Davis County

    • 日14

      Sal Tlay Ka Siti

      2023年6月9日, アメリカ ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      I am now in Salt Lake City and planning on spending a few days here to include some relaxing.

      As I was here, I had to go visit Temple Square and learn more about the Mormons... how much of the book of Mormon musical was accurate.

      Unfortunately there's some construction going on to protect the temple from earthquakes, so some sections were closed and the temple was covered in scaffolding.

      There were tours in the conference centre though and I managed to get one on my own, so it was me and Sister Smith from Louisiana and sister Nsiete from France. They were both awesome, it was supposed to be 40 mi utes, we were there for over 2 hours. They were here for their mission they were both doing after a year of college and before completing their studies. I was able to ask a lot of questions and it was really interesting.
      So basically, you may now call me Elder Johns.

    • 日12

      Frary peak…. Big old hike.

      2023年10月13日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      Woke up very early to hike to a peak and watch the sunrise. Very picturesque but had to go off trail as a bison decided it was his trail. After breakfast we hiked up frary peak, the highest peak on Antelope Island. It was a bit of a vertical slog but worth it for views and the nice Mormon family we got to chat to.もっと詳しく

    • 日86

      Antelope Island, UT

      2022年7月4日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Antelope Island est la plus grande ile dans le Great Salt Lake (Grand Lac Salé) qui est à coté de Salt Lake City. En ce moment c’est une péninsule car le niveau du lac est très bas. On peut y observer de nombreux bisons qui pâturent sur l’ile.


      Antelope Island is the biggest island in the Great Salt Lake near Salt Lake City. Currently this is a peninsula due to extremely low level of water in the Great Salt Lake. One can observe many bisons eating grass on the island.

    • 日13

      Salt Lake City tour

      2023年9月24日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      This morning, I joined a guided bus tour around Salt Lake City. We first stopped by the Utah State Capitol, a very impressive building that looked much like the capitol building in Washington D.C.

      The building is the home to the Utah state government - housing the Supreme Court and House of Representatives, among other things.

      When driving around in the city, we also passed by several venues used in the 2002 Winter Olympics.

      The tour ended at Temple Square, home of Salt Lake Temple, which is the largest temple in the world for the mormons, aka. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)

      Utah and Salt Lake City, in particular, are the world headquarters for the LDS church, and their presence in the city is huge. They own many businesses and buildings around town.

      I have seen the massive temple in pictures, and it is very impressive, but currently, it is undergoing a major renovation, so it was completely covered in scaffolding.

      It was interesting to visit this very religious city on a Sunday. Virtually everything was closed, and the downtown area was practically empty in the afternoon. Very surreal to be in a major US city in the middle of the day with almost no people around.

      I did eventually find a place to get lunch and then checked out some exhibits at the planetarium, which was also open.

      Since I had no other plans, I decided to drop by a local movie theater to see the latest Expendables movie with Sylvester Stallone. It was not as good as the first 3 movies - for sure!

      The weather was lovely today, so after the movie, it was great to finish the day with a walk around the city. It is a really beautiful place, with the mountains in the background and many historical buildings.

