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    • Day 375

      Strasbourg, France

      May 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Strasbourg is the capital of the Territorial collectivity of Alsace. The collectivity is a one of 3 that make up the French Region (kind of like a French "state") of "Grand Est". It shares the almost 50% of its border with Germany and that is very apparent from the cuisine. We were taken a back when we got here and were served heaping piles of Sauerkraut, with sausage. This is not you petite déjeuner from Paris or southern France. More on the food later though.

      Strasbourg, like most of the region is known for half timber houses in its old town. The architecture is really stunning in this town. It's relatively light on tourists except for local French and a few German. In fact, it was not uncommon for us to have to scramble with bad French as locals spoke less English here than in most places in Europe we encountered.

      Strasbourg is also known for a small series of canals in its "Le Petite France" district. The canals are lined with half timber houses and tax collection defensive towers from back in the day.

      It's a beautiful city, and one of our favorites thus far.
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    • Day 8


      June 6, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Bin mit dem Rad und der Bahn nach Straßburg gefahren. Hier funktioniert auch nicht alles reibungslos. Zug hatte Probleme, das Gleis wurde gewechselt. Fahrrad mit dem Aufzug runter, aber hoch musste ich tragen. Es waren viele Menschen in Strassburg unterwegs. Touristen, Demonstranten, Polizisten und Straßburger. Nach so einem Tag freue ich mich morgen, auf den beschaulichen Rheinradweg.Read more

    • Day 7

      From Guten Tag to Bonjour!

      September 29, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Hello from Strasbourg - capital of the North eastern region of France and the official home to the European parliament. Mike and I crossed over the Rhine River on Wednesday morning and we’ve spent the past few days biking through a bit of Alsace. Alsace is in France but bordered closely by Germany and Switzerland . Culturally, this area of France is considered an exception as it was under German influence for much of its history. In brief, the end of the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 led to the unification of Germany as a modern state and the annexation of Alsace and Lorraine, which then reverted to France after WWI as part of the peace deal and then was overtaken by Germany during WW2 and returned to France after the war. You get the idea! The towns are full of colourful, well-preserved half-timbered buildings that in some cases go back to the middle ages. Fortunately, the plumbing has been updated - at least where we stayed. You know how I feel about bad plumbing! Of more interest to us is the fact that Alsace is an important wine growing area. The wines are mostly whites grown with German grape varietals like Riesling and Gewürztraminer. The cuisine incorporates many German styles with French cuisine. A favorite of mine is flammekueche (tarte flambée) – something like a French pizza with lardon bacon, strong cheese, crème fresh and onions. Yum. Alsace is also the main beer-producing area of France because they grow hops here.. Mike made sure to sample a few.
      On Tuesday we crossed from Germany over the Rhine River and cycled through Neuf Briesach - an old fortress town. Our overnight stop was Colmar which was a treat ( although super touristy) with winding canals and a beautiful old town centre. We ate our tarte flambé dinner outside that night.
      Wednesday night we were in the smaller village of Mittelbergheim (thanks Sharon for the recommendation) at Domaine Wittman ,a family-run winery. This particular Domaine, or winery is one of 20 in the village and has been in the Wittman family for 10 generations. We were warmly greeted by Valerie who showed us to our room, pointed to the wine fridge, and rushed back down to serve a large mid-afternoon meal to the workers. The whole yard was buzzing with tractor -loads of grapes arriving to be crushed and the “ mash (pamace/ marc)“ or remnants carted away. The smell of fruit fermenting was overwhelming - although not unpleasant. We enjoyed some of their Wittman Riesling on a little balcony before wandering the town. Valerie told us wistfully that the younger generation have little interest in taking over the winery businesses and they wonder what will happen in the future. I suppose this is a bit like family farms in Canada. At this time of year it sure does look like a lot of work, but the weather is staying warm, and what a delicious reward.
      We’ve had a super 4 days of cycling with the frustrations of travel receding in our minds. I particularly enjoy the early morning rides through the vineyards with only the hum of the farm machinery breaking the quiet. The weather has been perfect - cool, clear mornings with warm afternoons but no oppressive heat. The scenery is stunning , the paths are mostly paved and well signed, and every village we enter seems to be competing with the last one for prettiest Alsatian village. The flowers overflow from window boxes. The area has many preserved medieval towns where we’ve stopped to look around and grab a coffee - Eguisheim, Riquewihr, Obernai. The Vosges Mountains to the west are dotted with old castles.
      Yesterday our ride into Strasbourg included 25km of leisurely cycling along the La Bruche canal path. The French really love to cycle and the infrastructure is excellent and the paths well traveled. Navigating with Ride with GPS app on my phone has been easy - we just have to keep our iphones charged up. I see some other cyclists with paper maps and have flashbacks from our trips to Dordogne and Normandy.

