London solo

september 2022
Ett kort men fint äventyr av Esmee Läs mer
  • 7fotavtryck
  • 2länder
  • 2dagar
  • 46foton
  • 0videoklipp
  • 1,1kkilometer
  • 722kilometer
  • Dag 1

    Spending the night at schiphol

    22 september 2022, Nederländerna ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

    This started as a fun thought and turned into a fun idea. I always wanted to travel solo. I love London and I really wanted to see dear Evan Hansen before it closed on west end. Seemed like a perfect chance.

    So the thing I didn’t really thought about was that I had to teach the day before from 10:15am till 10pm. After teaching I raced home, took a shower, grabbed my stuff and took the train at 11:30pm. I was high on energy and excitement and couldn’t wait to set my feet in London.

    At 2am I (finally) arrived at schiphol. I got a little bit tired but well, duhh. I decided to grab some Burger King since I knew that everything was going to be closed after the security. Some random dude offered me his drink but that felt kinda wrong so I turned it down. The people who were sitting next to me were like: damn girl you did that right. For god knows he put something in it. Clever to turn it down.

    After that I went straight to security, there was like no body to be seen. So within five minutes I made it past everything. I found a nice spot in the lounge and tried to get some sleep.

    After 2 hours I didn’t really feel like sleeping anymore so I wandered around the airport lounge. At 6:30 we finally boarded and we were off to London. How exciting first time really flying on my own. But how freeing.
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  • Dag 1

    ✈️✈️ to gatwick

    22 september 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    I always wanted to fly during sunset, it’s so beautiful, even though I didn’t sit in a window seat it still had stunning views.

    The flight was relaxing and very quick. After just 45 minutes we’ve made it to London. Although taxiing took a lot of time.

    The paspoortcontrol was very quick. I decided to change clothes at the toilet. And grab a cup of coffee. And figure out how to make it to the city center.

    as I traveled before in London the trains and subway were very clear to me. Although I had a small moment of panic while topping up my oyster card. Didn’t make any sense. After I figured that out I hopped on the train and it was only 35 min to the city center. I felt wide awake even tho I was up for more than 24 hours already. I was full of excitement and adrenaline.

    Next stop breakfast: because I was getting hungry asf

    at 9:10 (dutch time 10:10) I was finally settled on some amazing pancakes. It felt weird dining alone at first. but I quickly got used to that. The pancakes were amazing, but a bit much.
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  • Dag 1

    Strolling around

    22 september 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    After breakfast I started walking and discovered that I was very close to the Westminster house thingy/castle. I really don't know how you call it lmao. I strolled around for a bit, and since the queen died like a week ago there were flags everywhere. From there I remembered my way from way back when I was in London in 2016 with school. Which was kind of funny. But I just don't forget these kind of things. I really easily can remember where to go and how to get there after just one time.

    I strolled through the park straight to the Big Ben. Asked a random tourist of she could take a picture of me (this was one of the things I had to do), I felt really uncomfortable but I did it any way. After that I hopped over the bridge. Found a Starbucks and charged my phone and looked up what to do next. I already saw many highlights and I was a bit exhausted.

    I don't remember my exact timing anymore but I went towards convent garden. Which was/is my all time favorite spot in London. I do remember that I was feeling super tired, and a bit hungry so I looked for something to eat.
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  • Dag 1


    22 september 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Since I was really exhausted from teaching all day and traveling all night and then walking all morning, I decided to go to another musical. So I could sit down. I found that The lion the witch and the wardrobe was doing a matinee, I hadn't heard from it so I just grabbed the cheapest seat. I really was hoping I wouldn't fall a sleep tho.

    The musical was amazing. I really didn't expected it. The music was amazing, the dances as well and the voices, damn. I was really glad I stumbled up to this. Because I discoverd later that this was a limited edition and only going till the end of October. So I was just in time!

    After the musical it was finally time to check in to my hostel which was around the corner. I thought that if I was going to lay down I wasn't going to make it and probably fell asleep. So I took a quick shower, because I was feeling not clean. I really refreshed and got my energy back up again. At 6pm I headed out. I wasn't feeling to go eat in a restaurant so I ordered some take out at a Mexican shop. And ate it at a stairwell on Trafagal square.

    After that I was finally time to go dear Evan Hansen. The whole reason I wanted to go hear after all. I was super pumped and excited. Eventhough I was awake for over 36 hours already I truly didn't felt that way.

    DEH was everything I expected and more. I enjoyed it so much and im sooooo glad I went. I really really don't have any words for it. So cool. After DEH I went straight to the hostel and straight to bed, because it was neeeeeded.
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  • Dag 2

    Walking around day 2

    23 september 2022, England ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    I woke up around 8:30AM, which was quite nice. I got dressed quickly, and walked to the city center. Or Soho. I stopped at Starbucks for a PSL and cinamon bun (as breakfast, whoops I know). And made my way through some great shops (Harry Potter ofcourse).

    I stopped at a bookstore since I really wanted to buy a book before I was going to get some lunch. I ended up spending a really long time in water stones. I just was such a big store. I sadly only had space for one book.... Which was sad.
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  • Dag 2

    Walking around pt 2

    23 september 2022, England ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    I walked around some more and hopped on a tube towards the tower of London and the tower bridge. I again remembered the way and I quickly just started walking. Looking around chilling and everything.

    I made my way to one of my friends recommendations for pancakes, it was bit off route but it was definitely worth it. I really enjoyed my coffee and a good book. I felt so mature and freeing. I sat there for quite some time before heading back up kings cross. I walked there which was another it think 40+ minutes walk or so.
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  • Dag 2

    Back home

    23 september 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    It was still a bit early but I was tired and ready to go home. I hadn't really time to do anything else. Little did I knew that this the moment was disaster was going to happen and thankfully I took my time to get to the airport.

    So.... I really know my way around London and how everything is working out. I know the airports. But I never checked where my outbound flight left. I completely had an other airport in mind. So I took a direct train towards that specific airport. Wellll that was the wrong one LOL. I completely stressed because I was afraid that I wasn't going to make it anymore. But I quickly discovered that I had still enough time.
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