Amerika Syarikat
Lookout Point

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    • Hari 3

      Monument Valley

      11 November 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Stunning location with a circular driving tour around the valley.
      The View Hotel is also excellent with high-quality rooms. The restaurant food is also very good but, if ordering burgers, you need to order one between as they supply two large burgers. The Navajo stew is particularly nice and very healthy as it's made with lots of vegetables.

      NB: There is no mobile signal in Monument Valley but the View Hotel has Wi-Fi.
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    • Hari 141

      Monument Valley

      30 Oktober 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 -7 °C

      I arrive at Monument Valley on the 29th in the evening, spending a night at The View campground. The view was wonderful, great sunset and even better sunrise, but the night was very cold with -5°. The next day, I take a full day guided tour through Monument Valley, Lower Monument Valley and Secret Valley. This place is really a “must see”.Baca lagi

    • Hari 38

      Monument Valley Tour 1/2

      7 April, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Am Mittag hend mir e knapp 4 Stündigi Tour buecht gha dur's Monument Valley. Es isch sicher de richtig Entscheid gsi nöd mit emä eigete Fahrzüg dur s Monument Valley z fahre, für en Camper wer das nüt gsi und natürlich au nöd erlaubt. Aber eusi Füehrerin het das wunderbar gmach und nach dem de Pascal 2x s Auto wieder zum laufe bracht het simmer guet retour cho.Baca lagi

    • Hari 11

      Monument Valley

      27 Mac, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      After 2,5 hours drive we arrived to the touristy center of Navajo people ~ Monument Valley. Shortly before the visitor center you can stop by the Forest Gump Point to take pictures of incredible landscape in the background. Campers are not allowed to drive the scenic road and that’s why I booked the jeep safari for the afternoon. We were there early and stopped by cute rest area and even saw some wildlife 🥰.

      The tour started from the visitor center and our guide Duffy was a native Navajo. Apart from sightseeing he wanted to teach us as much as possible about his culture, history of Monument Valley and the core values of Navajo People. Interesting was that Navajo people still live the simple life, have houses without electricity and running water and are very hard working people with strong bond to Mother Earth. There were some interesting facts but to be honest his speeches about how spoiled we are were bit too much 🤣. The tour ended right after sunset and it got super cold 🥶. We drove for about 30 minutes accompanied by beautiful sunset to the next town Kayenta to finally have a dinner in McDonald‘s and then went straight to bed 💤.
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    • Hari 38

      Day 38 - 2nd Time Had Better Be Lucky

      29 Mei 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Predictably had a dreadful night sleep. Last thing I did before going to bed was visit the website for The Boneyard in Tucson. To my horror, the website declared that applications to visit had to be made at least 2 weeks in advance. Oh hell, I had planned to be in Tucson in less than 5 days time & we had to visit The Boneyard as it was Jackie’s perceived highlight of the whole trip.

      Needless to say my mind was whirring, I couldn’t sleep & I commenced replanning the next fortnight of our trip. It was between 2 & 3am when I finally got to sleep, but at least I had a new plan. Luckily I had a lie in until 6.30am when Jackie’s phone started ringing.

      Over breakfast I booked The Boneyard Tour for Friday 14th June & sent our request to be allowed on it. Let’s wait & see. After packing up, we were back on the road by 10am. We took Highway 98 south east for about 70 miles across open plains. At the end of the road we turned north on to Highway 160 for 34 miles & then at Kayenta, north again on Highway 163 for another 25 miles.

      Gone midday we arrived at Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park & then our clocks jumped forward an hour because the entrance is on the border back into Utah. We are getting very confused.

      This time we paid our $20 fee & were given a map & told that we could take our car on the 17 mile Valley Drive which was on dirt roads. Thank goodness, it would have been a long way to come to be told we couldn’t do the drive. Jackie wasn’t that fussed about returning anyway, so I dread to think how that conversation went if we didn’t get in.

      Relieved, we parked up at the Visitors Centre, took a few photos of the valley below, then had a look round the Visitors Centre & ended up coming out with a Route 66 T-shirt each! We returned to the car & commenced the Valley Drive.

