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  • Giorno 10

    The glacier walk

    10 luglio 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    Lucky we have nice pictures to make the walk worth it! ☺️

  • Giorno 10

    Big drives and death by walking

    10 luglio 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

    Well today was interesting. We had a lovely start to the morning, we woke up at Cameron Flat with the sun shining on all the snow capped mountains, it was beautiful to see after the torrential rain we had yesterday. We were hurried along, James was very keen to get going this morning after having no reception last night, which meant no wifi, he was very eager to get on the road to find the goods.

    We are on our way up the west coast heading back to Christchurch. The coastal drive is blowing us away, first stop today was Thunder creek waterfall, a short 5 minute walk off the main road, and the name sure was fitting. You could hear the gushing water from the roadside. The air is still quite brisk and has a real bite to it. We went for the short walk to the waterfall and after a few snaps it was back to the vans to head through the Haast pass to get the morning coffee.

    I had the fun experience of driving the bus today, when driving you don't get to take full advantage of the view, so I was glad Asher got a turn to relax and soak up the scenery. Driving through Haast Pass was beautiful, surrounded by mountains with water flowing down them.

    We finally made it to the little town of Haast, and oh my that was small town living. Not much in the way of shops or even houses. We went into the local bar/restaurant for some coffee and was greeted by stag antlers hanging all over the roof and walls, most with the skulls still attached. Jess thought it had a very American feel to it, I imagine a bit like Texas. Asher had some coffee and cake but didn't recommend it, so off down the street to the local cafe we went for Jess and James. In about 1 minute we had seen all there was to see, had got supplies from the outrageously priced general store and it was back on the road.

    Heading further up the coast we hit the beach, it was spectacular, so beautiful and clear. It was very inviting, but as soon as you stepped out of the warm van, the desire to swim was swept away very quickly. We stopped at Knights Head lookout, took in the fresh salty air and admired the view. We kept heading north for Fox glacier. The scenery is so beautiful, you can't help but pull over to take pictures, we are limited in our buses to the safe places we can pull over. But we found a beautiful spot at Bruce Bay beach and hopped out for a short stroll on the sand, or should I say rocks. Their beaches are not like ours, they are covered in rocks, all different sizes, but generally quite small. We had some fun building rock towers and collected some pure white stones. The rocks that you find through the forests, mountain side and on the beach are so different to ours. All their rocks are a mix of quarts, granite, jade and something that looks a bit like silver running through them. They are beautiful, I have collected a few to add to my baggage weight limit coming home.

    We pushed on and finally arrived at the little town of Fox glacier, named after the…Fox glacier. It was a little town with not much to offer, so we stopped for some quick lunch and then we were off to the 'short and mostly flat walk' (described by Asher) to the glacier. I was a little hesitant, and not convinced it was going to be a leisurely stroll. Let me just start by saying...I was right.

    We arrived at the carpark at the entrance to the walk and we had a quick glance at the signs. 1 hour return. No alarms going off yet. We saw on the sign that back in 1862 the glacier was so big that it reached all the way to the carpark. Now, it's a 30 minute hike away. We started walking. Still no alarms going off. There were little ups and downs in the path but still, what a lovely walk. So beautiful! The cliffs on the other-side of the river were amazing. We had to do a couple of river crossings. What fun we had jumping across the rocks to the other side. Yay! We started walking quite steeply downhill. Oh no! Alarm! We are going to have to walk back up this hill later. Back to flat. Yay this is a great, leisurely walk. After a couple of ups and downs we turn the corner and see a vertical stretch of hill that goes beyond what we can see! Big alarm bells! This glacier better be worth the pain about to occur. We got to the base of the vertical hill. Looking up was a daunting site. We were not very keen to start the walk up but, we pushed on! Keenly encouraged by James and Asher, Jess and I took on the mental battle and pushed ourselves up the hill, holding back tears as we turned corners only to see another stretch of rocky hill we would have to tackle. Finally, we got ourselves to the top of the mountain and were looking for the beautiful glacier. At first, we weren't too sure where is was because it was so small and so… so underwhelming. We were a tad disappointed by the slab of ice. However, turning around was the best view of all, looking back over the valley and the beautiful tall mountains with the sun shining through, was worth the pain. After taking lots of pictures and recovering from the trip up, it was time to head back down. The walk back was much more pleasant, taking in the scenery, stopping to collect quartz and jade stones, and enjoying a refreshing drink from the flowing rivers. All in all, the excursion wasn't so bad, but lets just say, thats the last hike for the trip, hopefully. I think a gym membership is very much needed to improve the fitness levels. Hahaha.

