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    • Dag 5

      We love a tourist day

      25. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Today was another slow start, I walked downtown and tried to get tickets to the tour of the Mint. They were all sold out when I got there sadly. So I walked around to the City Building and Capitol Building. I went into the Capitol and had a look at the Colorado Senate, House of Representatives and saw where all the offices are. It was a gorgeous building inside and out. There were no tours sadly though 😞
      Then I didn't know what to do, so after a quick google I decided to head to the History Colorado Centre. It was a great choice, I spent 4 hours learning about Colorado natives - Utes, Sand Creek massacre, climate of Colorado and all about the events in history that have shaped the state. Peep the video of my epically failing on the ski jump, all my days of Wii fit have not paid off.
      By this time it was 3pm and I was starving, so I took a trip to the one and only Cheesecake Factory. I had a delicious meal, got a slice of cheesecake and had the nicest waitress who gave me a discount. I find myself more open to having conversations with people, as I don't have anyone with me - definitely the community worker in me craving the chats!
      I then walked home in a wonderful summer storm, completely soaked and concerned I was going to be hit by lightning. Made it back unscathed. I was going to go back out but got really sleepy, so I am laying on the lounge eating leftovers. A perfect night really!
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    • Dag 6

      Back to Metro

      26. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Today I started the day with a walking tour beginning at the Capitol building. The guides name was Anthony (I cannot escape Toni/ys it seems) and people from Texas, Pittsburgh, New England, Old England, New York, Minnesota. It was actually so nice to chat with people and find out where they were from. We toured around Denver for over 2 hours. It was nice to hear some stories and facts about all the main spots which I'd seen before. One cool story at the Mint was seeing how each US coin has a tiny letter so you can see where in the country it was minted. There was also a story about the eagle on top of the Denver city building looking like it was "pooping" as a protest of the government by its creator. This was such a widely spread story that the city commissioned an ecologist to watch eagles poop to see if it was the same as the sculpture. Turns out they were just paranoid, the eagle isn't in a "pooping" stance.
      After that I walked back to visit the University I went to, Metro State. I walked past the old courts I trained on and through the building we used to spend heaps of time in. Interestingly, I felt a sense of dread and anxiety being back. I guess the good, the bad and the ugly memories came flooding back!
      I had lunch at the brewery, the Tivoli which is on campus. I had this massive burger and a beer which students from the Uni have helped brew. I then caught up with Eric, who is the media guy at Metro and has interviewed me countless times. It was great to see what he is up to and talk about life.
      Then I came home and started to pack my stuff up as I leave on Sunday to go with Kendra for her wedding week!
      Being a tightass, I bought a microwaved meal and will eat leftover cheesecake for dessert!
      I'm very excited to be able to watch the Formula One in a decent time zone tomorrow and Sunday as well!
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    • Dag 7

      Kendra's HERE

      27. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today I woke up and was able to watch formula one qualifying at a decent time. It's the small things in life haha. I then went on a walk downtown, along the river and up to the Santa Fe art district which has some gorgeous Spanish inspired buildings. I walked back through the old stretch of Metro where I would spend my breaks and past the old church as well. I started packing all my things as today is my last full day on Denver! I read my book in the park and worked on my tan as it was 27c today.
      Then Kendra arrived! We spent the afternoon chatting, then met up with my former assistant coach Jazz, her girlfriend and her best friend. We went to a super loud pizza place which was fun. Kendra and I stopped at a brewery on the way home, then both agreed on an early bed time. It is the absolute best chatting to her about life and all the plans for the wedding.
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    • Dag 8

