Thành Phố Hạ Long

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Seyahat Edilen En Popüler 10 Yer Thành Phố Hạ Long
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    • Gün 60

      Ha Long - Park, Bootstour, Höhli

      16 Ekim 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Bekannter aus Cat Ba aber vor natur her mitem gliche ahgebot isch ha long bzw d ha long bay. Für ne verglich ob d touriste schwettine recht hei dert here u nid nach cat ba z go heimer o hie no e tagesbootstour gmacht mit öbbe em gliche programm. Houptungerschiid si klar d mengi vo lüt u mit dem o der dreck wo umeglege u gschwumme isch. I üsne ouge het ha long gege cat ba uf der gsamte längi dr chürzer zoge. O d ortschaft seuber womer gester e bitz hei chönne ahluege isch extrem witlöifig aber glichzitig o meh e geisterstadt für das so viu lüt uf dene bootstoure si. Mit knapp 2h restlechere öffnigszit heimer der abentürpark no besichtigt, da der ihtritt es schnäppli gsi isch. Meh zit hätt me tatsächlech o gar nid brucht, aui schueuklasse si am go gsi wo mir ahfang ihne si u so heimer aui bahne paar mou chönne mache i meistens ganz leere wäge 😄Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 53

      Ha long bay

      2 Mayıs 2019, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Ich befinde mich gerade in ha Long. Gestern schloss ich gegen Mittag meine Motorrad Tour ab und fuhr mit dem nachtbus hierher. Die Motorradtour war unglaublich und ich würde sie jederzeit wiedermachen. Ha Long macht einen ziemlich großen Eindruck, das Meer ist erstaunlich kalt im Vergleich zum Süden Thailands und das Wetter ist auch eher milder... ich werde hier 2 Tage verbringen und dann mal schauen wo es hin geht.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Welcome to Halong

      29 Eylül 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      +++ Halong +++

      Was gibt's darüber zu sagen, außer dass es sehr Tourilastig ist. Ich fand es nicht gut. War dennoch abends s im Getümmel und auf over the top.
      Now, cat ba!

      °°° Aufenthalt: 1 Tag °°°
      °°° Unterkunft: Shaarpeer °°°
      °°° Transport: Bus & Taxi °°°
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 49

      Halong Bucht

      24 Aralık 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach unserem Reinfall in Ho Chi Minh suchten wir ein schönes Hotel in der Halong Bucht in dem wir Weihnachten verbringen konnten. Zu unserem Glück, werden rund um Halong Stadt viele neue Luxushotels errichtet. Da viele noch im Bau sind, werden die bereits geöffneten Hotels sehr günstig angeboten. Das Wetter passte sich ebenfalls der Weihnachtsstimmung an und zeigte sich in den ersten Tagen grau und neblig. Somit blieb uns nichts anderes übrig als es uns mit ein paar Weihnachtsfilmen gemütlich zu machen.
      Als wir uns die vielen Felsen in der Halong Bucht mit dem Schiff anschauten, zogen die Wolken auf, der Nebel weg und somit perfekte Sicht und einen tollen Ausflug.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 52–55

      Ha Long Bay

      6 Mart, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      This place looked abandoned i’m happy we had the villa otherwise we could have been very bored.
      There was a basketball hoop which i loved, we played with some Vietnamese lads.
      James and Noah cooked most nights which was lovely we had steaks one night, beautiful.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Halong bay day 2

      3 Ekim 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After an early 6 am start we had breakfast while cruising through the bay . We then got on the tender and headed out to a small floating fishing village , from there we we travelled by local bamboo boats through the bay into a cave where we all had to duck and swerve the stalagmites .
      When we got back to the boat it was time for a cooking lesson in fresh spring rolls . The chef told us that in Vietnam the women can only get married if they can make a good spring roll , so the pressure was on . I think we did quite well but no offers of marriage yet .
      We then headed back to port for the journey back to Hanoi. After 2 bumpy hours we were back but the travel day wasn’t over yet . We collected our bags had dinner and it was off to the train station for the overnight train ....
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Hạ Long Bay

      24 Ekim 2019, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Weiter geht es in den Norden Vietnams. Obwohl wir im Ruderboot durch die Buchten der Hạ Long Bay fahren, erholen wir uns auch auf einem Boot und am Strand. Sie ist einfach wunderschön! 🚣🏻⛵️🛶🌊☀️

    • Gün 43

      Jess said Yes

      1 Ağustos 2022, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      After taking a minibus from Hanoi to Ha Long Bay this morning, we hiked up to a viewpoint on Poem Mountain this afternoon. The viewpoint was officially closed by the government a few years ago but after reading some travel blogs, Dan discovered you could still secretly access this through a locals home. To access the viewpoint, we had to find a small but open blue door residing between two small commercial buildings. Just inside the door was a dog on a short lead. Walking past the dog and up a small set of stairs we were greeted by lots more barking dogs. Dan had read if it looks like you’re in the wrong place, you’re in the right place, as we were literally walking through someone's property. Now alerted by the rather loud and intimidating dogs, we met a lady demanding money to allow access through her house and into her garden leading to the closed path. We eventually negotiated a fee of 300,000 VND and she let us through, pointing to a ladder at the end of her garden. In a bit of a rush due to the aggressive barking dogs, we climbed the ladder, scrambled up rocks and pushed through dense vegetation before finally getting onto the clearly overgrown path. 20-25 minutes later and we arrived at the top to see the most amazing views over Ha Long Bay. The weather was glorious with sunshine and clear blues skies as we looked over Ha Long city and the many rocky islets emerging from the sea.

