Escaping winter @ SA

januari - februari 2024
Een 31-daags avontuur van Virág Meer informatie
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  • Dag 12

    Muizenberg-Cape Town, walk on the beach

    31 januari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Today was another tough day at work, the layoffs were just announced and as expected super badly managed… oh well, luckily I’m in an amazing place and have ten thousand things to take my mind off of work 🤩 Before I headed back to CT, I went for a final walk on the beach, soooo cute, I really loved this neighbourhood, much recommended if you want to escape the tourists for a little while. 😇Meer informatie

  • Dag 13

    Cape Town, first Thursday madness

    1 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Today I had a very holy location to work from: a church 😂⛪️🙏 it was quite a vibe and the coffee was amazing! After attending some more calls about life after the layoff, I was so ready to have the promised fun at the First Thursdays. By booking a hostel I kind of hoped that I would make some friends and stroll around the city together, but this was not the case, not even a little bit. But I’m unstoppable anyway 😂 so went on my own, checked out some galleries, found a cool spot with some upcoming djs, then joined some new friends at a super cool place, then we went to another spot, where I made even more new friends with whom we went to even another spot. Very long night, but very fun, the only challenge was that I booked a township tour for tomorrow morning, whoooop 🙈Meer informatie

  • Dag 14

    Cape Town-Langa, the sad reality

    2 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    It took me a while to get the enegy to write about this day… in the past 2 weeks I already got quite some insights into how colonization fucked up yet another country but out all of the countries I’ve visited South Africa is the one where the impacts are still extremely visible to the day (Bolivia follows right after). I’ve never felt so white in my whole life even though the Dominican Republic is also mainly black and this just got even more real and painful today. I had many friends who visited South Africa before and overloaded me with tips, but no one mentioned anything about townships or the possibilty to visit them. Totally understandable - it’s extremely controversial to go and look at other people’s pain but without going you cannot actually comprehend the reality of black communities in South Africa. When the apartheid started people were sorted to white, indian, coloured, black categories and soon after the homes of black and coloured communities were demolished and they were relocated to the outskirts of cities, called townships. Now 30 years after the end of the apartheid things are not a lot better but the only thing you hear as a tourist, don’t go there, it’s extremely unsafe… so I had to see the reality with my own eyes and I didn’t find anything else but kindness, extreme poverty and heartbreaking past, present and future of the community of Langa which is one of the biggest townships. My tourguide grew up and still lives in Langa, told me about the history, and answered all my burning questions that I couldn’t ask anyone so far as this topic is widely disregarded and ignored. We first visited a small museum, the first art gallery of Langa, the first cafe, and then we walked into the middle of the misery. The rooms in the pictures and videos host families of 5-8 people, and the one with the bunk bed is an orphanage for 38 children!!! The lucky families can get to live in a room of concrere house which was built as a barrack for single men to work (=exploited for cheap labor) during the appartheid, the less lucky ones in tin houses that are like an oven during summer and like a freezer during winter. Unbelievable conditions… We met a family whose tin house burnt down and the mum jumped into the flames to save her baby, they got zero support from the government to restart their lives. We talked to some ladies in the market selling sheep head as that is the cheapest part of the sheep that they can buy and cook for customers. And lastly, we visited a pre-school with the cuttest little kids ever, so well-behaved. 💛 The sad reality is that it’s almost impossible for people in townships to move out of the township ever as they all need to commute for work and therefore never be able to affort to buy a property. At the same time, actually, there are some of them who now have a better living and have proper houses right next to the tin houses, they call it Beverly Hills of Langa, but they still prefer to stay in Langa as their hearts belong to the community forever. 🖤 I also learned Mholo and Enkosi in Xhosa, the language spoken by the community (most of them never learn English and without English they are not employable), which mean Hi and Thank you. ✨This was a tough day, very emotional, but these people are full of hope for the upcoming elections and look forward to a brighter future (which is already on the way since the apartheid ended). Enkosi to my tour guide, Chippa! 🫶Meer informatie

  • Dag 15

    Cape Town-Llandudno, my fav beach

    3 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Okay, so I found my absolute favorite beach so far in South Africa, Llaldudno 🤩 It’s beautiful (when it doesn’t have crazy rough waves), not so busy as it’s a bit more far out from the city, and has amazing sunset view 🌅 Today was my recharge day where I spent the first half in the hostel pool playing with a little girl whose mom works in the hostel and the rest I just chilled on the beach so that I can be fully ready for my 5 am wake-up alarm to head to the airport and then to the safari!!! 🐘🦁🦏🦒🦬Meer informatie

