Community Hall, where the locals had put on a spread of morning tea for us. They were also selling their famous Fair Isle knitwear, and souvenirs made by the school. Currently the school has 5 children, but will go down to 2 in the new school year in July.

      We walked on a bit further and collected the only cache on Fair Isle, then walked back to the harbour. In total today we walked 11 km.

      After lunch on the ship, we returned back to shore for free time. We chose to watch the puffins again, and with far less people this time, the puffins were more active and more numerous, much to Oliver's delight.
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    • Dag 5

      Trip to the Cotswolds (Bibury)

      22. maj, England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Our 1st stop in the Cotswolds was a little village called Bibury and a picturesque little row of houses called Arlington Road.

      “The picturesque Arlington Row cottages in Bibury were built in 1380 as a monastic wool store. This was then converted into a row of weavers' cottages in the 17th century.

      The cloth produced at Arlington Row was sent to Arlington Mill on the other side of Rack Isle. The cloth was then hung on wooden timber frames on Rack Isle after being degreased at Arlington Mill.

      Today, the cottages are let to private tenants, with one of the cottages available as a holiday let.”
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    • Dag 3

      Stonehenge & Tintagel Castle

      21. maj, England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Die Nacht war perfekt. Ich habe einige Stunden durchschlafen können und wachte noch vor meinem Wecker auf. Wieder wurde ich von der Sonne begrüßt, als ich aus dem Zelt kletterte ☀️🤗
      Ich wollte noch vor den großen Menschenmassen am Monument von Stonehenge sein, deshalb packte ich schnell alles ein.
      Die nette schottische Dame war natürlich direkt wieder dabei und half mir ganz lieb, die Ecken des Zelts zu verstauen. Als ich mich bedankte antwortete sie nur "Ah, don't worry Darling!" und mir ging das Herzchen auf 🥰
      Ich schnappte mein Rad und los gings - davor machte ich aber nochmal nebenan kurz halt. Der Stellplatz war direkt neben Woodhenge, was anscheinend mal der Prototyp für Stonehenge gewesen war, nur eben aus ca. 8m hohen Baumstämmen. Davon war nicht mehr wirklich viel zu sehen, aber man bekam durch die Anordnung und die Tafeln eine Idee des großen Ganzen.
      Nach einer knappen halben Stunde mit dem Rad war ich bei Stonehenge - da das Informationszentrum das die Leute per Shuttlebus hinkarrt erst später aufmacht, peilte ich einen Aussichtspunkt der außerhalb des abgegrenzten Bereichs lag, an. Der lange Schotterweg war zerfurcht von riesigen Schlaglöchern. Ich war froh mit dem Rad unterwegs zu sein und gleichzeitig fasziniert, wie viele sich hier doch mit ihren Campern hergetraut hatten. Die meisten der hier an der Seite parkenden Gefährte sahen aber eher nach abgestellt und vergessen, im besten Fall noch nach Dauercampern aus. Ich lief den kleinen Pfad noch bis hin und freute mich, dass ich bis auf ein paar ganz Wenige alleine war. Schon vom Weg waren die großen Steine langsam sichtbar geworden und jetzt wo man so davorstand (trotz des Abstand und durch die Abgrenzung), war das schon echt beeindruckend. Ich bin ja immer für so mystisches Zeug zu haben und das Ding is ja mal einfach der Hammer wenn man sich vorstellt, wann das errichtet worden ist!!! 🤯💪🏼🙈