    • 日17

      Die Natur von Utha: Gestern und Heute

      2月16日, アメリカ ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Heute ging es nach einem entspannten Start in den Tag auf die Antelope Island in der Hoffnung auf Sichtung von Bisons und Antilopen. Nachdem wir über eine schmale Straße den großen Salzsee (Salt Lake) passierten, haben wir als erstes im Visitorcenter Halt gemacht. Bereits hier wurde unsere Anfahrt mit der Sichtung der ersten Bisons belohnt! Wir setzen unseren Weg fort und konnten sogar Bisons aus ca. 7 m Entfernung sehen und fotografieren. Es war ein wirklich tolles Gefühl diese mächtigen Tiere von so nah aus in der mehr oder weniger freien Wildbahn sehen zu können. Leider waren dies neben ein paar Vögeln und einem kleinen süßen Kaninchen die einzigen Tiere, die wir auf unseren zwei-stündigen Rundtour sehen durften. Dennoch glücklich brachen wir zum nächsten Naturschauspiel auf, dem Framington Creek Waterfall. Schnell wurde jedoch klar, dass zu dem Wasserfall kein Durchkommen war, zum einen aufgrund des Winters, zum anderen erschwerte der einsetzende Schneeregen die Sicht. Dennoch wollten wir unseren Tag nicht so einfach abbrechen und entschlossen uns in das Natural History Museum of Utah zu fahren - die beste Entscheidung für so einen regnerischen Tag. Die Exponate und die Liebe die in dem Aufbau des Museums steckte war wirklich beeindruckend. Wir verbrachten den ganzen Nachmittag hier bis wir darauf aufmerksam gemacht wurden, dass das Museum demnächst schließt. Somit wurden wir nicht nur in die Vergangenheit katapultiert, sondern vergaßen auch die gegenwärtige Zeit um uns herum. Nach einem leckeren Essen sind wir schließlich vollends zufrieden zu unserem Hotel zurückgekehrt und bereiten uns auf unsere morgige Tour nach Las Vegas vor.もっと詳しく

    • 日14

      Antelope Island State Park

      2022年8月6日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Unser heutiges Etappenziel war nicht weit weg, es ging in den Antelope Island State Park.
      Vorher hielten wir noch an einer Outlet Mall, wo diesmal jeder was fand.
      Im strömenden Regen und mit einer Flutwarnung ging es dann auf den Weg Richtung Antelope Island.
      Wir kamen bei strahlendem Sonnenschein an. Nachdem der Camper ans Versorgungsnetz angeschlossen war, machten wir uns auf den Weg zum See. Wegen der jahrelangen Dürre und weil immer mehr Wasser aus den Zuflüssen abgeleitet wird ist es mittlerweile ein 2 Kilometermarsch. Am See angekommen bist sich ein ähnliches Bild wie am Tag zuvor. Stinkendes Wasser und viel Schlamm. Da wir aber unbedingt ausprobieren wollten, ob uns das Wasser wegen des hohen Salzgehaltes trägt, entschieden wir uns doch reinzugehen. Und tatsächlich, man konnte einfach auf der Wasseroberfläche liegen, ohne sich bewegen zu müssen.
      Ein paar Urlauber erzählten uns, dass sie vor ein paar Jahren hier waren und damals direkt am Strand in glasklares Wasser springen konnten und jetzt erschüttert waren den sterbenden See zu sehen. Kaum zu glauben, wenn man jetzt diese Brühe hier sieht.
      Vom Camper aus hatte man aber immer noch eine wunderschöne Aussicht auf den See und die umliegenden Berge.

    • 日11

      Hot springs and Antelope island

      2023年10月12日, アメリカ ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Woke up to the whistle of a 100 carriage train at 6AM… free camp sites, am I right? Drove over to the lava hot springs which were really hot! Went to do our washing in a one horse town with not much to say for itself other than it was famous for having 4 Coca Cola execs crash their private jet there in the 80s. Wouldn’t recommend Malad as a destination. Ended our day at Antelope Island which is sat in the great salt lake and boy oh boy is there a big beautiful sky here!もっと詳しく

    • 日17

      Day 17 - Mormons & Nutters?

      2019年5月8日, アメリカ ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Hello! Hello! Hello! My Name is Elder Annals, I like to share this blog of Jesus Christ.........This blog will change your life.......Hello!

      We have woken up in the Mormon dominated conurbation of Salt Lake City. A leisurely start to the morning, including a phone call to my Mum to wish her a ‘Happy 80th Birthday’🎂. She was at hospital, where Dad was having a routine check up!!

      It took a while for the sun to warm up, but by 10.30am we were on the move. We had to walk just 50 yards to the little train station to catch the train into the centre of the city & Temple square. The ticket machine wasn’t working so we jumped on without paying.

      Four stops later we got off at the Arena stop, outside the enormous Vivint Smart Home Arena....catchy name. After taking stock of our bearings, we passed the impressive music venue called The Depot & Devereaux House. We the headed straight for Temple Square with its domineering skyline of steeples & gold statues.

