Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

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    • Gün 83

      Tag 83 Hanoi #Ho Chi Min

      21 Aralık 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Ho Chi Min, die wohl wichtigste Person des Landes. Heute ging es in das Mausoleum Ho Chi Mins zur Einbein Pagode und natürlich durfte auch das Museum nicht fehlen😅. Mit sehr wichtigen Informationen zur Historie Vietnams.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 33

      Bác Ho

      8 Ocak 2015, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      A delelotti kulturprogram utan megcsodaltuk a szocialista "epiteszet" remekmuveit. Hanoi (es feltehetoleg egesz Vietnam) tele van Ho Chi Minh = Ho bácsi = Bác Ho eletenek es halalanak szentelt emlekmuvekkel es muzeum. A vietnamiak lathatoan teljesen odavannak legnagyobb kommunista vezetejukert, aki az idokinai haborukban gyozelemre vitte nepet. Nem traktalnek senkit a tortenelmi reszletekkel, a lenyeg, hogy a papat hatalmas imadat ovezi. Vegakarata az volt, hogy hamvait szorjak szet az orszag kulonbozo pontjain, de a moho kis rajongoi inkabb Leninhez hasonloan bebalzsamoztattak testet. es kiallitottak egy mauzoleumban a "Felvonulasi ter" mellett. Tomi ki tudja miert, nagyon szerette volna megnezni, de szerencsere, akarom mondani sajnos, nem volt epp nyitva.
      A Ho bacsi fele cuccok mellett talaltunk meg egy Leninszobrot is!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 146

      Hanoi te voet

      20 Nisan 2022, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Hoi mensjes, vandaag gingen we een leuke wandeling door de stad maken. Eerst gingen we simkaarten halen, en daarna had Youp een hele leuke stadswandeling uitgedacht. Op de planning stond: keizerlijke hoofdstad, Họ Chỉ Mình mausoleum, wat tempels en dan terug. Ons hostel staat in het oude centrum, waardoor alles op loopafstand was. Hà Nội is een stad met een hele specifieke sfeer. Er staan veel bomen op de straat, en zelfs op daken is vaak een tuintje, waardoor het erg koloniaal en rijk overkomt. De stad is vrij nationalistisch wat vlagen betreft, en ook andere communistische symbolen zijn niet schaars. In de keizerlijke hoofdstad was een soort klassenuitje, maar we durfden niet te vragen aan de mensen wat ze precies deden. Ze maakten wel hele coole foto's. Het mausoleum was, zoals op de foto te zien is, reusachtig en imposant, maar niet per se mooi. Er liepen wachters rond en er stonden wat bloemen, en over het algemeen zag je dat mensen nog steeds erg te spreken zijn over hun leider Họ Chỉ Mình. Er was ook merchandise te koop van de Leider, maar die hebben we helaas nog niet gekocht. Misschien morgen. Dan gaan we naar het bekende meer van Hà Nội, en naar de pagode. Geniet van de foto's en tot snel.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 26

      Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi

      13 Mart 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 🌫 19 °C

      We started our day with a visit to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. I was grateful to be traveling with a guide, because just figuring out where to go to enter the complex was daunting, as the line literally extended down the block, around the corner, and along the next block. Most of the visitors seemed to be in group tours, and almost everyone we saw was either Vietnamese or Chinese. (We were told that Chinese citizens could enter Vietnam without a visa for visits of up to 14 days, and that Hanoi is a popular tourist destination.) Our guide, Tam, surveyed the line and decided that he was going to ask someone if we could simply step into the line. He decided to approach a group of students, and ask if them if we could step into the line. They agreed and we join the queue.

      As soon as we stepped into the line, some of the girls gathered at the front group, started giggling and saying “hi” to us. I said hello back, which was met with peels of giggles and lots of pushing and jostling amongst the girls. For the next 20 minutes, we had very broken conversations with the girls, as they asked our names, where we were from, how old we were, and whether we had children. Some of the boys joined in, often translating when we were stuck. I learned that the kids in the group were 19 and 20, were studying environmental engineering at university. One of the girls asked me what I did, and our guide helped me translate that I was a lawyer. Despite my usual reluctance to name the school where I studied, I also told her that I went to Harvard. Her eyes became wide, and she told me that going to Harvard was “her dream.” A few of the girls asked if I would take a picture with them, and whether I was willing to become “facebook” friends. I said yes on both counts. Chatting with the girls made standing in line for over an hour enjoyable!

