Road tripping USA 2023

Februar - März 2023
Ein 43-Tage Abenteuer von Paula Weiterlesen
  • 136Footprints
  • 3Länder
  • 43Tage
  • 1,8kFotos
  • 0Videos
  • 36,9kKilometer
  • 21,1kKilometer
  • Our Itinerary

    27. Oktober 2022 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Itinerary for our amazing trip from 4 Feb 2023 - 16 March 2023

    4 Feb to 5 Feb
    1 night New York City - our favourite city

    5 Feb - 12 Feb
    7 nights with our American family ‘The Grossmans’

    Train to Boston
    12 Feb to 15 Feb
    3 nights Boston - Boston has been on our bucket list for a very long time

    Fly from Boston to Phoenix where we are hiring a car to start an amazing road trip through Arizona, Utah and Nevada

    15 Feb to 18 Feb
    3 nights Sedona - the most magical place on earth

    18 Feb to 21 Feb
    3 nights Grand Canyon - staying right on the rim - little girl’s dream coming true

    21 Feb to 25 Feb
    4 nights Monument Valley - celebrating my 50th early staying at an amazing hotel that has views of the buttes from every room.

    Mackenzie leaves Australia on 25 Feb and flys direct to Vancouver then catching a bus to Whistler to spend a week and a half with her friends.

    25 Feb to 2 Mar
    5 nights Moab exploring Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Corona Arch, Delicate Arch, Dead Horse Point State Park plus many more amazing places

    2 Mar to 5 Mar
    3 nights Torrey exploring Bryce Canyon National Park and Capitol Reef National Park

    5 Mar to 8 Mar
    3 nights at Springdale exploring Zion National Park

    8 Mar to 11 Mar
    We return car to Vegas airport and meet up with Kenz
    3 nights in Vegas - could be dangerous as Kenz is 21 now and can drink and gamble 😂😂

    Fly Las Vegas to San Francisco

    11 Mar to 16 Mar
    5 nights San Francisco - Dave’s little boy’s dream of visiting Alcatraz is coming true

    Fly home arriving back into Australia on 18 March and back to work on 20 March.

    So much packed into 6 weeks of travel, can’t wait to make some amazing memories!

  • Tag 1

    The adventure begins …..

    4. Februar 2023 in Kanada ⋅ ☀️ -13 °C

    Woke up to the alarm going off at 3.30am, surprisingly we both slept quite well which is unusual for the night before an adventure.

    Macie and Louie knew something was going on and will not be impressed that mum and dad aren’t home for 6 weeks. Lucky they have Tommy keeping them in line and fed for 6 weeks.

    Dave and I got organised packing the last few things before waking Bryd, Kenz and Tommy who were taking us to the airport.

    The trip down went smoothly leaving home about 4.30am and arriving at the airport at 6.30am. After a sad goodbye to the girls and Tommy, it was time to head into the airport and await check-in.

    Check-in opened at 7.30am so we headed over, checked the weight of our 4 suitcases which all came under the 23kgs allowed thankfully. Then over to the kiosk to print our boarding passes and bag tags.

    While doing this, Dave said ‘Looks like the Ruane’s might be on the flight with us’. Jenny then headed over to us and said that Patrick was heading to Canada for a 2 week ski trip and it turned out we are on the same flight. Small world.

    All was going well until we lined up to check-in our baggage. The baggage conveyor belt was malfunctioning so there was a delay. Ironically with our last trip to the States back in 2019, the baggage conveyor belt malfunctioned on our return so we were stuck in baggage claim for over an hour and a half!

    By 8.30am we were on our way through security before a quick obligatory photo at the departures sign - well according to Dave it wasn’t so quick as I wasn’t happy with the first few photos we took as I looked like I woke up at 3.30am - funny that!

    Breezed through security and then sat at gate 79 ready for our flight.

    While waiting we both had a bit of a chuckle as one of our pilots walked passed with some duty free alcohol and then another one walked passed with a guitar. Party plane!!

    We were meant to take off at 10.45am however didn’t start taxiing out until 11.17am. We arrived in Vancouver at 6.00am local time.