      So langsam kamen mehr Leute dazu - mein Zeichen wieder aufzubrechen.
      Zurück am Auto sah ich, dass meine netten schottischen Nachbarn weg waren. Mist ich hatte noch überlegt tschüss zu sagen bevor ich mit dem Rad los bin, aber dachte sie wollten noch bis mittags bleiben.. Naja...
      Ich machte mir ein schnelles Müsli und plante in der Sonne sitzend die weitere Route. Das Amphitheater, das ich mir unbedingt ansehen wollte, würde bis zu meiner Ankunft geschlossen sein. Ich buchte ein Ticket für den nächsten Tag und fuhr anstelle davon erst zum Tintagel Castle. Dabei ging es auf der Fahrt ganzschön spannend zu. Die Straßen wurden immer enger, bis sie eigentlich nurnoch die Breite für ein Auto hatten. Gegenverkehr kam trotzdem - und wie der kam😱 - und teilweise musste ganzschön rangiert werden, um aneinander vorbei zu kommen.
      Es ging ind Städtchen Tintagel, was nur so überlaufen war von Menschen. Auf dem Weg bis hierhin wurde die Landschaft irgendwie immer mediterraner, es tauchten Palmen in Vorgärten auf und auch die Häuser erinnerten mich jetzt mehr an das spanische Hinterland, total verrückt.
      Ich fand einen Parkplatz, machte mir noch kurz ein Sandwich to go und lief den steilen Weg nach unten Richtung Tintagel Castle. Ich wollte erstmal die Gegend drumherum ein bisschen erkunden und bog dafür auf den Caostel Trail ab. Von hier hatte man einen schönen Blick auf die lange Brücke, die Insel auf der sich die Reste der Burg befinden und die Steilküste.
      Ich genoss die Landschaft, bog noch kurz zu der Kirche auf dem Hügel ab und drehte dann Richtung Brücke wieder um.
      Ich hatte Glück und konnte meine Heritage Card verwenden, also freier Eintritt zur Burg :)
      Die gestapelten Steine und Reste der Burg waren teilweise schon mit Gras überwachsen und durch die zarten bunten Blumen überall, sah alles ganz bezaubernd aus, im Hintergrund das Meer - einfach nur schön!
      Ich drehte die Runde zu Ende und kehrte dann zum Auto zurück.
      Ich fuhr noch ein ganzes Stück südlicher und fand ganz versteckt meinen nächsten Übernachtungsplatz, der etwas oberhalb von Hendra Beach bei Praa Sands lag. Das nenn ich mal eine Aussicht!!! Ich konnte es nicht erwarten meine Füße in den Sand zu bekommen, also schnell runter zum Strand, Schuhe aus und los🥰🌊🤗
      Das Wasser war arschekalt, aber es war einfach herrlich und ich ging noch ein Stück.
      Danach wurde mein Nachtlager aufgeschlagen und da es noch so schön warm war, probierte ich zum ersten Mal die Panoramafunktion des Dachzelts aus - ja Halleluja, wie cool is das denn🤩🤩🤩 Ich vesperte und genoss die Aussicht bis es dunkel wurde, dieser Platz ist echt eine 12/10!🫠🥰
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    • Dag 23

