
mars - april 2024
We are 3 Amigas who are hiking the Portuguese Camino together = Camigas. We made the decision a year ago and have been planning since! Follow our journey into Santiago de Compostela Spain as we journey The Portuguese Way of St James. Les mer
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  • Dag 1

    Taking off

    28. mars, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    I'm departing Santa NM to meet my Camigas in Dallas where we will then depart for our journey! I had my backpack weighed yesterday and I'm at 13.3 lbs😍 should be closer to 15 with my water. I did also grab a raincoat as there has been lots of rain on the Portuguese Camino and in Europe🫤

    I'm feeling excited, nervous and a tiny bit anxious. All normal feelings for a surprise journey filled with lots of unknowns😉
    Les mer

  • Dag 2–4

    Porto, Portugaul

    29. mars, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    We arrived in Madrid Spain yesterday and had a Amazing Race to a train thru customs and security to meet our connecting flight before the doors closed with a minute to go😳 we were the last to board!😅 Sweaty and panting in our seats!

    We are staying in lovely accompdations in the beautiful city of Porto! We all can't wait to return to fully explore longer this beautiul country. We are a walk away from the Douro River... the River of Gold. The city is very busy and I am assuming due to holiday and breaks world wide. You hear many languages being spoken and everyone is so kind and helpful! We are resting up and visiting some city highlights before we take off for our Camino on Sunday.

    Today we will continue to endure the rains as we explore Porto and some sights. It will be a true practice in using our rain wear😉 stay tuned to hear more!
    Les mer

  • Dag 5–6

    Our Journey to Matosinhos

    1. april, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Our first day was filled with rain, sunshine and winds. We've met pilgrims from Germany, Canada and England with great cheer and smiles in their faces😍 that is the spirit of the Camino.

    We made it to the town of Matosinhos which is a lovely fishing village. We are across the street from a Sardine Factory...I think the home of Ortiz Sardines which are delicious😉 this town reminds me a bit like Beaufort NC as we passed through two forts and it has the charm and smells of a beach town!

    We are in good spirits and Day 2 we are headed to Labruge! Will keep you posted😍😘 Bom Camino!
    Les mer

  • Dag 5–6

    Day 2 & 5 - Queimada

    1. april, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Queimada: A Galician Ritual On Your Camino…

    Sorry for being so absent! The Camino has been so much to taken, absorb, process while also trying to be present to the Camino Moments and Camino Angels! This post is about Day 2 & Day 5 because on the Camino you keep meeting up with the same people which is so cool and the constant reminder of how special the Camino really is!

    Day 2 - my photos was the Volunteer at the monastery who on surprise decided to introduce her pilgrams to Queimadra drink which is a traditional Portugues ceromony to ward off evil spirits for a strong Camino! We all had such fun with this and learning from Carla about the history of the Monastery and the drink and a history lessons of Portugal! We all fell in love w/ we were leaving (Tuesday day 3) she told us she was starting her Camino on Wednesday!

    Tonight (day 5) we arrived at Casa de Fernanda and were so warmly welcomed by Fernanda and fellow pilgrams.....then learning our Dutch friends from the monastery would be arriving to stay as well. The Australian, Michelle had met them the previous night and Michelle stayed where we were last night! The Camino God-Instances are so very real and definitely the spirit of the Camino. And to add to the excitement walks CARLA who has her friend and her Friend Manuel who will be coming from Porto to cook at Fernanada's tonight! We were filled with such joy and excitement!!!!

    After dinner....We see Carla preparing the Queimada! She shares her special ritual for the first time in Fernanadas home...,now undrstand Carla, Manuel and Fernanda are all Camino friends and do the Camino many times! Fernandas is special because not all Albugues in Portugal do community dinners and she does them every night! Fernanda's is talked about often on social media ...her love for pilgrams shines through with so much love and passion!!! After some ritual and drinking we then begin singing and playing the guitar...there were Dutch, Brussels, German, Austrailians, Americans and Portuguese at the table singing and dancing together! This is the spirit of the Camino ...tomorrow we all go off and hopefully meet again along the way! It was an extroverts dream come true! Such fun!

