
september 2023
En 19-dags äventyr från Magical Mystery Tour Läs mer
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  • Dag 11

    London Transport Museum

    13 september 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Woke up to no water today in South London. Very unpleasant so we are going to spend the day in London where water is a plenty. Eventually the water came back online and we were all able to have showers. Once we destinkafied, we all headed out.

    Maegan and Enzo went to Adam and Berta’s house to help them with wedding stuff. We made our way to the London Transport Museum. This exhibits the history of public transport in London from horses to the present day buses and Tube. It is located in the old flower markets in Covent Garden, where a scene from My Fair Lady was filmed.

    We started back in time when the horse drawn carriage was on the scene carrying passengers around London. This progressed to the horse drawn Omnibus where more passengers could be moved around the town therefore making it more affordable to people. From here it grew and other types of transport were tried but was not as reliable or able to carry as many passengers as the horse drawn vehicles.

    Then came along the train which was disruptive to the houses so it was decided to have the train routes below ground- the Tube was born as Londoners main transport. It was so interesting to see the old modes of transportation and we could sit in some of the carriages and rails cars to see what it was like many years ago.

    After the Transport Museum we did a spot of shopping in the Covent Markets, Dan again had a good day buying himself a very nice leather satchel. We wandered around the Covent Garden Area before getting a cab to Adams house for an evening nibble and to meet Burta’s parents who have come over from Spain for the wedding tomorrow. Such lovely people.

    We have a big day tomorrow so will try to get a good nights rest.
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  • Dag 12

    The Trozzo Wedding

    14 september 2023, England ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Today is WEDDING DAY for Adam and Berta (and little Emi too). They got married at the Chelsea Town Hall this morning with both parents and two friends as witnesses. After the ceremony they all had a wedding breakfast before heading to the afternoon high tea at the Renaissance Hotel at St Pancras.

    We caught up with Trozzo relatives we haven't seen for nearly 10 years. We caught up with Enzo's sister Rita, Rita's long time friend Carmen was there too. We chatted for hours and they were so surprised to Daniel as he was 11years old when they saw him last.

    The Renaissance Hotel is an amazing hotel, it was previously the original rail station for St Pancras but is now a beautiful up market hotel. We had a very lovely high tea with yummy scones, sandwiches, cakes and tea/coffee. So full, not sure how we are going to fit in dinner???? But I am sure we will find a way.
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  • Dag 13

    A Day at the British Museum

    15 september 2023, England ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Today I had another day off and stayed in the flat whilst David & Dan went to the British Museum and Maegan & Enzo planned to spend the morning with Adam & Berta and the arvo with Enzo’s brother Santo and his wife Pauline.

    David and Dan said the British Museum was amazing. So much to see and full of history and artifacts. They spent many hours looking around at all it has to offer. They both bought a few books and bits and pieces from the museum to take home. After the museum they visited some book shops.

    After their big day out at the museum, we all went to the Prince of Wales Pub for some good ol Pub Grub.
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  • Dag 14

    Happy Birthday AND Hampton Court

    16 september 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Today is Alex’s 20th birthday. He had a family gathering last night at home with Aunty Deb, Uncle Kev, Aunty Carol and Aunty Lisa. They had pizza, cheesecake and Alex’s favourite ginger beer. We gave him a video call this morning as we had our celebratory 20th birthday cooked breakfast here in Putney. A BIG Happy Birthday to our Alex, we miss you and hope you have a great day today. Love you lots 😘.

    We are having a slow start to the day and we will eventually make our way to Adams on the bus ready for our lunch at Hampton Court. The plan is to have lunch and pop across the road to have a look at Hampton Court Palace if we get time. I have packed my sneakers in my bag incase we do.

    Todays lunch is to celebrate Adam & Berta’s wedding with all of the London Trozzo family (Aunties, Uncles, Cousins). It was good to see everyone after many years. The food was fabulous. I had the roast beetroot with goats cheese for starters, steak for main and lemon baked cheesecake for desert- it was so yummy. We had a few drinks and spent a lot of time chatting. During our meal. Enzo made a very sweet speech for Adam and Berta.

    We went down to the Thames front terrace for afters and eventually left around 5pm. However that was too late to tour the palace but the lovely security man at the gate let us in to have a walk around the front gardens. So I kind of did get to visit Hampton Court Palace but didn’t get to tour it (maybe next time we are in England).
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  • Dag 15

    Camden Market ReVisit

    17 september 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Another late-ish start this morning. Maegan and Enzo are off tomorrow so they are sending today with Adam.