    We pushed on and headed to the next town, Franz Josef, for some dinner and to buy the last of the supplies for our last night tomorrow. We pumped and dumped, filled up with water and made it to our campsite for tonight. We arrived in the dark, so look forward to what we will see in the morning. We are parked next to Lake Mapourika, just north of Franz Josef. Our time in the van is slowly coming to a close but, it has been such a great experience and we would highly recommend it.

    Looking forward to our adventures through Arthurs-pass tomorrow.

    ♥️ Jo
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  • Giorno 9

    Goodbye Queenstown, hellooo West Coast

    9 luglio 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

    Sadly today was the day we were leaving Queenstown. We absolutely loved this place and would highly recommend it if you’re ever planning on coming to New Zealand’s South Island. While we didn’t really do any of the crazy adrenaline activities here, we still thoroughly enjoyed the experience and atmosphere of the whole place. It’s sad to be going but there’s still so much of this island we need to explore before we hand back the keys to our Wilderness Motorhome.

    It started with a morning run down to the Ferg for a couple of brekky burgers and coffee, a quick pack up, and restock of water and we were on our way. We were heading back north, aiming for the west coast of New Zealand’s South Island. That was going to be our route home to Christchurch.

    We set out, up through the winding, misty roads of the Crown Ranges of Queenstown. As we approached the pinnacle of this beautiful mountain range we began noticing flashes of fresh white snow all around us, we hit the top, parked the van and jumped out into the soft white powder of freshly fallen snow. We spent some time here taking photos, building our first snowman (George), and of course, throwing snowballs. We took a great liking to our snowbaby George and dressed him appropriately, complete with glasses, gloves and a beanie, he even had a proper carrot nose. Best snowman to date! But we were soon saturated and freezing and had to say goodbye to our new little buddy. We jumped back into the vans and started down the other side of the mountains.

    We stopped briefly for a coffee (or mulled wine for some) in the beautiful Cardrona Valley. This quaint little town was tiny but packed full history, complete with a musty but stunning old hotel and cute little school house. We could picture exactly what this little town would have been like back in the day.

    We pushed north, passing back through Wanaka and Albert town heading toward the West Coast. It wasn’t long before the scenery around us changed from snowy mountains to beautiful, lush green, moss covered forests. With the rain falling all around us, this change of scenery brought on a new sense of awe. The dense forests surrounded the road, as we caught glimpses of rushing blue rivers and showering, white waterfalls. This was one of the nicest drive we’d done yet. We stopped at various river crossings and lookouts but, our prime stopping spot was the Blue Pools. The Blue Pools were located about 2 hours north west of Queenstown. We parked our van and set off on the 10 minute walked through the stunning forest to the blue pools. The blue pools consisted of two rivers joining together forming a deep section of water surrounded by smooth stone beaches. On a sunny day the pools look incredible blue, a result of light refracting through the crystal clear snow fed rivers. However, today it was quiet cloudy and the heavy rain had turned the water more of a green colour. None the less it was still an amazing experience. Walking along the board walks through the green forests was so out of this world, and as we crossed the suspension bridge over the blue pools we were again taken away by the beauty of this place.
    We walked down to the waters edge and skimmed stones across to the other side. Many people had built stone stacks which seems to be the thing to do over here with so many flat, smooth rocks.

    Soon the rain set in only more heavy and we made the trek back through the forest to our vans. We set off down the road for about 1km before finding our campsite for the night. We camped at a place called Cameron Flat which over looked the river below us.