    I will also share tomorrow about my Day 5 as a witness to the photos..,a total day of being present to each and every moment (seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling)! Sometime disconnect has to be intentional to truly see the Spirit around us!

    Today was such a special day! Oh and another thing Carls shared on Tuesday, "Every Camino is your first Camino because every Camino is different!" I can't wait for my next one! Everyone needs to Camino!!!

    Good Night for now😉😘
    ~ Bom Camino
    Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Day 5 - Stop to Smell the Roses!

    4. april, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Even on the Camino we must practice our silence, stillness and solitude! In our lives everyday we all have so much going on around us music, tv's, errands, work, phone calls etc etc know exactly what I'm talking about!!!! So on the Camino you can get caught up in chatting...miss your arrow and go the wrong way (which has happened) or you can stop a 170 times to take photos (you might not ever post🤦🏻‍♀️) because you have FOMO which is probably my own personal biggest distraction when on a journey/trip/camino!

    Today, I practiced a day of using all my senses! My sight was to take my own personal pictures and lock them in my mind. be present to the smells through out my walk. Sounds...listen to all the sounds of the day. And touch...feel all that I can! So what did I learn and what do I remember a day later ... an excellent question and to be honest a challenging question for myself!!!!

    Day 5 was our longest day clocked in at 13 miles😳 yep with a 15lbs on my back... I was so sore after today! The morning started out of a charming town Barcelos home of the Rooster Legend. We walked through the best market on the way out of town. The weather was cloudy and comfortable. We heard roosters crowing all day but on the way out of town was fitting. The smells of fresh baked goods in the market were tempting but we had had breakfast. All day there was a lovely breeze and it was never too hot or too cold! The wind gave us relief for the hills we had to climb today and the clouds provided cover! NO RAIN was a welcome! It is spring time and all day we smell the trees in bloom that we walk by in the most beautiful country side with cobble stone streets and stone fences hundreds of years old with moss and wild ferns growing on them. Often a scent of Jasmine will grab you to stop and look or the beauty af drapping wisteria in bloom everywhere pulls you to a halt to take a wiff. There are lemon trees filled with many many big lemons in everyone's yards and you find yourself wondering what will they do with so many?!?!? It is unexplainable the wide variety of flowers in bloom on trees, bushes, plants and impossible to name, all I know is that they are magnificent and I'm so happy we choose this time of year to walk!!!! The sounds of water and wells are surrounding these lands and when you hear or see the streams you understand why it's so green and blooming! You are reminded you are in the country side with the smells of manure and farm animals as we pass through these rural charming villages and it takes me back to being a child in Pennsylvania growing up on our little make shift farm.

    The lesson learned is we must stop to smell the roses! Camino Portuguese is filled with so many roses and blessing! A reminder for us all to slow down and take time to be present!

    My fellow Camigas shared their pics with me so that is what I am sharing with you! The Camino is so very special🥰🩷🥾
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Portugal's fairy garden!

    5. april, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Day 6

    Day 6 ... Friday April 5th was definitely one of the most magically beautiful days!!!! Today I walked with my new Australian Mate, Michelle and my Camiga Sisters. Michelle was a blessing in surprise and hearing her life story an inspiration! You see on the Camino all you do is walk and some days you get lucky and find people on journeys beside you! My Mate Michelle must write a book and I hope she does one day! We really just clicked like soul sisters!

    Michelle walked in just behind us into Fernanda's Albugue and was part of the very special evening and Fernanda magical home, dinner, patio etc! The next morning, we took off about 8am and walked into Portugals Fairy Garden....misty dewy morning due to the overnight rains and as our day went on, the morning sun warmed us and we had a slight breeze all day! We walked in rural Portugal passing animals, farms and pastures all day! Water has never been more beautiful than what I've seen here! It's everywhere...along the road, surprise springs and waterfalls and rivers! For this desert rat, it's been a welcome surprise!

    Enjoy the photos as I believe they speak for themself! Everyday is a walk through a fairy garden! God is Great! 😘
    Les mer