Vatican City
Vatican City

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    • Day 13

      Vatican City tour

      September 16, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Well today was the day, Beth and I both up early for our tour. Beth cooked us eggs on toast, I made the coffee and then downstairs to catch an uber to the tour office. Of course there were many others there to. You had to be there 25 minutes before the tour started at 10 and we go there at about 9.10 so told to wait outside on the street till 9.35am as there were lots of people getting organised 🤨. BTW whilst waiting this little hawker comes up and said you have to cover your shoulders and knees…. uh oh didn’t notice that on the tour information… and Beth had a sleeveless top and shorts on, I had a skirt just on my knees. Told him I don’t need anything I could pull my skirt down… Beth got stung for 2 scarves at 10 Euro each. I succumbed and bought one too. Not happy at all I tell ya, plus temp was rising and that didn’t help us at all. by 9.30 the temp was 25 and rising. got to 32 today btw
      Finally we could go in and get our pink sticker, and then wait for some more. Lots of waiting in this city…. Off we trot with the tour guide Pascale following his little flag, following along like little chickens behind the mother hen.
      We get into the Vatican entry point and Pascale informs us that although we booked for the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel and Basilica, the Pope was having a meeting until 1.00pm and we couldn’t see the Basilica so basically they would just extend the museum visit…see where this is going? Not happy…
      Anyway after a bit of delay and waiting and lining up again we get our headsets and off we go, did I tell you there are steps…lots of steps…Beth has a crook knee, my back wasn’t playing the game either so both a bit weary of stairs.
      Lots of beautiful art, the marble is extraordinary, the tapestries and paintings unbelievable. So many photos, so many beautiful things to admire. But I have to say after the first hour, it was becoming rather much same same if ya know what I mean.
      Loved the square, loved the ceilings throughout, they sure liked their baths the popes thats for sure and wouldn’t mind one like it at my place 🤭.
      Finally we get to the Sistine chapel and the guide says the tour ends here, just go on through, sit down and take the time to enjoy the beautiful Leonardo paintings. Well that would of been good, because we no longer had a guide we were pushed through like cows in the cattle yards, prodded at every moment to keep moving. I reckon we had about 2 mins inside before being herded out. Those who still had a guide, were able to stand in the middle and admire the paint works. Throughly disappointed and the review will reflect that when I get a moment to do it.
      so Beth and I have decided we aren’t doing tours together, they are always a bit of a flop!
      But we can tick that off the bucket list. Wish I had seen the Basilica though, dammit!
      Back to the apartment and met up with Kel and Susie, went to lunch and had Spaghetti Cabonara, delish. Home for me to put my feet up and fell asleep for 2.5 hours.
      Easy night at home tonight, got into Netflix and watched a movie together with platter food for dinner.
      Bed time now, its 11.40pm and feeling jaded.
      Tomorrow is our last day in Rome and off to Valencia. Bit of trouble with our onward flights to London later this month, but I will tell you about it next time.
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    • Day 44

      Up high, down low

      October 17, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Today started nice and early at around 5:30am so we could get up and walk the hour trek to the Vatican, we also made a detour to see the Trevi fountain and the Pantheon before the big crowds moved in.

      We met up with our tour group and ventured into the smallest (and wealthiest) country. Once inside, we made our way through the very impressive museum, the Raphael rooms, the hall of maps, tapestry gallery, the Belvedere Courtyard before heading to the Sistine Chapel where we enjoyed Michelangelo’s spectacular paintings.

      Next was the tour of St. Peter’s Basilica, Europe's biggest church which was so very impressive and excessive.

      We walked home, enjoyed some lunch before heading out on our next adventure.

      We joined our next tour where we discovered 3 of Rome's most significant archeological sites, the Capuchin Crypts, the Catacombs of St. Callixtus and the Appian Way.

      The Capuchin crypt was made up of the bones of 4000 monks, which was very strange. Afterwards, the tour look us to the catacombs which once housed up to 500,000 bodies, it was insanely large and incomprehensible, it was a maze of empty crypts and creepy drawings.

      The tour ended by dropping us back off in town where we wandered around some other sites such as the massive Monument to Victor Emmanuel II before grabbing some food from the shops before a calm night in.