    Thankfully my gluten free meals came and were quite nice, even the bread which can be iffy at times. Dave said his meals were nice. I had chicken and corn and Dave had a chicken dish for our main meals, Dave a chicken wrap and biscuits and me harissa vegetable sandwich for a snack and then eggs for breakfast. Dave got 2 breakfasts as I don’t normally eat eggs at the best of times let alone ones that have been kept hot for 13 hours 😂

    Not much sleep was had, about an hour at a time with a couple of hours in between those sleep times. There was also quite a bit of turbulence, only subtle making it feel more like you are in a bus not a plane.

    The aircraft from Brisbane to Vancouver wasn’t as large as we are accustomed to, so with a 6ft 7 and a 5ft 10 couple sitting next to each other together with a guy who insisted on sitting with his legs up on his seat next to me, all the while touching me with his shoeless foot (yuk) made for a cramped flight but we made it!

    We had a 2 hour layover in Vancouver however by the time we disembarked, made our our through the airport to USA connections, then pre-clearance of customs and security for the USA then all the way to Gate 76E, we only had about half an hour spare before we boarded our next flight to NYC. In this time, we put our USA sims in our phones and chatted with mum, the girls and Cathy.

    Flight to NYC was about 5 hours which isn’t a long flight but as it’s the last part of our journey for the day, it seemed to take a bit longer than we wished 😂

    As it is basically a domestic flight, the aircraft is small and Dave was nearly ready to jump out of the plane I think. No leg room at all. He sat sideways with his legs in the aisle which helped a little. There were no meals on this part of the flight so we were both looking forward to dinner in NYC.

    First we needed to claim our bags at Newark before working out how to take the AirTrain to NJ transit to get the subway into Penn Station. We are staying at the New Yorker which is right near Penn Station so it is just a quick walk and we would be at our hotel. Well….. after the flight my brain was fried and not working well. No one at Newark really helped unlike when you fly into JFK so I said stuff it we are getting a taxi. Cost a bit ($140.00 USA) but taxi driver was lovely and dropped us right out the front of our hotel.

    It is pretty cold with the temperature at present being -5.6 but feels like -11.6 so a bit different to Toowoomba winters. We are staying at the New Yorker Hotel in a queen room and it’s just a room, not very big at all but that’s all we need for a one night stay. We spent some time looking at the shops and walking around but it got just too cold. We head off to Nisky tomorrow for a week with Cathy and Michael.

    Back in the room ready for some chill out time as it’s been a huge couple of days. We started our journey at 3.30am on Saturday and some 30 hours later and not much sleep we made it to our hotel room.

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    NYC never disapponts

    5. Februar 2023 in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    After walking around the city last night just taking in the atmosphere and buying our little man some souvenirs, we thought, since we couldn’t feel our faces from the cold, it was time to head back to our room for a long hot bubble bath (well for me note Dave as he doesn’t do baths), watch some tv to wind down before turning in for the night. It was about 10.30pm.

    Well we both fell asleep straight away and I woke up what I thought was hours later only to find it was 10.40pm, a whole 10 minutes of sleep. I lay there awake just trying to go back to sleep and before I knew it, it was 2.00am and I was still wide awake. I sat up for a while longer and by 3.30am I was asleep only to be woken up by the clock alarm, set by the previous people in the room, going off at 4.00am. Dave slept through all of this. A quick turn off of this alarm and then our phone alarm set for 7.30am was going off. I reset it for 8.30am and we both woke up refreshed.

    We got ready and packed up all our things and headed out the door about 10.00am. We dropped our luggage off at the baggage locker at the hotel before setting off for an hour’s walk to Katz’s delicatessen for a pastrami on rye. Well the walk turned out to be a lot longer as I stopped for many photo opportunities.

    The pastrami on rye did not disappoint. As I can’t have gluten, I had half the sandwich but only the meat and Dave the other half. He reckons he could have eaten the whole sandwich himself but I beg to differ as it was huge. It would have had to have been the yummiest, most tender pastrami I have ever eaten. Another thing Dave and I will crave for when we get back to Australia.

    After we left Katz’s, we decided to just wander this amazing city. We kept Empire State in view and just walked and walked and walked. First we headed over to the Hudson River and stumbled upon Little Island, a floating park in the Hudson River, which wasn’t built last time we were in NYC. Beautiful views of Hoboken, New Jersey, Statue of Liberty way out in the distance and the financial district of NYC.