      We entered Temple Square via the South Gate & headed straight for the Visitor Centre. There were various exhibits explaining how Joseph Smith & Brigham Young founded the Mormons & established their epicentre in Salt Lake City (my words, not theirs). We ducked & dived to avoid the hoards of volunteers waiting to trap you in conversation, take you on a tour or possibly more.

      We went back outside & bumped into 2 ‘Sisters’ who welcomed us to Temple Square. As soon as we replied we were deep in conversation, because one of the sisters originated from Manchester, the other was Australian. We had quite a pleasant chat with the 2 sisters & we told them all about our travels....they made their excuses & left. Not really, but we made it abundantly clear we were not looking for any divine intervention.

      We strolled around the complex, admiring the statues & particularly the well tended gardens. We entered the Assembly Hall, then circumnavigated the Tabernacle & entered the North Visitors Centre, where we ascended a spiral ‘Stairway to Heaven’. At the top was an oversized Jesus Christ statue surrounded by sky painted walls & ceiling. There were various unmarked doors off this dome like heaven, one I opened & we walked into a full sized cinema, playing a feature movie of the story of the Mormons. We stayed to watch for at least 20 minutes. It was interesting, but just too long.

      Next we went back out & as we walked past the Tabernacle, I enquired if we could look inside. The sister said we had to wait for the organ recital to finish, but her colleague suddenly opened the door & allowed us in. Inside, an elder then let us & another couple into the auditorium, where we with a reasonable crowd watched a spellbinding organ recital played on the organ with it’s 11,632 pipes.

      During the recital, I received a WhatsApp message from Craig Boswell informing me that I was missing out an all you can eat Brazilian meat feast. After I rang back & we ended up having a video call with my old Fusion Team. They were all sat in a restaurant gorging on endless meat & I was admiring an organ recital........wow, how things have changed!

      Jackie & I then moved on to the Salt Lake Temple, which apparently you are not allowed to enter unless you have converted. However, there were several weddings parties in the grounds. I infiltrated them & started taking photos, whilst Jackie disowned me.

      Leaving Temple Square, we headed uphill to the Utah State Capitol building resplendent on the hill against the azure blue sky. We took a look around the interior, then headed back down the hill towards the Downtown District. We paused in Brigham Young Historic Park, then carried on down the road for a selfie with the Salt Lake Temple. We passed the Beehive House, then headed into Downtown, where the person on the street changed dramatically.

      We went from happy clappy geeks to being surrounded by the homeless & nutters. I don’t think care in the community is practised much here in SLC. Too be fair they didn’t blatantly beg, just barked random noises......Tourette’s?

      We treated ourselves to lunch in Spitz, where we had a pitcher of local beer & shared a doner kebab, not as we know it. After a pleasant lunch, we walked nearly a mile through the badlands of Salt Lake City to the State Liquor Store, because Jackie fancied a white wine. Wine & spirits can only be purchased in Liquor Stores in Utah. That alone is enough to persuade Jackie not to be a Mormon.

      I was instructed to leave my rucksack at the entrance by the heavily armed security guards & only then were we allowed in. We purchased a box of Bootlegger white wine, with a cool wanted poster from Sing Sing Prison for Charles “Lucky” Luciano wanted for Prohibition crimes.

      We walked back to the Arena train stop & jumped on the wrong train. 2 stops later we got off & waited in Old Greek Town with lots of nutters for the train back to the Arena. Seriously there are way too many people wandering the streets that need help. Eventually we got the correct train & arrived back at our campsite at 5pm.

      We enjoyed an hour in the sun, before we were forced to retreat to the RV for warmth. As I write, we have just had a German couple ask us advice on the hosepipes. If only the knew.

      The plan is to get up at silly o’clock & race across Nevada on I-80 to Reno, just the 550 miles. Jackie is even threatening to assist with the driving or is that the white wine talking? We will only know tomorrow.

      We are currently listening to musical soundtracks & quaffing the newly purchased white wine!

      FITBIT = 15,967 steps / 7.41 miles.

      Song of the Day - Hello! by The Book of Mormon (Original Broadway Cast).