      The long line was for the sole purpose of going into the Mausoleum where Ho Chi Minh’s preserved body is displayed. Ho Chi Minh died in 1969, before the end of what they call the “American War.” His body was transferred to Russia, where it remained until the Mausoleum was completed and the war ended in 1975. Although Chairman Ho had asked to be cremated, this generals decided that it would be better to preserve the body and put it on display, so that people who did not have a chance to meet him when he was alive could meet him after his death. While this sounded a little strange to me, the enormous crowds who line up to see the Chairman’s body makes it clear that the generals were right. Watching the people stand patiently in line, and then pass by the body in silent reverence was as interesting as seeing the body itself.

      After passing through the Mausoleum, we walked through the grounds which have the palace in which important meetings are still conducted, the house in which Chairman Ho lived, and various gardens and pagodas. The grounds are lovely,
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 147

      Regierungsviertel in Hanoi

      25 Ağustos 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir heute Ho Chi Minh im Mausoleum besuchen. Leider hat der nur bis 11 Uhr geöffnet, also pellten wir uns viel zu früh aus den Bettlaken. Leider kam unser Frühstück viiiel zu spät. Nun ja, so toll soll das Mausoleum auch nicht sein (ewige Wartezeiten, um für ein paar Sekunden an einem Toten vorbei zu laufen) also organisierten wir in der Zwischenzeit unseren weiteren Südostasien-Aufenthalt. Nach ewigen hin und her buchten wir einen Flug.. nicht, denn die Kreditkarten spinnen wieder rum. Nervig.. und krass wie einen das demotivieren kann, wenn immer wieder irgendwas dazwischenkommt. 😕
      Wie dem auch sei: Inzwischen war es nachmittags, die Sonne brannte in den Straßen und wir liefen ins Regierungsviertel. Kaum zu übersehen war der Präsidentenpalast, das Parlamentsgebäude für die Nationalversammlung und natürlich auch das Mausoleum. In dem riesigen Park, der leider geschlossen war, liegt wohl auch der botanische Garten. Auf einen Besuch im Ho Chi Minh Museum hatten wir heute keine Lust.. einfach zu warm und zu wenig Hintergrundwissen.
      Dazu überall die riesigen roten Flaggen mit goldenem Stern und zahlreiche Gardisten, die dafür sorgen, dass keiner auf den markierten Bürgerstein tritt. 😲📢 Autorität!
      Nach einer Weile geht es einfach nicht mehr anders und wir müssen vor der unfassbaren Hitze fliehen. Diese offenen Plätze sind echt nicht gut bei dem Klima. 😵🔥

      Zum Abendbrot gab es endlich mal wieder Indisch.. so köstlich! 😋
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 175


      11 Ekim 2015, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      A thick white blanket of cloud, backlit by an invisible sun, spanned the sky. At 23 degrees the day felt very mild compared to the high temperatures and humidity we had experienced. The locals were wrapped in jackets and hats as we might be on a cold autumn day.

      Around the edge of Hoan Kiem Lake and down wide busy streets away from the Old Quarter, we stopped for lunch where the chef/owner had appeared on Vietnamese Masterchef in 2013. Alex enjoyed delicious 'Bun Bo' (rice vermicelli and beef in sauce) whilst Kim had tasty 'Pho Ga' (chicken rice noodle soup). Not only was it very enjoyable it was also very cheap with the bill totalling £5!

      With full stomaches we marched westward to stand before the brutal architecture of the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. Lined on either side with giant red Communist flags, which fluttered brightly in the faint wind. Guards in uniforms, taut with medals and starch, stood watchful whilst on the lawn women crouched low to pull weeds. You go inside and file past Ho Chi Minh's embalmed body with thousands of other tourists. However the prospect of viewing a corpse 46 years dead did not overly excite us so we wandered by.