      Castelwellan Forest Park

      21. maj, Nordirland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Unsere Reise führt uns wieder nach Süden. Dabei durchqueren wir problemlos Belfast auf der M1. Um sich die Stadt anzusehen, sollte man schon ein paar Tage einplanen, die Zeit haben wir aber nicht.
      Unser Ziel ist der Castelwellan Forest Park in den Mourne Mountains. Um ein viktorianisches Castle liegt ein grosser Landschaftspark mit Bergen, Seen und einem riesigen Heckenlabyrinth, im Park ein kleiner, schöner Camping. Wir schauen uns das Arboretum an, anscheinend eine herausragende Baum- und Strauchsammlung. Und in der Tat, ohne Experte zu sein, erkennt man die Gestaltung des Gartens und die Schönheit und Kraft der alten Bäume, besonders im ummauernten Teil des Parks. Really great! Hier könnte man länger bleiben, macht uns aber nochmal Lust, eine Great Britain Tour anzugehen.
      Und, trotz aller gegenteiliger Ansage der Wetterapps, haben wir weiter super Wetter.
      Nice Day for a Guinness...
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    • Dag 8

      Chew Magna Day 2

      21. maj, England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Omigawd, what an incredibly fruitful day!! After breakfast, I walked west along High Street to see if I could recognize any building names from my research travels. I did see a few, but I'll have to wait til I get home to verify.
      I came to the intersection with Chew Lane, the road that leads to Westend Cottages, that great great great grandfather John Atheal owned. The 1841 census found Charles living here with his parents, John Atheal and Sarah, and young cousin Elizabeth. I had a date to meet the church warden at Stowey at 2:30 this afternoon, which would leave me with enough time to walk back to the inn, jump in the rental car and drive down for a visit.
      I had found these cottages on an 1840ish ordinance map. However, current maps showed it in the same place, but it was labeled Chew House, and there was another smaller building behind it. I knew that the smaller one was an AirB&B rental, and I had tried contacting the owner but didn't get a response. So I thought, what the heck!
      I went back for the car and drove south, finding the laneway or driveway (was this private property?) easily. I drove in and headed towards the first building, and as I got closer, there was a man standing near a driving mower in dusty old clothes, and I assumed he was the gardener. He watched me approach warily, so I started getting my 'lost' story in mind. I lowered the window and called out something like "Hello. My name is Beverley, and I think my ancestors used to own this property a long time ago. The name was Chiswell."
      Immediately, recognition dawned in his eyes, and I told him some more of the details. He told me that he was aware that Chiswell's did own it once upon a time and told me to go park over there and I'll show you around!!
      His name is Clive, and he took me inside to meet his wife, Margaret. I showed them the descendancy chart I had put together, and he told me that when they bought the property in 1977 from a fellow named Albert Weaver, the original Westend Cottage building was in derelict condition. He said that one of the documents he received was a copy of a Chiswell will!!
      Clive ended up restoring the building, adding rooms on the west side, and renamed it Chew House. Another mystery solved. He showed me around the house and said that he had converted it from 4 attached cottages to a single home. He carefully pointed out the original rooms of each cottage, which consisted of a single large room on the Main floor with a large fireplace that would have served as kitchen and living room, and the second floor that was a smaller footprint which would have been where they slept.
      Then he climbed up into the Attic to retrieve a framed tribute to the upgrades he made that included a photo of the original building in its dilapidated state. In the meantime, he sent Margaret down to the safe to find the purchase documents from all those years ago. They weren't able to find the will, but he was happy for me to take pictures of the sale documents with Weaver.
      In all, I was there for probably 45 minutes. I think they were as happy as me for this encounter. I'm so glad I made the trip there!
      This has been another rather long post, so I'll share details of my trip to Stowey in my post tomorrow.
      Fun fact: In the retail environment, eggs are not kept in refrigerated conditions!
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    • Dag 12


      20. maj, England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Our day in Paris was a mixed bag but enjoyable. The visit to the Louvre was a little overwhelming mainly because of the heat ( no air conditioning) crowds, maps hard to read, and after figuring it out to discover one of the highly recommended exhibitions was closed for restoration!! We saw Mona Lisa - from a great distance. Up close and personal with Venus de Milo. Naturally all this was making memories but we were both so pleased to escape to the fresh air. Some smelling and buying at the Fragonard shop and then riding on the hop on and hop off bus ended the day and as we hopped off at the last stop Paris had a massive thunderstorm so a coffee was in order. Taxi back to Gard du Nord and home at 300kph on the Eurostar. Bed was most welcome especially for Carina who has developed a cold poor thing.Læs mere

    • Dag 15

      Sunshine on Leith

      20. maj, Skotland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We have most of the day in Edinburgh, before boarding our ship late afternoon at Leith, the port area of Edinburgh.

      We began with a city tour of Edinburgh, first touring the new town (not particularly new, it was planned in 1776 to relieve overcrowding in the old town), and finishing up in the old town.

      The old town is best explored by foot, and having seen much of the area along the Royal Mile yesterday, we chose to visit the National Museum of Scotland, and had lunch in the cafe there.

      At 12.45pm we visited Edinburgh Castle, just in time for the 1 o'clock gun to go off. It's been fired 6 days a week since 1861, initially so ships in Leith harbour could set their clocks by it, but now mainly for the tourists. Edinburgh Castle has 360 degree views over the city and is the city's premier tourist attraction, with tickets often sold out far in advance.