      I now know why we weren’t allowed to take the RV on the drive. It was a nightmare in places, massive ruts & humps, as well as a road made up of either rock, sand, stones & gravel. It was a real challenge to avoid grounding the car or hitting big chunks of rock littered across the road. Luckily, I had Jackie to advise me of the best route & tell me when she thought I was going to hit something. To make matters worse large 4x4s & tour trucks were hammering along the road throwing up stones & dust despite the speed limit being just 15mph. We prayed we didn’t finish up with loads of damage to the hire car.

      There were 11 official stopping spots along the route. The 1st was for West & East Mitten Butte, which resembled a pair of hands complete with thumbs. The 2nd Elephant Butte took a lot of imagination, in fact it took us a while to work out which ‘Butte’ it was supposed to be!

      Next was Three Sisters, a Catholic Nun facing 2 pupils, then John Ford’s Point, named after the Hollywood Movie Director who made John Wayne famous. As we pulled into the car park, an old ‘duffer’ with a tripod was dithering in my chosen parking space. I got bored waiting for him, so prised the car in beside him. I could see he wasn’t happy. We went off to admire the view & snap a photo or two. We returned & the duffer was just leaving. I started to reverse back, which apparently caused duffer to beep his horn & gesticulate unnecessarily. I was oblivious, but it riled Jackie who mouthed at them to “F-off”, which in turn prompted Duffer’s wife to start shouting at us to “F-off”. This could be an interesting drive!

      There were several other Rock formations to see before we arrived at Totem Pole, a tall stick of rock that looks like it could fall over at any moment. It was there that we saw duffer & his wife again for the first time. He had his tripod out & was photographing plants. We walked past them but they looked the other way.

      The highlight for me was Artist’s Point, which gave a grandstand view of the most spectacular Buttes. Our final stop was at The Thumb, which at a certain angle actually looks like a cowboy boot, before we made the fraught drive back out of the Valley. We think we got out without causing any damage to the car, other than it & us were covered in red dust. Some idiots were driving round in convertibles with the top down & those on tours on open backed trucks were visibly choking from the dust.

      The Valley Drive took over 2 hours & was another unforgettable experience. I am so glad we made the effort to go back. I think I would have so regretted it if we hadn’t. It is truly one of the most iconic American natural wonders. Jackie also really enjoyed it & is glad we came!

      We then hit the road for the 176 mile trek south to Flagstaff, annoyingly passing the Grand Canyon which we plan to visit tomorrow. Arriving at our ‘America’s Best Value Inn’ motel in Flagstaff, just after 6pm Arizona time again. We booked in, then popped out for a cheeky Panda Express. We had one each this time, because we were starving, but won’t be doing that again. We both struggled to eat it, well Jackie did!!

      FITBIT knackered.

      Song of the Day - Hello Hello I’m Back Again by Gary Glitter.

      Bonus Song of the Day :-

      Tower of Strength by The Mission
      Monument by The Sound
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    • Hari 13

      Monument Valley

      22 September 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Wir sind um ca. 15 Uhr angekommen und haben direkt unsere Offroad Tour durchs Monument Valley für heute auf 16 Uhr anstatt morgen früh gebucht ☺️

      Vor der Tour haben wir noch in unsere Premium Cabin eingecheckt.
      Der Wahnsinn, ich kann’s euch sagen. 😍 😍 😍
      Das ist total verrückt ☺️ Wir sind in einer kleinen Holzhütte mit Terrasse, in der ersten Reihe mit Blick auf das Monument Valley 😁 und die kleinen Hütten sind auch noch super ausgestattet.

      Wir sind beide hin- und weg von dieser Unterkunft.
      Sollten wir diese oder eine ähnliche Tour jemals wieder planen, dann muss diese Hütte unbedingt dabei sein ☺️

      Hier bekommt man auch absolut nichts mit, von dem ganzen Rummel der direkt am View Hotel ist ☺️
      Besser geht es echt nicht mehr.