      Jess: 'And then the unexpected moment came….Dan got down on one knee and asked me to marry him, and of course I said yes! It was the most perfect, beautiful location, made nicer by the fact that we had the whole area to ourselves to enjoy our special moment.'

      Dan: 'There I got down on one knee and asked if Jess would marry me, to which Jess said yes! Despite the dramatic start to the viewpoint, we had the most perfect spot to ourselves all afternoon so we could really enjoy our moment together.'

      Tomorrow, we're heading on a 5-star luxury cruise for 3 days around Ha Long Bay. This will be an amazing way to celebrate our engagement and we really cannot wait for the next few days.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 56

      Hue to Hanoi, Haiphong, Halong, 12/01/23

      12 Ocak 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      What an awful journey! :(
      This last bit of rambling started badly yesterday, and just got worse as it went on.
      It was another overnight bus - reasonably comfortable beds and an on-bus loo (not fully functioning). If it hadn't been for the rude, brusque bus drivers and every other Vietnamese we encountered along the journey, it might have been more pleasant. Sadly, it wasn't. Arrogant, aggressive and evidently continuously trying to scam me at every turn, the hassle and physical pulling, tugging, shouting really got to me today.
      I got drooped off yet again at some kind of random roadside transportation office in Hanoi, and left to find some way of continuing my journey northwards. I did get a little bit of help eventually, but this was almost definitely a scam. Eventually a bus to Haiphong is the best I can arrange.
      Haiphong may be. Vietnam's 5th largest city, but it's a decidedly dull place. After even more bus station touts and scammers, I manage to get directed by a member of a bus. company staff to get on a minibus to Halong City on the east coast of northern Vietnam. I had hoped to go to a place called Cat Ba, as a stepping stone to Lan Ha Bay, which is supposed to be as gorgeous as Halong Bay - we'll see.
      Halong Bay will have to do. It may even be a better option as the transport links back to Hanoi for the airport will be better.
      I was really looking forward to visiting Vietnam but, so far, I've mightily disappointed. Maybe I've missed the best bits, but the scams and shifty people have. repeatedly soured my experience. The bus driver holding onto my change from a 500,000 Dong note (not a huge amount) got me concerned that I was in for another bout of being ripped off. After a 3-way telephone call with someone in his office, and a long delay, he did give me the 300,000 Dong change. But, surprise, surprise, they dropped me off on the outskirts of Halong, leaving me with a about a mile of walking to my digs.
      Ah well, the walk will do me good. Surprisingly, the traffic is quite sedate, even calm.
      The afternoon ends. on a bright not though. I managed to find a decent place for the next two nights, got myself booked onto a tour around Halong Bay for tomorrow, and sorted out how to get to Hanoi Airport for later.
      Even managed to squeeze in a good coffee.
      Halong could bring some pleasant surprises. I'm feeling more positive.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Halong Bay ☀️

      20 Ocak 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nach langer Überlegung, wie wir am besten die Halong Bucht erkunden könnten, entschieden wir uns für eine sechsstündige geführte Tagestour. Dabei wurden wir um 9 Uhr vom Bus abgeholt und fuhren für ca. 3 Stunden nach Halong. Dort angekommen betraten wir ein großes Boot auf dem wir ein leider mittelmäßiges Mittagsbuffet erhielten. Anschließend fuhren wir durch die Bucht bis zu unserem ersten Stopp der Halong Surprise cave sie gilt als die schönste Höhle in Halong. Nachdem man den Berg hoch gegangen war durchquerten wir drei immer größere Höhlen bis wir bei der größten ankamen. Als nächstens fuhren wir Kayak wobei Hannes für das Paddeln zuständig war und ich für die Bilder und Videos. Am letzten Stop befanden wir uns nach ca. D460 Stufen am Viewpoint der Titop Insel und sahen zu wie sich die Sonne langsam den Untergang näherte. Als Abschluss fand auf unserem Boot eine Sundownparty statt bei der wir zwei neue Leute aus der Schweiz und Schweden kennenlernten. Da wir uns mit dem Schweizer so gut verstanden hatten, gingen wir nach unserer Ankunft in Hanoi mit ihm essen und danach feiern auf der Beerstreet. Viele Happy Hours und „Pay one get two“ später vielen wir erschöpft ins Bett und schliefen so lange es ging, denn am nächsten Tag ging es bereits weiter mit dem Zug in eine neue Stadt.Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Thành Phố Hạ Long, Thanh Pho Ha Long, Ha Long, Халонг, 下龙市

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