United States
Franklin County

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    • Day 50


      July 18, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Heute morgen gabs im Hotel erst um 6:30 Frühstück. Das war OK, da ich in Bedford noch zum Fahrradgeschäft musste und dieses erst um 10:00 öffnete. Ich hatte gestern Abend bemerkt, dass am Hinterreifen an einer Stelle die Tapete hervor kam. Ich wollte keinen platten Reifen riskieren. Also fuhr ich um 7 los, in einer herbstlichen Stimmung mit Nebel und Wolken. Gleich in Sommerset begannen die Steigungen. Bis Bedford waren es ca. 65km und Papa Moll war schon etwas am Anschlag, als endlich vor Bedford eine Tankstelle auftauchte, welche Moll sofort zur Stärkung nutze.
      Im Fahrradgeschäft wurde meinem Pferdchen ein neues Hufeisen aufgezogen und beim Gänge einstellen bemerkten sie, dass der Kabelzug an einem Spezialteil nicht mehr auf der Rolle lief. Das Kabel war eingeklemmt und es dauerte 45min. bis sie es hingekriegt hatten. Geld wollten sie für diesen Zusatzaufwand keines. 🙏 Papa Moll bedankte sich bei den netten Leuten und zog von dannen. Und wieder gings wie zuvor lange rauf und kurz runter. Ein weiterer Abzweiger in eine Nebenstrasse lies Moll zweifeln, was da wieder kommen mag. Aber es kam anders. Ich fuhr zunächste lange runter 🤔 Da hatte ich meine Zweifel, ob das für Moll von Vorteil ist, aber danach radelte Moll in einem schönen Tal einem Fluss folgend ein paar Kilometer in der Ebene. Moll dachte in seiner Naivität schon, die Appalachen seien nun vorbei. Aber spätestens in Breezewood wurde ich eines besseren belehrt. Nun kam ein stündiger Aufstieg und anschliessend nur noch Up and Downs, dass Moll schon bald depressiv wurde, da auf die Art und Weise kein Land gewonnen werden kann. Endlich endlich kam das angepeilte Downs Motel. Das einzige weit und breit. Moll hoffte, dass da noch Platz vorhanden ist. Der Besitzer war kurz angebunden, aber für 50$ in Cash bekam ich ein Zimmer.
      @Ursi: Von wegen Bargeld braucht man in den USA nicht. Es gab bis jetzt etliche Situationen wo Cash unentbehrlich war. 😁
      Jetzt esse ich in einem nahen Restaurant, das im Middle of nowhere voll besetzt ist 🤔
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    • Day 152

      Day 150 - Winter has come

      November 30, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ -1 °C

      Very cold last night, -4 (or 25 Fahrenheit for my American readers) according to the weather report. Was sleeping in a shelter, inside my sleeping bag wearing all my clothes. I wasn't cold but wasn't warm either, just uncomfortably not-warm. My water bottle partially froze, I'll have to start keeping it with me inside my sleeping bag (I'm already doing that for anything that uses a battery).

      It is also very cold during the day. My gloves are not up to the task as my fingers are getting very cold as I hike along. I ended up putting the poles away so I could ball my hands into fists inside the gloves to keep the fingers warm.

      Called a shuttle at the end of the day to go into Chambersburg. Going to replace my gloves and buy some more layers to sleep in.

      As I waited for the shuttle I enjoyed a very American meal of brisket, baked beans, and Mac and cheese at 65 South BBQ restaurant. Incredibly tasty. The guy assured me it is as an American meal as you can get.
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    • Day 3

      Ye Olde Grist Mill RV Park. PA

      April 29, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      After a lot of fluffing about and checking out a few places we decided to drive on a bit towards Pittsburgh and discovered this beautiful park in the mountains that is still an old working Grist Mill. Still manufactures product and food items today. Got here in the dark so will post some more pics tomorrow of the mill before we head off.
      Now with the RV fully opened up we can probably have a dance, see the pics.
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    • Day 65

      Raven Rock Rd / Waynesboro 1064.3

      July 7, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      So, this was supposed to be our first normal day since hiking in to Harper's Ferry. So getting up early worked and we planned to do about 20 miles to another shelter because more rain was supposed to come.
      After a few miles into the trail there was a campground upcoming. When hiking by we saw that there was even a shower!! So we took the chance and had breakfast and a hot shower there :) This normal thing now feels like a luxury. Another few miles later came the Washington Monument dedicated to George Washington. The AT led up to this building passing signs with milestones of his life. The monument itself wasn't that impressive and it was too foggy to see anything. At the Visitor Center we had a short break where I chatted with the volunteer that works there. He is the local chief of the democratic party and has relatives in Switzerland and Germany.
      After the first 10 miles went pretty good we thought about going to Waynesboro, which would make it more than 25 miles. We set our deadline to 6 PM at the last Shelter, otherwise we'd stay there. Maybe an hour later we got a message from Corn Chip that he has got a hotel room in Waynesboro with a spare bed. So we wouldn't even have to camp at Walmart...
      Shortly before it started to get dark we came to an area at the descent which was extremely hard and rocky. We already feared that we have to climb it down in a night hike which would have turned into a nightmare. But we managed to arrive down at our destination just before it got dark!!