    Dan headed off on another Dan day. We found a Batman Exhibition that is in London for three days only and today is the last day, so that is his first destination this morning. He said it was amazing! He has also booked tickets to a cult film The Room directed by Tommy Wiseau and a Q&A with him. Dan got a signed script and got to meet Tommy. He came home with lots of purchases from the Batman exhibit. He had a brilliant day out.

    We went back to Camden Markets, I hadn’t been there yet and it was quite overwhelming as it is so huge with millions of stalls/shops. So many shops to look in with such a diverse array of stuff. I bought a few little things and we had lunch there before jumping on a Boris Bus to go to Big Ben/Parliament.

    All the tours of Westminster Palace (Parliament) were sold out thoruigh the week and there aren't any tours on Sunday so we just walked around the outside, ducking under cover to try to avoid the rain showers. Big Ben is so full of colour after it’s conservation work during 2017 to 2021. The combined bell, clock and tower is popularly known as Big Ben but the tower is the Elizabeth Tower, the clock is the Great Clock of Westminster and the bell is Big Ben or the Great Bell.

    Tomorrow is our last full day in London, the sight seeing tour will still roll on.
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  • Dag 16

    Imperial War Museum and Parliament

    18 september 2023, England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Maegan and Enzo flew away this morning so we are all on our own. We are off to the Imperial War Museum. All the museums here are free entry which is great. It is a huge building consisting of 5 floors but the top two are school resources and an event space.

    The first floor is dedicated to WWI and how the British won that. The second floor is WWII and how the British won that, the third floor is dedicated to the Holocaust, other foreign conflicts and terrorist attacks. We spent hours there wandering around looking at how the world had been involved in so many wars and conflicts and the really sad thing is that it seems humanity hasn’t really learnt much from any of these.

    From here Dan went to visit Sherlock Holmes’ house and David and I went to visit the Palace of Westminster. The tours were all sold out so we thought we’d try our luck getting into the public gallery AND THEY LET US IN. After I got pulled aside for setting of the metal detector which turned out to be my knee braces.

    We first went into the House of Commons where they were debating the High Speed train link to Birmingham. It was quite animated and just as boring as our Parliament Question Time but so interesting to see. There was no photos allowed in the chambers but we could take some snaps before we went in.

    We stayed in the House of Commons for about half and hour and them went to see what was happening in the House of Lords. There seemed to be quite a few old gentlemen sleeping (that’s what it looked like) and this chamber was very different to the House of Commons. It was very ornate with lots of gold leaf on the beautiful walls and ceiling. The debate wasn’t as robust as the Commons, far more polite. They were debating child care and how it needs to be more accessible and affordable. It was such a fabulous experience to take in.

    We caught up with Adam, Berta and Emi for the last time before we go home tomorrow. It has been such a wonderful couple of weeks and would love to stay longer but we can’t so it is off to Heathrow tomorrow to come home.
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  • Dag 17

    Qantas Says "NO"

    19 september 2023, England ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

    Last night we got home to an email from Qantas sent at 9.30pm to inform us our flight had been cancelled. It has been moved to tomorrow at 9am, no explanation given. David rang Qantas and they offered us £100 ea for accommodation which doesn’t get you much in London. We have had little sleep trying to sort out with Qantas and to find a hotel to stay in.

    Eventually we managed to get a couple of rooms at a hotel at Heathrow so we don’t have to worry about early morning train ride with luggage to the airport tomorrow. They were kind enough to give us an early check in at 11.30am instead of 3.00pm. We had a light lunch at the hotel café and a relax/rest after that in the room.

    So today is our last day in London. Not that we will be doing any sightseeing today. Except for a bit of plane spotting. The hotel is on the edge of the runway, just like Daryl Kerrigans house, and it costs extra if you want a view of the runway and planes landing and taking off. I'm pretty happy we are in the low end room where we aren't on the runway.

    Enjoy the plane spotting bloggees
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  • Dag 19

    Back in the Land of OZ

    21 september 2023, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    After a long flight we arrived home. Home Sweet Home. It’s great to be back. It’s been a challenge with my knees and all of the km’s of walking and many stairs to climb. We have had such a fantastic time in London. Managed to see loads and catch up with the UK Trozzo family. Highlight has obviously Adam and Berta’s wedding celebrations.

    Looking forward to getting some sleep in our own beds AND seeing our Alex and FoziG 🐶 too.

    Thanks for reading our adventures, not sure when we will be doing something like this again. "It's good bye from me and it's good bye from them"
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