  • Dag 16

    Johannesburg-Kruger, my next adventure

    4 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ 🌩️ 34 °C

    Storytime, folks! I was in a big doubt if I should make my way to the Kruger National Park, the biggest safari of South Africa and one of the biggest one of the workd all the way from Cape Town as it’s extremely far and typically very expensive. So I did quite some research to see what possibilities are there, collected them, narrowed it down to three tour operators, and ended up posting it in a Facebook group that is for travellers in South Africa to get some advice which one to choose. This post turned out to work is magic and a girl commented super soon after that actually there is an amazing backpacking hostel in the park (fine, a private park right next to Kruger) with amazing vibe and they organize game drives as well as some other trips/hikes too. Interesting! No matter how hard I tried to find some bad reviews about the hostel, I could only read amazing things so I just had to go for it: booked my flights to Johannesburg (2 hours), my transfer (6 hours) and my stay from Sunday to Friday. Today I woke up at 5 am and reached my final destination around 7 pm and found myself in the coolest hostel EVER. ✨ I quickly made friends with the hostel staff and agreed to go to the safari tomorrow morning together as I was the only guest for now. Lions, leopards, elephants, giraffes, better prepare yourselves, I’m coming!!! 🦒🐘🦬🐆🦁Meer informatie

  • Dag 17

    Kruger, morning game drive #1

    5 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    As always, I’ve got no time to waste, I started my first day at 5 am and went for my first morning game drive. Since I was the only guest, some of the hostel crew joined me and Rene (one of the owners) for the drive, and we had the best fun ever!!! We had tons of sightings, I couldn’t get enough of watching NatGeo in real life from a hand-reach. 🤩 Luckily, we played bingo during the drive so I could keep track of the animals we’ve seen. Tons of giraffes, zebras, elephants, babies too, hippo ears and noses on the top of the water, monkeys, buffalos, gnus, impalas, crocs, tons and tons of birds including Zazu, many-many Pumbas (warthog), but the coolest and scariest of all was a hyena who circled around our car, brrrr, I still get the chills. 🫣 The last photo I took at the hostel with my new friend, a tiny impala. 🤩 At night one more girl arrived and I let myself to be convinced that I should do another morning drive with Devon (the other manager), as well as a night drive in the dark organized by the park, not the boys, so another early morning was waiting for me, but at this point and at this level of excitement: who cares??? I’ll sleep when I’m back to the rainy and dark Amsterdam. 😜

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  • Dag 18

    Kruger, morning game drive #2

    6 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    Well, what a hell of another day!!! 🥹🤩🌈 I always had great beginner’s luck but never expected that the second morning drive can get even better than the first one… we had amazing luck already in the first 90 mins: we saw three teenage cheetahs chilling & playing, a lioness checking out her territory right next to a leopard just casually melting into a tree branch, tons of zebras, elephants and birds and birds and birds. But what made this drive extremely special is the bond with Devon (the other manager) who ended up training me into his co-pilot and co-ranger for the day and could answer ALL of my questions that I bombarded him with about the animals spiced with uncountable amount of laughs. ☺️☺️ After the drive we spent some more time at the lunch spot with the amazing view, swam, chilled, then got ready for the night drive which was so-so amazing and special and uncomprable to anything I’ve ever seen before that it deserves it’s own post, so stay tuned!!! 🐾

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  • Dag 18

    Kruger, the night game drive

    6 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    Sorry y’all I was on duty of the torch at the night safari so I didn’t take any photos besides this beauty and I’m still waiting for the others to upload their pictures, so coming soon!!!

    Meanwhile - some photos have arrived, waiting for more, but look at some of our lucky sightings: we saw 9 lions crossing the road, chilling, heard them calling for each other, and hung out with a leopard for 20 minutes, casually walking on the gravel road, marking his territory. Even the ranger was impressed, it’s not every day that you see a leopard from such close proximity!! 🐆

    More to come! ✨🌙

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  • Dag 19

    Kruger-Blyde Canyon, a little roadtrip

    7 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Yet another thing I let myself to be conviced about: a roadtrip to the Blyde River Canyon, and what’s even better, there were no other guests joining so it was just two friends, Devon & I heading out to the wild for another day of fun! ☀️ Here the photos speak for themselves and when it comes to the vibe you just gotta trust me that there are not many funnier people than the two of us together. 😂 Such a joyful coincidence having met this crazy person who brings a smile to everyone’s face and spreads good vibes wherever he goes! ✨Meer informatie

  • Dag 20

    Kruger, the lucky goodbye drive

    8 februari, Zuid-Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Not sure if you’ve kept count of animals I saw in the past days, I did and I was clearly missing the rhino from my big 5 list. Since it’s only a few rhinos in the park and they typically hang out in another part of Kruger, I totally accepted my fate that I’ll have to come back another time to see one but then, the magic of Kruger struck again… my original plan was to do a sunset drive after half-a-day of work but the weather was so cloudy that it was not worth it, so Devon came to my rescue and offered to take me out for a final little ride to Kruger as a goodbye (or see-you-later 💖). We were just leaving the hostel when I was saying that it’s only the rhino I need to see but the chances are very low when Devon stopped the car and yelled: there’s the rhino!!! WHAT???? He joking??? He wasn’t, there it was, literally 50 meters from the hostel by the fence 🥹🥹 I was shaking and shed some tears for the unexpected surprise, it was unreal!!! Devon was probably a shaman in his previous life and pulled all strings to make my stay unforgettable 🫶🙏 We then drove out to the park, saw some zebras, giraffes, impalas, gnus, just the usuals, some lions in the distance, and said goodbye to the park. Un-freaking-believable! 🥹🥹🥹🦏Meer informatie