      At 4pm we made our way to the ship, leaving port at 6.30pm, headed north...
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    • Dag 22

      Giant's Causway- Gigantic Meeting

      20. maj, Nordirland ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Das positive zuerst: Wir haben wieder einen gigantischen Sommertag. Wie war das mit dem Wetter in Irland?
      Zu den anderen Giganten: der Giant's Causway ist ein UNESCO Weltkulturerbe. Die ca 40000 gleichmäßig geformten Basaltsäulen sind nach einem Vulkanausbruch entstanden und bilden den Damm der Riesen. Soweit, so gut, so gigantisch.
      Genauso gigantisch ist allerdings auch der Besucheransturm, alle Nationen, sämtliche Kreuzfahrtschiffe vor Anker gegangen.
      Wir hatten ja nicht unbedingt erwartet alleine händchenhaltend auf einer der 40000 Säulen zu sitzen, aber das ....
      Was macht nur der Gentle Giant?
      Wir haben später gelesen, dass Giant's Causway jährlich von ca 800000 Menchen besucht wird.
      Zwei Kilometer weiter am Sandstrand, und die Ruhe und Weite ist zurück.
      Morgen noch ein Tag Nordirland, dann nähern wir uns Dublin.
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    • Dag 7

      Chew Magna Day 1

      20. maj, England ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Finally, my first restful sleep of the trip so far! Woke up around 8ish, and after a shower, I went downstairs for breakfast. I'm afraid it's not likely I'll try blood pudding. They did have a nice Eggs Benedict. I sat in the front window of the pub and watched all the street activity going on.
      Afterward, I walked north of South Parade and made my way to Silver Street. My great great great grandfather, John Atheal (father of Charles), must have been fairly wealthy as he owned a number of properties in The Village, including one on Silver Street that was described as 'houses and gardens' and was perched at the north side of the graveyard at St. Andrew's parish church. He lived in one of these houses with his son, John. There is only one house remaining, but I'm not sure it's his former abode.
      I carried on up the road past the Church Hall, crossed a stone bridge over the River Chew, and found a quiet spot to contemplate my surroundings. The sun was shining brightly down on me and the quiet sounds of the birds, insects, and rippling water was very soothing.
      I wandered back down to the church and began looking at the tombstone inscriptions, looking for Chiswell's. It wasn't long before I found Thomas (Charles' younger brother) and his wife, Sarah, in what I thought was a prominent location on the east side of the church by the footpath!
      The grass was rather long (the Rector had informed me that it hadn't been cut yet), and it made for an unsteady traverse as I occasionally stumbled on a rock or brick that wasn't visible. I had planned to return in the afternoon when I was to meet the Rector, so I didn't search much longer.
      I returned to the inn to rest for a bit and had a light snack. I set out again around 2:30 to explore more of the graveyard prior to my 3:30 meeting with Reverend Richard Greatrex. To my delight, there were a couple of gardeners with weed whackers working away on the 10-inch high grass.
      I wandered around to the north area, checking the areas that had been trimmed. It wasn't long before I came upon the stone for John Atheal (Charles' eldest brother) and his wife, Elizabeth. Photos of both stones for John and Thomas can be found online on Find A Grave.
      It was great meeting Richard. He had a couple of really old volumes of Chew Magna history, I shared the limited printed material I brought with me regarding my Chiswell research, and we had a good chat. He showed me around the building, making sure to point out the more interesting things. We parted with the agreement that I would share my findings with him.
      Now I'm lazy again after a big plate of fish and chips. I hope to sleep well again tonight and look forward to tomorrow's adventures.
      Fun fact: there's a restored headstone of a fellow who was murdered in the early 19th century. Picture included!
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    • Dag 11


      20. maj, England ⋅ ☀️ 52 °F

      We made it to the Capital City! Soon after checking into our hotel at Charing Cross, we changed our shoes and started walking. We walked along the Thames to Tower Bridge, we walked back to Charing Cross, we took a break and rubbed our feet, then we walked to Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and Palace of Westminster before kicking off our shoes and calling it a night. Tomorrow, I think we'll ride the "Hop on Hop off" bus just to save our soles!Læs mere

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