      Step count: 28.8k
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    • Day 5

      Somewhere speeding through the night

      October 27, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      I'm not going to sugarcoat it. The Rome train station was a nightmare. We also got on the wrong subway to the Vatican, which was a nice day once we arrived even though the actual dome of St. Peters was closed! We did visit the museums including the Sistine Chapel where pictures weren't allowed so you'll just have to visit it yourself. Sorry Megan, no angels for you!Read more

    • Day 3

      Sonnenaufgang alleine am Petersplatz

      November 11, 2023 in Vatican City ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Das Highlight des Tages und wahrscheinlich auch vom ganzen Urlaub war die Morgendämmerung mit lila/rosa Wolken über dem Petersdom. Am Petersplatz angekommen waren wir nahezu alleine und konnten neben dem tollen Farbspiel am Himmel auch nahezu ohne andere Menschen den Blick auf das gigantische Gotteshaus werfen. Zum Petersdom später mehr, jetzt erst mal ein paar Worte zur Vatikanstadt, unserem 26. gemeinsam Land. Der Staat Vatikanstadt, kurz auch Vatikan genannt, ist sowohl nach Fläche als auch nach Bevölkerungszahl der kleinste allgemein anerkannte Staat der Erde und der einzige mit Latein als Amtssprache. Der Stadtstaat liegt innerhalb der italienischen Hauptstadt Rom und ist damit als Enklave vollständig von Italien umgeben. Aufgrund seiner geringen Fläche von 0,44 Quadratkilometern und seinen insgesamt etwa 1000 Einwohnern wird die Vatikanstadt als Zwergstaat bezeichnet. Der Staat ist eine absolute Wahlmonarchie, deren Monarch der Papst ist. Dieser wird von den Kardinälen gewählt und scheidet nur durch Tod oder Rücktritt aus diesem Amt aus. Vom kleinsten Land der Welt konnten wir zum Start erst mal den Petersplatz vorm Petersdom erkunden. Dieser wurde von Gian Lorenzo Bernini zwischen 1656 und 1667 unter Papst Alexander VII. vor dem Petersdom in Rom angelegt. Die Kolonnaden links und rechts bilden die Staatsgrenze zwischen der Vatikanstadt und Italien. Die Position des Petersplatz ist nicht zufällig gewählt. Der Überlieferung nach erlitt dort Petrus im Jahr 64 oder 67 unter Kaiser Nero den Märtyrertod. An der Stelle, an der heute der Hauptaltar des Petersdomes steht, wurde der Überlieferung nach Petrus begraben. Neben den Statuen der sehr vielen Päpsten auf den Kolonnaden, den Aposteln auf dem Portal des Petersdom und den Brunnen auf beiden Seiten des Platzes ist vor allem der Obelisk sehr prägend. Der Vatikanische Obelisk ist ein 25,31 m hoher altägyptischer Obelisk. Vom Petersplatz ging’s schließlich gegen 7:15 Uhr zum nahegelegenen Treffpunkt für unsere geführte Tour mit Guide auf die Kuppel vom Dom und anschließend in den Petersdom.Read more

    • Day 4

      Last day in Rome :(

      January 17 in Vatican City ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Our last day roaming rome :( we started off by going to the Spanish Steps which had…wait for it…a bunch of steps. Then we made our way over to the Trevi Fountain which was absolutely gorgeous. We also witnessed a proposal which went successfully so yay for them! At that point the fountain was my absolute favourite thing about Rome (soon defeated by something else…) Afterwards we headed to the Piazza Navona which was also beautiful! Big square with lots of shops and cobblestone. Thennnn we headed off to the smallest country in the world! Vatican City was absolutely spectacular. We headed to the Sistine Chapel and wowzers. To say it was jaw dropping would be an understatement. I suddenly have a new appreciation for art and Michelangelo. Unfortunately we couldn’t take photos inside but wow it quickly became my favourite. Then we headed to St Peter’s Basillica which was HUGE. To see Peter’s grave and see La Pieta (also Michelangelo!) in person was incredible. At that point it was pretty gloomy and getting late so we headed back to the air bnb for some rest before Gregory’s Jazz Club! We got there a bit early so we just had some drinks at the bar. One aperol spritz and I was in happy land. We experienced the best hospitality we’ve had so far, and met some nice people from the UK! The show started pretty late so we only stuck around for a little bit. It was a jazz trio with trumpet, drums, and bass! These Rome guys can PLAY. As much as we wanted to stick around we had to call it a night because of an early start the next morning. We walked back to the air bnb but unfortunately for us we accidentally detoured and accidentally got some gelato and accidentally ate it but ah well, these things happen. As soon as we were back zzzzzzRead more