      OMG 🙈 ich schreibe schon wieder viel zu viel 😂
      Aber vor lauter Begeisterung sprudeln die Worte 😁

      Unsere 2,5 Stunden lange Jeep Tour ist um 16 Uhr gestartet. Auch da hatten wir wieder einmal Glück und haben eine private Tour nur für uns alleine bekommen ☺️

      Es war einfach gigantisch was wir alles gesehen haben. Ich hätte am liebsten viel mehr Fotostopps eingelegt 😍

      Die Fahrt durch tiefen Sand und Schlaglöcher, sodass es einen aus dem Sattel gehoben hat war ziemlich funny 😁

      Ob die Fotos die ich während der Fahrt im Jeep gemacht habe etwas geworden sind, das bezweifle ich sehr stark 😂

      Egal, rechtzeitig vor Sonnenuntergang waren wir am Viewhotel und da konnten wir den berühmten Blick auf die drei Felsen bei bestem Licht fotografieren 😍

      Eins hab ich noch vergessen 😅
      Wir haben heute gelernt was Danke bei den Indianern heißt.

      Besser gesagt, Didi kann es perfekt 😂 er wird es euch bestimmt vorsagen, wenn ihr ihn mal danach fragt 😂😂😂

      AHÉ HÉÉ
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    • Hari 7

      Monument Valley - Sunrise 😍🌄

      23 Mei, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Tja, auch heute ging es weiter, trotz spektakulärer Kulisse, ab nach Moab, Outdoor-Mekka in Utah. Aber zuerst noch den Forrest Gump Point🤗❣️

    • Hari 27

      Monument Velley

      24 Ogos 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Sooo much to photograph here! An entire day of just huge stone monuments. Navaho waitress gave us the bandanas with our meal. Needed to shove another bike one in! Loud pipes save lives 😎

    • Hari 11

      Monument Valley

      27 Jun 2016, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Wir haben hier eine Jeep-Safari unternommen. Harry, unser Navajo-Führer, hat sich sehr viel Zeit genommen und uns tolle Plätze gezeigt John Wayne sind wir aber nicht begegnet, man glaubt dort aber, dass er jeden Moment um dir nächste Ecke geritten kommt.Baca lagi

    • Hari 24

      Monument Valley

      2 Mei 2022, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      On avait déjà contemplé le paysage pendant quelques heures le soir mais on voulait absolument profiter de chaque instant le lendemain aussi de cet endroit incroyable dans lequel on s'était arrêté : le Hite Overlook. Perché en haut d'un canyon on avait une vue imprenable sur toute la vallée avec la Colorado River. On s'est donc réveillé tôt pour voir et filmer le lever du soleil, et profiter du calme de cet endroit magnifique, avant l'arrivée certaine des touristes dans les heures suivantes. L'occasion était aussi parfaite pour faire voler le drone. Dans la matinée, on s'est finalement décidé à quitter cet endroit pour se diriger vers le parc Monument Valley, en terre Navajo. La longue route droite qui mène au parc offre une vue imprenable sur les monuments de pierre rouge. Le parc ne faisant partie des parcs nationaux, on doit donc payer notre entrée en espèces (même s'il est écrit "NO CASH, card only" car la machine est en panne). Malgré des paysages superbes, on est quelque peu déçu par le parc, très touristique. Des hôtels, parkings goudronnés, et magasins dénotent avec le côté naturel du lieu, alors qu'au contraire la route scénique n'est, elle, à peine praticable pour les voitures. Le parc n'étant pas adapté pour de la randonnée (sauf avec un guide), pas grandchose ne nous retient plus longtemps. On reprend donc la route, dont la beauté nous fait oublier rapidement notre désillusion du jour. On s'arrête le soir au bord du lac Powell. L'eau du lac est si basse qu'elle découvre des strates de couleurs sur les falaises. La température s'étant rafraîchie, on opte pour la douche payante d'un camping plutôt que pour un bain dans le lac. On en rêvait : notre première douche chaude depuis le début du voyage.Baca lagi

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