      After all the bucolic, quiet towns, Strasbourg is a very busy, industrial city - full of tourists, students, a zillion bikes going in every direction and trams. We had to negotiate carefully coming in yesterday to avoid the tracks. We took the opportunity of our single night in town to get some laundry done and soak up the old-town atmosphere. We found a great microbrewery that served not only great beer ( according to Mike) but an excellent tarte flambée. Strasbourg is a cultural hub with loads of churches and museums to visit but we are turning the bikes north for 60 km along the Rhine today so we’ll have to leave that for another time. We’ll stay in France for today with a planned stop tonight at a little village called Roppenheim - known by Canadians who served in Baden as the home of the restaurant known fondly as “the Garlic Pit”.
      Some of you might be wondering how Mike is enjoying his e-bike. Just between us, I think he is rather sold. He thinks I don’t notice but he’s running it on “tour” setting - just cruising along. His battery is larger than mine so I’m having to keep an eye on my range. So far the rental bikes have been okay. My pedals make a clackity- clack sound and Mike’s back brake makes a bit of a screeching sound at times, but the bikes have been solid on any uneven surfaces with fat tires and good shocks. So I think we’ll make it,
      That’s the news for now. We cross back into Germany tomorrow.
      Love Heather /Mom
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    • Day 10

      And now... Strasbourg

      December 1, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Our next stop was Strasbourg, a lovely town in France just over the border on the Rhine River.

      It was snowing quite heavily when we left Stuttgart this morning, but it makes for some beautiful scenery.

      With a myriad of rivers and canals, Strasbourg is quite a stunning place. There's not much I can say about the place, I'll just let the photos do the talking.

      But more importantly, we discovered Vin Chaud... the French equivalent to Glühwein. Prost!
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    • Day 11

      More Strasbourg

      December 2, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Spent another day just wandering around this beautiful city and enjoying the food and drink.

      Had a bit of snow last night and it was very cold today, so we were doubly rug'd up.

      What would we do without the mulled wine?Read more

    • Day 2


      April 9, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Um 08.30 habe ich den Camper zu Venalo- Versiegelung gebracht und den Leihwagen entgegengenommen. Nachdem während unserer „Elsass-Tour“ in 2022 der Besuch in Straßburg völlig verregnet war, hatte ich jetzt gehofft, jetzt die Gelegenheit zu haben, Straßburg in der Sonne zu sehen. Leider Fehlanzeige. Geparkt habe ich in Kehl und dann mit der Tram- die fährt alle 15 Minuten- nach Straßburg Innenstadt. Irgendwann wurde der Regen auch weniger und hörte dann ganz auf. Es blieb aber „grau in grau“. Aber bei schönem Wetter (und wenn ein bisschen mehr grün ist) mit Sicherheit traumhaft dort. Le Petit France ist dann sicher umwerfend.Read more

    • Day 34


      July 22, 2024 in France ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Das Parlament war modern und interessant, die Innenstadt von Straßburg hat uns mit seinen Kanälen, Fachwerkhäusern und großzügigen Fußgängerzonen sehr positiv überrascht. So nett haben wir uns diese Stadt nicht vorgestellt. Warum wir sie erst jetzt entdeckt haben wissen wir nicht, aber besser jetzt als nie. ☺️
      Auch die Kathedrale/das Münster ist sehr sehenswert.
      Wir haben den ganzen Nachmittag in der Stadt verbracht, haben ausgezeichnet gegessen, gemütlich einen Kaffee getrunken und uns einfach durch die Stadt treiben lassen.
      Ein sehr gelungener Ausklang dieser Reise!
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    • Day 43