      Bonus Songs of the Day :-

      Temple of Love by Sisters of Mercy
      Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin

    • 日10

      Salt Lake City and Lava Hot Springs

      2018年9月22日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nach einer langen Fahrt kamen wir in tiefster Nacht in Salt Lake City an.💎
      Um eine spektakuläre Aussicht am nächsten Morgen zu haben fuhren wir auf die Halbinsel 🏎 dort trafen wir unerwartet auf Bisons und hatten sehr Respekt vor diesen sanften braunen gemütlichen Riesen. 🐃

      Da wir keinen Platz für unser Wohnmobil gemietet hatten stellten wir uns in der Nacht einfach auf einen drauf und flüchteten in aller hergotts früh von dort 😂😪 Adrenalin pur wenn man in der Nacht ein Auto hört 😂👎
      Nach einem Boxenstop im Walmart der eigentlich für das nötigste gedacht war kam Kerstin voll gepackt zurück. Diese Supermarktkette gibt es in jeder Stadt und erinnert eher an einen Großmarkt in dem man von Technik, essen, campen über Kleintiere wirklich fast alles bekommen kann. 🐟💇‍♀️🍦🏄‍♀️📹

      Nach mehreren Stunden Fahrt über den Highway was die pure Hölle sein kann denn hier wird sowohl rechts als auch links überholt vom Lkw bis zum Pferdetransporter was Jojo ganz schön ins Schwitzen bringen kann 😗🙈
      Erreichten wir lava hot springs mit seinen heißen Quellen.

    • 日25

      Salt Lake City

      2018年4月28日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Today we went into the city. Our family, Carla, kids and neice all went on the Utah traxx, which is the public transport system. It is like a tram as it is on the main roads and has frequent stops.

      It was another warm and sunny day and the tulips in the temple of the Mormon church were gorgeous. We had a talk around the busy area and the kids were drawn to the numerous fountains in the complex. We didn't go into any of the buildings as a combination of 5 kids, a busy area and a nice day would have been stressful for us all.

      We then walked a few blocks to a developing retail area that has a splash pad. The splash pad was surrounded by fake grass and chairs for us to sit in. Around the area was cute little ponds surrounded by rocks to look like they natural environment.

      Brandon got soaked right through playing in the splash pad. Inara got undressed and ran around with her white body soaking in the sun but did not go into the water. She finally decided she liked the ponds but we were told by the security guards that they are not for kids to play in.

      We had our picnic lunch there and was there for an hour or so before we headed back to the apartment.

      We had an early dinner compared to the last few nights. Carla grilled hot dogs, chicken drums with BBQ sauce and chicken and vegetables skewers and we finished off with more s'mores. Carla has also introduced us to using peanut butter Reece's cups rather than Hershey's with the s'mores and we may never go back to original s'mores again.

      The stop here in Salt Lake visiting an old friend was great. It was nice to be in reality a bit, having conversation and the kids being able to play with other kids. Carla, whom Elisa has known since 7th grade or so and hasn't really seen her in for about 15 years or so, and at points haven't talked in years (but thanks to FB has reconnected) opened up her apartment, took off work and cooked us amazing dinners. Her kids were also accomodating. Isla slept in her brothers room Raffi and Franco, while Josh, Elisa and Inara used her room and brandon slept on the floor in the boys room as well. It was a perfect visit and we are very appreciated with the hospitality (and letting us so all our never ending laundry).

      Utah is a lovely state, has so much to offer and the people around the area are a bit friendlier than other places visited. We will definetly have Salt Lake on our visits again back to the States and maybe we can get a chance to snowboard on the majestic mountains that make Salt Lake City so unique.

      Tomorrow we are back on the road and more hiking to come.


    Davis County, مقاطعة دافيز, Дейвис, ডেভিস কাউন্টি, Condado de Davis, Davis konderria, شهرستان دیویس، یوتا, Comté de Davis, Davis megye, Դեյվիս շրջան, Contea di Davis, デービス郡, Davis Comitatus, Davis Kūn, Hrabstwo Davis, ڈیوس کاؤنٹی، یوٹاہ, Comitatul Davis, Округ Дејвис, Девіс, Quận Davis, Condado han Davis, 戴維斯縣


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