
czerwca 2023
Italy, Switzerland and France Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 14

    The last day london and home

    18 czerwca 2023, Szkocja ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    The walk from St Pancreas to Euston was ultimately easy, but we were not prepared for the amount of people in Euston station, frankly it was a pickpockets paradise and none of s felt comfortable. Jacqueline then took the initiative and decided to see if our first class passes would give us access to the Avanti first class lounge….and marvellously they did. We enjoyed a range of free hospitality in an air conditioned lounge. Michelle then decided that she would try and grab and earlier train (we had left lots of time as we weren’t sure about security and how long it would take to get through it after Eurostar) so she left the Glens and made her way home without a reservation.

    The remaining travellers had reservations on a later train and thoroughly enjoyed what was the best and most comfortable train of the two weeks. The additional cost of first class was worth it for that train alone.

    Eventually we all made it home and are planning our next trip already.
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  • Dzień 14

    The last day euro star

    18 czerwca 2023, Anglia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    The morning in Lille was memorable, for some more than others…we got wet. For the first time it rained and it was welcome too. Early up to the train station from our hotel was an easy walk and we waited for the Eurostar security checks, which weren’t as rigorous as the one in Manchester airport,

    Breakfast on Eurostar was ok and before we knew it we were arriving in London St Pancreas.
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  • Dzień 13

    Strasbourg to Lille via Colmar

    17 czerwca 2023, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    With an early checkout and a late train and check in our adventurers decided to add in a bonus trip to Colmar, which was back in the direction of Basel.

    This was the day we discovered “nanny bags” and managed to store our big bags near the train station in Strasbourg.

    Colmar is a lovely town which we probably didn’t have enough time to do justice, but we had a nice lunch there and prepared ourselves for the high speed train to our last night away in Lille.

    Getting to Lille was easy and comfortable, and we arrived late at night and got a bit lost finding our hotel, with only Adia picking the right route, eventually we found our very small rooms and after a late night KFC. We settled down for an early start and the Euro Star connection to London and home.
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  • Dzień 12

    Strasbourg day 2

    16 czerwca 2023, Francja ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Another day of just exploring Strasbourg, visiting markets and looking at the dam and battlement areas of the city. Michelle and Jacqueline entered the cathedral and Andrew and Adia wandered around getting small gifts and having a wonderful pie for lunch. With Michelle being propositioned outside the accommodation it was an eventful day!!!

    Later in the day a takeaway meal went well for three of our intrepid team and awful for one of them. With Jacqueline fancying a “burger” for evening meal. With Adia and Michelle opting for the mixed grill….Andrew wanted a chicken kebab……the results were as follows

    Jacqueline …great burger
    Michelle …..great mixed grill
    Adia……great mixed grill
    Andrew……slimy horrible dish….inedible, with Michelle giving Andrew a meatball at least he had something to eat on his final night in Strasbourg.

    Motto of the story…..not all French food is good!

    Edit….from Andrew…….never let Jacqueline pick a restaurant on holiday…..ever!!!!
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  • Dzień 11

    Strasbourg day 1

    15 czerwca 2023, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    On waking up and having coffee and croissants at a nearby cafe we started to explore the city, in particular the region known as La Petit France. Strasbourg is beautiful and with the weather being so nice it was a pleasure to be in.

    Team Disable separated from Team Walking Tour as the later had set up yet another route March (sorry walking tour). With Andrew and Adia taking a funky train tour around the city it was an enjoyable day with some great photos taken.

    Later that evening a superb meal at The Schnockeloch Restaurant where way too much food was presented to us.
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  • Dzień 10

    Arrival in Strasbourg

    14 czerwca 2023, Francja ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Train from Zurich to Basel was an easy trip, we were getting the hang of using the passes and although we had to use data in Switzerland to update a ticket, which cost is a small fortune, we arrived in Basel and with Adia asking for directions perfectly in German to a person in information, we found our TGV train and settled down to move into France and on towards Strasbourg.

    Temperature was crazy hot as we arrived in Strasbourg and as usual we were laden down with our bags. We just hoped our accommodation was better than it was in Switzerland. Andrew was low in sugar as we arrived in Strasbourg and we therefore had an emergency McDonald’s. We still had over three hours to wait until check in so after a phone call with the big lad using his best French we manage to move this forward and sat outside in a Cafe as we awaited check in.

    Last accommodation was basic and extremely small, but better than the stalag. Pleased to be in Strasbourg we ventured out into La Petit France and eventually got something to eat. Champagne, wine and some good food we went back to the digs and to prepare for some days in Alsace
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  • Dzień 10

    Italy to Switzerland, the long trip P2

    14 czerwca 2023, Szwajcaria ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    ………cont. One double bunk bed was all we had and an en suite bathroom. One chair that was impossible to get out of, if you were brave enough to sit in it. It was a case of laughing as the alternative was a capsule hotel a few miles away.