      2. Strasbourg: new wheels

      August 17, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Mission for today: Getting a set of wheels. Once I got my wheels, I went for a little detour on a trail on the outskirts of the city. Then I turned around to head back to the hostel. I was in the city, stopped at a light, making a left turn with other bikes, and another biker crashed into me. My phone flew out of the bike basket onto the street. I needed to get out of the intersection, and fortunately a young girl picked up my phone and brought it to me before a car drove over it!! I took a drink of water, and got back on the bike, and continued on my merry way. The most important is that nobody got hurt, the bike is still in one piece, and my phone doesn't have a scratch on it. Lesson learnt: use hand signals even though nobody else uses them!!Read more

    • Day 47–48

      6. Strasbourg: Alsatian Museum

      August 21, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      The Alsatian Museum is on today's agenda. I first went to the train station to buy some train tickets for tomorrow and Saturday's activites. I ended up in the busiest streets and places where tons of pedestrians were walking. I was relieved to get out of there and needed some reprieve. I headed back to the hostel and bought a sandwich for lunch. Then, ready for another tour on the bike, I headed to the museum, and found it with not too much difficulty, navigating the streets while listening to Google Maps. Weather was beautiful, and the bike is still in one piece (as am I lol!).Read more

    • Day 206


      August 24, 2024 in France ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Für einen Besuch in der Hauptstadt der Region Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine und Sitz des Europäischen Parlamentes haben wir gestern Kehl am Rhein angesteuert, konnten dort den Camper gut abstellen, um mit den Rädern nach Strasbourg zu fahren. Die Stadt profitiert sehr von ihrer Bedeutung in der EU und spannt in eindrucksvoller Weise den großen Bogen zwischen moderner Architektur und historischen Gebäuden. Eine Radltour inkl. Spaziergang durch die Stadt erfreut Auge und Seele. Sehr anstrengend war nur die Temperatur. Bei über 30 Grad 🥵 mussten wir relativ schnell ein uriges Lokal mit einem schönen Platz im Schatten ansteuern, um dort bei feinen elsässischen Spezialitäten zu verweilen 🙂.
      Zum Glück hat es heute Nacht gewittert und geregnet, so dass die Luft wieder angenehm spätsommerlich ist.
      Strasbourg und das Elsass sind der perfekte Auftakt unserer Frankreichreise. Heute Morgen sind wir durch idyllische Dörfer gefahren mit Stop in einer kleinen Bäckerei, um uns dann auf die Weinstraße Richtung Colmar zu begeben.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Strasbourg, Straßburg, Straatsburg, ስትራዝቡርግ, Strǣtburg, ستراسبورغ, Strasburq, Strossburg, Горад Страсбур, Страсбург, སི་ཐི་རཱ་སི་བུར།, Estrasburg, ستراسبورگ, Strasburgu, Štrasburk, Strasbwrg, Στρασβούργο, Strasburgo, Estrasburgo, Estrasburgu, استراسبورگ, Strasbôrg, Straasburch, સ્ટ્રાસબોર્ગ, שטרסבורג, स्ट्रासबर्ग, Estrasbou, Ստրասբուրգ, SXB, Strassborg, ストラスブール, სტრასბური, 스트라스부르, Argentoratum, Stroossbuerg, Sjtraasburg, Strasbūras, Strasbūra, Стразбур, സ്ട്രാസ്ബർഗ്, स्त्रासबुर्ग, Strażburgu, Straßborg, Estrasborg, ਸਟਰਾਸਬਰਗ, Stroosburi, Strasburg, Strasborgh, شٹراسبرگ, 67000, Štrasburg, Straasbuurich, ஸ்திராஸ்பூர்க், สทราซบูร์, Lungsod ng Strasbourg, Strazburg, Stroatsburg, 斯特拉斯堡, שטראסבורג

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