      Welcome to Cañon City

      28. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Today I woke up for the last time in Denver. Kendra and I had breakfast then got in the car and drove about 2 hours to her home in Cañon City. The drive is always gorgeous, alongside the Rocky Mountains. We listened to a wedding playlist as she and her partner still need to pick their first dance song!!
      We arrived at their gorgeous house, a 2 bedroom with a huge backyard and I got to meet Onyx and Duke, the two doggos. Had lunch and then I got to meet Kendra's fiance Mitch for the first time! He was also with his sister Makayla who is going to be in the wedding party too. They were both so lovely, and Mitch immediately made me feel welcome. We watched the formula one together and instantly bonded. Kendra was not surprised. We stopped by Sonic, which was always our favourite place to get slushies and ice cream.
      Next we went to home depot and the grocery store to pick up some things. I sat in the backyard playing with the dogs while Mitch and Kendra worked on the house. Finally I helped cook dinner and Mitch made this incredible salad and pesto pasta for us. We then watched a stand-up comedy special by Iliza which was hilarious. I'm so happy to be here and getting to stay with Mitch and Kendra this week.
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    • Dag 10

      Can do Cañon

      30. mai 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Today I woke up and chilled out with the dogs while Kendra and Mitch did some more wedding stuff. Did some weeding to help them out and tried on my dress to make sure it still fit.
      Kendra and I then went to a local coffee shop. We got some drinks and a chocolate pumpkin muffin cause #murica. Kendra then wrote some thank you letters and her vows while I read. Eventually it was time for a beer as well.
      Then we walked the main street seeing all the art work and beautiful old buildings.
      Going home, Kendra and Mitch spoke to the DJ about the events on the day which got me so excited for the day! I told Mitch about the men in Australia at weddings dancing to Eagle Rock with their pants down, in their boxers and now he wants to participate in this tradition.
      Finished the day up with a hike near the Royal Gorge with the dogs. Kendra and I had a good time catching up but we forgot to bring leashes for the dogs... So we walked them on ski poles... Mitch went for a mountain bike! We then went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner, I had a chimichanga and a margarita which were delicious.
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    • Dag 38

      Pikes Peak

      1. juni 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Bereits vor unserer Reise stand fest: wir wollen zum Pikes Peak. Und heute war es soweit.
      Da sich der Kühler von Dominiks Motorrad aktuell in der Werkstatt befindet, durfte er sich die Harley von unserer Gastgeberin Leslie ausleihen.
      Wir sind in der Früh in Denver aufgebrochen, haben einen kurzen Abstecher in den Garden of the Gods gemacht und nach ca. 2 Stunden Fahrt den Pikes Peak Highway erreicht, der bis ganz an den Gipfel auf über 14.000 Fuß (4.300 m) führt.
      Je weiter es hoch ging, desto kälter wurde es und desto dünner wurde die Luft. Ganz schön abenteuerlich. Vor allem weil hier nicht wirklich viele Leitplanken verbaut sind.
      Die letzte Stück bis auf den Gipfel wollten wir nicht mit den Motorrädern fahren, es war nämlich nicht klar, ob die Strecke eisfrei ist. Also haben uns kurzerhand zwei sehr nette Texaner mitgenommen.
      Der Gipfel war unter dichten Wolken und man hatte leider keine besonders gute Sicht. Es war trotzdem cool mal auf über 4.300 m Höhe gewesen zu sein.
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    • Dag 12

      Wedding Prep!

      1. juni 2023, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Today I woke up and slowly got ready for the day. We packed the truck and the dogs to drive to the wedding venue. We got caught for 30 minutes in road works which set everyone's mood to poor, however we arrived and got set to prepping the venue. It is a beautiful centre called Preseren that was opened by some Slovenians in 1928 and is member only club which Kendra's dad is a member of. It is in a town called Rye which is surrounded by stunning mountains. We set up tables, taped tablecloths, Mitch set up lights, we cleaned and decided where things are going to go. It is going to be a beautiful day! We drove home through Pueblo (favourite town) and got Chick-fil-A for dinner. Tonight we have been packing things as we are staying away in Rye for a couple of days after the wedding, sorting things out for the wedding. Mitch just burnt some sage to clear the bad juju in the house which was hilarious. It's all happening in less than 2 days!!Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Ca y est on les a !!!