    From there it was a cheese board, red wine and a rainy game of ticket to ride before James cooked up a storm for dinner. Jo and I took advantage of the relaxing time to start watching The Hobbit, a perfect movie choice for our New Zealand adventure. Unfortunately our campsite was out of internet coverage so we were phone-less and internet-less for a night (not sure how some of us coped). But with full bellies and sleepy eyes we had no quarms in hitting the pillow for the night, ready to continue our road trip up the west coast tomorrow.

    Asher ☺️
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  • Giorno 8

    Rainy day in Queenstown

    8 luglio 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    After not feeling too great yesterday and sleeping the afternoon away, Asher and I woke up and decided to spend another day in Queenstown to explore the city and ride the Gondola up the top of Ben Lomond mountain, we couldn't leave Queenstown without doing that, it just wouldn't be right. So we said farewell to James and Jess who went down south for the day to explore the sites and the beautiful scenery it offered.

    We set off for the Gondola but couldn't walk past the cafe without stopping for Asher's morning coffee. After the coffee and brekky was consumed, we went up the mountain and I was very excited to see the beautiful view from the top. We hopped on and it was a short ride to the top with the view getting better and better as we went up, there was some shocking sites as we headed up, Asher and I turned in horror as we heard shrill screams and saw a girl fling herself off the side of the cliff head first...can you believe people pay for this experience? I must admit, I did have the urge to do it myself. Bungy jumping and the giant swing are some of the more adventurous activities NZ has to offer. Maybe next time.

    The view from the top of the mountain was stunning, it was like nothing else, the beautiful blue lakes stretched out beneath the tall mountains and looking out of the city nestled in between. We enjoyed pointing our the landmarks from the top, the places we had walked, our Van and most astonishing, you could clearly make out the line at Fergburger, which still has a long line at every hour of the day. As we walked around the Mountain exploring the different look out spots, the rain had really set it. Walking around toasty warm in our jackets and scarves makes the rain a fun adventure.

    After our wanderings we decided to head back to our van for morning tea and some board games. We are really settling into the van life. On a rainy day like today we appreciated the cosy warm van more than ever. After some games and a nap we decided to hit the town and pass the rainy afternoon away with a movie followed by dinner.

    Before leaving Queenstown we needed to pump, dump and restock on water and gas, which took a little longer than we thought. Finally we were ready, bakery treats on board and we were off to meet Jess and James at our campsite for the night.

    But wait.... James called from a Maccas nearby. With no wifi or phone reception they couldn't find the campsite we had agreed on that morning, and being low on fuel they made the good decision to come back to Queenstown. Thank goodness for Maccas free wifi cause were just about to head in the opposite direction to meet them.

    So back to the holiday park in Queenstown for our last night before we start our journey back up to Christchurch tomorrow. We settled into our vans, heater on and bakery goods waiting, Jess and James joined us with their treats from the bakery and we had a lovely night catching up on our days and feeling very content with our current situation. Warm showers, toilets and power tonight, what a treat.

    We are due back in Christchurch at 2pm on Thursday afternoon to return our vans. We are looking forward to exploring the west coast as we make our way back up and stopping at some more lookouts, quaint towns, bakeries and enjoying the scenic drives.

    Looking forward to spending next weekend with Luke and Nay. xx

    Special happy birthday to Dad! Hope you're having a wonderful day where you are on your holiday! Love you xx

    ♥️ Jo
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  • Giorno 7

    Arrowtown Adventures, Landslides & Naps

    7 luglio 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

    Today we slept in slightly, our legs feeling not too bad from the previous days snow adventures. James and I set out down he street on a coffee run. Some delicious coffee can be found across the road from Queenstown's Lakeview Holiday Park at a cosy little cafe called Bespoke Kitchen.