    • Day 6

      Nächster Halt: Rom

      March 30 in Vatican City ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

      Am wohl schönsten Tag im ganzen Jahr nahmen wir zunächst Abschied von Assisi und Beatrice und fuhren auf einem der vielen Wege Richtung Rom. Nach einer kurzen Verschnaufpause im neuen Apartment begaben wir uns schnurstracks zum Petersplatz, der nur einen Katzensprung entfernt war. Da der Papst am Abend mit etwa 8000 Gläubigen - also nur im engsten Kreise - die Abendandacht vor Ostern feiern wollte, war der Petersdom leider nicht mehr zugänglich. Um auf den Petersplatz zu gelangen, musste man sich zudem einer Personen- und Taschenkontrolle unterziehen. Da es ebenso aussichtslos war, jetzt noch in die Vatikanischen Museen zu gelangen, tüfelten wir einen Plan B aus: Nicht weit entfernt gab es ein Museum, das den Besuchern mithilfe von Hologrammen und einem 3D-Film Roms Geschichte und berühmte Stätten näherbringt. Kurzerhand kauften wir online zwei Tickets für 18 Uhr. Die Wartezeit versüßten wir uns mit einem Eis und einer Clownsshow auf der Piazza Navona. Ich persönlich hätte mich ja sehr gefreut, wenn der Clown zur Feier des Tages Norman für den unsichtbaren Stuhltrick ausgewählt hätte, Norman selbst war allerdings der Ansicht, dass er mindestens einen der Mitstreiter zerquetscht hätte.
      Pünktlich um 17.50 Uhr endete die Show und wir begaben uns zum Museum, das wir für uns allein hatten und das vor allem für Norman, der zum ersten Mal in der "Ewigen Stadt" war, einen perfekten Auftakt unseres Rombesuchs darstellte.
      Nach dem Museumsbesuch bewunderten wir die Piazza Navona mit ihren drei Brunnen, die Engelsburg und den Petersdom noch einmal im beleuchteten Zustand. Über riesige Bildschirme hatte man zudem die Möglichkeit, den Gottesdienst mitzuverfolgen. Während ich gespannt auf die Momente wartete, in denen der Papst auf dem Bildschirm erschien, versuchte Norman die Kolossalität und Schönheit dieses Platzes fotografisch einzufangen, weshalb er meine Simultanübersetzungen der lateinischen Liturgien leider verpasste.
      Schließlich siegte der Hunger über die Faszination dieses Ortes. Zum Abschluss des Tages kehrten wir deshalb in eine Pizzeria ein, in der wir uns zunächst eine gemischte Vorspeisenplatte inklusive echter Bruschetta gönnten. Die Wahl der Hauptgänge war vor allem für mich eine Win-win-Situation, denn überraschenderweise wollte Norman zwar nicht von meinen Nudeln mit Muscheln kosten, ich hingegen war Normans Pizza nicht abgeneigt, was ich ihm auch sehr deutlich zu verstehen gab, sodass das eine oder andere Pizzastück den Weg in meinen Mund fand.
      Fazit: Es gibt wesentlich Schlimmeres, als seinen Geburtstag in Rom zu verbringen.
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    • Day 4

      Heilige Ansichten und Aussichten

      April 6 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Für heute haben wir Karten für die Vatikanischen Museen und die Sixtinische Kapelle. Da das alles sehr schnell ausgebucht ist, haben wir einen Termin ganz ganz früh morgens und müssen dementsprechend mit Wecker aufstehen.