      Adjacent and behind layers of security was the intensely yellow Presidential Palace. Just like the White House in Washington, we had no idea if anyone was at home behind its tall gates and blinded windows. However it is said that Ho Chi Minh did not reside in the lavish overthrow of French colonialism, choosing instead to live in a small stilt house set within the grounds.

      Circumnavigating the edge of the old crumbling citadel walls we came to its North Gate. Originally built in 1805 by the Nguyen Dynasty, at 17 metres tall it remains an imposing structure. It's face is scarred by two great holes gouged out the brickwork, caused by cannon fire when the French took the city by force at the end of the 19th century. Atop of the gate incense vapour drifted from a solemn bronze altar to the Nguyen leaders charged with the city's defence.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Mausolée d’Hô Chí Minh

      6 Nisan, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Hô Chí Minh ("l'oncle à la volonté éclairée" ou "celui qui éclair") c'est le fondateur du parti communiste Vietnamien et le chef de l'armée de libération du Vietnam. Il devient président de la République démocratique du Vietnam de 1945 jusqu'à sa mort en 1969.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 19


      10 Şubat 2016, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nez se skupinka rano vyhrabala z posteli... no, trvalo to dlouho. Tak dlouho, ze jsme skoro zmeskali nabalzamovaneho Ho Chi Mina. Samotny proces prichodu do mauzolea byl vetsi zazitek nez mumifikovany vudce. Nejdriv nam sebrali batohy a pak nas ve dvoustupu pod dozorem ozbrojenych vojaku vedli k honosne mramorove budove s rimskymi sloupy. Ruce v kapsach jsme mit nemohli, mluvit jsme nemohli, o foceni nemola byt samozrejme ani rec. Respekt k vudci s majestatnim vousem musi prece byt, ze ;-)?
      Naproti muzeu je Citadela, stovky let sidlo moci. Nejprve panovnicke (ruiny palace z 11. stoleti jsou tu ted odryte pro archeologicke vyzkumy), pak komunisticke. Z byvaleho sidla politbyra je muzeum a clovek se muze jit podivat i do podzemniho bunkru.
      A pak jsme se jen tak brouzdali po Stare ctvrti, kde lidi palili miliony (falesnych bankovek) pro bohatstvi a pili spoustu Bia Hoi, mistniho toceneho piva. Pridali jsme se k nim. Plzen to neni, ale spatne to nebylo.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 160

      Hà Nội

      8 Şubat 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Heute wollen wir Hanoi, die Hauptstadt und zweitgrößte Stadt Vietnams kennenlernen. Auf dem Rücksitz zweier Motorbikes cruisen wir durch die interessante Stadt. Wir sehen die unterschiedlichen Stadtviertel: Große Straßen mit Villen aus der französischen Zeit, enge Altstadtgassen mit den Straßen für die verschiedenen Handwerke wie Schuhstraße, Schalstraße, Kaffeestraße usw.
      Wir besuchen den großen Ho Chi Minh Komplex mit dem Mausoleum und der Arbeits- und Wohnwelt von Ho Chi Minh.
      Auf dem Gelände steht auch die Einsäulen-Pagode
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 48


      31 Temmuz 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      With a comfortable and pretty quick night bus we arrived in the capitol Ha noi early in the morning. This left us some time to plan our visit to Halong Bay and the onward travel to Laos.
      Then we had time to get lost in Hanois small alleys. The city has a bit of backcountry charm compared to the bustling Ho Chi Minh City. There's still a lot of traffic going on but less chaotic... First we wanted to visit Ho Chi Minhs mausoleum but the signage and opening hours are so bad that we didn't manage to get inside. We enjoyed that all the sights are in walking distance to the old city where most hotels are located. So we visited two churches, a temple area and later the mausoleum of Jo Chi Minh without getting inside.
      Later in the afternoon we went to Hao Lo prison, also called the 'Hanoi Hilton' by the US prisoners held there. It tells stories about the cruelty of the French colonialists and their vietnamese helpers. One section is reserved to tell how well the US soldiers were treated there but I guess that's a bit of propaganda. In the evening we "enjoyed" free beer for an hour at our hostel :)
      Okumaya devam et

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