    On return it was a quick pack up and we were on the beautiful road to the historical town of Arrowtown, about 30 minutes out of Queenstown. Arrowtown is a historic gold mining town situated on the banks of the Arrow River, surrounded by steep, rocky mountains. Gold was first discovered in the Arrow river back in 1862 and soon a large population of 7,000 miners moved to the area. There are many well preserved buildings built by European and Chinese Immigrants when the Arrowtown gold mining was at it's peak. There was something very 'English' about the town with its stone walls, green grass, and old stone cottages everywhere. We browsed the many different antique and collectable stores before settling in for coffee and scones at a nice cafe.
    Jo and I paid a little visit to the tiny local library, Jo reminiscing to the days when her Mum would take her and her siblings to the local library back home when they were young kids and they'd borrow books and DVDs til their hearts content. Such amazing memories! ☺️

    After much wandering of this amazing little town, we decided to head back toward Queenstown, this time continuing through the town and heading toward a place called Glenorchy. The 50 minute drive to Glenorchy is very renowned for its stunning road alongside Lake Wakatipu (the main Queenstown lake). We were blown away by a constant view of the water, surrounded by green forests. We stopped briefly at the pristine Wilson bay and continued on our way. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before we were greeted with orange flashing lights and signs telling us to turn around. Due to persistent rain these last few days the road to Glenorchy had been damaged in a landslide and was closed. Sadly our little adventure out of town had come to an end.

    So we headed back to our delightful holiday park and settled in for the afternoon. Jo took full advantage of the extra time in the afternoon to catch up on some sleep (still trying to shake this flu) while James, Jess and Hudson set out for the Queenstown Gondola to the top of the Ben Lomond mountain, and I sort out a good coffee and an almond croissant.

    The Gondola riders returned, Jo woke up from her sleep and I dragged her into town for dinner. After much wandering of the streets we found a cosy place and tucked in to some delicious food. The food culture here is really great, you don't have to go far to find good food. We're pretty sure we've put on even more weight, it's just too good!

    We settled in for the night, ready for what ever tomorrow brings.

    Asher ☺️
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  • Giorno 6

    Coronet Peak and...we can no longer walk

    6 luglio 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

    Today was an early rise at our extremely comfortable caravan park. The alarm went off at 6:30am and after a small snooze I lovingly shook Jo awake and it was adventure time. James joined us a few moments later and we hit the road, leaving Jess and Hudson to explore Queenstown. We were headed for Coronet Peak Ski Fields.

    We left early in order to beat any traffic heading up to Coronet Peak, about 25 minutes out of Queenstown. And beat the traffic we did! We braved the darkness before sunrise (8am), the sleet, and the icy winding road and made it to the slopes before everyone but 5 people. But as James went searching for coffee and Jo and I ate our breaky while we waited for the slopes to open, we kind of lost track of time. We completely misjudge how long it would take us to get all our layers and gear on, and some us completely forgot how difficult ski boots are to walk in up an icy hill. So it wasn't until well after 8am, following a coffee stop and planning meeting, we were on the Meadow Express chairlift heading for the beginner green runs to get our confidence back.

    We were greeted with incredible weather at the top of Coronet Peak, views of Queenstown and all the incredible surrounding mountains. It was such an incredible experience to be able to look out for miles around at the vastness of God's creation. New Zealand seems so small on a map but it's really absolutely huge, with such a variety of scenery. There was something about sliding down a mountain surrounded but such amazing things.

    So a few easy runs later we were completely exhausted...... and it'd only been 30 minutes, a true testimony to our supreme unfitness. We pushed on, hitting the various slopes and runs that Coronet Peak had to offer. It had been a while since any of us had been to the snow, so it didn't take long for our feet and legs to start wearing down. I was the first to take a tumble and continued on to win the most amount of crashes for the day. I simply put it down to the snowboard vs ski argument and how it's "impossible to stack on skis". But it wasn't long before James hit the ice, and soon after Jo too.

    We thoroughly enjoy our time at Coronet Peak. The slopes were a little steeper and unfamiliar to what we're used to back in Australia, but all in all it was a great time. We made sure we paced ourselves with plenty of rest stops but still to this moment our bodies are truly in a world of pain. We pushed to explore as much of the beautiful mountain we could, but soon heavy rain and terrible condition helped us make the call to get out fo there early and once again beat the traffic down the mountain.