      Also gibt es erstmal keinen Kaffee und nichts zum frühstücken. Wir haben geplant, bis Valle Aurelia mit dem Zug zu fahren, und dann in die Metro zu steigen. Dann sollten wir genau am Museumseinlass zum vatikanischen Museum herauskommen. Aber irgendwie ist heute der Wurm drin und wir steigen anscheinend in den falschen Zug. Er fährt zwar nach San Pedro und hält dort, aber wir wollen ja erst die nächste Station aussteigen. Dann folgt eine lange lange Tunnelfahrt und wir wundern uns schon, wie weit die zweite Station eigentlich noch entfernt ist, da wir ja eigentlich schon direkt am Vatikan waren.

      Endlich ist wieder Sonnenlicht zu sehen und der Zug hält nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit an. Da steht zwar ,"Aurelia" dran und wir steigen aus, aber weit und breit ist keine Metrostation zu sehen. Ein Blick auf google zeigt, wir sind weit weit außerhalb von Rom. Die Züge in Rom tragen keine Anzeige, wohin sie eigentlich fahren. Auch im Waggon werden keine Infos angezeigt, wie die nächste Station heisst. Auf den Bildschirmen läuft nur Werbung.
      Und in einer dreiviertel Stunde ist unser Termin! Gut, dass in 9 Minuten wieder ein Zug zurück fährt.

      Vom Bahnhof San Pedro haben wir jetzt aber ein ganzes Stück um den Vatikanstaat herumzulaufen, und mit uns läuft die Zeit. Ein Sprint über den großen Petersplatz, der angefüllt ist mit tausenden rot gekleideten Rotkreuz-Helfern, dann außen einmal herum um den kleinsten Staat, vorbei an endlosen Schlangen wartender Touristen bis ganz vorne zum Eingangstor des Museums. Wir haben es geschafft, noch rechtzeitig anzukommen.

      Im Museum schieben sich die Menschenmassen durch die Gänge. Dass die alle hier Platz finden? Doch irgendwie geht das dann und die Museumsbesucher verteilen sich in den vielen Gängen. Es gibt so viel zu sehen!

      Als wir schon völlig überfordert und nahezu nicht mehr aufnahmefähig sind, kommt dann auch noch endlich die Sixtinische Kapelle. Hier ist Fotografieren verboten, aber so eine kleine GoPro in der Handfläche bemerkt keiner. Das Personal sorgt mit rüder Stimme für Ordnung. Ist ein wenig wie auf einem Kasernenhof. Wenn den Ordnern das Gemurmel zu viel wird, wird schon einmal laut "Silent Please!" über die murmelnde Masse gerufen. Ich frage mich, was passieren würde wenn alle gemeinsam "großer Gott wir loben dich" anstimmen würden. Please Silent!!

      Etwas Ruhe finden wir dann draußen im Park, hören ein wenig Audioguide, bis wir müde werden und holen uns in der Cafeteria noch eine kleine Stärkung.

      Trotz schwerer Beine wieder zurück auf den großen Petersplatz, den wir ja noch gar nicht richtig gesehen haben. Immer noch sind neben unzähligen Touristenschwärmen in den abenteuerlichsten Bekleidungen, und tausende rote Rotkreuz Helfer auf dem Platz. Nonnen und Mönche sind nicht zu sehen. Aber die kleinen Pulks von Rotkreuzschwestern in traditioneller Tracht mit Häubchen und Täschchen hätte ich doch allzugern vor der Fotolinse gehabt. Wenn ich denn nur eine gehabt hätte.

      Es zieht uns in die Stadtmitte, hin zur Engelsburg. Über viele kleine Gassen kommen wir wieder zurück zu den schönen großen Plätzen mit den wasserrauschenden Brunnen. Zwischendurch gibt es ein Eis von der Gelateria del Teatro, ein Tipp von Hannah. Das Ingwer-, Minze, Limonen- und Orangeneis munded vorzüglich.