    After exploring Little Island, we continued to walk until we found some stairs to make our way up to the Highline. We walked quite a distance of the Highline before seeing a game of Lacrosse. We headed down to watch it more closely before continuing on our wandering around the city. We grabbed a hot chocolate and coffee from Starbucks, found a souvenir shop and bought some hoodies for Tommy, a CVS pharmacy for some water and some more cars/trucks for Tommy. We walked nearly 12 kms from 10.00am to 2.30pm which is so easy to do in NYC. Each time we are in the city, Dave and I say to each other that we would love the chance to live here if only for a little while.

    It was now time to head back to the hotel, collect our bags and head to Moynihan Train Hall to get the train to Cathy and Michael’s place in upstate New York. Moynihan Train Hall is close to our hotel so it was a very short walk.

    The train passes through such beautiful countryside and takes about 2.5 hours.
    It was also so nice to have so much leg room after being cramped in the plane the previous day. The time in the train went so quickly as we arrived in what seemed like no time at all. Cathy and Michael were there waiting for us.

    We have spent the night catching up with lots of talking and laughing. Then it was time for bed ready for another amazing day tomorrow.

  • Tag 3

    Exploring Nisky …

    6. Februar 2023 in den USA

    Waking up at 6.00am today I thought to myself, it’s too early to get up, I’ll just shut my eyes for a while longer. Next time I opened my eyes it was 9.00am. Dave slept all night from about 9.30pm and I got to sleep about 11.30pm after writing the blog and posting photos. I think it was what we both needed as ‘touch wood’ we haven’t suffered any major jet lag like when we were here in 2019.

    When I had my shower this morning, I looked out the window to some amazing snow ❄️ on the ground. Though it hasn’t snowed for many days here, it has been cold enough to keep the snow on the ground, making everything look beautiful and magical. As it was dark when we got here last night, I didn't realise there was so much snow on the ground, so was a lovely surprise to wake up to.

    We headed out of the house about 10.30am collecting Cathy’s friend Judy along the way. We shopped at Trader Joe’s, Wholefoods and Hannaford which are all grocery stores. Both Dave and I find it interesting all the different grocery lines here in the States.

    After dropping Judy home, we went to Panera Bread for lunch, which never disappoints. Dave had a sandwich and a smoothie and I had a delicious Smokey chicken salad. We then had a trip to Walmart where Tommy was spoilt again with Polo Ralph Lauren t-shirt and hoodie. I got myself a selfie stick, a battery bank for my phone as it isn’t lasting a day before going flat and the ‘Spare’ book by Prince Harry. Dave looked at many things but didn’t get anything. By this time it was about 3.30pm so we headed home and had a restful afternoon relaxing, reading and talking.

    New York pizza for dinner which again never disappoints.

    Tomorrow if weather is kind, we are heading to one of our favourite places, Weston in Vermont.

  • Tag 4

    To Vermont we go

    7. Februar 2023 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ -5 °C

    We woke up to Eric Church’s ‘Some of It’ song, which is the alarm song on my phone, at 7.00am, so that we could get ready for our day exploring Vermont. We left home at about 8.30am driving north through some amazing countryside covered in beautiful white crisp snow into the state of Vermont to a little township called Weston.

    We have been to Weston 3 times now and it never ceases to take my breath away with its beauty each and every time. Though the temperature was crisp at about -5 degrees, the sun was out and we couldn’t have picked a better day to explore this beautiful township.

    We started by exploring the township of Weston, running through the gorgeous snow, having snow fights, staring in amazement at the frozen waterfalls and just taking in all the beauty of this town. Then it was time to explore the Vermont Country Store. This shop has everything you can imagine in it. Pre-covid the store often had many a sample of all its goods, from maple syrup (my favourite), to cheesecake dip, fudge, biscuits and cheese just to name a few. Unfortunately covid has brought an end to that.

    From here we went another half hour north to a township of Rockingham where there is another Vermont Country Store. It was only today that I realised there were 2 stores and it was the first time Cathy had visited this store also. Along the way there were 2 covered bridges which we stopped to explore and photograph, such beautiful structures. Dave got to fly his drone for the first time in the states and is getting the hang of it all.

    It was then time to explore The Vermont Country Store Kissing Bridge and we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to pose for a kissing photo. Onwards to look over the shop and get some takeaway lunch from Mildred’s Grill, which was delicious before getting in the car to make the trek home.

    Absolutely amazing day topped off by amazing dinner of white chilli chicken cooked by Cathy.

    Perfect perfect day!

    So many photos to spread across many blog posts.