    After returning our gear back tot he hire shop, Jess and Hudsy greeted us when we arrived back at the campsite. They were full of energy..... we were not. But none the less, we were keen to get down into town for some dinner. We did a big clean up of our vans (which included some dumping and pumping) and made full use of the holiday park's hot, well-pressured showers. Warm and fresh, we set out for a rainy walk down to Queenstown. Jess, who had been exploring for the day, was our personal tour guide to all the best restaurants and dining experiences. After a bit of wondering and looking at menus we settled for a traditional Irish pub. It was perfect! Open fireplace, mood lighting, dark timber everywhere, perfectly cooked steak, and vibrant Irish atmosphere was all we needed to fill our bellies and warm ourselves. We spent sometime here, eating and chatting before it ended up getting a little warm inside and we set out down the streets for some Mrs Ferg Ice-cream, a branch off of Fergburger. Ice-cream, a temp of 5 degrees and the cold rainy night mean't it was back up the hill and into the vans for the night.

    We decided to get a bit of laundry done so gathering our dirty clothes, towels, and a suspicious ziplock bag of laundry powder off Jess (don't know how she got that across the border), we set off in the rain once again to get the domestic duties checked off. Then it was back to the van and into bed for a movie night and perhaps a late night Fergbakery snack, who knows?

    We're loving it so much here we've extended our stay at the holiday park so we can cram in more of what Queenstown has to offer.

    Tomorrow we're recovering from today's activities and exploring some old historical towns around Queenstown. Nice and relaxing!

    Asher ☺️
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  • Giorno 5


    5 luglio 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    Our first experience of Queenstown! Wondering the streets and Fergburger. ☺️

  • Giorno 5

    Over the Mountains

    5 luglio 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Today started with loud bangs on our motorhome door at 7:30am, Asher rushing to get off the bed, slipping and landing on the ladder (ouch), only to be greeted by the park ranger, not James or Jess in distress. We had paid to stay at our site by the lake, but in the dark we could not find the slip of paper to go on our dash to prove it. So early in the morning we were awoken to be questioned. Today was designated as sleep in and relax, so I was not happy to be woken so early. Still fighting to get rid of this flu, I spent the next couple of hours trying to get a bit more shut eye.

    It was late rise at 11:00am with toasted croissants with Jam, thanks Asher! We showered, packed the van and we were off to explore the little town of Wanaka. To much delight, it was my turn to drive, I was very excited to get behind the wheel of our, what feels like a bus, and if I say so, I think I did a pretty good job. Don't worry school, if you need a new bus driver, I'm ready!!

    Wanaka was beautiful, a quaint little town with a backdrop of a crystal clear blue lake and snow capped mountains. I am still in awe that people live with this as their day to day view, Morisset just doesn't deliver. We spent a bit of time walking around the cute little town, made the important stop at the bakery and the essential pharmacy stop for some cold and flu tablets then it was off the see 'the tree'.

    It's called the 'Lone Tree of Lake Wanaka'. It is a solitary tree that has grown in Lake Wanaka which is backdropped by the beautiful Southern Alps...however in winter, it's a tree that has no leaves and the water level is so low you can walk to it. I must say I was rather underwhelmed, I have no doubt it would be beautiful in Summer when the lake is high and the green leaves contrast the blue lake.

    After a few quick snaps of the tree, it was time to head to Queenstown. A lot of excitement to get to the main hub of the Island. We drove through the breathtaking Cardrona Valley. It was quiet an experience driving the van through the twists and turns up and down the mountainside. It's like nothing I have ever seen before. Driving through Queenstown really tested my driving skills. It's jammed packed with parked cars lining already narrow roads, so guiding the beast through the city, avoiding any kind of collision was a miracle. We decided to head for the local holiday park, which cost a bit of money for a powered site but it was worth it. Just a short walk down the hill and we were in the city centre of Queenstown but, more importantly, we were at the open doors of Fergburger!