      15. juni 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Un petit point sur cette journée :
      Une petite balade au centre de Denver à pied avant de récupérer nos bécanes . La ville acclamait ses champions de NBA : les Nuggets. Un monde de fou. Les basketteurs défilaient sur les camions de pompiers. C etait l euphorie !
      A 16h nous avons récupéré nos joujoux pour la semaine 👍 ✌.
      Nous étions au point mais impossible de communiquer les données gps à la moto. Pourtant les techniciens s y sont affairés, même les retraités . Les filles nous les avons soutenus en sirotant une boisson fraîche. 🤗.
      Après un bon pulled pork nous avons déchanté de cette belle journée....nous sommes rentrés sous la pluie 😭 et bien rincés .
      Un merci à tous de toute l equipe pour vos commentaires.
      Merci Pascal F pour la découverte de cette appli. 😉
      Les mer

    • Dag 3

      J 1 🏍 - Pike Peaks - Garden of the Gods

      16. juni 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Nous voilà partis pour de nouvelles aventures à moto.
      La tenue de pluie était de rigueur pour cette journée. Nous ne nous en sommes pas si mal sortis, le soleil a pointé le bout de son nez une bonne partie de la journée.
      Beau parcours au bord d une rivière pour commencer. Oups j allais oublié une portion de route non goudronnée avec 15% de pente. 🤪, Tout le monde s en est bien sorti ...motards all roads !
      Après cela, la montée de Pike Peaks... de la rigolade! Le sommet était fermé nous avons été stoppé à 3500 m. Pourtant on s était bien vêtu (voir les photos). Nous avons râlé après les autochtones qui roulaient à 20 km/h.
      Les bons français ont fini par doubler....
      Pour finir "Garden of the Gods" magnifique même avec la pluie .
      A demain.
      Les mer

    • Dag 4

      J2 🏍 skyline Drive- Royal Gorge Bridge

      17. juni 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Super ballade de Colorado Spring à Gunnisson de 310 km avec un passage à 3500 m d altitude .
      Nous voulions des routes sinueuses et bien nous avons été gâtés.
      La petite skyline était un délice sous un beau soleil.
      La pluie s est invitée à notre arrivée à
      Royal gorge Bridge mais pas de quoi nous perturber.....une petite biè nous avons pu traverser le pont ....nous sommes organisés ✌🤪.
      Un petit repas avec les colibris et un sceau de Bud ligth et une rencontre avec des bikers insolites et c est reparti.
      Une jolie route sinueuse au bord de l
      " Arkansas river" puis une grimpette jusqu au pied de la station de Monarch Crest 11312 pieds.
      Un finish dans un bel hotel pour nous remettre de cette magnifique étape.
      Bye bye.
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    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Colorado, CO, ኮሎራዶ, كولورادو, ܟܘܠܘܪܐܕܘ, Colorado suyu, Kolorado, کلرادو ایالتی, Колорадо, Штат Каларада, কলোরাডো, ཁོ་ལོ་ར་ཌོ།, کۆلۆرادۆ, Κολοράντο, Koloradio, کلرادو, Khô-lò-là-tô, Kololako, קולורדו, कॉलोराडो, Կոլորադո, ᑰᓘᕌᑑ, コロラド州, kolorados, კოლორადოს შტატი, 콜로라도 주, Coloratum, کولورادو, Koloradas, Kolorādo, കൊളറാഡോ, ကော်လိုရာဒိုပြည်နယ်, कोलोराडो, कोलोरादो, Dibé Nitsaa Hahoodzo, ਕੋਲੋਰਾਡੋ, कोलोर्याडो, کولوراڈو, کلراډو, Coloradu, Kolorads, கொலராடோ, కొలరాడో, รัฐโคโลราโด, Kolorado Shitati, Cołorado, Коларад, קאלאראדא, 哥羅拉度州, 科羅拉多州

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