      Zum Abendessen gehen wir zu Nonna Nella, ein kleines gemütliches Restaurant ganz hier in der Nähe. Und sind anschließend pappsatt.
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    • Day 22

      Rome and Vatican

      April 12 in Vatican City ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      My Brothers 23rd birthday in Rome, WHAT? We both went to bed pretty early last night so we could get up early today. We wanted to spend our entire free day in Rome just walking and sightseeing. By 1030 it was already 24 degrees! We bought sunscreen back in Madrid, so we sat at a Café lathering it on. We picked a few monuments on Google maps we wanted to see and bought tickets for the Vatican Museum and sistine chapel for 3:00! After a coffee, we began our treck. It was so hard to stay focused on our original plan because every street has something mind blowing on it. We managed to make it to the pantheon, which was super cool. The pantheon dome is still the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world. It was built in 126 AD. That's pretty insane to me. We didn't go inside because we wanted to see as much as possible. Next, we went to Monument to Victor Emmanuel II. This building isn't as old (built in the 1800s), but it was just as impressive. This building was made for one reason. It's just a monument to the first king of a unified Italy. Maybe over the top, maybe not. The statues outside were some of my favorites I've seen on this trip. They're so big and just so impressive. Inside, there is a soldier buried somewhere named the unknown soldier. He's named that because he was so badly injured in the Great War that he was unrecognizable. They buried him in there to represent all the lost lives of Italians. I thought that was pretty cool. Next was the trevi Fountain. I thought the colleseum was busy. I've never seen so many people on one street. We just pushed our way through to get right up to the fountain. If dudes with rifles weren't on stand by, I'd go for a swim. It was so hot it was almost 30 degrees. After taking a few photos of the fountain, we stopped for a much needed beer and sandwich. Right across the street was the place ceasar was assinated. So yesterday, we got to see where he was cremated, and today, we saw where he was killed. We had to continue on the main goal, the Vatican. We had to meet the group at 230 so we needed to be early. Walking outside of the Vatican, we saw so many people lined up waiting to get in. Jokes on them we had skip the line tickets. It feels good walking past all of them lol. We got into the museum and had to go through another airport like security check. Once we got through, the first thing we saw was an ancient Egyptian museum. We read that one of the popes just thought they were dope, so he opened a museum for them in the Vatican. We saw tablets and artifacts from almost 2000bc. There were even mummy's which were so cool. We wondered through the museum, looking at different eras through time. This museum was massive. It had everything from the Egyptians to van Gough paintings. After walking around for a few hours, we finally got to the sistine chapel. The sistine chapel was probably one of the only reasons I wanted to go to the Vatican, so I was really excited. Even though everything before was awesome, I don't think anything there beats the sistine chapel. It was so beautiful inside. I tried walking in with my camera out, not knowing you couldn't record or take pictures, so the guy immediately told me not to. Sucks to be him because I took like 40 pictures and videos. It was so strict that you weren't even allowed to talk inside. The detail and depth in the painting are so cool to see in person. There were parts that looked like it was 3D pictures dont do it justice. We stood in the middle of the room for about an hour before we left. Another country under our belt in 4 hours lol. I've officially been to the two smallest countries in the world. We took the train back towards the hostel. That was an experience. They only have 2 or 3 train lines because anytime they try to excavate, they find more ruins underground. The train cars we packed with sweaty Italians and about 10 minutes away, 2 guys walked on with a speaker playing their music. It was my nightmare. Rome is the only place I've been so far where I felt like if I'm not careful, I'll get my pockets picked. Obviously, nothing happened. It's just me being paranoid. After the museum we went to pearses birthday dinner. We went to this nice place, just a block away from the hostel. We split a pitcher of beer, and I had some carbonara for dinner. Today we are feeling better so we could actually taste the food and it was so good. I had panocatta for dessert again because it's too good. Becs planned a big celebration at the bar across the road from the hostel for Pearse's birthday. The theme was "shit lemon shirt" because of sorrento and at a bar called yellow bar. I think Pearse and I won best dressed for sure lol. We both bought cheap dresses there, and some of the guys were supposed to do it with us, but only one other guy did. It's crazy when I cross dressed I got more compliments from women than I have my entire life. Also, thanks to a random guy for ruining with Pearse Nick and i The bar was so much fun. We played beer pong and foosball downstairs danced and socialized with people who were leaving the next morning to go back home. It's kind of sad seeing some of the people go. Good ridens to a couple, though.Read more