    We beat the huge queue by about half an hour and invested in some extremely large burgers. While we waited for our delicious meal, we crossed the road and purchased our lift passes for tomorrows ski field adventures at Coronet Peak, and then returned just in time to be handed a grease wrapped bundle of goodness. Talk about efficiency!
    We walked our bag of delight a couple of streets down to the waters edge where we ate our burgers with the spectacular view. We took our time to stroll around the town, we might be heading out for a midnight snack, so many beautiful places, it would take weeks to truly explore the whole of Queenstown.

    Back up the hill to our caravan park we went, only after our stop at the bakery with our delicious desserts, what a treat. Asher, James and I were off to find a hire place for our ski equipment for tomorrows adventure. We will be heading up to Coronet Peak for a days skiing, it will be an early morning for us tomorrow, but it will be greeted with much excitement.

    Back to our caravan park for the night where we tucked into our bakery treats and played a game of Rummy, our first board game of the trip. We are looking forward to the unlimited warm showers tonight, no van shower for us. No complaints about the van facilities, but a warm, high pressure shower has been eagerly awaited.

    Early to bed tonight, looking forward to our skiing adventures tomorrow, it has been a while, so who knows the condition we will all be in tomorrow night. We are loving the van life so far, wonderful adventures and looking forward to many more. I am holding Mum close to my heart exploring the place she was born.

    ♥️ Jo
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  • Giorno 4

    Mountains & Pushbike riders

    4 luglio 2018, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    It was a brisk morning this morning, an easterly wind freezing me to the bone as I braved the chill for a bacon & egg breaky. Brekky was delish and it wasn't long before we said our goodbyes to the beautiful Lake Pukaki and headed back to Twizel for a warm coffee, passing 2 push bike riders heading the other way. The Temperature was -2 degrees, at 10am. Cold.

    Hudsy put us all to shame, winning the warmest dressed prize with his full body snowsuit. The rest of us, we froze. From Twizel we headed north again, this time taking the turn off for Mount Cook, once again passing our push bike friends heading in the same direction. A beautiful 40 minute drive up the opposite side of Lake Pukaki saw us to the Mount Cook Village. It was beautiful here, mounds of snow lining the road and towering, snow cover mountains all around us. We parked the vans and the kettle was on in an instant. Coffee, tea, and chocolate refuelled our cold bodies once again to brave the elements. We made a plan to hit up one of the many walking trails around the Mount Cook region. We stepped outside the warm vans, dressed to the nines in our huge jackets, only to be greeting by the beautiful warm sun. We can't keep up with the weather but man it's still delightful.

    We set out along a still icy track that lead to one of the lakes at the base of Mount Cook, Mueller Lake. Mueller Lake was previously a 13 km glacier, but today it's lake feeds down into Lake Pukaki through a beautiful blue river littered with large grey boulders, a picturesque suspension bridge spanning it's banks. It was truly the spectacle of the day. We thought we'd lost James at one point, calling out his name only for him to pop up from a bush he'd been crouching in, trying to "get the right angle". His techniques are paying off though cause he's getting some amazing shots of this place. We spent several hours here, taking photos amongst the incredible terrain, and simply just exploring and admiring this place. Perhaps to long as we left our 2.5hr planned drive down to Albert Town slighty too late.

    The drive south to Albert town took us through some amazing scenery. We headed back down the side of Lake Pukaki, once again passing our push bike riding buddies, who still had a long way to go until they reached Mount Cook (hopefully they made it!). We pit stopped at a small farming town called Omarama, refueled the vans and restocked the fridges before continuing South. We passed through Lindis Pass (not Linda's Pass), a beautiful country road sweeping between lush green mountains. Unfortunately the sun was almost gone at this point and we missed some pretty amazing opportunities, but none the less it was some stunning country side.

    We made it to our campsite in Albert Town in the dark, hopefully the morning will bring some more stunning scenery, but for now it was a delicious, late night roast dinner at the Lynches and a semi early night.

    Tomorrow is a catch-up morning and exploration of Wanaka.

    Asher ☺️
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