    It was as this point where Jacqueline, being her usual optimistic self, declared that it wasn’t that bad and that there was “a communal day room” …which “had a kettle in it” just down the hall. We went to investigate……the room did indeed have a kettle, but no running water, three seats and some orange crates to sit on, which, with all of us being super fit and the ideal weight, none of us broke them!!! We met a lovely South African lady who said that she liked the place and then went on to say that in South Africa she only had electricity for 12 hours in any 24 hour period.

    We decided to make the best of it and as the room had spared no expense and splashed out on ear buds, we got ready for bed. With Andrew in the shower whilst the ladies got ready for bed there was gold comedy when Michelle who had been “volunteered” to go on top bunk with Adia, couldn’t get up the ladder and with Jacqueline incapacitated by laughter, Michelle eventually made it to the top bunk.

    Bed was comfortable, but it was relief to escape the “stalag” in the morning and continue with our journey
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  • Dzień 9

    Italy to Switzerland, the long trip P1

    13 czerwca 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    This was the longest travelling day of our trip, once which Andrew in particular had looked forward to for some time as it included the Bernina Express.

    Early up and packed and loaded ourselves up and walked the ten minutes to the train station and grabbed a quick coffee at the train station cafe. Train was switched from one platform to the other, and we picked this up, which illustrated that our Italian was getting better.

    The train was supposed to be a direct train from Bellano to Tirano, but with major rail works in place the train only went as far and Sondrio and then it was a replacement bus, at Sondrio station there were zero signs to help us complete the transfer and it was almost by luck we found that going under the train lines brought us out to a bus station and onto our replacement bus….it was tight as it had taken us a few minutes to find this bus!!! But this wasn’t the closest run connect we had that day…more to follow on that later!!!

    We arrived in the small Italian village of Tirano, right at the Swiss border and at the foot of the Alps. It was a pretty cool little place, but everything revolved around the two train stations….one which was Swiss and the other Italian one. Plenty of touristy places to eat and we tried our luck in one, the food being good, but hugely overpriced. There was a bit of a wait with not much to do whilst we waited on our “red” train.

    We had reserved seats and with hindsight we probably would have been better using the local trains but we had opted for the panoramic carriage. As we set of in the express, it was evident fairly early on that “express” was a truly optimistic term as this was the slowest train we had been on ever. The scenery was superb, but after a while it all kind of blended into one. It was the most picturesque train journey we had been on but four hours was a long journey and as we approached Chur, it was clear that the always reliable Swiss trains that we heard so much about, were not as reliable as they were made out to be. The express was over 20 mins late getting into Chur and with our connecting train to Zurich leaving in just 10 mins it was down to a bit of a sprint to find the correct platform and jump on the train to Zurich. We made it after a bit of a run and as we walked through the train we lost Michelle behind us….only for her to catch up later and tell us that the automatic doors had closed on the back pack and she was stuck in the doors….much to the amusement of the fellow travellers. Once one lady had stopped laughing and helped Michelle get free only then could she join us in first class.

    We were pretty tired as the sun was setting and we arrived in Zurich train station…it was massive and appeared to also be in the middle of a shopping centre too!!! We couldn’t find an exit and despite walking for a good few minutes, struggled to get outside. When eventually we did manage to see daylight and get out bearings the short five minute walk turned into a 15 min hike through the busy city. Trying to find our ridiculously expensive accommodation for the one night that we were in Switzerland. To give an indication of the prices we were facing our phones buzzed reminding us that even sending a text in Switzerland was going to cost us £2.50

    Eventually we found our “not for profit” accommodation above a nightclub and comedy venue. The inside was sparse and the theme the place seemed to be going for was “prison”…..we were all sharing one room and as we eventually got the codes and entered the room our worst fears were realised……
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  • Dzień 8

    Lake Como day 3

    12 czerwca 2023, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    This was a day when Team Disabled (aka Andrew and Adia) decided to spend a day in Bellano with Team Walking Tour ( aka Jacqueline and Michelle) wanted to visit the town of Bellagio. With the longest travel day of the two weeks the following day it was important that the two disabled travellers took some time to regain some strength before the epic days travel over the Alps. So with Team Walking Tour out of Bellano, Andrew and Adia had a lovely day of walking around Bellano, window shopping, getting groceries and having coffee in cafes and people watching. Often just stopping to take in the beauty of the lake and being happy in each others company. Talking about the future and the past and having a father/daughter day in the Italian sunshine. A day that neither of us will forget.

    Andrew waited on the boat coming back from Bellano to catch up on what Jacqueline and Michelle had been doing and we all had a take away dinner of pasta and pizza at the apartment. There may well have been wine and vodka consumed too!!!!
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  • Dzień 7

    Lake Como Day 2 Varenna part 2

    11 czerwca 2023, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    On return from Varenna and some lovely lunch some nice slushies to cool down it was time for another chapel. Small one in the village centre before getting the boat back to Bellano. A chilled and relaxing evening next to the lake as the clouds started to form for a night of thunder and lightening as we slept. We felt relaxed now on our holiday as we chatted about the highlights and what was still to come. Czytaj więcej