    • Day 28

      Day Twenty-Eight: Vatican City & Rome

      April 12 in Vatican City ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      It's my birthday!! And it was a great way to spend it. But it is super weird not having your family there with you. You think it would be extra special because you get to see all these crazy things, but really, that has been my normal for the past month ahah. It was still a great day walking and seeing the oldest craziest stuff wherever we went. And the sistine chapel was so beautiful... it is so peaceful, and you just get lost in the art. And I got to finish it with a great party too. It was a shit shirt party, and some of us decided to wear dresses. It's totally worth it. I've got more compliments than I normally do. Some random guy just walked up to me and said he wished I he had my confidence. I killed it in beer pong too!Read more

    • Day 16

      Rome Day 3

      April 26 in Vatican City ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Early morning walk to Vatican City this morning did not reap its reward. Thousand others had the same idea. Against my better judgement, we did not book tickets. Decision quickly made that we were not going to spend day queuing for Sistine Chapel. If either of us had not been before, it would have been different.
      Instead, we headed to the nearby Castel Sant'Angelo. It originally was a mausoleum for the emperor Hadrian. It has passageway to the Vatican and has provided sanctuary to pope's in times of danger.
      Lunch was at a great wine bar where I 2, never tried before wine vareities; a friulano and a zibibbo were tried. Zibibbo, according to gentleman next to us, exclusive to Sicily.
      Srumbled upon an Escher exhibition, see other post.
      Next a trek to the Spanish steps, a climb up to the top, stepping over people plonked on various steps on the way.
      A well-deserved Spritz (after all that walking and absorbing of history) was next on the agenda.
      Dinner has to mentioned as it was so good!. Recommended by our bnb host, Trattoria Monti was a find! Entree shared was an eggplant roll filled with ricotta.
      First course I enjoyed, Tortollo ( a huge ravioli) filled with an egg, ricotta and covered in sage butter. Jeremy enjoyed a delicious broccoli, pasta, fish soup.
      Secondi was suckling pig with every bit of skin crispy with roast potatoes. Jeremy had lamb brains with fried artichoke (classic Roman dish).
      Even though both full, dessert was ordered. Tiramusu and amaretto ice-cream. I quickly remembered that amaretto reminds me of childhood pink glue so swapped with Jeremy and loved the tiramasu.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    State of the Vatican City, Staat der Vatikanstadt, Vatican City, Vatikaan, Vatican Man, ቫቲካን, الفاتيكان, Vatikan, Ватыкан, Ватикана, Vatikaŋ, ভ্যাটিকান সিটি, ཝེ་ཊི་ཀན།, Ciutat del Vaticà, Vatikán, Y Fatican, Pavestolen (Vatikanstaten), Vatikandu nutome, Βατικανό, Vatikano, Ciudad del Vaticano, Vatikano Hiria, واتیکان, Dowla Waticaan, Vatikaanivaltio, Vatican, An Vatacáin, Cidade do Vaticano, વેટિકન, Batikan, עיר הותיקן, वेटिकन सिटि, Grad Vatikan, Վատիկան, Kota Vatikan, Páfagarður, Vaticano, ローマ法王庁 (バチカン市国), ვატიკანი, Vatikani, វ៉ាទីកង់, ವ್ಯಾಟಿಕನ್, 바티칸시티, ڤاتیکان, Vatikaani, Vatiká, ວາຕິກັນ, Vatikano miestas, Nvatika, Vatikāns, Firenen'i Vatikana, Ватикан, വത്തിക്കാന്‍, व्हॅटिकन, ဗာတီကန်, Vatikanet, Vatican State, भेटिकन, Heilige stoel (Vaticaanstad), Vatikanstaten, ଭାଟିକାନ୍, Stolica Apostolska (Watykan), Citad dal Vatican, Umurwa wa Vatikani, Orașul Vatican, Vatikána, Letëe tî Vatikäan, Faatikaan, Vatikanen, வாடிகன், వేటికెన్, นครรัฐวาติกัน, Місто Ватикан, واٹیکن سٹی, Thành phố Vatican, Orílẹ́ède Fatikani, 圣座(梵蒂冈), i-Vatican City

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