      On our way into the town we were lucky to get a hitch after about 1.5 miles. After resupplying in Walmart we went to the hotel where a neat room was waiting for us. Happy that we achieved our goal we went to sleep.
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    • Day 4

      Burnt Cabins at Grist Mill. PA

      April 30, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Lovely campsite and spent some time exploring this morning. The original mill was built in the 1760’s.
      The mill has been refurbished a few times in its life, the latest being in the 1980’s and the mill still produces flour to make local products.
      The owner showed us around and gave us an interesting history of the name Burnt Cabins.

      Turns out in the 1700’s that the Indian lands were being occupied by original settlers against the Penn Land Treaties Act and built cabins etc in the wrong place and Built on Indian land and the government at that time was still the British. The Indians complained and the government would move the people on but then kept coming back again because there was cabins. The Indians tried again and said if the government did not do something about it they will, so the government then stepped in again and this time the Brits came in and just moved them along and burnt the cabins to the ground so there was nothing to come back to. Well it seems the Brits honoured their land acts with the Indians, shame the new republic did not.
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    • Day 177

      Waynesboro, Pa

      December 10, 1999 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      Last american city: During our lastshow the staff had distributed light bars to the audience, which look beautiful. On our last evening we had a Banquet, spending the last night together with the whole cast, dancing and partying. Finally I lost the key to my suitcase... Flying home for Christmas... Suddenly all was in German...Read more

    • Day 4

      Great Sleep in

      April 30, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Well after a very cold night because we didn’t know how to turn the furnace heater on we had a great sleep beautiful comfy bed, and this morning we figured out how to turn the furnace on and we got the place cooking.
      We also have no hot water and can’t find any instructions for the control panel. Ah well, just another day in paradise.

      Some shots here of the RV set up with the slides out at this beautiful old Mill RV park, we’re gonna go check out the mill itself a bit closer before we head off.
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    • Day 7

      Walmart Shippensburg - off I81

      July 18, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Moved north today through 26 miles of West Virginia, 12 miles of Maryland and now in Pennsylvania at our second home, Walmart. They get a good deal out of us staying overnight in their parking lot as we've just spent more than a few bucks in the store !! Of course we get a good deal too, free camping !!
      Gone back in time, we're in Amish country, a family has just arrived in a pony and trap & parked in a stable on the edge of the parking lot. In the grassy area on the other side of the coach we've got wildlife, rabbits, sparrows and what we think are marmots.
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    • Day 11

      Lunch break

      May 10, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      This town has some beautiful old houses on a tree lined street leading up to a main street with lots of brick businesses in great condition. I'll try to get a picture on the way out. I've seen a couple interesting things I would have liked to stop at but I only found out about them as I was going by them.Read more

    • Day 66

      Tumbling Run Shelters 1072.9

      July 8, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      In the morning we checked out the breakfast buffet and it was great!! Stuff that I haven't had in two months, like Cereals and milk. There was also a waffle maker, scrambled eggs and orange juice. I was happy and completely destroyed that buffet!!
      Julia needed to get a bit of rest and I went straight into the hot tub :) Afterwards we swam a bit in the pool and then relaxed in the outdoor area. After noon the preparation for the trail began with sorting our supplies and drying out the tent. Together with the trail angel Saggy, Corn Chip and Honey badger we had a late dinner before we got a ride back to the trailhead.
      It was a tough decision to hike out because Corn Chip offered us to stay another night there. But as tempting the offer was there was nothing really to do anymore in town for us. So we hiked out to a Shelter just before a bit of a climb up to Chimney Rock.

      Oh, funny story how we get to know the trail angel. Julia wrote with him about two weeks back when we were in Waynesboro VA and needed a ride back to the trailhead. He had a ride organized from Burger King but we couldn't find each other. At some point we realized that we were in different states...
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Franklin County, مقاطعة فرانكلين, Франклин, ফ্রাঙ্কলিন কাউন্টি, Condado de Franklin, Franklin konderria, شهرستان فرانکلین، پنسیلوانیا, Comté de Franklin, Contae Franklin, Franklin megye, Ֆրանկլին շրջան, Contea di Franklin, フランクリン郡, Konteth Franklin, Franklin Comitatus, Franklin Kūn, Hrabstwo Franklin, فرینکلن کاؤنٹی، پنسلوانیا, Comitatul Franklin, Округ Френклин, Франклін, Quận Franklin, Condado han Franklin, 富蘭克林縣

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